Huge trigger warning.

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Major trigger warning.
If you get offended by things like religion, race, sexuality, or political views, I suggest you don't read this.
However, I had some important thoughts that I felt like I needed to get out, so that's why this chapter exists.

Let's get the hardest topic to talk about out of the way.
Religious views.

You see, I was baptized Catholic. But I identify as Lutheran. That's just how it is. However, when the rest of your family is still strictly Catholic, it raises some problems.
My family, specifically my mom, is very judgemental when it comes to religions other than hers. And I think that's a bunch of crap. You should respect all religious beliefs. It's only fair.
This woman actually believes that all Muslims are terrorists. She says that she would slam the door in a Jehovah's Witness's face. She even makes fun of Lutherans, saying that we're too carefree and that we don't take our religion seriously enough.
I'm sorry, but just because we actually accept everyone and allow people to worship God in any way they see fit(as long as you're not hurting anyone), doesn't make Catholics superior to us.

Okay, second thing. Sexuality.

I'm just gonna say it. If you're uncomfortable by homosexuality, that's okay. I understand. It is quite a newly rising thing, after all. More and more people are coming out every day, so I can understand why some people would be uncomfortable with the topic.
If you are actively hating on people who aren't straight. If you are calling us out and saying that who we are is a sin. If you are, on a daily basis, disrespectful to us.....then I just can't sympathise with you. I really can't.
That just is wrong on a whole new level.
I have an amazing girlfriend(avianamericanartist) that I love and care about, and people hate on me. For what? For being happy? For not being depressed for once in my life? It's a bunch of crap.
I hate homophobia.

That's all for now.
I just had some random thoughts late last night that I wanted to talk about.


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