Male Spot 8: Lightning Mage Kalix Leanour

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Name: Kalix Leanour

Gender: Male

Reservation Number: 8

Age: 12 when the war started, 22 presently

Appearance: Simply put, Kalix is very handsome. He's tall, with dark brown hair that falls into his eyes. Similar to his sister, Kalix also has dark brown eyes, although his are a lighter shade than hers. He has a lean build, but is muscular with long limbs which give the impression that he's more intimidating than he really is.
Personality: Kalix is much less straightforward than his sister, Vala, is. He likes to stand back and let others shine, but once they fall he's quick to take their spotlight. He is fast to judge people and very proud. He does have a liking to the dramatic, he enjoys making people underestimate him and then show them up. Despite this manipulative tendancy, Kalix is a kind enough person, if he respects and cares about you.

He grew up being a big brother and so has protective insticts towards his sister and other girls. He's very intelligent and every word he says is carefully chosen. He rarely outright lies, but enjoys lies of ommision and using circular logic to confuse people.

Where in Castre they lived/are from: He was born in Odera but traveled around Castre after he turned 12

Background: Kalix grew up in Odera with his sister, Vala, and his parents. His father was a well-known carpenter, responsible for constructing many of the buildings in Odera. Kalix spent most of his childhood reading whatever he could get his hands on and occasionally helping his father out in his work. Then the war started when he was twelve, and his parents left Odera hoping to find somewhere safe for their children.

Once his parents realized that Vaxon was trying to kill all the Magi, they ran to Milvake, where they knew Mathas' college for Magi was. They left Vala and Kalix at the college in hope that Mathas would take them in, and so Kalix spent the next 10 years traveling and training.

Magic: Mage- lightning

Weapon they would use if necessary: A bow and arrow

Greatest fear: He's scared of being a nobody, knowing that everyone dismisses him in favor of his sister or someone more charasmatic. He's also scared of losing his sister and watching her die.

Deepest Secret: He's jealous of how free and outgoing his sister is

Strengths: Kalix is extremely intelligent, and knows exactly what to say to people. He's quick on his feet and can do whatever he thinks necessary to protect people he cares about, even if he has to kill someone to do so.

Weaknesses: Kalix is insecure about his standing compared to others, especially the other Magi. He is prone to being decieved by people who remind him of his sister, and isn't a very fast runner.

Family Members: His sister Vala Leanour. His parents Loxia and Vaci.

Favorite Mythical Creature: Griffons

Vaxon Asherex: "Protecting your sister will only get you killed. It will help you do what is necesary for awhile, but eventually one of you will have to die. I'll make sure of it."

Kyren Asherex: "Ah, protective older brother type, huh? As an older brother myself, I can understand, even though mine is a demon. Let's hope that your protectiveness won't make you soft. I look forward to fighting you."

Vassti Asherex: "Liar by omission? You are quite the interesting young mage. If you keep that up, I just might have to watch you closely."

Nassia Asherex: "Ahhh, you're my type. You're handsome, quiet, mysterious and interesting. Plus, I wouldn't mind having you around to protect me... hehe."

Jahad Asherex: "I admire your determination to protect your sister. As I told her, work closely together, using both of your strengths. Balance out each others' weaknesses, and use your magical abilities. You have a fair chance in the arena."

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