Female Spot 17: Light Mage Chiara Gonzolas

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Name: Chiara Gonzolas

Gender: Female

Age: 13 during the war and 23 now

Appearance: She has olive skin, brown eyes and wavy black hair that falls all the way to her shoulders. Her eyes are bigger than those of people around her and it gives her a very innocent and child-like look. She is usually seen with her hair in a ponytail because she loves running and exploring around. She has a petite but athletic form. Together with her body and facial features, she looks much younger than she actually is. People from Odera often tell her "You would be really beautiful if you didn't always mess around outside".

Personality: Chiara is an extremely easy-going person and she doesn't usually harbour hatred for others. She doesn't even hate Valon despite of all the hardships she went through because of him. She doesn't break down emotionally in front of others but she will cry for long hours when she's alone. She is usually the mediator when her friend have fights but when words fail, she will use her physical strength to quieten them down. She doesn't discriminate between ranks because her mother is from the middle class and her father is from the canopy. She is a fun and games person and she often pushes herself to the limits to complete all the physical tasks given to her. She really loves practicing her magic because it was one of her parents' favourite hobbies so she excels in that too. But just because she will push herself into completing the tasks given to her, she won't resort to bloodshed. If anything, she will try to avoid it as much as possible.

Where in Castre are they from: Odera

Background: Chiara was born as the third child in her family. She had four siblings and her family lived in the canopy in Odera. All of her siblings are skilled mages and her father was famous for designing the buildings in one of the more famous cities in the canopy. Her mother was from the middle-class and she was highly renowned for her beauty which was what attracted Chiara's father at first. During Valon's siege, her parents and most of her siblings were killed. Only Chiara and her younger sister survived and they decided to look for Mathas (Who used to be close to Chiara's father) for aid. During their journey to find the man, Chiara's younger sister fell fatally ill from starvation and passed away. Chiara is determined to make Valon pay for his sins but she is afraid of becoming the same person he is if she does gets the chance to hurt him.

Magic: Light Mage

Weapon Used: She isn't too familiar with weapons and relies mostly on her nimbleness and magic skills to get herself out of danger.

Greatest Fear: That she will lose herself to bloodlust. She is also extremely afraid of bridges, especially when they are swaying. She's not afraid of heights or falling but bridges just scare her. It might actually be just because she doesn't like the feeling of things being unsteady under her. Rather weird seeing where she used to live.

Deepest Secret: During their journey to find Mathas, she wished that her younger sister could die quickly so that the latter wouldn't be a drain on their rations. Despite not actually restricting the food and water given to her sister, Chiara still blames herself for her sister's death because of her thoughts.

Strengths: Her magic skills and her imagination that comes in making up new spells. She is extremely nimble and quick on her feet. Since she really loves animals and often surrounds herself with them when she was younger, she gets along really well with animals whether they are mythical or not.

Weaknesses: She has an eating disorder because of her younger sister and the hardships she went through during the journey. Due to the disorder, she doesn't notice when she's hungry or thirsty so her body breaks down without her noticing. But because she needs to keep her body healthy, she forces herself to keep to a strict schedule. When she doesn't keep to the schedule, she can easily lose track of what she's taking in. She also doesn't want to shed any blood so she will have difficulty hurting others.

Family Members: All dead ._.

Favourite Mythical Creature: A creature called the Cossare. It is a type of serpent that can travel on land and in water. It can change the colour of its scales to camoflauge but is usually seen with a mulberry-like shade when resting. It is an extremely vicious creature but is loyal to anyone it respects. A cossare has the built of a normal serpent but usually only grows up to 3 meters in length. Its venom can paralyze its victims for up to twelve hours.

Vaxon Asherex: "Afraid that you will become just like me? Well, girl, in order to kill me, you will have to become me."

Kyren Asherex: "Fair warning, there's no way you can ever make my father pay for what he's done if you're unwilling to kill others like he has."

Vassti Asherex: "Such a lovely little Light Mage. Just as bright and kindhearted as your magic. I look forward to seeing that light extinguish."

Nassia Asherex: "Animal lover, huh? You and I will get along great! I'll have to see that a Cossare is put into the arena especially for you."

Jahad Asherex: "Never lose your compassion or your kindheartedness. The world needs more people like you. Focus on your magic and you strengths and perhaps you can and will survive this."

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