6: Slave Female: Zillah

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Character made by: ariel_paiement1

Name: Zillah (Zee-lah)

Age: 19

Profession: Slave

Race: Zabrak

Appearance: Zillah has long, curly black hair that falls to her waist. It's very thick, so she typically braids it or just leaves it alone to curl as it will. She has dark red skin with black tattoos covering the majority of her face and some of her neck, which is typical of the Zabrak race. She rarely wears makeup or jewelry even when it's gifted to her by various masters or those her masters sold her to for a night. Her clothing varies widely depending on who owns her and what their preferences are. Zillah is average height, but very slender. Despite the deceptive appearances, a life of work and hardship has made her strong. However, she certainly looks very frail. The one thing that tips off non-Force users that she's far from frail is the angry blaze in her spitting green eyes. That and the sarcastic attitude that pushes everyone away. Her smile is rare, but when she gives it, you know you've done something really special. Most of the time she has a blank expression or an annoyed one because either is safer than showing what she really feels.
Personality: Zillah is a very emotional person; it's probably the most fragile part of her. However, she recognized this as a weakness early on, and she does everything she can to destroy that side of her. Instead of embracing her emotions, she buries them in favor of rationality and logic. Sadly, this makes her unsure how to deal with emotions that are too strong for her to destroy or bury. When faced with this, she usually becomes sarcastic or tries to eliminate the person or thing causing the emotion. As a slave, she rarely had the option to do either, so she simply imploded in a firestorm of guilt and despair over the perceived lack of self-control. When pushed far enough, she will kill. But it's mostly out of fear, not anger. Deep down, she wants desperately to be loved and treated like a person instead of like a slave with no rights or feelings. She craves the acceptance, but if someone refuses to give it, she won't bother trying to get it.
Zillah has a very fatalistic attitude. She tends to feel there's no choice on her end, so she just has to put up with it. The only points where she ever fought back were when masters or others tried to force her into their beds. She hated herself every moment for being too weak to stop that, but otherwise she just accepted the abuse, believing that it was her lot and what she really deserved.

A lot of this self-incrimination comes out as anger directed toward others. She often blows up at others for small things that were never intended to be hurtful or even offensive. It makes it tough to put up with her, and a lot of patience with even more love is necessary to help her. Most people won't give it, so Zillah is a loner because other slaves didn't want to get involved.

Planet where they were born: Iridonia

Any planets you live on now or have visited frequently: She hasn't got a stable home or frequently visited planet. As a slave, she goes wherever her owners take her.

Weapon of choice: Her wit. Zillah hasn't really been trained to use many weapons. Yuurei trained her with non-Force related weapons before she ran, however, so she can use either a heavy blaster pistol, knife, or a blaster pistol with varying degrees of success and accuracy.

Greatest temptation: Zillah's greatest temptation is to give in to the desire to give up and shatter mentally, emotionally, and physically.

Life goal: Freedom. It's all that she cares about right now.

Background: Zillah was the daughter of a Jedi woman who quit the Jedi Order years earlier to marry. The man she married was originally a bounty hunter, but he got into an accident that injured him. After that, he became bitter and turned to alcohol or drugs for solace. Zillah and her older brother grew up with their father constantly out of work and high. Their mother found work, but when Zillah was ten, her mother developed a chronic illness. The ailment eventually claimed her life when Zillah was twelve. Their father abandoned her and her older brother after that.

For a time, Zillah's older brother cared for her. But life on the streets was harsh, and in a raid by slavers, Zillah was taken. She never found out if her brother was caught or not. She didn't even know if he survived it. From then on, the cycle of being sold from one master to another began. Some were indifferent. Some were nice enough. Most were cruel masters who pushed her past her limitations. Many abused her and allowed friends, business partners, and guests to do so as well.

She began to seriously injure or kill anyone who tried to go beyond beatings, and that landed her back with slavers multiple times. By the time she was two months from her nineteenth birthday, she was on Tattoine and looking at execution in a month if the slaver who had her couldn't sell her. And the slaver wanted her dead. He seemed to have some morals, and he didn't want to sell a murderous, rebellious slave to some poor, unwitting customer.That was when Yuurei came along like some kind of knight in shining armor. Except that he was Sith. And he wanted to train her in the Force. After finally persuading the slaver to sell Zillah to him, he drags her along with him as he tries to stay under the Empire's radar. Zillah only wants her freedom, but he won't grant it. He tries to train her as they flee from planet to planet in the Outer Rim, but Zillah can't do it. She's terrified of the Force because a few of her former masters had been trained in it and used it to hurt her. So no matter how hard she tries to learn so that she can use it to escape, she can't. Yuurei tries to help her get past her fear, but she won't tell him why she's so terrified of it, and so he can't help.

Finally, she finds the opportunity to run. As soon as she has it, she takes off, intending to try to find the remaining Jedi. She's heard rumors about their location, so she searches for them and any small pockets of rebels that have formed, hoping that they'll take her in and hide her from Yuurei. She knows he'll come after her, and she knows the Jedi are the only ones with any chance against a Sith Lord.

Unfortunately, this gets her caught up in the scheming of Darth Sidious, and she finds herself thrown into an arena with the same man she tried to escape and nowhere to run.

Side character:
She has an anooba that Yuurei gave her one day to be a companion. He saw her looking at them in the market on Tattoine and bought her one. It’s the first thing she’s ever owned, so she cherishes it greatly and brought it along. 

Loved ones: She hopes her brother is still out there somewhere, but she's sure he's dead if he hasn't joined the rebels already like he always said he would. So no, she has no one outside the arena.

Kaladin: "Ahh, yes. I sense the Dark Side in you, young one. Not quite my favorite for gambling and yet... there is a slight vicious nature about you that has potential. Too sad you will probably die soon."

Agruss: "Harumph! You're beautiful... one I would most enjoy as my slave...."

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