Female Spot 16: Plant Mage Kandi Kinsey

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Name: Kandi [K-an-di] Kinsey [Kin-sey]

Gender: Female

List their reservation number: 16

Age: 27

Appearance: She's only in her mid-twenties making but she's seen a lot in her time making her look a little older then what she really is. She doesn't really care about that though. She wears light brown hair that she likes to put into braids so it doesn't bother her when she's practicing. She has fairly light skin that is on the tanner side since she does a lot of magic outside in a clear setting. She stays in good shape since she spends a lot of her time running from people. Her eyes a rich brown color. 

Personality: Well, Kandi since she was young has always been on the more emotionless side. She tends to hide her feelings since she doesn't really know what to feel. She does feel happy and joyful yet she doesn't know how to express her feelings all that well. It was when the war started that she started being more closed off. It made a lot of people hesitant to talk to her but those that did never regretted it. There was a lot to her that people didn't see. Stuff that could clearly have her hanged for her crimes. She was also a very bittersweet person. She's direct and to the point she's unique when expressing herself. She actually has a very dark mentality she enjoys punishment on others. For some reasons she likes testing new torture methods on animals. As much as she wants to try them on humans she can't knowing she could be caught. Hence the bitter sweetness to her.

Where in Castor they lived/are from: Okay, so Kandi originally was from Rahnge. She was born and raised there since she was born till she turned three. It was the perfect place until, they got attacked and her parents were murdered right in front of her and her older brother. They ran from town to town until they reached the region Nighes. Where they knew a family members of theirs lived at. It was her grandma and uncle.

After they arrived (about two weeks after the attack) they took refuge with them when about a month later her uncle decided to move them to a place where they would be able to hide a little better. Odera where vines and the jungle ran through the city. A place where she could truly discover the depths of her powers. She didn't realize that as of yet.

Background: After she finally settled down in Odera she loved it. The place really called to her but her brother was mean to her. Her brother did everything he could to make her life a living hell. She didn't know why he hated her so much but it also made her uncle start to restent her. He would also be cruel to her. She didn't care though all she needed was nature to make her feel good. It was amazing how family could treat her so bad. Her few friends made her happy though made her continue.

When the war started she was 17 she didn't really know what to feel. Her family didn't really care for her (her brother and uncle had died in a tragic accident) but she knew that those were the same people who killed her parents and that did make her angry. When Mathus found her and saw her powers potential and took her in. He saw what others didn't looked passed her emotionless facade and started to train her and how to use her powers in the most correct way. It made her feel good that her powers could be used for good after the incident that had once happened. She started training with him since a young age nearly ten. Even though she found good for her powers she had urges all the time to do more with them. Stuff that wasn't classified as good stuff.

When he was murdered she knew that her facade did break and her heart as well. The first man she came to see as a father figure was gone. As much as she wanted to grief she couldn't she would do that later. She does remember catching the eye of the a royal as they passed by with their torches held high burning a few village homes. She couldn't see who it was but it was male and on the older side. She was 17 she would remember those eyes forever as they shouted. Shouted for more death and disaster to come.

Magic: Mage-Plant

Weapon they would use if necessary: She usually uses her powers because many don't know but people carry around herbs, the grass, bushes even helps her powers. Yet she does know how to work around a small dagger almost like 3 inches long. It's very useful and her aim is very precise.

Greatest Fear: She fears the dark. Most people say "because of what's in it" she usually responds with "how can I be afraid with what's in it if I CAN'T SEE!" It's more off the effect that she doesn't know her way around. A person she fears is her brother. He nearly killed her one day but even then she wasn't one to be scared of dead people. Yet most of all she never EVER wanted to disappoint the man who became a father figure to her. Which is why she kept her darker mental state to herself.

Deepest Secret: Her brothers accident wasn't really an accident. He was taunting her and riling her up.

"Sister! What would mother and father say if they saw you now"

"I don't know they're dead!" Kandi yelled hurt that her own blood brother would use those two people against her.

After that Kandi stretched her hands making them wide her eyes closed as wind rushed passed her. Her brother tackled her to the ground a knife pointed directly at her heart. She tried to escape his grasp as he struggled to bring the knife down and she saw the hesitant in his eyes and she took her chance and closed her hands tightly. Vines crawled up his arms making him topple of her.

He gasped for breath until finally the vines poked him the arms. It was Poison Ivy what she was using. She killed her brother and felt no regret in doing so. She hated him after so long she finally got what she wanted. After using that much power she did black out for a while for when she woke the sun was rising. After that she went for her uncle. Of course she was only eight when she killed them.

She made sure no one ever found out about that they all think they tragically died in a house fire where she put the bodies so they would never be found. Only ashes.

For one whole year and half of another did she stay alone until Mathus found her. After that things changed and she traveled a lot more as she trained with him for seven long years.

Strengths: Her emotionless facade never letting others what she really is thinking. Poisonous herbs/ivy. Her mind handles emotional distress well.

Weakness: Seed control (she loses herself and makes a whole garden.), She over analysis sometimes. She gets defensive to quickly causing to analysis many things.

Family Members: Mikeal Kinsey[Father-Dead], Analith Kinsey nee Rayanx[Mother-Dead], Jules Kinsey[Brother-Dead], George Rayanx[Uncle- Dead], Fridana Kinsey [Grandma-Alive]. She doesn't know anyone else besides them.

Favorite Mythical Creature: Kandi loves Basilisks even though she has never had the chance to actually see one in person. She loves how alike they actually are. I mean how can they not? With just a glance they could kill you. In ways with Kandi just looking at someone and her wanting to cause death she could. Many people carry around herbs and the ground is always filled with roots. So many ways to use her powers and she has found ways to use them usefully. For good as well. She could cause a poison ivy and kill them with just a couple of touches. She could even choke them. Yes she was a little darker then expected but she didn't really care by then her mentor was gone. After so many years of running, training, she didn't really care. She wanted peace.

Vaxon Asherex: "You, my dear, are the Magi I have been waiting for. Cold, ruthless and heartless. I would not mind keeping you around... If you do your part by killing the other Magi."

Kyren Asherex: "You are way more dangerous than you look. You have nothing and no one to live for, and that makes you one of my first targets."

Vassti Asherex: "Hiding your feelings, and preferring to be the deceptive one, huh? You are someone I will be keeping my eyes on. You may prove to be useful yet."

Nassia Asherex: "Basilisks? I'll have to make sure you encounter them in the arena. I don't know if you can live past that, though."

Jahad Asherex: "I truly am sorry for the loss of your family. It is something I see and hear off all too often. You have powerful magic at your back - use that to your advantage. Even allowing others to believe you weak, might prove to be a core essential to your survival."

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