Male 11: Gravity Mage Jaxon Steele

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"Did you get all that?" Kyren asks after giving me all of the information about the castle.

"I guess. Geeze, Kyren. That's a lot to take in. I mean, why can't I just turn myself in? What's the point in all the sneaking?"

There's a long moment of silence. Since the day I left the group, Kyren decided to help us. I don't know who convinced him or how they convinced him, but it's good it happened.

There are going to be many deaths, undoubtedly. The number would be much higher without Kyren's help.

It wasn't long after leaving that the forest greenery turned to the candy colored capitol. All of the stone houses have been painted pastel colors. Maybe that's their way of proving to the rest of us that they have money and we don't.

I try to stick with the back streets and stay out of any person's view. The last thing I need is for someone to recognize me. Surely that would only end badly.


"Just give me a sec."

With a scrunched up nose I mock him out loud in a whinier voice than he truly has. He won't hear it, of course, but it makes me feel a little bit better about it.

The streets here are more than clean. They're pristine. Not that the streets and alleyways in any other place are dirty, but wow.

Kyren's voice bounces around my head and dispels my own thoughts. It's enough to make me startle.

"Sneaking isn't wise because the guards are likely to kill you on sight."

"Perfect..." There are already too many risks in what's happening. The last thing needed in all of this is the chance to be murdered by Vaxon's guards. Or's all in your perspective.

"Yeah, well...good luck."

"Thanks for doing all of this. Can you do me one more favor?"

I can't actually hear him groan, but it's very easy to imagine it. "What is it?"

With a slight laugh, I say, "Don't sound so enthused."

"Well I'm already putting all I have on the line, so I guess there's nothing else for me to lose. Lay it on me."

"Keep Lydora safe. Please."

There's another pause. I'm never sure if this is Kyren avoiding me or if he's addressing the magi. The silence is always unsettling, no matter the cause.

"She's doing bad, Jaxon. I want to promise you, but I can't."

A coherent reply doesn't form. She's in bad shape, but I can't bring myself to accept that she could die. She's too young and innocent to get mixed up with death.

I only have to remind myself that everything I'm doing will be worth it. Turning myself in will save her. Nassia promised.


"You weren't kidding...This is impossible, Kyren."

Standing in front of me is Vaxon's mighty fortress. The place he hides in because he's truly afraid of us. My new home.

The walls are such a speckled gray, there is no telling it's base color. The walls are more than smooth. They're flawless. As I approach, I can actually see my reflection from across the mote.

The mote is a topic all of its own. It's easily the size of a river. I approach it with a small stone in hand to test Kyren's acid theory. Not that I don't believe him, but I just have to see for myself.

The second the rock hits the water, I expect it to disintegrate. It doesn't. The rock momentarily sits on the surface of the water before slowly sinking down. As it sinks, pieces begin to erode away.

Huh. That is not exactly what I was expecting. The water seems too perfectly clear to be filled with acid.

Kyren mentioned that the gate would only open on command, but I can't help but wonder...

I focus on creating a worm hole of sorts. It's really just reverse gravity utilized for sucking things in. The placement of this thing is very important.

My eyes shut and I imagine the hole placed a few feet away from the massive wooden door. This is going to take an immense amount of energy, I fear.

As the gravity reverses, the wind begins to pick up. I can feel things like leaves brush against my skin as the air carries them away from their homes.

There's the sound of cracking wood. Good. My energy is depleting and this is something I'll need later on.

As a sort of mental thing, I begin yelling through the wind. It makes me feel as if it will help. It's like an extra 'umph' to my magic.

Finally, there's a massively loud crash and the ground beneath my feet shakes. It nearly topples me over.

What was that door made of? Solid gold?

Knowing very well that the door has just drawn plenty of attention to my location, I run around towards the back of the structure.

Oh well, maybe the other magi can use it if they arrive before it gets fixed...

I know Kyren said the walls will burn my skin, but...

Not being able to resist, I reach my hand out and place one finger on the soft and cold surface. Immediately my reflexes cause my hand to pull back before I can decide to. It takes a lot not to yell out at the pain of the burn.

Well...curiosity killed Jaxon, I guess.

The sound of Vaxon's guards exiting across the bridge fills my ears. My only option is to get over this wall. This is when I'm thankful for being a gravity mage.

This is an absolutely massive wall. The guards are getting closer. Lighter gravity swells around me and pushes towards the graying sky.

On the top of the wall I'm greeted by the death-hounds that all charge at me and stand in a circle before sounding off an eerie and high pitched howl. I hardly process my actions as I increase the gravity around each and every one of the death-hounds.

They whimper beneath my weight and soon their blood splatters the ground.

Now that that's taken care of...

Inside the castle, I have to find the main keep. That's where Kyren said Vaxon is. Before I have the chance to get very far, guards from the barracks capture me.


The guards dump me onto the floor at Vaxon's feet.

"Hello, nephew," Vassti sneers at me from Vaxon's side.

And this is where my family history goes to a horrid place. Telling Lydora that we are related to the family we're trying so hard to destroy just didn't seem right. She's strong, but I don't think she would have it in her to kill if she knew they were family.

There isn't a doubt in my mind that she wanted to help Kyren all those times because he's our cousin. She probably doesn't understand why, but I would bet my life on it. She has knack for having strong connections to people.

I don't know that Kyren remembers of our relation. After the years of abuse from his family, probably not. Which that is actually completely fine. I don't like the Asherex family particularly well. I've probably made that more than obvious to Kyren at this point. There have been a few exceptions to the terrible family. My mom would be one of them.

She ran away from the castle so long ago. There was rumored to be a conspiracy involving her sister and new husband. She told me that she tried her best to convince her other sister to leave with her. She wouldn't and she was murdered by Vassti. Somehow Mom always claimed to still love and forgive her sister.

"I'm not here to fight." My hands instantly go in the air to prove my innocence. "I'm only here to save Lydora. Nassia told me if I surrender you would save her."

Vaxon has a look that tells me he is less than pleased. There's nothing more I can do. I'm offering him my life. What else does he want from me?

"I'm not responsible for my daughter's promises."


Nassia bursts through the door behind Vaxon's throne. Her eyes are wild and she looks insane. Then that really new? I think she's always looked a little crazy.

Come to think of it all, Nassia doesn't even know we're related.

Wow...this makes everything so much more uncomfortable. Not much thought was given to the situation before because I often like to pretend they aren't my relatives. But Nassia likes me, I am using the term loosely, and we're related.

Should I tell her?

"The guards told me one of my men snuck into the castle." It's at this point that her green eyes find me and seem to devour me. How can a fourteen year old be so boy crazed?

I get that Lydora and Leo are in a little deep with one another for their age, but at least they're the same age! I'm six years older than Nassia and, though she may look older than she is, she acts like she's about twelve.

"Jaxon!" she squeals in such a voice that it hurts my ears.

"I'm not honoring your promise to this boy," Vaxon says.

"But Daddy," she whines. "You have to. He did what I asked of him. Now he can be your slave and my...friend." She closes her one eye in what she would probably consider a flirty wink.

I have to tell her...My mouth opens when Vassti starts speaking.

"You can't have him, Nassia. He's a rebel."

Yeah. I'm a rebel. That's the issue here. It has nothing to do with the fact that she's my cousin.

"Let's take a little walk." Vaxon motions for me to follow. It's with hesitant steps that I do. This could be one huge trap. What else have I got to lose at this point?

"It's a shame what happened to your parents."

My fists clench in a burst of emotions that I'm not sure I can sort through while Vaxon leads me through several dank hallways.

"Especially your mom. I was always...fond of her.

"Yeah," I snort. "That's exactly why you made sure to never have any civil contact with us."

Vaxon tsks at me whilst shaking his head. He keeps one hand resting on the nob of an old wooden door. I am to assume that this is our destination.

"Oh my are so naïve. That was always your mother's choice."

"No. Mom loved Vassti. Despite it all, family is family no matter what. She wouldn't have done that on her own."

"Whatever you say, Jaxon." With that, the door slowly creeks open to reveal some sort of torture chamber-slash-prison.

"No!" The words come out with so much force it leaves my throat raw.

Darian and her family lays in bloodied heaps. That's excluding her father. They are in a pitiful pile at his feet. His arms are chained above his head and his feet are shackled.

"Jaxon, you've been a little quiet. Is everything okay on your end?"

I shake Kyren's words from my head. Now is not the time to be conversing. Not while Vaxon has Darian and her family.

"What's the matter lover boy?" Vaxon asks coming uncomfortably close to my back. "You didn't expect that you would actually be able to save everyone, did you?"

Ignoring him, my feet carry me in a sprint to Darian. When I pull her into my lap, the warmness from her is gone. I'm greeted with the chill of death.

"Darian, c'mon. Talk to me." My voice is frantic. It shows weakness to Vaxon, which is the last thing I need.

A small moan comes from her father. He's the least of my worries at the moment.

"What did you do to her?" I scream at Vaxon, tears falling to her all too pale skin.

What did he do to her? This is all a trick or something. Darian can't be dead. That wouldn't be right.

"She dead, Jaxon." The sad, raspy voice of Ezakki, her father, burns my ears. His words are a sickening poison that blister my heart. The pain is so intense that I actually feel nothing.

"Ah, good," Vaxon states, his hands clasped casually in front of him. "This will be much more interesting with you awake."

Maybe some attention should be paid to Vaxon at the moment, but that's not my concern. Dar is dead and it's my fault. Her father was right when he told her to stay away from me.

"He's nothing but bad news," he had said when Darian told him she was coming with me.

The whole conversation was painful to be a part of. Ezakki openly talked about his distaste for me while I was in the room. There wasn't a moment I doubted any of his words.

"I'm an adult," she countered with. "You can't keep me from the one I love."

I cut in. It was hard to let her argue her case when I knew I was bad for her. "Maybe he's right, Dar. Maybe I am bad for you."

There was no maybe about it. We did a lot of things her family wouldn't have approved of if they found out. She would sneak out at night for late swims or a picnic under the stars. It was all wrong without her parents' blessing. Love doesn't mean much if you sever the ties with your family. Nothing can or should replace family.

"I'm capable of deciding what's bad for me and what's not. Dad, I'm going. End of discussion."

Ezakki hated me. Still does, I'm sure. Though there was always a respect that I held for him. He would never know it, but it's there.

"You know why you're here, Ezakki. Why don't you tell Jaxon?" The sickening grin on Vaxon's face can only mean something bad. A grin on a person like him is never meant for something happy.

"You're a sick bastard, Vaxon," he says in place of what Vaxon asked.

Vaxon nods his head and directs his black gaze at me. "You'll be interested to know that this is all his fault."

My head shakes. It wouldn't be Ezakki's fault. He may hate me, but he doesn't hate his daughter. There is no way that he would be the person to blame for all of this.

"I didn't think that would be enough to convince you. See here, boy."

Vaxon hands me a yellowed piece of parchment with carefully scrawled letters on it. It's unmistakably Ezakki's writing. I know it from the letters he would send in reply to Darian.

Instead of reading the letter, my eyes stay trained skeptically on Vaxon. This all a mind trap to weaken me.

"If you think it's not real, what's the harm in reading it?" he asks in his cocky tone.

Gosh, Kyren got his attitude honest. I'll give him that much...

"Fine," I say stubbornly.

My eyes widen as they scan over the page.


It has been rumored that you are searching for magi. I happen to know the location of a gravity mage, Jaxon Steele. He has relocated in Demark according to my daughter. Do with the information what you will.


Ezakki Fertila

"What were you thinking?" I yell to Ezakki. My arms hang stiff at my sides, trembling in anger. He turned me in. He's part of the problem. This is unbelievable.

"Jaxon I'm sorry," he whispers in a pained voice. There is no pity left in me for this monster. He's no better than Vaxon.

"It's your fault she's dead!" Anger pushes me forward and before I have a moment to process my actions, my fist meets his already bruised face. The feeling of bones cracking is enough to twist my stomach.

No sound comes from Ezakki and his eyes roll back before his body hangs limp again. Is he dead? That isn't it? Certainly not.

I never wanted him to die. I just wanted him to pay for what he caused. He's the reason I've been put through the hell that Vaxon created. Darian is dead because he was too petty to accept that she loved me.

My body heaves with ragged, angry breaths. Vaxon begins to circle me like a vulture scoping out its prey. This is what he wants. He wants me to break and to fold.

"You can't win, Vaxon. Strike me down and I will become more powerful than you could possibly imagine."

Vaxon laughs in only a way he can. It's a sound filled with menace and vengeance. "I sense great fear in you. You have hate. You have anger. But you don't use them."

Without a second moment's thought, I shift the gravity and pin him up on the dark stone ceiling at least twenty feet above me.

"How is this for using my hate and anger? Huh?" I shout, each word becoming the embodiment of adrenaline.

"Mathas has taught you well."

I keep all energy focused on pinning him to the ceiling. The least I can do is toy with him like he has toyed with the magi for the past ten years.

I'm knocked flat on my back and left searching desperately for the air that escaped me. Vaxon lands gracefully next to my head.

"Such a foolish one, you are. You will never be able to defeat me."

The air still struggles to settle in and fill my lungs, but I ignore it and push myself to my feet.

"I didn't come here to defeat you. I came here to help my sister."

Vaxon strokes his scruffy beard and says, "Here are your options. Fight the magi alongside me or fight me while your sister takes her last painful breath."

I was expecting him to kill me, enslave me, torture me...I didn't expect him to ask me to fight my allies. Can I betray those I've grown close to for Lydora's sake?

Fighting the magi would, in a way, be betraying her. Vaxon certainly won't let Leo live. There isn't a doubt that he'll make me kill him myself just for the emotional turmoil it will cause for both Lydora and myself.

"I would never help someone like you."

"Not even for your dear sister's life? I thought you loved her."

How dare he question my love for her. I would do anything to keep her alive. The only problem is that she would hate me for surrendering to Vaxon and fighting our allies. She would rather me die than see me in such a low state. I know it.

"You're such a monster! Family can't get much worse than you."

Vaxon makes his way to my back, leaving to stand uncomfortably rigid as he clasps his hands on my shoulders.

"I'm getting the impression that your mother never told you." He keeps his voice to a whisper, almost hiss like. It's fitting for all of his snake like qualities.

"Told me what Vaxon?"

"I am your father."

Some sort of unnatural sound finds its way out of me. That's not true. I didn't even meet Vaxon until I was six. I met him because Vassti wanted to travel to meet Lydora. She was only ten days old when they arrived. We were all scared she was going to kill us, but we couldn't run from the King's family.

"Yeah okay. I'm getting tired of your games. If you're going to kill me, just do it."

He begins to circle me again. It's such an unsettling feeling. It's like being trapped by an invisible cage. The strength of his gaze is enough to serve as the bars that trap me.

"Think about. Our names are so similar and you aren't as chipper as you believe. You're a lot like Kyren, actually."

My head shakes. This is not something I'm going to believe. It's all part of his plan to make me fall and surrender. He knows he has to weaken me first.

"You've been married to Vassti longer than I've been alive. It isn't possible."

"Ha. Just because I'm a married man doesn't mean I can't do things. As soon as your mother learned of her pregnancy, she married Lydora's father faster than lightning can strike a man dead."

If what he's saying is true...My entire life has been a lie. Lydora isn't my full sister. My dad was never my dad. They lied to me. Not only am I Vassti's nephew, but I'm Vaxon's son.

How absolutely twisted can my family history be? Being related to them was one thing, but being Vaxon's son?

"Does Vassti know?" Surely she would be angry to know that her sister had a son with Vaxon. I doubt would have lived past my birth if that were the case.

"She knows. It's been more recent that she's learned of it. So, help me, son."

With a loud growl, my magic overwhelms me and my body tremors. Before I have the chance to do anything, the rest of the magi burst through the doors.

Lydora is gone. Eiridan is gone. Zentra is gone. Too many. Not only are too many dead, but Lydora is one of them. She's not here.

"Where is she?" I shout.

"I tried," Kyren says. "The blood...she was coughing it up. She choked on it. I am so sorry."

That's it. Darian is dead. Lydora is dead. My parents are dead. I'm alone. No one is left for me to love.

Rather than being strong and sticking out the fight, I relinquish all of my energy to the skies and collapse to the ground in an unconscious heap.

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