Female Spot 9: Water Mage Myla Nixie

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Name: Myla [My-la] Nixie [Ni-x-ie]

Gender: Female

List their reservation number: 9

Age: 26

Appearance: She has medium length dark brown hair. It's usually messy but she doesn't really care. With a nice shade of dark brown eyes. She has a slim body which is toned since she does spend a lot of time in the water. She doesn't have a lot of lower body strength but upper body wise she does.

Personality: Myla has a very unique personality. She's twenty six she's supposed to be mature but in reality she is not. She's playful always trying to find the best in life but she's also dark a mystery to people around her. How can someone be so happy when times are so dark? People try to follow her happiness but they can't in fact it angers them. People always try and attack. She's a child in a grown body but at the same time a demon in disguise.

Where in Castor they lived/are from: She came from Milvake it where she was born but at the age of seven she ran away. She spent some time in Odera where she met a plant magi but soon left for she needed to be some place closer to the water. Finally she made it to town called Nighes it was perfect for what she needed. She decided to settle there knowing her parents wouldn't bother traveling too far from where they originally were from.

Background: Myla hates talking about her parents. She comes from a small family of three. Her parents and her. In fact she dreads talking about them because they were evil people. They were magi who used their powers for bad. They helped start the war and she always felt disgust when thinking of them. She ran away when she was seven. Already so smart and intelligent she ran because her powers were already starting to show and she knew they would try and use her for bad. She didn't want that for herself.

When Mathus found her she couldn't be happier finally finding a magi who would help her use her powers for good. She loved the water it just called out to her it made things easier for her and know she knew how to handle her powers. She knew how to help them.

Then it was over so quickly. Mathas had been murdered and it pained her to know that a man she came to trust so much was gone. She cried for months until she pulled her self together and started training harder. To control her powers she met other Magi who helped her. She found others had darker secrets than she did. She still kept a smile on her face trying to make others feel better but in this causing others to resent her thinking she didn't care.

When she was 22 she realized something about the human body. Every person in the planet had water running through there body and veins. If she wanted she could kill everybody and possibly even kill herself in the process. It hurts her a lot to even think about it. Especially when she was attacked by a man who nearly raped her. She killed him by sucking the water out of his body. She had never done that before and passed out in a dark corner. When she woke her mind filled with guilt because she knew sometimes to protect herself she had to kill.

Only she knows how to her parents taught her how too. Her parents taught her a lot of things she didn't want to learn... She's a bloody disaster disguised as a happy fellow trying to fit in with the others but knowing she might not be able too. She hates hurting others. It makes her sick. Yet she knows she has too even if doing that may as well torture her mentally.

Magic: Water Mage

Weapon they would use if necessary: A sword, she practiced with one and now carries one around with her after she got attacked that one night. She thinks they are great and can swing pretty accurately. She prefers her powers though it makes her feel better.

Greatest Fear: Her parents finding her and manipulating her mind to cause trouble for others. Something she never wants to happen. She didn't want to hurt others unless necessary.

Deepest Secret: Her mother had an affair. She had someone else's babe and gave her away to another family. She didn't even want to know of a bastard child. She's spends a lot of time traveling to try and find her half-sister maybe she would be the family she needs. This is her deepest secret she fears that if her mother knew what she knew she would have her head. Her half sister was older and found this out by reading her mothers journal all she had as a clue was of a birthmark on her hip.

Strengths: She forms really well underwater tornados. She can flood a whole village. Her happy facade fooling everyone of what she really is.

Weakness: Her struggle to find her half-sister. Rivers she tends to drain them. She stress to much about everything and everyone.

Family Members: Luzania Nixie nee Wilkinson [Alive], Erick Nixie[ alive], Half-sister [Alive]

Favorite Mythical Creatures: A Kelpie, it's a shapeshifting water spirit who usually turns into a horse. She loves these creatures because of her love of horse and the sea. In other words they remind her of things she loves. She's childish but these creatures are also have a very manipulate side to them. It's amazing. Fantastically even.

Vaxon Asherex: "A weakling who prefers to save people and make them happy rather than killing them. It won't even be enjoyable to watch you die."

Kyren Asherex: "You have such powerful magic. You probably won't use it against others... But like you said. Sometimes we have to kill to protect ourselves. I learned that the hard way... It's my whole reason for being in the arena after all."

Vassti Asherex: "You are secretly powerful and have the ability to kill so many others all around you, and yet you hide this. It must take a good liar to do this as well as you do."

Nassia Asherex: "I just love Kelpies! I hope you find some in the arena!"

Jahad Asherex: "There are few people like you in the world... Those who wish to make people happy and just enjoy life. Never ever lose this part of yourself. But... to survive... You might have to consider using your powerful to its full extent. Just remember not to overdo yourself." 

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