Male Spot 7: Metal Mage Mordzar Malthus

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Name: Mordzar Malthus


Reservation number:7

Age: 18 now, but 8 during the war.

Appearance: His height is 5'7, he also has pale skin and unkempt black hair. He has a pair of blue eyes that show brightly during the night. However, when he uses his magic, his eyes turn a dull metallic shade of blue.

Personality: He tends to be very brash and arrogant. He is always so full of himself that he tends to underestimate others. Mathas had warned him that this will be his downfall one day if he becomes too careless.

Where in Castre they are from: Mordzar hails from Komesen, Elloyn.

Background: He was living in a very prestigious family in the capitol city of Castre. Only the wealthiest families could live in the center of Komesen and his family was part of the 5 % that could. His mother and father were both alchemists working for the Capitol before it was stormed by Vaxon and his army. His family had immediately declared allegiance to the new king to save themselves from the brutal retribution that was happening against the citizens which was accepted. However, they had a secret: Mordzar was secretly being trained by Mathas as a mage of metal! After Mathas was executed they secretly hoped that Mordzar would use his newly learned magic and lead a rebellion against Vaxon and the invaders.

Magic: Metal Mage

Weapon he would use if necessary: He has a blue-bladed scythe he would use as a last resort.

Greatest fear: Seeing himself lose to someone he would deem lesser than him.

Deepest secret: Though he may not show it, he really cares about his fellow mages and would do anything to protect them, but he thinks showing affection is a form of weakness.

Strengths: He is really quick with enchantments due to him having a strong memory. Also he is adept in basic martial arts.

Weakness: His arrogance can cause him to miscalculate an opponent thereby causing him to lower his guard at the worse time. He has sensitive hearing as well as the slightest screeching noise can give him a big headache.

Family Members: His mother Dawna and his father Oligarth. Also, an older sister Myra.

Favorite mythical creature: An ice dragon with glowing blue eyes since he feels it is majestic and has the same eyes and personality as him.

Vaxon Asherex: "I remember your family well, Mordzar. I promise you this: you will die a death deserving of a traitor, and after I make your family watch you dead, they will be next."

Kyren Asherex: "Mordzar, huh? I remember you quite well. I've always wanted to fight you to see what you've got. Now, we'll finally get a chance. You might actually be able to beat me. I'll give you a good death, though, so no worries. See you in the arena."

Vassti Asherex: "I have nothing to say to a traitor such as yourself. Although, I must admire your deception."

Nassia Asherex: "Oooh, another handsome one! I've always wanted to meet a meet a Mage Mage! I'll be looking forward to seeing you work your magic in the arena! Hehe."

Jahad Asherex: "I remember you and your family. You have powerful magic at your disposal. Use it. But take the advice of your former master: don't allow arrogance to become a weakness."

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