Tribute Form

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Here is the form that you fill out after you reserve a tribute. You will send all forms (as well as entries) to [email protected]

Name: Here is your tribute's name. Please list pronunciation if necessary. Remember this is fantasy, so no typical boring names like Bob. I know you all can do better than that

Gender: Please list the gender that you reserved

List their reservation number: This is the spot number that you reserved. 

Age: From 12 to 30. Remember to subtract ten years and that's how old they were during the war and when Vaxon took over Castre. Also, remember to make them all various ages and be realistic about what happened and how old they were when it did. 

Appearance: Please use full sentences and be as descriptive and vivid as possible

Link to picture: Make sure it is either .jpg or .png. Nothing else works on Wattpad 

Personality: Who is your character? How do they act?

Where in Castre they lived/are from: Please refer to the chapter section about Castre for this. Remember that where they lived will affect a little about their background. Also, realistically, they could have, and probably did travel so feel free to include that in here. 

Background: Be as specific as possible, but also remember that I love twists and mysteries. Make them unique, but not cliche. Get creative! This is a world of fantasy and magic, so use your imaginations! Their history can be anything, but they had to have trained with Mathas. Once Vaxon took over Castre, they fled with Mathas and traveled across the land, training with him until he was captured and executed. Please refer to the introductions and rules if you have questions about this part. 

Magic: Please list the magic that you reserved, include Mage, Sage, or Wizard. Please refer to the Magic section if you have questions

Weapon they would use if necessary: this can be anything, or nothing. Entirely up to you

Greatest fear: Please make it realistic and interesting. One fear about an object, thing or idea, and then another about a creature or person

Deepest secret: Tell us something no one else knows about them

Strengths: Only list three. This is internal strengths, as well as physical

Weaknesses: Please list at least three. This is internal, as well as physical 

Family members: List any that apply. Father, mother, sibling, cousin, uncle, aunt, grandmother or grandfather, as well as friends and loved ones. 

Favorite mythical creature: Again, get creative. This can be a mythical creature from any book, legend or movie, or you can make up your own. If you that, please describe it in detail. 

Other: There is more than one word that goes here, and it makes a phrase, which I call the hidden code. Those who list the completed code will get an extra five points added to their score on the sponsorship round. 

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