Female Spot 7: Air Mage Aelia Zephyr

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Name: Aelia Zephyr (a-lee-ah ze-fur)

Gender: Female

Reservation Number: Female 7

Age: 20 years old presently, 10 when the war began

Appearance: Aelia has long, wavy blonde hair and dark blue eyes. Her hair is usually adorned with various fresh flowers and grasses that she picks. Her fair and flawless skin gives makes her appear younger than she actually is. Aelia's strength and stamina is hard to see because of her small frame, and because of her short height she is often overlooked.

Personality: Aelia is a generally quiet and happy person. She treats everyone equally and doesn't believe the royals are any better than beggars, perhaps even worse. Aelia tries to go unnoticed by people simply because she likes watching others live their lives. She loves nature, calm, rural cities and exploring as much of the world as she can.

However, after the war began, Aelia was forced to see the other side of her. She is a walking hypocrite who, although she values people's lives, would kill someone without a second thought or regret. She would never directly betray a friend, but if they wronged her she would destroy them in a heartbeat.

Aelia isn't the smartest person, but her creativity and resourcefulness have helped her in life.

Where in Castre They Are From: Her family moved around a lot as she was a child, but she was born near the beaches of Nighes. When asked, though, she will say she is from Hallowes because she likes it there much more.

Background: Aelia's parents were traveling performers. They lived together in a collection of caravans and wagons that moved throughout Castre and performed plays. Aelia's mother, Nough, was a shadow sage and her father, Eros, was a fire mage. Their family and three others made up the performers, most of which were creative mages and sages that loved to entertain others with their magic.

Because of this they were attacked very early on in the war. Only Aelia and a shadow sage named Maas survived, because she'd been working on his costume for the show and he'd made them both blend into the shadows. Maas was two years older than her, and together they made plans to escape to Mathas' college for Magi. Aelia had always liked Maas, and when they were traveling together she looked up to him. They were almost there when one of Vaxon's soldiers saw them and attacked.

Maas didn't survive, and Aelia barely did. She hadn't trained her magic very much before but in her panic she took all of the air out of the man's lungs until he died from suffocation. After Maas' death she tried to forgive Vaxon, because she didn't want hatred to destroy her like it did him. Two days later she arrived at Mathas' college right before him and the Magi fled.

Magic: Air Mage

Weapon They Would Use if Necessary: A bow and arrow, because she's learned how to manipulate the air to help the arrow fly. Or anything else that is thrown, such as a knife.

Greatest Fear: She's scared that the war will harden her heart and she won't be able to enjoy small things like nature and seeing new places. Her other fear is turtles. She had a bad experience with them when she was a child and now she's terrified of them.

Deepest Secret: Aelia felt no regret after killing the solider that killed Maas. She acted distressed about it, but on the inside she didn't feel bad at all.

Strengths: She's very resourceful, thinks quickly and can still find good things during dark times.

Weaknesses: She's quiet and, even though she's been with them for 10 years, most of the other Magi don't know who she is. She gets overly attached to people that don't know she exists. Aelia is prone to randomly breaking into sobs and panicking during times of stress.

Family Members: Her parents, Eros Zephyr her dad and Nough Zephyr her mom, are her only actual family she ever knew about. Aelia also considers Maas to be like her brother, although they were only close for several months and weren't related.

Favorite Mythical Creature: Dragons. They aren't the most interesting or exciting animals in the land, but she loves dragons

Vaxon Asherex: "A kindhearted little Mage. Just like your parents, you will die, girl. Or perhaps you will live long enough to become the killer you fear to be. Only time will tell."

Kyren Asherex: "Turtles? Hah! What they do? Creep along the middle of a road in your way? People may overlook you, but I'll remember you as the turtle girl."

Vassti Asherex: "I hate to say this, but you have such potential. If only you would let go of your fear of becoming a horrible person, then you would finally be set free... Think of all you could do! With you hiding who you truly are, you will become one of the ultimate deceivers."

Nassia Asherex: "Haha! What did turtles do to scare you so bad? I have a few pet ones myself. Maybe we can add some in the arena for you!"

Jahad Asherex: "I am so sorry for the hard life you have lived. Like so many others, the world has been cruel and harsh to you. But, my dear, you are a rarity - like the flicker of a flame in a pool of darkness. Don't ever lose your need to help and care for others. You make this dark world a much better place. Never forget that." 

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