5. Slave Male: Kiernan Caleth

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This character was made by Several7s

Name: Kiernan Caleth

Age: 22

Profession: Slave

Race: Zabrak

Appearance: He's almost six feet tall, with red skin and striking violet eyes. His hair is black, but he was forced to shave it and keep it that way when his first master bought him. Years of slavery have given him strong muscles and a blank, emotionless expression. However, if you look into his eyes, you can usually see a longing there.

Side Character: The last time he ran away he managed to stay free for a little over a year and spent some time living on Lothal. While there, a loth-cat found him and decided she liked him. He quickly grew accustomed to her following him around and named her Kazumi. They became nearly inseparable after that and she hasn't left his side since. She looks like any other loth-cat, with a pale orange coat, and the typical black markings, long ears, and wide, sharp-toothed grin. However, Kiernan has always thought her behavior strange, since most loth-cats take a lot longer to warm up to you and she just decided she trusted him right then and there.

Loved Ones: The only person he left outside of the arena was a young human slave girl named Alani. He took her with him when he ran away and they stuck together after that. He acted as a big brother to her, and when the slavers came for them, he allowed himself to be captured to allow her to remain free.

Background: Kiernan was fifteen and his sister twelve when their mom died and their dad left. It wasn't long after that the slavers came. They two of them were separated and Kiernan watched helplessly as his sister was taken by the slavers to be sold. He spent a year searching for here on slaver ships and used that time to learn to how to steal and defend himself. He was caught soon after he turned sixteen, however, and sold off. His first owner was a man living on Anoth. He spent most of his time working in fields and harvesting or planting things. That didn't last more than a couple of years, though, and he was sold off again when his owner's son pushed a couple of the wrong buttons and he beat the man's son up for it. After that, he was sold off to another owner, this time on the planet of Shadda-Bi Boran. He didn't stay long before he escaped and traveled the galaxy to avoid being recaptured. This eventually failed and a slaver named Sul-Juuk captured him again. This started a routine in which she would sell him to another owner, he would escape, and she would find him again and restart everything.

Personality: He is kind and loving, but he is also very capable of being harsh and making sure things get done. He's very capable of leading, although he doesn't really realize it. Although a lot of slaves end up beaten down and dejected after years of slavery, he was one of the slaves who didn't ever stop hoping for freedom. He never let himself believe that his life was worthless either, knowing that if he ever found his sister, he wouldn't be able to help her learn to place value on her life unless he placed value on his own. He stayed selfless despite the incredible amount of greed surrounding him, but he never lost the tiny part of him that is both greedy and determined to hate everyone and everything. He hides that side well, but sometimes caging the beast isn't wise, and he had to learn to control it better after he got in trouble with his first master.

Planet they were born: Iridonia

Any planets you live now or have visited frequently: Anoth, Shadda-Bi Boran, Lothal, and he was living on Zenoma Sekot when he was last recaptured. There were many more because of how often he traveled, but these are the ones that he stayed on the longest.

Weapon of Choice: He made sure he could use a variety of weapons during his year of freedom, but as a slave, he doesn't have much of an ability to bring his own weapons anywhere, although he's incredibly good at hiding things he wants to keep on his person. But since he doesn't own his own weapons, his weapon of choice is generally other people's weapons, since he's also good at stealing when the need arises.

Greatest Temptation: To just and give in and stop hoping. He thought about it many times, and sometimes the temptation to just give up is so great that he has to remind himself of what he has to live for.

Life Goal: His goal is to find his sister and save her from a life of slavery. After that, he just wants to settle down and live out his life in peace.

Dasram: "It's shameful to see one of my own kind fallen to such a thing as humiliating as slavery."

Agruss: "I would have tortured the free spirit out of you years ago, had you been mine, boy. Your slavers don't know what they're doing. I see potiential in you, though. Perhaps if you win, I'll teach you your place."

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