Things To Note

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Something I forgot to mention is that Mages, Sages and Wizards all uses magic differently. Mages simply think their attacks and then do it. For instance if you wanted to shoot a fireball, they would think: Fireball. You can make the thoughts as simple or complicated as you want, but if your tribute is a Mage, then they have to use thoughts to attack. 

Sages, on the other hand, use runes. They can draw these runes on the ground, on objects, with their fingers in the air, whatever you want. But Sages have to use runes. These runes can also be completely made to be whatever you want, and look however you want as well. Get creative!

Wizards chant. This simply means that they use their words. It can be simple such as, "Heal Wound" or as complicated as an entire phrase, "Energy sew this wound together." It can be in another language, or English (just make sure we all understand what you choose to do). It can be a name for a specific spell, such as Basic Heal, or even an entire paragraph chant. Get creative! Whatever you do, if your tribute is a Wizard, then they have to use words and say their spell out loud.


In case I didn't mention it before, I will be grading on scores from 0 to 13. I'll post a grading rubric chapter for you all to read on how I judge your entries, and what I focus on. Here's a summary for any of you who are interested to know where you score and what it means.

0 means you did not turn in an entry. I had a huge problem with this last time, and I got lenient because I loved all the writers, even when they missed. This time I won't be. The first time you don't hand an entry in, you'll automatically be going up for votes. The second time, you will automatically be eliminated. 

1-3 means that you did the bare minimum. Either you didn't quite understand the task, or your writing needs a lot of improvement, but there was something that completely took me out of the entry so that I didn't enjoy it at all. Don't let this scare you. I've never given anyone a score lower than a 5. 

4 to 6 means that you understood the task, but your writing had too many syntax errors. I had to do so much editing that I couldn't focus on the story. 

7 to 8 is just below average. This is probably where some of you will fall. It was good, there were few errors, but it wasn't creative enough, or something was too cliche. Either way, it just didn't spark with me. This will be fine for a few tasks, but after awhile, you'll have to do a lot of improving to stay in the competition. 

9 to 10 means that you are average. I enjoyed reading it, but there were a few errors that needs to be fixed. This is probably where a lot of you will fall. You have great writing skills that you've developed, and even though there's room for improvement, everyone could use that. Falling under here consistently will get you pretty far, but in the latter tasks, this won't be enough. Push yourself and you'll do better. 

11 to 12 means that you did an absolutely fantastic job. You gave me the feels and made me fangirl more than once. There were little to no errors at all, and I was more of a fangirl than a judge. Trust me, you'll know when you do this. 

13 means you were perfect. You should be published. I was no longer a judge, but a fangirl. There were no errors at all. You completely pulled me into the story, and I was so engrossed and hooked that I read straight through and cannot wait to read more. This is more of a story than an entry. 


I know I might have briefly mentioned it, but I thought I would elaborate on it. For those who don't know, Kyren Asherex is going to be in the arena. He won't just be one task. I will be writing entries for him every time. You are allowed to include him in the tasks, and there are a few where you are required to, but YOU CANT KILL HIM. Each task will have its own set of rules about him, so no worries. If you include him in your entries, then you will be in his entry. (You might even get to read your encounter from his perspective). I haven't quite decided, but also, after voting the tribute deaths (AKA "THE ANTHEM PLAYS" chapters will probably be his entries, so if your character dies, Kyren will know and include it in his entry. Naturally, even though I'm writing entries for him, I won't be judging myself, so he won't be scored. (Unless you guys just want revenge for any horrible scores I give you and you want to score his, haha). 

Random note:

NicoTrip has officially taken the Male Light Mage spot, so if NarcissisticCactus wants the Female Light Mage spot, please comment and reserve right away, or I'm going to get rid of it. It'll be a little odd only having one Light Mage, but I'll do it if I have to. 

Also, if it doesn't get reserved by tomorrow, than any tribute who only has one tribute can reserve the spot if they want to. 

Comment or PM any questions you have, whether it's about what I talked about in this chapter, or something else about Magi. Don't be afraid to ask me questions, because you're not bothering me and I really don't mind. Good luck, and hopefully if everyone can send in their forms today and tomorrow, we can start soon! :)

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