Meet the Gamemakers: Missu Dannari

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Name: Missu Dannarri

Age: 29

Profession: Inquisitor (Her profession is unusual).

Race: Nautolan

Appearance: Missu is white skinned, which is rare but not impossible for Nautolans. Her head is littered with tentacles and she has gills to equip her for breathing underwater, typical to her race. She has black markings on her skin, though it is unknown what they are from.

Planet they were born: Glee Anselm

Any planets you live now or have visited frequently: Coruscant, Mustafar, Ansion, Alderaan

Weapon of choice: Inquisitors double-bladed, spinning hilt lightsaber

Background: Unlike Kaladin and the other Inquisitors, Missu didn't train under Vader. Her master was Darth Alterscian, a renegade Sith who had hidden away from Sidious for many years. Like all Sith Masters, he was brutal and cruel, often using Missu in his dark side alchemy and experiments, resulting in her insanity. When it came time for her to surpass her master, she defeated him in a lightsaber duel, but instead of killing him, she left him alive. For years, she experimented on him, succeeding in the single major experiment he had failed to do on her.

Side character: A Sithspawn she calls Scian. Unbeknownst to anyone else, it is actually her old master, twisted and abnormal, now a creature completely obedient to her.

Tributes she will sponsor: Missu will only sponsor the truly sadistic, the ones whose minds have been changed much like her own has been. 

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