Meet the Gamemakers: Kaladin

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Name: Kaladin

Age: 24

Profession: Inquisitor (His profession is unusual).

Race: Rattataki

Appearance: Kaladin has a pale white face with bright, piercing silver eyes. Typical to rattataki, his head is bald, and he has black markings around his face. His markings in particular snake around the right side of his face, extending out like a spider web.

Planet they were born: Rattatak

Any planets you live now or have visited frequently: Coruscant, Rattatak, Mustafar, Kashyyk, Naboo. Those are just the ones he remembers.

Weapon of choice: Inquisitors double-bladed, spinning hilt lightsaber


Background: Kaladin grew up on Rattatak, where the Rattataki have carved out a violent way of life. He started off from the age of three learning to fight in gladiatorial combat. Vader soon came searching for the most violent, which Kaladin qualified for at the age of seventeen. Ever since then, Vader trained him in the Dark Side of the Force, along with several others from other planets, to be his Inquisitors. Their job: to hunt down the remaining Jedi. While training, Kaladin traveled widely to kill any hiding Jedi along with any Force-sensitive children.

Side character: A vornskr named Fang. Vornskrs are vicious canine species that have the ability to hunt using the Force, making them perfect Jedi hunters and killers.

Tributes he will sponsor: Kaladin will sponsor one tribute, the most vicious, violent and brutal he can find. Only someone who has a chance of fighting him would be worthy in his eyes.

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