Grading Rubric

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So it might seem really detailed, but I thought it would help if I posted the grading rubric that I'll be filling out as I read each of your entries. The different sections are in bold, with the total for that section right after. The sections are broken down according to what I look and grade for, with their own points listed as well. Hope this helps :) It shows what I focus on when reading as well. 

Syntax (2.5)

Grammar? –0.5

Good Punctuation? –0.5

Spelling? –0.5

Good Sentence Structure ( run-ons included here)? –0.5

Flows Smoothly? –0.5


Content (1.5)

Follows task? –0.5

Adheres to Word Count Requirements? –0.5

Realistic or is it too far out there, even for a fantasy type slant? –0.5


Story (3)

Creativity? --0.5

Characterization? –0.5

Emotion? –0.5

Action scenes realism? –0.5

Dialogue (natural or stiff)? –0.5

Character growth and development? –0.5


Magic (3):

Keeps to the magic assigned? –1

Includes proper elements about that magic? –1

Realistic according to energy levels? –1


Individual Opinions/Concerns (3):

Good grasp of vocabulary (descriptiveness)? –0.6

Engaged? –0.6

Emotional Impact? –0.6

Hook? –0.6

Originality? -0.6


Grand Total: 13

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