4: Slaver Female: Sul-Juuk Porhn

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Name: Sul-Juuk Porhn (Sool Jook Pown) A/N "Pornh" is an actual Cambodian last name and has nothing to do with porn.

Age: 31

Profession: Slaver

Race: Cathar

Appearance: Sul-Juuk is around 5'3" with a curvy hourglass figure. She is stronger than a regular human by genetics, but her athleticism has toned those muscles – especially in her legs. She has a heart-shaped face like a human, but with feline features such as a long, slanted nose, thin lips, and furry ears on the top of her head (A/N I was unable to draw this feature in the picture. My skill is just not good enough L). She has luminescent green eyes framed by natural line and spot markings. Her entire body is covered in a fine layer of fur with heavier fur on her head and limb joints. Her fur is generally a golden bronze color where thicker hair may be darker and have an auburn tint. Sul-Juuk keeps her hair very short around her head. It grows down the sides of her face like side-burns and down the nape of her neck. They don't show because of the boots she often wears, but she has talons in her feet as well as sharp claws in her fingers. She walks with grace and runs with great agility – an ability mastered as only a Cathar could. Despite her prominent features and determined aura, she slips into the shadows when she can.

Personality: Sul-Juuk has an uncanny ability to display many different emotions at once. This confuses others and tends to gain her more respect. She generally comes off as cold, tough, and powerful. And while she is those things, she hardly feels them in the moments she seems to. In her line of work, a calloused heart is crucial to staying sane and she fits the bill. Years of trauma taught her how to turn off her heart at will. When she turns it back on, she cares quite freely. Her way of loving and caring is strange. It's rather quirky and condescending. The only person to know this side of Sul-Juuk is her daughter, Kim-Ny.

Planet They Were Born: Cathar

Any planets you live now or have visited frequently: Sul-Juuk travels to many different planets for capturing slaves, but she works for the main slavers in Zygerria where she lives.

Weapon of Choice: Her main weapon is a heavy blaster pistol, but she also carries a hold-out blaster. In her old Nemodian Shuttle, she carries other devices such as a line thrower.

Greatest Temptation: Sul-Juuk often fights her compassion for slaves – after all, she was one once. Also the fact that her mixed daughter is a growing interest in the eyes of her slaver employers worries her. She would die before she'd let anything happened to Kim-Ny.

Life Goal: She is mostly just trying to live her life with her daughter in comfort. One day she hopes to find some other way to live; free of the eyes that sometimes wish to put her back in chains.

Background: Sul-Juuk was one of the few natives on Cathar of the slowly growing Cathar population. Even though it had been thousands of years since the Battle of Cathar, the species was stunted in its growth. Where once Cathar were renowned Jedi, their only connection to higher living was the pull of the dark side into becoming Sith. As a teenager her home was ravaged by invaders and she was taken to be a slave. She was sold in Zygerria where she ended up in the hands of a master who used his female slaves for special pleasures. At the age of 24 she was impregnated. Desperate to liberate her child from the future of slavery, she secretly made a deal with some rich slavers who came to trade with her master: if she murdered her master and delivered the other slaves to them, they would hire her as a free woman. She followed through and she has worked for them since. One of the slaves she captured was a Zabrak named Kiernan. Multiple times he has escaped her and his masters. He is the most troublesome slave she's ever known and has made it a hobby to be the one to hunt him down every time he escapes. Now, one of the important aristocrats in the Empire has asked for a male slave and Sul-Juuk knows who she's retrieving: Kiernan. With a little bit of cleverness and strength, she caught him again. Little did she know, they were walking into a trap... with a panther cub and her daughter. (A/N IT'S A TRAAP!)

Side Character: Kim-Ny is her six year old daughter. She's bubbly and happy most of the time. She's very determined in the things she does and loves to train with her mother. Kim-Ny is always looking for something to do and one day she decided she would stowaway on Sul-Juuk's ship and follow her while she captured slaves. Unfortunately, this was the time that they were captured by the Emperor.

Loved Ones: There is no one but Kim-Ny.

Agruss: "Heh... You... You just might be someone I would love to have as mine... If not you, then perhaps your daughter."

Dasram: "Your morals hold you back, Cather-wench. For that reason, you will perish quickly."

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