7. Trader Male: Mayek Doe

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This character was made by ZSB2000

Name: Mayek Doe (MAI-ehk DOH)

Age: 34

Profession: Trader

Race: Human

Appearance: Mayek is a tall man at 6' 3" with a thin build and long face. He has long, wavy hair that is such a dark brown it's almost black. His darker skin is not only genetic, but also earned from the time he spends on the sunnier planets trading with favorite merchants. His light, intense hazel eyes stand out from his bronze skin tone, often catching a second look from strangers. He doesn't shave nearly as much as he should, always looking scruffy and a bit unkempt. However, it adds to the charm of his rugged handsomeness. Despite most of him being lean, he has wide shoulders and toned muscles. Mayek has a few scars he's accumulated over the years, but the one that haunts him the most is the one that runs straight down his back from the nape of his neck, between his shoulder blades, and to the small of his back. He always wears a necklace made of leather and one colorful stone. He likes to dress lightly since he travels to warmer planets, but can't seem to stop wearing black. His friends always joke about how he'd rather wear nothing but a loincloth than put on a white shirt and pants. But his brother knows why. Mayek is very animated when he speaks. His good looks and hand gestures appeal to people, as well as the way he seems to saunter everywhere with ease of confidence.

Personality: Mayek lives and breathes for his work. He runs off the charm he's built up over the years to woo merchants and buyers. He's very sociable on the job and is always a helping hand. However, when he's with close friends or his brother, he becomes rather reserved. When he's alone, you might catch him staring into the distance with glassy eyes and a look of someone who is older beyond their years. On first impression, you might think Mayek was without a care in the universe who only lives to enjoy materialistic pleasures. In reality, he carries the weight of the worlds on his shoulders and places little value in things. Thing are things that merely pass from one hand to another. This is what he observes in his trade. Things are fleeting. Mayek's brother often tells him he is too kind for his own good. He impulsively helps those in need, and wouldn't bat an eye at risking his life to save another. On more than one account, Mayek has had to leave an animal he saved and or nursed back to health because his brother refuses to bring animals on their ship unless they are cargo.

Planet they were born: Dantooine

Any planets you live now or visit frequently: Mayek and his brother travel to several planets on the Inner Rim out of personal preference. Favorite planets include, Jakku, Onderon, Bastatha, and Gorse. Some favorite Outer Rim planets are Dantooine (their home world) and Tatooine.

Weapon of choice: A regular blaster will do, but Mayek and his brother each have slugthrower rifles, plus one neutral inhibitor they keep safe for special occasions.

Greatest Temptation: His greatest temptation is to find his children. However, he knows that if he tries, that slaver bastard will kill them.

Life Goal: To find his children and make up to them what mistakes he made.

Backstory: Mayek and his brother, Defik, were orphans on Dantooine. They were both innovative and clever, finding ways to avoid authorities and orphanages. As teenagers they were taken in by a trader who took pity on them and put their wit to good use. He taught them the trade of the markets around the galaxy and soon the brothers were experts. When the boys came of age, they took off with their ambitions, their credits, and determination to start trading themselves. They were able to find a ship and work their way to profit, always known as the "Dough Brothers". When Mayek was on a planet legalized in slavery, he saved the life of a Cathar slave who was being beaten. Not only did he save her life, but he also stole and freed her. Her name was Nim-Co El. They fell in love and married, yet had to constantly be on the run from Nim-Co's master. In doing so, Mayek abandoned his brother with only a note instructing Defik not to search for him. Nim-Co and Mayek had one daughter and made a living off smuggling, as they had to smuggle themselves anyway. When Nim-Co was pregnant with another child, Mayek made a mistake and they were captured by Nim-Co's master. He was cruel and sadistic, a mastermind in the art of manipulation. He made Nim-Co believe that Mayek had betrayed her and purposely led them into the hands of her slaver. All the while feeding lies to Nim-Co, he let her seek her revenge for Mayek. He let her mutilate him in any way she wanted. She took her clawed finger and made a long, deep cut down his back. That was the only physical torture done to him under the master. He told Mayek he wanted that one gash to eat him inside out. He wanted him to feel only the pain of betrayal and hate. After Nim-Co gave birth to their second child, the master murdered Nim-Co before his eyes. Mayek was only allowed one look at his newborn son before the master took him away with a promise: he would use Mayek's children as toys; pleasures of torture. And if Mayek ever came looking for them, he would kill them. Mayek was abandoned on a random planet in the Inner Rim. He was without hope and scarred – his body and his heart. A merchant pitied him enough to give the broken man a job. Some months later, a man came to trade with the merchant. It was Defik. The brothers were reunited and started working together again. Defik was almost the same as he was before, but Mayek was different. Still, their bond strengthened as they shared what happened to them in the last years. Defik is the only one who knows what happened to Mayek. Mayek and Defik were on their trade route when they ended up in the wrong spot at the wrong time. Disputes and angry accusations were made to which the brothers were arrested for violent acts against Imperial officers and illegal interference in the trading affairs of some slavers. They are now in the custody of the Empire, awaiting their fate.

Side Character: Mayek's brother, Defik (DEH-fik). He's two years younger than Mayek, but grew a beard to look older. In everything the brothers did together, Defik was always the go-getter. Mayek was the support who helped everything they did together succeed. When Mayek left Defik for Nim-Co, it left a hole in his heart. Defik had only himself now to make his way in the wide galaxy that was soon to be controlled by a harsh Empire. He was only twenty years old with a ship and dreams that seemed bleak without the only family he had. He set out to achieve them, however, determined to be best. Defik got back on his feet and created his own life through trading. He made a good living, and travelled the galaxy. He even found a better ship, a crew, and a personalized trade route. In his later twenties, he hired a quirky mechanic and has been secretly sweet on her since. His life changed again when he met a regular merchant... and his brother. Skinny, quiet, and a certain dead glint in his eyes, Mayek looked almost nothing like he had before. But this time, Defik wasn't going to let his brother go. Mayek rejoined his brother in the trading business and things only went up from there – including their sales. Defik loves his brother dearly, but still has trouble forgiving him for leaving. He often uses the fact to guilt-trip Mayek into doing a favor. He looks up to Mayek and his innate charm. Defik wishes he could have the skill to charm his buyers, but he just isn't as at ease as Mayek. Something Defik doesn't realize he does have is a knock-out smile.


Loved Ones: Defik, his daughter, Adda-Suu, and his son whom must go by a different name, but Mayek personally named him Juuth-Ik.

Dasram: "You are a strong one. You might actually have somewhat of a chance at surviving. We shall see."

Kaladin: "Your tragic past makes you the perfect choice... I might sway you to our side sooner rather than later..."

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