Male 14: Warrior Sage Telex Silverblade

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Rika Silverblade

Rika sat with her back against the cold white wall of the prison cell. Her son sat in her lap with his head resting on her chest. Kagami was pacing and Hanae sat on her right, snuggling against her arm. They had been captured in the Tamalu Islands, which was horrible news. The only ones who knew of her marriage, children and escape were her husband and his brother. They had considered the Tamalu Islands to be the last place Vaxon would look for them if he ever found out about her. For goodness sake, Sigel had been the one to approve the location, and he was the most cautious. That meant they probably captured Telex and tortured him, he could be lying in a dark cell or dead. The same could've happened to Sigel.

There was the chance that Vaxon just overheard the two discussing the family. Vaxon's technology had grown. He had been experimenting on animals to exceed their senses so they could find people easier. But Vaxon wouldn't have gone after her unless he was going to use her against Telex. She was at a loss, desperately wanting to know what was happening but never finding out. When the guards had brought them, they hadn't responded to any of her questions.

Rika's sad eyes traced over her children again. Kagami's aura was swirling with different colors, anger, confusion, want, and energy. She wanted to break loose. To be free from this prison. Kagami was a fire mage, her personality was livid like flames, just like her father. She hated to be contained, simply feeling weak or helpless set the girl off. Flames swirled around Kagami's hands and flame-red hair as she paced back and forth on long slender legs.

"Don't get to close the wall." Rika warned.

"I'm not near the wall!" Kagami growled, anger flaring in her auburn eyes. A few streaks of grey in her aura told Rika that the girl felt remorse for snapping harshly. Even if she made no verbal apologies.

She didn't scold her daughter, the situation was grave, and she couldn't blame Kagami for being stressed.

"Mommy, why is Mi-Mi-nee so angry?"

Rika turned to the whisper. "It's been a hard day Hanae."

Hanae's aura was laced with sadness, wariness, un-easiness, and dread. She looked up at her mother with big blue eyes as she cuddled up tighter.

Rika had always been able to sink into her daughters deep eyes. The five-year-old had gotten them from one of Rika's older sisters. Hanae hadn't gotten her Magi powers yet, but Rika had the feeling her younger girl would be a sage.

When Rika read auras, she could tell if they were a mage, sage, or wizard. Mages had an oval on their forehead, sages had a circle, and wizards had a rectangle. The color of the shape depended on the power the person had, each was different. However, until the power was activated, the shapes were grey.

Since only aurists, like herself, could see these, parents usually came to them to see if their children were Magi. What category they were in and what power they would have could only be guessed. The grey shapes were always morphing into each other, leaving what they would eventually stay at a mystery. Hanae had a dominant circle, so she would mostly likely be a sage.

Rika kissed the head of her three-year-old son, Raiden.

He would become a magi too, but his grey shape was more inconsistent than any she had seen in a Magi before. Maybe it was because he was so young.

Raiden's aura was a peaceful blue, so tranquil it made her heart ache. He didn't understand what was going on, he only knew that his mother was near.

She ran a hand through his red hair and he curled his neck back to look at her with a gentle, childish face. His grey-blue eyes questioned her liquefying ones.

Rika blinked back tears and tapped Raiden on the nose softly.


Raiden smiled at her and resumed staring at his pacing sister.

Rika smiled as she remembered Telex tapping her nose. "Boop, I got your nose!" Then he'd kiss her nose, then her lips, and they would smile at each other; way back when she believed they could conquer the world if only they were together. And not just through Vaxon's reign, but forever.

Rika looked at her beautiful and fierce Kagami, her sweet and gentle Hanae, and her silent son with remorse. They deserved to live, to grow up, to know love and to have families. Rika blamed herself for their sad lives.

When she had married Telex, Rika chose her own path and took its happiness and troubles in pace. It was her life, her decisions, and her risks. But her children had no choice but to walk her path, and the risk of death she had accepted with arms outstretched would fall on her little ones.

She blamed herself for bringing them into a world where they could know no happiness nor feel the freedom of a quiet life. If she ran, they ran, if she was hurt, they were hurt, and if she died, they would also die. Through it all, they had no say, because this was the life she brought them into.

"Mommy, please don't cry."

Rika was startled, she hadn't noticed the tears falling until Hanae spoke. Kagami turned, and her face, hardened with fury, softened. She stopped pacing and placed a hand on her mother's shoulder.

"Don't worry mother, we're going to get out of here. I'll kill anyone who tries to hurt us." She pronounced.

Rika quickly wiped away her tears and smiled. "I know." She reached out and squeezed the girl's hand.

It wasn't long before Kagami was back to pacing and the other two fell asleep.

Rika kept her head rested on the one white wall. The other three walls were perfectly clear, and she could see everyone in the cells around hers. Until now, they had been kept in dank, smelly and blood-stained cells with rusty iron bars. The guards had made them bathe in cold water this morning and gave them the clothing they now wore. The new cells they had been brought up to were bathed in brilliant light, the source unseen. It was cleaner, but almost worse. They still hadn't been fed and no sleep was possible for Rika with those glaring lights. The auras of the people around her were swirling with the same things. Worry, despair, hate, confusion, pain, and more.

Telling auras wasn't considered a Magi power, only a gift. Gifts were natural talents that were usually common, but at which the carrier was naturally brilliant. Aura sight and reading were not natural, but considered a rare gift. Gifts were more common among those with royal or noble blood, such as Rika. Her sister had the gift of song, she could sing with excellence and no one could sing better. Another excelled in dancing, another with seeing into the near future.

Her sister's mentors had always praised their wondrous works. Even now, they used them for the pleasure of their owners. As far as Rika's gift went, she was mostly self-taught.

Every aurist gift was portrayed differently. Some saw auras as mists, others saw them as lines across the person, others saw auras as circles, and still others saw them as levels. Others saw auras as words, the colors defining the tone.

Her mentor had taught her the basic color code of auras but that was the most that could be done. Even most colors were different to each aurist, Rika herself didn't have the basic color code. It really all depended on the aurist.

Rika saw auras as swirls, they were constantly moving, different colors of emotion lacing them. She was a powerful aurist, and a talented one. Some could not see auras clearly and there were those who could only see people auras. These people used special glasses so they could see through the auras, otherwise, it would be like walking blind.

Rika could call up her gift, and direct it on one person at a time. She was also fortunate in the fact that she could feel the aura and knew exactly what the person was feeling. Some had to literally read an aura or carefully study the colors to figure out one emotion. Other well-heeled could see and read each color clearly without trouble, but she personally preferred hers.

She looked around through the cells. There was a man, about twenty-two, dressed in white and sitting in the cell across from theirs. His aura was mostly made up of anger. Next to his cell was a couple and a young woman, who was unquestionably their daughter. They were dressed in grey, and their auras were mostly worried. On the other side of the man in white was a young woman dressed in yellow, her aura was much the same as the others. On Rika's left was another couple dressed in silver, on her right, a woman in dark blue. Just beyond the blue lady was a family dressed in scarlet. Just beyond the couple in silver was a family dressed in black.

They had to be families of surviving, or captured Magi. They'd all been moved at the same time and she heard the guards whispering something about that. Living in such a secluded area, Rika had not received any news about captured Magi, but she made the assumption.

The sound of footsteps echoed in the place and the prisoners stood. Some moved nearer to the invisible walls. Raiden and Hanae woke as Rika moved and they held tightly onto her skirts. Kagami glared at the guards approaching.

The soldiers advanced and re-chained every person kept in the white cells. No one put up a fight since it would be in vain, they were Nires guards.

They were then dragged up to the throne room. Vaxon sat slightly slouched in his great chair, as if he was bored. His eyes were cold and cruel, his lips a perfect line.

His aura was dark. There was a tiny fragment of sorrow, but it was being eaten by void indifference, until it disappeared.

The leader of the guards stepped forward. "The families you required sire!"

Vaxon stood, his height making him seem bigger as he stood above them. Then he walked down to the families, stopping a few feet from them. The family dressed in black was thrown at Vaxon's feet. A woman clutching a baby, a boy holding onto her. The woman quickly struggled to her feet and stood, defiant. Her face cold and hard as she met Vaxon's gaze easily.

Rika recognized her as the wife of Kyren Asherex, her name started with an A. Ashlee? Ashton? Ashra? No, it was Ashrya.

Her aura was filled with resolve and disgust. She portrayed how Rika felt, and she made her feel stronger.

Vaxon tilted his head and his icy gaze studied Ashrya and the families. "Are you all prepared to die?"

Rika's heart vaulted. She was prepared, but not her children, please not her babies.

Ashrya straightened. "Kyren and the Magi will stop you. Killing us will not change your fate, Vaxon." She snapped.

The woman staggered back as she was back-handed by Vaxon. "I'll start with your children then. Guards, kill the Magi families."

There was silence despite the horrible swirls of dread and fear in everyone's auras. For a moment Rika felt like she was the one who'd been slapped. But she came to her senses as the Nires reached for her.

"Stop! You can't kill my children!" She screamed at the guards and Vaxon, tightening her grip around Raiden and squeezing Hanae's hand.

The Nires didn't listen and she screamed louder as they tried to grab Kagami. Then they stopped and pushed her towards Vaxon instead.

He studied her. "You are the wife of Telex Silverblade." His low voice boomed the statement.

"Yes, and if you kill my children your life won't be worth ashes." She hissed.

Vaxon studied her and the kids for a moment before waving to the Nires. "Keep her and the boy, kill the other two.

Rika's eyes widened and she helplessly thrashed in the huge claws of the Nires guards.

Kagami fought tooth and nail, but her flames were useless on the guards. "Don't hurt my mother! Leave her alone!" Kagami screeched. "Leave Hanae and Raiden alone you stupid reptiles!"

Even though she was facing death, Kagami didn't care for herself, only her family. Hanae sobbed as a guard pulled her away by her curly hair.

"Mammo! Mi-Mi! Rai-chan!" She screamed through her tears. Her Tamalu accent thickening as she sobbed.

Raiden started crying because everyone else was crying. His aura was scared and confused as he reached for his sisters. "Mi-Mi! Hanni!"

"Kill me! Kill me! Not them! No! Stop!" Rika implored. But her cries fell on deaf ears, and Vaxon turned his back to her.

She could see her little girls facing swords, facing death.

Don't kill my babies. Her thoughts screamed in despair.

Not my babies.


Telex Silverblade

"Wake up!"

Telex jolted awake at the pain of a foot slamming into his stomach, hard enough to hurt a little.

"OW!" He shouted his disapproval as he blinked sleep out of his eyes. Jaeyria loomed over him.

The tent had been split, women on one side and men on the other. But Jaeyria and Eiridan wanted to sleep together. Since Eiridan was too gentlemanly to sleep on the side full of girls, they slept on the men's side, in a secluded spot. None of the men wanted to mess with Jaeyria, so they gave the married couple space.

Why she was waking Telex up was a mystery.

He rubbed morning sand out of his eyes and realized he was the only one there besides Jae. The other mats had been neatly put away. Despite the fact it was still dark out, everyone had gotten a head start today.

"I slept late?!" Telex gawked. He never slept late, he was usually the one stumbling about at ungodly hours waking everyone else.

"What does it look like?" Jaeyria frowned.

"No one woke me?"

"I'm waking you up now. They let you sleep because Eiri said that you must be exhausted or something like that."

Telex groaned. "So why are you waking me?"

Jaeyria's eyes seemed to glow with annoyance. "I wanted to have to pleasure of kicking you awake as my revenge."

Telex yawned. "Revenge for what?"

"For keeping me up all night with your stupid snoring!" Jae shouted.

Telex sprang to his feet. "I do not snore!"

"Yes you do!" Jae snapped. "And you have terrible morning breath!"

"Do not!"

"Do too! And don't get me started on this. We're having a meeting. Apparently Kyren has something to say. So hurry up and get dressed! Breakfast is after the meeting, you're lucky we delayed it."

Jaeyria finished scolding Telex and left the tent.

"I do not snore." Telex muttered under his breath as he pulled his tunic over his head.

Minutes later, he was heading to the circle of Magi and the leaders of the army.

Kyren was unchained, and he didn't have that sickly brooding look on his face. Despite the dark circles under them and a slight glaze, his eyes were alive with determination and dynamism.

The general looked like he could dance for joy, a smile jerked at the corners of his firm lips.

Kyren scanned his fellow Magi and spoke. "I have decided to lead the army against Vaxon Asherex."

Some of the Magi murmured and nudged each other, nodding in approval and relief. Kyren then launched into how the castle was set up. The smooth walls, acid moat, death-hounds on the wall, and the Nires guards.

He wasn't very enthusiastic or inspiring when he drew the picture out in their minds; leaving the sixteen survivors either tenacious or disheartened.

They started packing up and getting ready for battle.

Jahad had armor made for each of them before he was taken. Specially made to fit each, including the small ones, Leo and Lydora.

Telex was thoroughly pleased with his armor. The sign of the Warrior Magi was painted on it, as well as the shield. Both were made to upgrade or morph easier and use less energy in accordance to the warrior. Telex was also able to snap his stylus and whip onto his belt. Armor didn't get any better than this.

Renge, a guard from earlier who seemed more like a message boy, came to him. "Sir! The High General would like to see you!"

"High General Kyren and Sir Telex, eh? Things have gotten fancy around here." Telex chuckled.

The boy's face flushed, but Telex only patted him on the head and strolled to the High General's tent. Kyren was standing over a table planning out the attack with the generals. When he saw Telex, he dismissed them.

"I heard you slept late." Kyren mused.

"It's not my fault nobody woke me up!" Telex pouted. "What did you call me here for anyway?"

Kyren resumed studying his map. "I called you, Eiridan, Jae, and Sigel for a meeting. You're the first one here."

He looked up at Telex. "I am going to explain the full details of the battle plan with the four of you. I also hope to add some more actions."

"So our families can be saved?" Telex asked.

"Yes. I will explain everything when the others get here." Kyren sighed. "Some things have changed. A raid took out two Magi last night."

Telex's eyes widened. "How... who died?"

"Vala Leanour and Chiara Gonzolas. It is discouraging, as Vala had some talent. Chiara is a harsher loss, but plans have been moved around that."

Vala and Chiara... now that Telex thought about it, he hadn't seen either of them today. And Chiara dead? Telex wondered how Sigel felt about that.

Telex turned to see Sigel walk in, followed by Eiridan and Jaeyria.

"What's up?" Jae asked.

Kyren looked over the group before speaking. "I want to go over the battle plan with the four of you thoroughly."

"Very well." Sigel replied.

They all gathered around the table where Kyren's plans were laid out.

"Vaxon originally had 500,000 soldiers. Jahad was able to pull 300,000 onto our side, leaving Vaxon with only 200,000. Despite the fact that we have more numbers, the other side still has the upper hand."

Kyren pointed out his markings for the armies. Telex noted that he didn't refer to Vaxon as his father.

"Vaxon has pacts made with the Nires. Even if he can only get a few thousand to join his army, Nires are worth two Magi in strength, speed, and indestructability. The army will have a hard time fighting against them. On top of that, he may invoke supernatural citizens to fight with his army, or some of his latest experiments. Point remaining, he has the advantage."

Kyren was going to continue but Jae interrupted.

"Just because Vaxon can get some "supernatural citizens" to help out his tiny army doesn't mean he has the advantage. We can get some extra help and still have higher numbers. The only advantage is the castle and that can be taken care of eventually. As far as I'm seeing, we have the advantage."

Kyren gave her an annoyed look. "You're trying to see what you want to see instead of listening to me. I am fully aware of all of that and I was about to get into some deep information when you interrupted me. So, SHUT UP!"

Telex was a little startled by this last part, but his insides calmed within a moment. Kyren was on edge, working so he couldn't allow lingering thoughts of his family to seep in. Right now his nerves were all laced out, and if someone stepped wrong, he snapped.

Still, it wasn't necessary to yell, and that annoyed Telex.

"Hey! I'm just trying to be useful! So don't get all high-and-mighty on me!" Jae growled. "If you didn't want opinions why are we here?!"

"I asked you here to listen first!" Kyren's eyes grew stormy.

"Oh! So now--"

"Stop this."

The hairs on the back of Telex's neck tingled. Oh no, not the voice!

It was the low and warning voice that Sigel used when he seriously wanted Telex to shut up. It was almost like an Alpha command. Penetrating, reverberating, intimidating, and effective.

Kyren and Jae paled. Whether it was from the fact that they were shocked at Sigel for speaking; disturbed by the macabre tone, or exasperated by his manner was unknown.

Sigel's eyes were closed as they stared at him, but then they opened, fixing on the two snappers.

Not the evil eye too!!

Telex choked and averted his gaze. Sigel was terrifying, and it got worse when he was serious. And it definitely got a gazillion times worse when he got mad. It was rare that Sigel got irritated with people, but since the arena, he'd been rather moody.

"We don't have time for petty talk, let Kyren finish. Then we can discuss the situation." Sigel nodded to Kyren.

Jae lifted her hands in the air in surrender and waved at Kyren to continue.

Kyren cleared his throat. "Well then, as I was saying. We've received reports that Vaxon has built iron dragons."

Telex's mind went blank. "Iron dragons? I don't understand..."

Kyren pulled another sheet of paper and placed it in front of them. They were drawn designs of huge dragon-like creatures.

"They would be powered by magical energy. Once in the air, they could wipe out thousands." Kyren scowled.

"But how would they be energized? I mean, who would power them up?" Eiridan asked.

"I would say by Wessi herds, but we all know there's no way that's happening." Kyren replied. "He could use dark monks, but I don't think they would have enough energy to keep it up for long."

Jae nodded. "Then we don't have to worry about it. We just need to figure out how to get into the castle."

"Jae, if they are able to power up even one or two of these things... it would be very dangerous to our side." Eiridan studied the drawings. "Running by magical energy will give them the power to use whatever the energizer gives them."

"The Demon Star..."

Sigel said it so softly that Telex barely heard him.

"What?" Kyren asked.

"They can energize anything they want to if they use the spell of Algol." Sigel answered.

"That's a forbidden spell, and full of evil! There's no way even Vaxon would try to cast it." Jae argued.

"What kind of ridiculous notion is that?" Telex gaped. "Of course Vaxon would do something like that, he has his stupid dark monks!"

"It's a cursing spell, how would it energize the iron dragons?" Eiridan asked.

"The spell of Algol curses people, directly or indirectly. If energizing the dragons will bring a 'curse' upon us, it will work." Sigel replied.

"But we don't know if he will use it... or how in fact, so it's nothing to worry about." Jaeyria pushed the conversation away.

Telex wondered why she was so optimistic about this. But we don't know. It was becoming her phrase.

"The dragons aside, we do have a boost." Kyren continued. "Half the army from Demarke and the whole army of Nighes is going to aid us. They will attack the West and South gates when they arrive. We will attack the Northern gate, that's where the largest bridge is."

"And it's the most obvious place to attack." Telex stated. He hoped Kyren would see the question.

"At this point, Vaxon knows we're coming. How we start attacking doesn't matter. Speed, allies, and other plans will help us now." Kyren offered. "We are also receiving aid from woodland spirits, water spirits, air spirits, and several related creatures. Anyone who is against Vaxon will join in as soon as the fighting has started. That way they cannot get in the way of our formation. The idea is to get someone past the acid and the andesite-stone. They will let down the bridge and open the gates for the army to come through."

Kyren looked to Eiridan, Jae, and Sigel. "This is where you three come in. Eiridan and Jaeyria, you two will go ahead of us and surrender like you suggested earlier. Sigel will come behind you two wearing an inviable cloak, one of the ones my mother sent in the arena. Sigel, you first let down the bridge and open the gates, then search for the families and free them."

Telex raised his hand slightly. "What about me? And why Sigel?"

Kyren looked at him, and Telex was startled to find that something, almost like warmth, behind his eyes.

"If Sigel is caught, he can easily say he's come to team up with Vaxon. As for you, I would like you to ride by my side into battle. I'll reveal everyone's position after the breakfast meal, except for you three." Kyren announced.

Telex secretly jumped for joy at that. Yes! Full-blown action, and I'm in the front row! This is going to be great!

Jaeyria spoke. "Kyren, you need to come to the castle with us! If Vaxon hears that you're leading the army instead of being dragged along as a prisoner."

"He'll kill my family?" Kyren sighed. "I know. But that's why you and Sigel are going in, to make sure that doesn't happen."

Jae frowned. "You can't just place that burden on our shoulders! If they die, it's not our fault!"

"I wouldn't blame you for their deaths, but I expect you'll try to save them. Why else would you go?" Kyren studied her.

"If you surrender with us, there's a guarantee that your family will be safe. Otherwise, they're dead." Jae stated matter-of-factly.

Man, she's really pushing it. Telex thought.

"Jae, we'll take care of this. The army needs Kyren to lead them." Eiridan placed a hand on Jae's shoulder. She ignored him.

"The general can lead them. Telex could lead them. But if you want your family to stay alive, then you should surrender with us. It's the only way I can see your family surviving at this point. Nothing Eiri or I say will stop the blades from digging into your wife and kids." Jae argued.

"Why do you care so much?"

They all turned to Sigel, who was studying Jae with an impassive face.

"What do you mean why do I care?" Jaeyria asked calmly.

From Telex's view, the two were like tigers. Circling. Studying. Probing. Until they attacked each other.

"When did this undying love for Kyren's family transpire?" Sigel responded.

"I don't know what you're talking about, I'm being sensible." Jae retorted.

"Are you? Then you would know that the army would fight better knowing Kyren was leading them. It also seems strange that you care so much about saving Kyren's family in particular."

"They can fight fine without him. I'm not showing Kyren's family any favor, but he did decide to help despite the danger he's putting them in. I think he deserves to get them out first. Kyren knows the castle like the back of his hand. He could find his family and get them out of there faster than we ever could. It seems like a wise plan to me."

Sigel narrowed his eyes at her. "If it was wise it would not involve Kyren. You know, just as well as I, that Vaxon will be able to track Kyren from anywhere in the castle. Something goes wrong and all Vaxon needs to do is use the blood bond he has with Kyren. The slightest mishap in anyones thoughts will provoke Vassti. Once they're found out, Kyren and his would family will be annihilated, probably along with the Magi families."

"We're strong enough to fight Vaxon." Jae narrowed her own eyes.

"Not just the few of us. We need several more Magi."

Jae turned away from Sigel and turned to Kyren. "You've heard me out. Besides, you can block out Vassti, can't you? It would be much safer for your family if you get them and go."

Sigel scoffed. "Go where? Back to the battle? To meet the other two armies? To try and hide in a place where it's impossible?"

Kyren wasn't looking at Jae for a second, and Telex saw something like anger wash over her face. It quickly vanished, but it had been there.

Kyren sighed. "It can't be debated. I must go with the army. Eiridan, Jaeyria, and Sigel. Prepare yourselves and leave as soon as possible. It would be best for you to get a few hours head start."

Sigel approached Kyren and said a few words the others couldn't hear. Then he nodded respectfully and left to get ready. Jae didn't look at Kyren and walked out on Sigel's heels.

Eiridan sighed. "I don't know what's wrong with her this morning."

Kyren patted Eiridan on the shoulder. "Hey, women are like that, don't worry. Get in, get the job done, and be careful."

Eiridan smiled and nodded before leaving.

Kyren looked troubled, but then turned to Telex and smirked. "She's most likely having her blood flow."

The two men burst into snickers before becoming serious again. Kyren pushed away the extra papers to reveal a drawn out plan for the main attack.

"We're going to split the army into six waves." Kyren pointed. "Each wave will have 50,000 soldiers. Each wave will have Magi. You and I will lead the first wave. The second wave will have Mordzar Malthus and Evian Damini. The third will have Kalix Leanour and Eriswen Faervel. The fourth will have Ashni Damini and Aelia Zephyr. The fifth will have Zentra Oromis and Lilja Svana. And lastly, the sixth will have Leo Maverson, Lydora Steele, and Aswake Coveni. I want someone back there with those kids."

"The Magi won't be leading the waves themselves, will they?" Telex questioned.

Kyren shook his head. "The generals will be in charge. It is best for the Magi to be spread out though, and I'd rather have the younger ones far back."

Telex nodded in agreement. They had all been scarred, but the older ones could probably hold it together better than Leo and Lydora. He felt sorry for those kids who had been forced to grow up so quickly.

"How will we get past the gates?" Telex asked.

Kyren scratched his nose in thought. "I'm hoping that your brother's team will settle that. In the meantime, we'll have plenty of things to keep us occupied. Vaxon knows were coming, we can't get around that. It's impossible to conjure up a surprise attack, no jest intended. Our best bet is speed. He'll probably have his army waiting for us at the northern gates, so we should be fully prepared for that."

Kyren sighed. "We may have more numbers, but there's the chance of those iron dragons being activated. On top of that, Vaxon has catapults, we don't. There's no way he can call in help from other countries and have them make it in time. If you want a silver lining, that's it. If Eiridan, Sigel, and Jaeyria can't open the gates, we have the issue of crossing the acid and getting over the walls."

"Maybe if we know what kind of acid it is--" Telex began.

"We have the formula of the acid the moat uses. It doesn't matter, the magic-consuming components were added later on, and by dark monks." Kyren cut off.

"Eh, worth a shot." Telex shrugged.

"We do have an alliance with some griffins. Hopefully, they'll bomb the wall with boulders so we don't have to worry about the bowmen." Kyren added.

"Since the wall is anti-magic, can they break it down too?" Telex asked.

"No. The walls are strong, and the anti-magic elements will protect it from any hits." Kyren replied.

Telex's brow ruffled. "By the way, how did Vaxon manage the andesite walls?"

"Imports from volcanic rock from Demarke and some surrounding islands." Kyren answered. "The whole thing isn't pure andesite, he just made a layer over the original wall."

"Ah, well, there doesn't appear to be anything else." Telex pointed out.

"Not for now, if you hear anything about plans being changed, come straight to me. Otherwise, prepare for battle. The generals and I will give everyone their positions. Please check on the threesome and make sure they're gone." Kyren's eye reassured Telex as he dismissed him.

"Aye sir! Just as you say!" Telex gave a ridiculous salute, one he used to give Kyren when they were kids.

Kyren smirked. "Get out of here."


Telex walked through the camp; trying not to act like someone who's trying not to act like they're looking for someone.


Telex spun around and almost hit whoever spoke. It was Lydora.

"Oh, um, hello Lydora." Telex grinned sheepishly.

"Are you looking for your brother?" Lydora asked.

"Uh, yes. That's who I'm looking for."

"Well he's by the watering hole." Lydora pointed.

"Great. Have you seen Eiridan or Jaeyria perchance?"

"Those two? They left the camp a while ago. When I asked, Jae said that they were going ahead to get something. Eiridan asked if they should wait for Sigel, but Jae said that he said they should go ahead." She shrugged. "I have no idea what they're talking about though."

Telex thanked her and headed in the direction of the watering hole. Something was fishy about the situation. He found Sigel, standing with a pack over his shoulder and the armor from Jahad on. He looked deep in thought.

"Shouldn't you be gone by now?" Telex asked.

Sigel looked up, and he had a strange look on his face. "Yes. Jaeyria and Eiridan agreed that we should meet here and set out."

Telex blanched. "Um, hate to break it to you, but Lydora said they left a while ago. She said that Jaeyria said that you said that they should go ahead."

The strange look on Sigel's face melted into fury and he swore, charging past Telex. "I knew it."

Telex scrambled to catch up. "Whoa, knew what?"

Sigel was still walking quickly to the camp. "Jaeyria is definitely a betrayer."

Telex felt confused. "You're being a drama queen! Don't jump to conclusions!"

"I don't jump to conclusions Telex." Sigel replied, then muttered to himself. "I'm such an idiot!"

They ended up back in Kyren's tent. Telex was acknowledged first, and Kyren seemed to be in the same mood as Sigel.

"Evian Damini, Zentra Oromis, and Lilja Svana deserted the army. This compromises things." Kyren stormed, then turned to Sigel.

"Shouldn't you be gone?"

"I would be, but we've been betrayed." Sigel frowned.

Kyren looked as if someone slapped him. "What?!"

"Jaeyria convinced Eiridan that I wanted them to go ahead and leave. Despite the fact that we agreed to meet and leave together." Sigel replied.

Kyren frowned. "That may be jumping to conclusions..."

"That's what I said!" Telex interjected.

"That's because you're both stupid." Sigel growled. "Jaeyria has been desperate to get to the castle with Kyren. She claims it's because she's concerned for his family, but she has no reason to have ties to them! There are other reasons for my conclusion, but we don't have time for them."

"Let's hope you're wrong then and this was all a misunderstanding." Kyren groaned edgily. "Go after them. But take the other invisible cloak, just in case. Follow them in and get the bridge and gates taken care of."

Sigel looked like he wanted to say more, but he brushed the look away and nodded. "I will go if I can take Chiara with me."

Kyren gave him a confused look. "She was reported dead from the raid last night."

"Eiridan and Lydora were able to revive her together." Sigel responded.

"Then go quickly." Kyren waved him off.

Telex felt as if the world was spinning around and he was perfectly still. Nothing made sense.

"When did those three deserters bail out on us?"

Kyren turned to him. "No one knows the exact time. They took off together, or that's what it looks like. And may I add that they took their armor and stole supplies? I've already adjusted the positions, but this sucks."

"So now what?" Telex asked.

"A quick breakfast and we're off. Kyren replied. "The army has already gotten into formation, the Magi will soon join."


Telex didn't think breakfast was half bad. No one was hostile towards each other, and most were optimistic about the battle.

Kyren stood when they were finished to give out the formation. "Good morning. Today we will go into battle, the formation has been set up as waves." Kyren scanned every face. "Each of you will be placed in a wave, and you will fight from there. We are all fighting for our families, so as you fight, don't forget it. It doesn't matter what stunts Vaxon pulls off, we will win..."

Telex grinned, Kyren pulled off this general thing excellently. His face was full of stern pride as he finished his speech.

"... and we will win because we are on the side of light. We will stand for those who cannot. That's what it means to be a Magi!" Kyren finished, and the Magi cheered. They grabbed onto their weapon and held them high. Telex shouting the loudest.


Flash forward: In the midst of battle.

"Double-Edged Swords!"

Telex pulled swords out of the runes from his right and split the heads of four soldiers at once. Kyren defeated a minotaur and a huge bat-like creature next to him.

As they had feared, three huge dragons made of iron had been released from within the stronghold. They had openings where a purple and black splotched light shimmered out. Similar light seem to almost electrocute the people that were hit with the blasts from the dragon's mouths.

How they were being powered was a mystery. But no one had time to think about it. There were some Nires among Vaxon's remaining army, and they were keeping people busy.

Telex swung his swords into a rune and brought it back as a huge spiked club. He smashed it into the face of a dwarf, but its helmet deflected the blow. The little man forced Telex to dodge right into another person.

Telex never wore helmets, he found them cumbersome and hot. However, when his head collided with the man's hard and sharp armor, he wished he'd worn one. Stars danced it light before Telex was thrown off his feet by a blow to his abdomen. Fury replaced the pain in his gut.

"Spiked Metal Armor!" Telex didn't need to say what he was changing into, but it helped him concentrate.

His armor morphed into a larger form with spikes on the shoulders and breastplate. His club switched to a huge sword with one side serrated, and one spiked.

Telex sprang into the air, intending to bring his blade down onto the enemy's head. He froze mid-air before crashing down.

What was that?!

He sprang to his feet again but his armor started moving. It smoothed out and began to tighten against his body, the armor crushing him. Squeezing his life's breath out of him.

What is this?

Telex was barely able to form another rune, but he got it out. "Original Armor!"

The compressing stopped, and he was able to see his oppressor. Mordzar Malthus, the metal mage. He stood with a hard look on his face, a metal sword forming in his hand.

Telex felt relief wash over him until he realized that Mordzar didn't recognize him. The metal mage shot metal arrows at Telex without hesitation.

"GAHAHA! STOP! Don't hit me, I'm on your side!" Telex wailed as he dodged the arrows.

He didn't want to fight against Mordzar, they didn't have Magi to spare. When the man still didn't recognize him, Telex back away and started to make a run for it. Until he hit a wall that is.

Telex spun so his open mouth filled with grass and dirt when he hit the ground. He pulled himself up and saw that he'd run into a shield created by Eriswen Faervel. She had come with the second wave. Telex hoped that she had accidently knocked him down. Then he saw the two enemies had run into the same shield, and were standing with him.

"Get them Mordzar!" Eris yelled.

Telex gagged on grass, they thought he was an enemy along with these other two.

"NO! Don't get this one!" He gestured to himself furiously. "This one's friendly!"

Unfortunately, his mouth was still full of earth, so it came out like. "Na! 'on't 't 'is 'on! 'Is 'on's—cough cough!!"

Mordzar's face scrunched in confusion as he started to form spear-like arrows in his hands. They shot forward and Telex felt like time moved in slow motion.

The two men behind him tried to escape, and smashed against the shield Eris created. The spear-arrows came, grey-colored and glinting in the sunlight. They shot right for Telex's heart, but he couldn't move fast enough, his foot slowly step back into a hole. His eye leveled with the arrows as he fell.

Then everything snapped out of slow-motion and return to the quick rhythm of battle. A black curtain shot in front of Telex, stopping the arrows as he fell on his rear.

Kyren stood over him. "I don't have time to save your butt from our allies. Stop messing around."

Telex scrambled to his feet. "It wasn't my fault!" He whined.

"Like I care." Kyren ignored Telex's laments and turned to Mordzar and Eris.

When they had realized what happened, they walked over. Now, both stood sheepishly in front of Kyren. But the High General's replacement didn't address Telex's assault.

"Mordzar, from what I gather, the gates are open on the inside." Kyren stated. "I need you to create a metal bridge over the moat, make sure it doesn't touch the acid or it will be eaten away. Then gather all the Magi you can find and try to break down the drawbridge so we can get in. Don't exhaust your energy, only use enough metal so you can get to the other side."

Kyren turned to Eris.

"Eriswen, go with him and make sure he can do his job without being attacked. Be careful for crossbowmen and sharpshooters."

Mordzar nodded. "Understood!"

Eris gave a thumb's up. "Got it!"

The two took off, and Telex barely heard Eris throw an apology over her shoulder.

Like that's gonna work. Those two almost killed me!


"Ah! Yes?"

"Do you have something better to do than get your butt kicked by Magi?"

"THAT WASN'T MY FAULT! And yes! I'm fighting."

Kyren looked up at an iron dragon. "Well, while you're fighting, can you think of a way to stop those? We would've won by now if it wasn't for them."

"Definitely, I'll get up there as soon as I can!" Telex nodded enthusiastically.

"Can you do that?" Kyren asked.

Telex grinned. "I'm all fired up!"

Kyren nodded and returned to the fighting.

"Element-Resistant Wing Armor!" Telex shouted as he drew out his runes.

Black armor with red and blue painted lines appear on Telex, along with two huge black wings. He took off into the air and headed for the nearest dragon.

The air was beautiful, and the armor didn't take as much energy as it should have, making flight easier. The armor and stylus were very useful in this situation.

It had been a long time since Telex had used this magic. It was his favorite, but before and during the Arena, he hadn't risked flying for pleasure. It felt wonderful to be back up in the sky.

The dragons were about 50 feet long, their main bodies were about 30 feet wide. The monstrosities had no feet; and their wings seemed to only guide them through the wind currents, not hold up the dragons.

Each dragon's tail was the same in length, but the each ended differently. One had a huge ball of spiked iron on the end of its tail. One had a purple orb around the end of its tail, and it seemed to be able to shoot down people with something black. The last one, closest to Telex, had a plain tail with more of a lithe look.

Telex aimed for the face, hoping that it had some kind of sensory field up there that he could attack. He landed on the ledge above the eye. The metal beast only had holes for eyes, but maybe throwing something in it would cause an injury.

"Battle-Axe." Telex created a rune in front of the eye and shot his creation from there. Nothing happened.

When he swung his body to look inside the 'eye' he saw the axe turn black and disintegrate. That's not going to work.

Telex landed on the ledge of the bottom of the eye so he standing at the entrance to the eye. It was like standing in the doorway to another world, a strange world.

The inside of the head wasn't remarkable, it was just a hunk of iron really. The purple and black splotched mass swirling inside was the incredible thing.

Telex pulled a dagger out of a rune and tossed it at the mass. The dagger was gone as soon as it touched the shapeless colors, crumbling into nothing.

The mass almost seemed to acknowledge him then. A portion of it formed a small circle and rushed towards him.


Despite the shield, Telex was sent flying into the air. He spun, feeling motion-sickness squish his insides as the world spun. The shield had protected him from death, but the upper half of his wings had be destroyed. At this rate, if he didn't get some wings, he would crash and die. Or die and crash.

Telex created a rune in his mind, but when his armor changed, it didn't have wings.

Ugh, wrong one.

He tried to form the correct runes, but motion-sickness had settled in, messing with his mind. He just kept spinning through the sky, falling to his death.

I feel sick...

He felt something wrap around his body and the world eventually stopped spinning. He was still in the air, so something had caught him. The something was very hot.

"Ataris?!" Telex yelled.

"Don't go hoarse, just talk to me in your mind, I can hear you." The dragon responded. His voice rang in Telex's head. He grinned as the dragon placed him on a scaly back.

"Where have you been? And why are you here now?" Telex thought.

"I've been hunting. I decided to help you win your little battle after I had my fill of fish." Ataris replied arrogantly.

Telex rolled his eyes and placed their gaze on the iron dragons.

Really, it was made of metal rings. The real battle was against the stuff holding up the rings. There had to be a way to get rid of, or cut off, the magic holding it together.

"There is." Ataris barged into Telex's mind.

"I wasn't thinking those at you."

Ataris ignored the comment. "The spell is one of the curses of Algol. The Demon Star Curse."

Algol, Demon Star... Telex remember Sigel saying something about that.

"You cannot bring these thing down directly at first." Ataris continued. "You need to find the people keeping the spell going and kill them. Then you need to get a power strong enough to bring them down."

Ataris flew away from the iron dragons and headed for the ground, just out of reach of the battle. They landed, and Telex slid off Ataris to study the battle.

The first two waves were fighting Vaxon's army and were trying to get past the walls. The other waves were forced to fight against the iron dragons, who were wiping them out. Kyren was right, they would've beaten Vaxon by now if those dragons were out of the picture. Spirits, griffins, and other flying creatures on their side were attacking the iron beasts to no avail.

I wonder if...

"Ataris, can we get one of those dragons to chase us?" Telex asked.

Ataris looked shocked. "Why would we do that?"

Telex thought out his plan, knowing Ataris would receive the information faster.

The dragon, in his own way, grinned. "Get on."


"Woohoo! It worked!" Telex shouted for joy.

They had gotten the dragon with the club tail to chase them to the north wall. Through telepathy, they had gotten their people to move away from the wall before the clubbed tail smashed it. The dragon had also tried to blast them down with its breath, but they dodged it. The blast killed most of the men within the keep. This left the Magi the easy task of finishing off the rest and getting to Vaxon.

"That's all well and lovely, but I can't hold out like this much longer." Ataris groaned.

Telex frowned when he saw that the blast had nicked Ataris's left wing. They couldn't stop because the iron dragon was still in pursuit.

"Will you be able to lose shillelagh-tail back there?" Telex asked.

"Yes. Any energy they have is coming from the castle. If I fly far enough, it can't come after me." Ataris replied.

"Then I'll get off here. Thanks Ataris." Telex jumped off Ataris's back. "Angel Wing Armor!"

Telex flew down into the brawl in the courtyard. Kyren, Mordzar, Eris, Kalix, and Aelia were fighting together. That meant the third wave was already here.

Telex sliced the head off the man Kyren was fighting and landed in front of him. "Now what?"

Kyren studied the situation. "We get out of the fighting when we can and get to the throne room."

He'd just finished speaking when Kalix rushed forward, face flushed. "We're being attack from the sides out there!" He pointed back to where they came from, where the army was.

Kyren's eyes narrowed. "There's not much we can do about it. At this point, the sooner Vaxon's dead, the sooner this is over."

Kalix nodded and returned to the fighting along with Telex.

"Serrated Sword!"

He ripped through the armor and bodies of two soldiers, then cut through a minotaur's abdomen. Blood sprayed everywhere, screams erupted from the battle surrounding. This was an art, playing the screams, dancing with the swords, painting with the blood. Fight. Don't lose yourself in it, but fight. Mathus's teachings came back to him.

"Wait until tomorrow for our next lesson, you've used up all your energy."

"No... I... need to... get it right... do... do it again!"

Mathas studied him with deep blue eyes. "No Telex, you need to regain your energy."

"I'm fine! I can do it!"

"Why can't you wait until tomorrow?"

"Isanabella can fight right, and so can I!"

Mathas gave him a small smile. "Isanabella is at a different level than you are."

"I'll not be bested by a girl!"

Mathas leaned against one of the tree surrounding the training area. "Magical levels cannot be based off of gender."

"But skill can!"

Mathas shook his head. "Neither can. You may surpass Isanabella one day, but today is not that day."

"I need to do this!"


"Because... I can't disappoint... him."

"Who can't you disappoint?" Mathas asked.

"My father."

Mathus's gaze remained on the boy whose head hung low.

"I need to be the best. To make him proud. Sigel is really smart, Verden has a lot of cool powers, but I have nothing. I need to be the best in the world, so I can make him notice me. I need to be able to kill lots of people in battles and wars, I need to be the best."

Mathas gave him a serious look. "Telex, you can be the best at whatever you're skilled at. But working to exceed someone else's expectations will not help you. Being a Warrior Sage is not something to use as brownie points. If you learn these skills with the wrong mindset, you will lose yourself in blood and battle. You must not learn this so you can become better at killing people. You must learn this to become better at protecting them.

"Oh... what do you mean lose myself in blood and battle?"

Mathas kneeled in front of Telex so they were on eye level. "If you go out to battle wanting blood, you will receive plenty. You will also begin to thirst for it, and this is bad. If you lose yourself in battle, you will kill until you can kill no more. You will end up hurting your allies and yourself. You must never lose yourself in battle."

"Okay Master Mathas, I get it. Even though I still don't understand..."

Telex felt a burning pain in his shoulder and spun around to face a woman. She was a young woman with purple hair.

What in the heavens?

He pulled his arm back, formed a knife, and flung it at her forehead. She just stood there as if flew towards her, eyes following it.

Telex watched, confused, as the knife flew handle over blade and disappeared. The air where it went seemed ripple like water. Then the air a few feet in front of him rippled and the knife came flying back at him.

He blocked it with his shield and glared at the woman. She was probably a sorceress from another country who Vaxon had hired or bribed.

"You can't hit me." She spoke in a soft voice, but he could hear her. "You can only hit yourself."

"We'll see about that." Telex sent a rune over her head. "Arrows."

The arrows rained down, but appeared to fall into rippling air.

"Shield!" Telex screeched as his arrows began to rain down on him.

"You can't hit me." She smiled.

Telex ignored her comment and looked for a weak spot, resolve filling him. He would defeat her.

"You don't want to kill me either." She said.

Telex froze. Rika stood before him, a sad smile on her face. "Telex."

"Rika? What are you doing?" Telex asked in a daze.

"I'm here to get you." She started to walk towards him. "I want to bring you home."

"That doesn't even begin to make sense." Telex felt something was wrong, but this was his wife.

She was only a few feet away from him now. "Telex, come home, the kids are waiting for us."

Telex shook himself out of his stupor. "What's home?"

She froze and he punched her face. She wasn't Rika when she hit the ground, she was the purple-haired woman.

"Looks like I can hit you, and that was for satirizing my wife."

He drove his blade into her face and turned in time to see another bother. Groups of Nires were rushing down upon them. At this point, they would be forced back into the battle outside the castle.

Telex felt angry. Why did this have to happen? Everything was so—

The mental rant he started was quickly ended. Someone grabbed his collar and dragged him across the courtyard and through a door. Telex tried to struggle, but the person was strong and he was stumbling down steps. It ended up being Kyren.

"What's up?!" Telex hissed.

"The Nires will force us back into the main battle. The only way to avoid that is to escape through the servant halls. You were the closest Magi so I grabbed you." Kyren shrugged.

They ran through darkened halls and passages. It was about ten minutes before Telex asked where they were going.

"To the throne room. Where else?" Kyren scoffed.

"Shouldn't we be, I don't know, saving our families?" Telex asked.

"Sigel's doing that." Kyren replied.

"And you're going to trust that he's not dead or injured?" Telex hinted.

"Have a little faith."

This time, Telex scoffed. "I never thought I would ever hear you say that."

"Same here actually."

"Huh, I think our personalities are rubbing off on each other. You're becoming more optimistic and I'm becoming more... eh, cautious... I think?"

Kyren kept turning down passages. "Our personalities have never rubbed off on each other."

"You're right, even as kids it was always me, the cute and smart kid against you, the moody and arrogant kid."

"I was not a moody and arrogant kid." Kyren protested.

"Yeah that was teenager you, sorry. It was boisterous and extraordinarily annoying kid you against mild and happy me."

"I pretty sure the first description was you." Kyren rolled his eyes. "You've never been mild."

"Yeah, I was always the hot one with the girls, while you were the one sucking your thumb in a corner."

"I kissed a girl before you." Kyren argued.

"You cheated on Ashyra?!"

"I didn't know her then! And if that counts as cheating, should I report you to Rika?"

"I only kissed girls when I was drunk, so it wasn't my fault." Telex protested.

"Well you were drunk all the time so—"

"That's not true! And if you think that's bad, you bed-wetted when you were four!"

"I deny that!" Kyren growled. "And that's coming from someone who peed out their window because they thought there was a monster in the chamber pot!"

"I deny that!" Telex growled back.

"You can't since I was a witness! Should I also remind you that I always won our fistfights?"

"You won once because I tripped over a root!"

"How can you trip over a root in the palace kitchens?" Kyren pointed out.

"A loose stone then!"

Kyren turned on him. "Even now I could still beat you to a pulp!"

"Try it!" Telex challenged.

"I had a feeling it would be a bad idea for you two to team up alone."

The two men turned to see Sigel walking towards them.

"You're supposed to be saving people!" Telex cried.

Sigel's face was hardened. "They're not in the dungeons, they're in the throne room."

"Why?" Kyren asked.

"Vaxon wanted all his hostages near him." Sigel replied.

"We're on our way there, come with us." Kyren said, heading off.

The three men headed down more passageways. Despite the fact that the Magi families hanging out with Vaxon himself was unnerving; having Sigel with them boosted Telex's confidence. Kyren and Telex could probably conquer Castre together, but they could conquer the world with Sigel. If fate existed, it was definitely pushing these three together.

"Hey, this feels like the time we were at war with our nanny!" Telex recollected. "We were running through the passages with wooden swords in our hands and pots on our heads—"

"Shut up Telex, you're being too loud." Sigel interrupted.

Forget it. It was better when it was just him and Kyren...

"We're almost there." Kyren announced in a whisper.

They had left the small hallways and entered a larger one, it was one of the main halls. Telex looked at the empty spaces where guards should've been with confusion.

"Where are all the guards?"

"I called them off."

The three turned to see that Vassti was standing about ten feet behind them.

"Wha-what are you doing here?" Telex stuttered in shock.

Vassti smiled. "I'm answering your question."

"Why did you call off the Nires guards?" Kyren asked darkly.

Vassti stood, still giving them that annoying smile. "This is only a hall that will lead to one of the main entrances to the throne room. So don't take this wrong, you will be fighting Nires who, by the way, know you're coming. I have some opponents for you to defeat before you get in there. It makes things more... interesting."

Two people stood on either side of Vassti. "I hope you'll enjoy this little twist." Vassti's form began to blur. "I know I do."

She disappeared, and they saw that someone had been standing behind her illusion.

"Jaeyria Lightwood Stormblessed." Kyren stated, his voice full of contempt. "You betrayed us."

Telex tried to drag his mouth up from the floor. "So Sigel was right? You're a traitor?"

Sigel stood silently next to them, studying Jaeyria.

Jae walked forward. A tall man on her right and a teen girl on her left. "I'd do anything for Eiri. You all must realize that."

"So Eiridan is in on this to?" Telex gawked.

"No. He's with the hostages." Jae replied.

"So Vaxon found out that you two were shaming and now you're fighting so Eiridan doesn't die?" Telex asked.

Jae scoffed. "Eiridan looks for the good in people, but at least he knows he has to look. You're an idiot Telex, you take for granted that everyone you know is good."

Telex narrowed his eyes at her. "That's not true. I'm just trying to give you the benefit of the doubt. You were on our side!"

"Can't you see that this rebellion is going to fail? Surrender and save your families now. There is no hope for them or you otherwise." Jae reasoned.

"The rebellion is a lost cause, if you have sense, leave it." The girl spoke up.

Jaeyria studied them with determined eyes. "If you want to help people, join me."

"This won't help people, defeating Vaxon will, you know that Jaeyria." Telex pleaded with his eyes.

Her face was hard-set. "Sigel, I'm surprised you're still with them. Weren't you supposed to be a survivor?"

Sigel spoke. "I am a survivor. However, I'm surviving here for a purpose, not because of my own selfish emotional ties."

She laughed at him. "Ha! Emotional ties? You yourself have them, so don't try to bring me down with that."

Telex fumed at the Shadow Sage and Plant Mage. "Hey I'm important!"

"I'm not referring to you." Jae replied coolly.

Telex stared. "There's no one else."

The blonde turned her gaze back to Sigel. "Eiridan tried to save Vala and Chiara, but they were too far gone. You had some healing plants, but there was only enough time to save one of them. You chose Chiara, despite the fact that we have one other light mage and no more fire mages. That was illogical for you to do, yet at the same time, clear to me."

Telex had enough of this gabble, he need some action before he exploded. "Okay, enough talking about crushes, let's finish this!" He raced toward their enemies.

It was Kyren vs. tall guy, Telex vs. teen girl, and Sigel vs. Jaeyria.

"Serrated Sword!" Telex swung it at the girl's head as he charged. She disappeared, and his sword slammed into the ground.

"Vaxon didn't really taken precautions when wiping out the Castre Magi."

Telex whipped around to see the girl was behind him. "Fortunately for him, other countries still have their magic-bearing peoples."

She pulled out a whip and was able to get him full in the face with the end of it. "Prepare yourself to meet your demise at the hands of the Invisible Succubus!"

Telex staggered back, holding his face. The girl had bright pink hair and she stood about 5' 3" tall. She wore a strange suit, similar to the one he'd worn in the Arena. Hers had a zipper in the front, pulled down low to reveal... well, nothing. The girl's chest was flatter than his.

If a woman with some cleavage had worn the suit, she would've looked sexy. On the 'Invisible Succubus', it looked ridiculous. She was obviously trying too hard.

Telex pulled his hand down and tried to plaster a cynical look on the good half of his face. "Invisible might be the only true part. Succubus? You look twelve years old."

He drew a shield just in time to block another blow.

"I'm eighteen! Don't underestimate the power of the wizards from Vindalyai!" The girl screeched.

Telex drew a rune and shot arrows at her. "I thought you might be from there. They do have ridiculous colors to dye your hair with."

"Pink is the color of power!"

Telex dodged another blow. "Then perhaps you should call yourself Princess Pink instead. It would suit you better."

"Well let's hear your name then!" Pinky shouted as she disappeared and reappeared to kick his face.

Telex grabbed her foot and threw her into a wall. "Meet the wrath of—"

Shoot. He didn't have any cool code names.

"Of The Blade!"

"You just made that up, and you've allowed yourself to become distracted." Pinky laughed.


Telex realized that she had teleported herself in different places around him, leaving strands of cord. He was confused until he realized he was trapped in a web of cord, it pulled together and entrapped him. He didn't know how she'd done it, but Pinky had really gotten him.

"Spike Armor!"

The cords tore on the sharp, bulky armor. "Nice try Pinky-Toes."

He was going to make another move when Jaeyria crashed into him. They fell into a metal tangle on the floor.

"Get. Away!" Jae growled, shoving him off.

Telex scrambled out from under her and saw Sigel advancing.

"Hey Sweetheart!" Telex shouted at Pinky. "You get to play with Plant Dude for a while!"

Jae stood and Telex grinned. "Looks like it's you against me."

"I'm not finished with—"

Telex didn't let her finish, he created a spear and jabbed at her with it. "Oh come now, let's dance a little."

Jaeyria gave him a nasty look and a shadow sword and shield appeared in her hands.

Pinky was furious. "You can't just leave our fight like that!"

Telex ignored her. When Telex spotted Sigel, he knew his brother was irritated, but he kept up his fight with Jae. Sigel would understand... hopefully.

Jae narrowed her eyes and shot shadow arrows at him.


A shadow hole appeared beneath him.

"Element-Resistant Wing Armor!"

Jae created a shadow whip and swung it at his legs. Telex avoided the whip and brought out his own. He snapped it, allowing it to spark and crackle.

"What makes you think the Magi will lose?" Telex asked as his whip made contact with Jae's leg.

She cried out in pain and created a shield over her head as she fell. "I'm done talking. I just want to live alone with Eiridan in safety. If you can't understand that, then just shut up and fight."

Telex groaned in pain as one of Jae's throwing daggers caught his shoulder. "I do understand how you feel. I just don't understand your approach."

"Shut up! I'm done talking!"

She attack him with a shadow sword. Furiously, she swung her sword at him as he lowered himself to clash swords.

"What will you do if the Magi win?"

"They won't."

Telex gave her a sad look. "Sorry you feel that way."

He hurled his whip at a bare spot on her arm. Energy zapped Jaeyria into unconsciousness.

"We need to go." Sigel announced as Telex turned away from the woman on the ground.

Tall guy and Pinky had been defeated by Kyren and Sigel. Telex nodded and they set off to halls where the throne entrance would be.

"What happened to Chiara anyway?" Kyren asked.

"She and I split up in the dungeons. We agreed to head for Vaxon if we didn't find the hostages or head out with them." Sigel replied.

"Is it true that you helped save her?" Telex asked.

"That doesn't matter right now, come on." Kyren interfered.

He led the way to hall where the Nires were, Sigel and Telex walked just out of earshot.

"Telex, you do know that I only do what's right for both of us?" Sigel asked.

"Kinda, yeah."

"And you know that Myla's death was part of that?"

Telex sighed. "I disagree, but I've forgiven you."

The words didn't surprise him. Telex already knew he would forgive his brother. "I just want you to trust that I can take care of myself without you killing off allies."


Telex was surprised at that, he'd expected more of a fight. Since it was over and done so quickly, he felt at ease, and attempted to lighten the mood.

"What would happen to team SS anyway? I couldn't go out on my own without the other blade."

Sigel chuckled, much to Telex's glee. "It appears to be SS&K now."

"The Silverblades plus Kyren." Telex mused, then ran up to Kyren. "Hey Kyren! We're the Triple Blades!"

Kyren stared at him for a moment before laughing. "Good grief Telex, we have better things to do than make up team names."

Telex noted that Mr. Moody didn't object to being part of the group. He smiled to himself as he let the new addition sink in. Kyren in place of Verden. Unexpected, but it would probably work.

"Team names are very important. We could make a symbol for ourselves, a triple blade of course. It would be... eh, you can pick the colors and Sigel can create outfits."

"You don't need outfits to be a team, now be quiet we're about to go in." Kyren responded.

Sigel was the one who opened the doors, right after the braced themselves. They weren't attacked when they walked in, but they were surprised.

The double doors stood ahead, and four Nires guards were fighting a woman near them. A small woman with dark brown hair. Two of the Nires noticed the threesome and charged.

"Sigel, help Chiara. Telex, you're with me." Kyren called, creating a black sword.

Sigel headed for Chiara and Telex created a sword. "We need some kind of plan or they're going to kill us."

Kyren didn't have time to respond, the Nires were on them in an instant. They were fast, Telex barely saw their swords moving as he attempted to block. Injuries appeared fast on his body, and there was no chance of going on offence.

Telex was able to get in for a second and slam a spiked boot into his opponent. The Nire guard didn't flinch, just grabbed his foot and threw him across the hall. Kyren was in the same boat, blocking too much to fight.

The Nire he was fighting advanced, but Telex was noticing thing beyond the lizard-man. Sigel had defeated the two Nires guards Chiara had been fighting. His brother now headed for the Nire Kyren was attacking. With a few hand motions, vines wrapped around the Nire and a green mist surrounded the beast's face.

Telex saw it drop before he realized that his own opponent was upon him. Black eyes bore into him as the humanoid slammed him into the wall and pulled its arm back; a dagger in hand. Telex choked as the huge, scaly claws push against his throat. His vision began to fade as the dagger came at his face.

Telex was barely conscious, but he knew that the Nire had released him. Based on the pain that shot through his butt as he landed.

"Are you alright?" The voice belonged to Mordzar.

"What are you doing here?" Telex moaned, groggily clutching his aching head.

"A simple thank you would do." Mordzar sniffed. "The other Magi are here. All of them are fighting Nires, I got out so I headed for Vaxon."

"Oh. Thanks." Telex coughed.

"How did you defeat these Nires?" Mordzar turned to Sigel, Chiara, and Kyren.

"Tiai poison. Humans are immune to it, but Nires are not." Sigel replied. "The fumes killed them."

"Stop jabbering and let's go!" Telex raced to the huge doors. Kyren helped him open them.

They walked in, taking in the scene in silence.

A few Nires guards stood at the base of Vaxon's throne. On Telex's right, Eiridan stood with the Magi families. On the left lay bodies. They were lined up so you could walk over and see their faces.

Vaxon sat on his throne, studying them as they approached. Kyren's whole family stood at the base of the throne, held by Nires.

"Kyren!" Ashyra cried.

Ren, only three, smiled when he saw his father. He held out his arms. "Papa!"

One of the Nires slapped he boys hands down, making him cry in pain. That made Kyren angry. He glared at his father.

"Let them go."

Vaxon's eyes were cold as he stood. "Kyren. Your final chapter is upon you. Are you really going to meet it with arrogance?"

"Let them go. Isn't it enough that you killed your own father and brother? I saw what you did to my uncle." Kyren replied, his voice low with contempt.

"Just as you are no son of mine, what's left of Jahad is only the traitorous shell of what my brother was." Vaxon strolled down the throne steps.

The group came closer, and the face of the bodies were visible. Telex swallow hard, it was horrible. The bodies were stabbed and mangled, the only thing untouched were the faces. Each one filled with frozen pain and fear. Telex froze at two of them.

Two little girls lay among the rest. One had shot red hair, one with curly brown hair. The first had a fierce look plastered on her dead face. The other had tear stains on her death-glazed eyes. Kagami and Hanae.

He had not seen them for three years, but Telex recognized his daughters. Tears stung the back of his eyes.


He turned to see Rika, standing among the living with a small boy in her arms, about three. His son, Raidan. He had never seen his son.

Telex's emotions raged. He felt as if organs had been ripped from his gut when he saw his dead girls. He felt joy when he saw that he had a beautiful son, a boy loved; one who he was seeing for the first time. He also felt angry. He hated Vaxon for killing his daughters and hurting his wife.

Telex felt so sick he retched up his breakfast.

After coughing out the burning sensation his stomach acids left, Telex stood with fiery eyes. "I'm done with your low strikes!"

Telex drew a rune and shot arrows at Vaxon. The king easily deflected them.

"Considering your situation, I'm being quite generous." Vaxon glared at him. "The only reason you're alive now is because of your brother. I would also like to give you a chance to join me."

"Can you get any more stupid?! When will you realize that I will never join you?!" Telex shouted.

Vaxon ignored the yelling. "If you join me, I will let you keep one of your family members alive."

He gestured, and Nires dragged Rika and Raidan next to Ashyra and Ren. "The other one will die, since of course, you must be punished for not joining earlier. I am giving you a choice between them, which is very generous. If you don't surrender, they will both die."

Telex screamed at Vaxon. "They won't if you die first!"

A rune lit up under Telex's feet, and his armor changed. Thick armor with wings, and variable weapons. He sprang into the air, a huge sword in his hands. Sigel called after him, but Telex ignored his brother.

Vaxon created a dark fist and it slammed against Telex, sending him flying into a wall. The warrior rose, furious and satisfied at the same time. Vaxon had looked very smug as he punched Telex, but he now had an irate expression. There was a slit in the cloth on Vaxon's left shoulder, blood could be seen. Tiny, the wound was barely a graze. Yet, Telex had still gotten him.

Telex would've charged Vaxon again, but vines wrapped around his right leg, holding him down.

"Sigel! Let go!" Telex shouted.

Sigel ignored him, and Vaxon studied the silver-haired man. "If you surrender now, I will allow him to live, along with one other person of your choice."

"If I surrender, you must allow Telex and Kyren to take their families to another country. If they live elsewhere, they will never bother you, and I will serve you faithfully for the rest of my life." Sigel negotiated.

Vaxon appeared almost curious. "Kyren's family?"

Sigel nodded solemnly. Kyren was gazing at him with shock.

"You drive a hard bargain. I can only allow that for your brother's family, I'm afraid. As my son, Kyren must stand for his own actions." Vaxon replied.

"You disowned him years ago!" Telex screamed. "You're only saying that so you can kill them!"

Sigel studied Vaxon. "He does have a good point."

Vaxon didn't budge. "My son Kyren betrayed me, so I disowned him. He still needs to pay for his actions."

"Slavery was enough!" Telex shouted, struggling against Sigel's vines. "If you disowned him, we can adopt him! He's our brother now, Sigel can request his life as a brother! It's moral code!"

"Shut up Telex, you're making a fool of yourself." Sigel spoke in the Forbidden Tongue.

Kyren was in shock and Vaxon looked unimpressed.

"He's Kyren Silverblade now and YOU CAN'T KILL HIM!"

By this time, all the captives and the Magi who had gotten in, were staring at him. Some with mouths open, some with disbelief written on their faces at his outburst. Sigel calmly moved his fingers and vines wrapped around Telex's mouth. He couldn't speak at all.

"How touching and dramatic." Vaxon scoffed. "Sigel, choose. This goes for the rest of you as well."

He gestured to the Magi who had made it through. Most were speaking to their families, torn over what to do. Telex could see Rika, tears of pain in her eyes as she looked to him.

Dammit Sigel, let me go, let me finish off this bastard! Element-Resistant Wing Armor!

The vines were sliced as Telex broke free. No one took any notice of him except Rika. He was going to head for Vaxon again when someone entered the throne room. Nassia Asherex.

"Is she dead yet? Can I see her die?" Nassia chirped.

A surprised look crossed over Vaxon's face. "What are you doing here Nassia?"

"I want to see Telex's wife die! She's so annoying! I hate her!" Nassia whined.

Telex wanted to feel rage, wanted to want to kill Nassia. But when he looked at her, he felt pity. He didn't want to kill the brat, it would be pointless in the long run.

Nassia had walked through a back door and now stood on the step above the base of the throne; a few steps down from her father.

For probably the first time, Vaxon looked irritated with his daughter. "Nassia, go to your mother."

"NO! I want to see her die!" Nassia pointed at Rika. "Kill her right now! Telex is mine!"

"You know Nassia. You should just shut up."

Telex was surprised to see that Sigel was speaking up. Nassia was also shocked, and displeased.

"Say what?" Her face turned red and she stormed over to Sigel. A dagger appeared in her hand, dripping with poison. "You dare speak back to me?"

"Nassia." Vaxon growled.

The girl ignored him and to everyone's shock, she walked over and stabbed Rika's abdomen. Telex didn't see where Nassia had gotten the knife, but he did see his wife fall, clutching her stomach.

"Mommy!" Raiden screamed.

Nassia shoved the little boy away and jumped up to Sigel, slamming another dagger into his shoulder. Seconds later, he was kneeling, doubled over in pain.

"That's poison. Hurts doesn't it? You people think you're so great because of these little powers, and yet I can take you down with a dagger."

Nassia laughed as her father stared on in shock. Then she stopped. Her eyes went wide and she looked down at her abdomen.

Sigel had stabbed her with her own dagger.

"Plant poison huh? That's energy for me." Sigel twisted the knife in her gut as he stood. "Know your opponents."

With that, he jerked the knife all the way up to her throat. Blood splashed around the stone floor as she dropped dead.

Vaxon stood with his mouth open for a moment before it closed, his face hardening. "I see, someone who was in your way. If you want to serve me, you must kill Telex or Chiara. Otherwise, they're both dead now."

"Kill him Sigel! Just kill him!" Telex shouted.

Sigel was still for a moment. Then, to Telex's horror, Chiara was stabbed through with a vine.

"NO! Sigel you moron! Kill Vaxon!" Telex shook his head in furious. "Kill Vaxon!"

Telex's vision was blinded by tears, but he could see Sigel going to Vaxon. "Do not dare betray me! Don't do it Sigel!"

He stopped when he saw cut his hand and allow blood to drip into a small wizards bowl Vaxon held. Sigel had turned on him.

Telex turned away, he couldn't stand it. He ran to Rika's side. Kneeing next to her, he pulled her into his arms.

"It's okay Rika." He choked back tears. "I'm here."


Rika Silverblade

When Nassia had stabbed her, shock filled Rika's whole body. She hadn't expected it, along with most of the witnesses. Raidan cried out as she fell, but she couldn't help it. The pain had turned her legs into liquid.

She lay, and watched as her brother-in-law slew her killer. She tried calling to him, but her voice didn't make a sound.

"Sig... el..." She coughed, blood pooling in her mouth.

Telex was screaming, but he sounded a million miles away. "Tel...ex..."

Sounds blurred in Rika's ears, so she watched Sigel's aura. It was full of pain and sorrow, but also determination to keep Telex alive. She watched as he slit his wrist, allowing it to fall into a wizards bowl. The spell of servitude. Once in place, the caster could bend the will of the victim. Sigel knew that, so why... no.

He thinks he's strong enough to resist it. Rika thought mournfully. He's not though, no one is.

She could already see the change in his aura as the spell took place. Blackness eating away the colors. Green light fought back, Sigel's magic power, but it didn't do much good.

Telex appeared over her, and she could hear again. "Rika, it's okay. I'm here."

If he'd said it before, she hadn't heard him. "Telex." She smiled, brushing strands of hair away from his face.

"It's okay, I'm going to heal you and you're going to be okay." Telex nodded.

Rika felt sadness fill her. She could see her own aura paling, she would be dead when it went white. Nothing he could do would heal her.

She reached out and pulled Raidan closer. "Raidan look, it's daddy!"

Raidan looked at Telex, blinked, and looked back at Rika. "Mommy."

She smiled and placed a hand on Raidan's cheek. "Mommy has to go, daddy's going to take care of you."

"Rika don't say that." Telex sniffed, his eyes red.

"Daddy?" Raidan asked.

"Yes." Rika nodded. "You're going to go with daddy."

"Where are you going?" Raidan asked.

"Mommy needs to take care of Mi-Mi and Hanni." Rika smiled.

"When are you coming back?" Raidan pondered.

"When you're old and wrinkly." Rika replied.

"How long is that?"

Rika ran a hand through her son's red hair. "Not too long baby."

Raidan seemed satisfied. "Okay, I'll wait for you with daddy."

Rika laughed. "You be my little man and take good care of daddy."

Raidan obliviously smiled, nodding. "Okay mommy."

Rika felt tears in her own eyes. "Kiss mommy goodbye."

Raidan gave her a sloppy, three-year-old kiss. "Bye-bye mommy."

"Stop it." Telex hissed. "Stop it Rika."

"Don't lie to yourself. You're being a bad example." Rika sighed.

"You're going to be fine." Telex fought.

Rika didn't have time to argue. "Telex, you need to help Sigel. He's under the spell of servitude."

Telex looked angry. "Rika, he turned against us, he's a traitor."

"He's fighting against it."

"That's hard for me to believe."

"It's in his aura. I can see..." She coughed. "There's still good in him, I know..."

"Rika stop talking, you'll make yourself tired."

The pain was completely gone now, and she couldn't see Telex's face. She did see Raidan's aura though, and she smiled as his forehead turned a certain purple.

My little Space Wizard...

She reached for where Telex should've been.

"Save Sigel, you have to Telex... I love... you... and... Raidan."


Telex Silverblade

He could feel her slipping from him, but there was nothing he could do. When Raidan heard his name in her last words, he looked up.

"Bye-bye mommy."

"NO! RIKA!" Telex sobbed. "How could you leave me like that? How could you leave me?"

His small son held Rika's hand, playing fiddling with the ring on her finger.


Telex stood, allowing her body to slip away from him. He scanned the room for Vaxon. He was fighting Kyren.

Telex realized that the Magi families were dead. Magi lay dead on the ground, killed by Vaxon and Sigel. Telex watched in horror as Sigel sliced off Evian Damini's head. Then vines were stabbed into Zentra's body.

The spell of servitude...

"Sigel, I will not let you hurt anyone else!" Telex shouted at his brother. Sigel didn't seem to hear him. His body looked mechanical as it moved and his face was blank.

Telex was going to charge his brother, but Kyren screamed in pain, making him turn.

Vaxon stood about fifteen feet apart from Kyren, they had been fighting, but Kyren was injured. Vaxon had black rune above Kyren and one below him. Kyren's hair was blowing furiously, as if he was in a tornado, and he cried out in pain.

Telex realized what was happening. There were two dark monks were standing on either side of the thrones with their arms outstretched.

A combined spell...

At this point, Vaxon would send a black mass and it would rip Kyren apart. Death was unescapable.


Telex realized that he must have been more absorbed with trying to heal Rika than he thought. He'd missed a lot of action. Ashyra was dead, her heart lay a few feet from her. Rya was dead, her head crushed against the steps. The one who had shouted was Ren. He was trapped in the claws of Nires guards.

Vaxon was forming a black mass in his hands. Kyren fought against the spells but they were too powerful.

Hell no.

Telex ran with newborn strength. He dove in front of Kyren, taking the full force of Vaxon's blow. The pain was nearly unbearable, but the brute force of Telex's anger kept him standing. Black surrounded him, it tried to rip into his soul.

Mathas, if you can hear me, lead me your strength. I might not have been good enough for people in my life, but I need to be better than good enough now. Jahad, Verden, I need help, please lend me your strength.

Telex heard his armor cracking at the force of the spell. "Spell... Resistant... Shield!"

The Spell Resistance Shield was one of the ten shields that only the strongest of the Warrior Sages could write. It took a lot of energy and willpower to bring one up. Not even Jahad was able to pull this stunt off. Even if Telex was able to, he would probably die from exhaustion. He had also used a lot of energy in the battle.

Through squinted eyes, Telex could see that his fingers were forming a strong shield.

It's working!

He could feel energy draining from him into the shield.

The ripping feel vanished as it was sucked into the shield along with the rest of Vaxon's force. Spell Resistance Shields didn't block spells, they pulled the spell into themselves and destroyed it.

There was a sudden wave off force that completely drained him. Then everything stopped. Telex crumpled to his hands and knees, panting. Pain and exhausting producing black spots in front of his eyes. He could hear the silence in the room, until his ears began to loudly ring.

Vaxon strolled over and loomed over Telex, who looked up with a defiant look.

"You—you resisted... and you're—you're still alive... how...." Vaxon's voice was choked with fury. "HOW DID YOU RESIST MY SPELL?"

"Because..." Telex struggled for breath. "I'm a student... of Mathas."

Vaxon screamed in fury. "Sigel! Kill him!"

Sigel still had that vacant expression on his face as he approached. It was as if his body was moving without a soul.

Vaxon glared at Telex. "Meet your end, fool."

Sigel lifted his sword.

Telex lifted his head to look into his brother eyes, it was the only strength he had left. "Sigel! I know you're still in there! I know you can hear me! Snap out of it, you're going to regret this!"

Sigel still didn't hear him, so Telex braced himself.


He was barely able to look at Raidan.

"Don't hurt daddy!" Raidan screamed. He then shouted some indecipherable words and threw his hands at Sigel and Vaxon. Almost as if he could wipe them off the earth by waving at them.

Telex then watched in awe as a huge black hole streaked with rainbow colors appeared in the air. Raidan yelled, and the portal sucked Vaxon and Sigel into it, then disappeared.

The boy stood for a moment, as if shocked at what he'd done. "Daddy..." He dropped to the ground, unconscious.

Raidan was a Space Wizard? The boy had obviously passed out from use of magical energy. But that was impossible, the average age for a child to receive their powers was seven to fifteen. Telex, his brothers, and Kyren were above average, since they had gotten their powers at five. But no one ever heard of a three-year-old wizard.

Telex was too disoriented to think anymore. He fell forward, and sunk into oblivion.


When Telex woke, he was lying on the ground in healing room of the castle. He was lying on a mat with an actual pillow under his head.

His vision was blurred, but a few blinks later, a boy's face appeared. "Daddy wake up?"

Telex felt a weak smile cross his lips. "Yeah, I'm awake."

"Good, you had me worried."


Eiridan smiled at him. "You're enough to give anyone a heart attack. I was amazed when you used the Spell Resistance Shield, and sure you would be dead."

"Have a little faith." Telex croaked. That reminded him of something... "And Kyren?"

"On your left."

Telex looked to see that Kyren was on a mat next to his, sitting cross-legged.

"Good, you're not dead." Telex grinned.

"I thought you were at first, idiot. What did you think you were doing?" Kyren demanded.

"Saving your ass, and let's not make it a habit." Telex chuckled.

"That's a bad word." Raidan scolded.

That made Kyren and Telex laugh.

"Well it looks like you're wife's scolding will never leave you anyway." Kyren smiled then grew serious. "I'm sorry about that by the way."

"Same for Ashrya. I really thought we would be able to save them." Telex sighed.

"We tried. And we still have our boys."

"Looky, looky, Kyren's trying to be positive." Telex grinned, then turned to Eiridan. "And I'm sorry about Jaeyria! She went psycho on us so I had to knock her out."

Eiridan sighed. "It's fine, I probably would've if I knew what she was up to. She really thought it would be helping us."

"Has she seen sense?"

"Grudgingly, yes. She has kept to herself mostly." Eiridan looked sad.

"But she's not dead. Keep to the positive." Telex coughed.

"How many Magi are left?" Kyren asked.

Eiridan sighed. "Ten. Six died today, plus Chiara and maybe Sigel."

"What happened anyway?" Telex asked.

Eiridan answered him. "As you've probably guessed. Raidan here is a Space Wizard. He created a time portal and sent Vaxon and Sigel into it."

"What does that mean?" Kyren asked.

"It means that Vaxon could be anywhere right now, in the past or the future of this world or another one. He could be in any world in any place. Raidan doesn't know what he did, so I don't know where exactly Vaxon is right now. But, he will be back sometime today or tomorrow." Eiridan replied.

"How do you know that?" Telex asked.

"I did make out part of the spell Raidan said, and as a wizard myself, I came to the conclusion that's it's a circular spell. Meaning, he will be back, both of them will if Sigel is still alive. Considering how young Raidan is, the spell cannot be strong enough to keep them out their longer than 24-48 hours. But I hope they come back soon, who knows what kind of harm Vaxon could create in another time or world. Especially with Sigel under the spell of servitude." Eiridan ranked his hands through his hair.

"What's going on now?" Kyren asked, Ren sitting in his lap.

"Vassti is in custody. The Nires guard and dark monks fled the castle when Vaxon disappeared. The army surrendered but ours is still fighting those iron dragons. The battle isn't over until those are gone. They were being energized by the Demon Star spell, one of the spells of Algol. Someone destroyed the energy room, this allowed us to bring down two despite the energy they still had. One is still running, and wiping out hundreds in the army. We don't have enough force to bring it down. They only way to destroy it would to be to perform a combined spell with the ten remaining Magi— but neither of you are up to that."

Telex and Kyren exchanged glances and a knowing smile.

"I don't know about Pointy Ears here, but I'm all revved up." Kyren kissed Ren's head and stood.

"Hey Scar Face, gimme a hand." Telex commanded holding out a hand.

"Neither of you have any energy!" Eiridan protest, waving his hands in distress.

"Maybe not." Kyren replied, limping out the door. "But inside, we're all fired up."

Telex grinned and headed after his friend, the boys and Eiridan in pursuit.


"Listen up!" Telex announced, (Kyren had insisted that Telex make the inspiring speech since he'd already made one that morning). "We need to create a combined spell to get rid of that dragon over there and win this! There's one piece of metal between us and victory—"

"And what if Vaxon comes back? What then?" Someone asked.

"When Vaxon comes back, we'll be waiting for him. When he comes back, he'll find that he is no longer king." Telex replied, hoping that sounded inspiring.

"Who will be the next ruler?" Someone else asked.

Telex gave his fellow Magi an annoyed look. "Can we please stick to the present? It's more important at the moment."

They didn't ask any more questions, so Telex continued.

"We are going to bring down that dragon, and when Vaxon comes back, all of us will beat him! We will honor the memory of the brave Magi who died today. Evian Damini, Lilja Svana, Zentra Oromis, who have been presumed dead. And those who died in battle, Chiara Gonzolas, Leo Maverdon, Lydora Steele, and Aswake Coveni. We will not forget them, we will finish this for them."

The Magi gave a weak cheer.

"And we're going to do this because we are students of Mathas's, and we are strong enough!" Telex added.

This brought a louder cheer, and they started to head for the place where the combined spell would take place.

"Good job." Kyren slapped Telex on the shoulder.

"You too Kyren." Telex grinned.

Kyren snickered. "Kyren Silverblade. Ha-ha, you can be so nuts sometimes."

"I try." Telex and Kyren got into position.

They all linked their hands and outstretched them towards the iron dragon. Runes linked together along with other powers.

"Union Raid!" Eiridan shouted, and the Magi put all their might into one huge blow. Telex put all of his energy into it, remembering how small Leo and Lydora were, they hadn't deserved to die. Aswake, who'd bravely killed two Nires before falling to the hands of a third. Evian, Lilja, and Zentra had bailed out on them, but had been fierce warriors in the Arena. Chiara, always sweet. Kyren's family, Rika and the girls, Sigel; he thought of all of them as he drained his energy into the blow.

Telex crossed his weak fingers as the bolt of energy slammed into the iron beast. It didn't seem to do anything at first, but then the whole thing crashed down. He would've leapt for joy if he had any energy left.

The Magi plopped down weakly and gave a cheer of victory.

For now, they had won.

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