xxiii. jealousy and interruptions

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CHAPTER TWENTY THREE - 🍂 ୧ jealousy and. . .

RAVEN HAD NOW, SHIFTED HER ATTENTION TO JAMES, who was gripping his goblet of pumpkin juice with quite a death grip. He held it so tightly, that she could see the goblet beginning to wobble slightly in his hands due to the pressure, he was applying to it.

Raven had observed that Lily was engaged in a different, separate conversation; in which, Peter, Sirius and Remus, were participating in. She figured that would be the best chance, to address the situation, with James.

"Relax, you know that she isn't actually flirting with Eli," she had said gently and cautiously. She hoped, her suggestion would help, in calming down, her anxious, and stressed friend.

James had finally let go of the pressure he had on his goblet; however, it was difficult, to remove his eyes from Autumn and Elliot, as they were nearby. He had finally shifted his focus, and he then proceeded, to turn towards Raven, as he had begun, to express his frustrations.

"I know," he had grumbled, with noticeable frustration, in his tone, "But why are they sitting so close, to each other, then?"

Raven had given out a sigh, and offered, an immediate reason, for their proximity to one another.

"Because Elliot is trying to keep her close," she had said, with a tone that indicated she was trying to offer some, form of reassurance, "Due to it being, at the Slytherin table."

She hoped, this would help, in putting James at ease, as the reason, seemed fairly logical, in their current circumstances.

James had grown frustrated, with the placement, of their tables about each other.

"Why couldn't they just, sit at the Ravenclaw table?" he had then asked, with a light pout on his face.

"Because even though, most people know Eli, people have begun, to view the Slytherins, as less than ideal, since they are within the house, that is rumoured to house, the death eaters, and due to the rumours, a lot of them already began, to see him as a bad guy."

Raven had offered an even deeper explanation, regarding why they could not just sit at the Ravenclaw table.

"If they think that of Elliot," James had said, as he paused, after speaking, to continue, with a concerned look, on his face. He had then frowned, as he looked over to Raven, and asked her a very good question, one which had not, exactly, crossed her mind.

"Does that mean that people talk about you, and Autumn, being his friend?"

"The world is cruel and not to mention, it doesn't always make sense," Raven had sighed, as she expressed, a very honest statement, "The fact is, people are going to talk, especially during these, dangerous times. And it would be foolish, to think we can control those thoughts and conversations."

James had shrugged, as he offered a solution, to the dilemma, that had plagued them.

"Still, he could sit here," was his suggestion, while he leaned on his palm, and spoke in a lighthearted fashion while chuckling lightly.

"Not like people, will say much." He laughed lightly, "Since this house is filled, with so-called "blood traitors"

Raven had lowered, the volume of her voice, and she had spoken, in a more hushed, tone."He could sit here, but...he probably doesn't want, to make Lily uncomfortable." Her tone became more serious, as she continued," I mean, he sat, at this table, during the first day, but you saw, how quiet, Lily was."

She had then chuckled somewhat, before continuing, "She clearly, doesn't want him, near her. Eli has noticed, and decided, not to sit, with us, for that reason."

James had sighed, and expressed his true feelings, after giving it some thought.

"I miss the days, of trying to steal Autumn's desserts."

Raven then rolled her eyes and proceeded to tease him again, with quite a simple, suggestion," Just say, that you miss her," she had teased, with a laugh.

"I do miss her." He whined before lifting his hand.

"We officially start, classes, in a few days," James had said, with some seriousness, but he quickly grew into a sly smile.

"If I don't get my daily dose of Autumn, I might consider just taking those two, and locking them, into a room," the smirk had then turned into a frown, "until they make up."

Raven had stared, at James for a moment, and had a realization, that was rather profound, as she had a strong, gut feeling, that she wished, Autumn had been there, to hear what James had said. This was, practically a confession, but said without, the words needed, for one. It was all evident, through his, actions and words.

"Merlin's beard," Raven had muttered, as she had become quite serious. She had seemed intent on taking matters into her own, hands, especially if by the end of the year, they weren't together as a couple.

She had decided to work on her plan, to have Lily become jealous to get Autumn and James back in the same vicinity.

JAMES HAD HOPED, THAT THIS PLAN WOULD come to an end, and the fact it was currently, bringing out the jealousy in him, of the situation was something, that he wished he did not have to feel.

However, it didn't change anything, regarding his true feelings, and his desperation, to be with Autumn.

Patience, was a quality, that he had acquired, previously. He had once relentlessly pursued someone, for years, and yet gave up, with time. But now, that he had entered a new situation, that involved a different girl, his previous abilities, were being tested, to the limits.

He had no idea, he contained this kind of impatience, until he wanted Autumn, and she was nowhere near this easy when it came to achieving his desires.

Autumn was Autumn, in every sense of the meaning.

She possessed, qualities that could not be replicated, so he had to do things differently, compared to his previous, experiences. His desire for her was true, and he intended, to do things, through honest means. All he wished for, was for her to be his, without mistakes.

He did not want to present the dishonest side, that he had unleashed in the past when he was pursuing a girl. He wanted to do things correctly, which included, being honest with her.

James was currently, in a new setting, where he had joined the rest of the Marauders: they were sitting, in the courtyard.

He was gazing away in the distance, where he could see Autumn and Elliot's conversation. Raven and Lily, had eventually joined, their group, and they seated themselves, too. Although, it seemed as if Lily was also seen to be looking towards Elliot and Autumn.

And it would seem that Raven didn't even have to speak a single word, and the result was, rather astounding.

Lily had been visibly caught, with her frequent glancing towards Elliot, which could have been jealousy and yet, they weren't entirely sure. Regardless, it was good progress, for the plan, in motion.

While the rest of the Marauders and Raven glanced between James and Lily staring off at the pair, they didn't have the time, to keep watching them.

They sighed, as they realized they wanted things, to return to normal. Otherwise, this madness was bound, to drive them, to the point of insanity.

Lily and James continued, to glare off, away towards the pair. The rest were conversing, about their classes and which ones, they had, together. This was a good change, as it allowed them, to discuss something, that was relieving.

As they realized the fact, that most of them were put in the same classes, they became a tad relieved and happy by the revelation.

Sirius asked the critical question about Raven, "Huh, so aren't in advanced potions?"

She shook her head, and provided her reply, "No, not my strongest subject." She added, "Autumn and Elliot did though, so you'll have them for that class. "

Sirius had decided to reply in a sarcastic, and annoyed tone. He had scoffed and grunted, "Well, James and Evans have that class."

James and Lily, remained unaware of these words being yelled out at them, as they were busy staring and gossiping, off into the distance.

Sirius frowned, and groaned softly, "They haven't heard me, have they?"

Raven rolled her eyes, as she began to state, "No a single word-" She was immediately cut off, when both James and Lily, suddenly jumped up, and rapidly, took off toward the direction of Elliot and Autumn, for whatever reason.

The entire group had witnessed this occurrence, and immediately reacted similarly, by standing up, but they all became alert seeing what was happening.

James had arrived, first before everyone else. He had run at a quicker pace, which resulted in him rapidly, positioning himself, in front of Autumn. She was unaware, of what had occurred, along with Elliot.

Lily was the next to arrive, and she immediately pointed her wand towards a group. James then quickly followed, and he pointed in that, same direction.

To their surprise, Avery, Mucibler, and some familiar lackeys were all in the middle of approaching the group.

"Starting to get bold, huh? Approaching people, at daylight," James had snarled, with a dark look on his face, towards the group.

His friends had all arrived, too, and they seemed prepared, in case, a fight needed to occur. The moment had become tense, quite rapidly, but they were confident, that this confrontation would go well.

"Just trying to finish the job," Mucibler had snickered, in a haughty manner, as he looked down, upon the group.

"Try it, I dare you," James had muttered in a low growl, as he began to narrow his gaze.

"They added another mudblood, to their group," Avery had snickered, as he scoffed, upon seeing her presence. Avery's comment had caused Lily, to look directly towards him, with the greatest amount of annoyance. She scanned their group and a relief of breath escaped her lips, glad she did not see Snape among them.

As, Avery had lifted his wand, in preparation, for a spell, a hand stopped him.

It was Severus, who then pushed his hand away, and it was a surprising sight, because he had arrived, just in time for this moment.

"You've already been warned," Severus had stated, calmly, but firmly, "We had been told, not to bother with them."

"What he doesn't know won't harm us," Mucibler had hissed while raising his wand, still annoyed while Severus gave another, cold look, directly towards him.

His glare, was filled with intense anger, which had made Mucibler to take a step backwards, before then lowering his wand. He didn't want to risk a confrontation, with Severus, because he's seen first hand on the spell's he crater. So he reluctantly, yielded to his demands as Avery followed suit as well.

The group of Slytherins had all given out, grunted or hissed out, their frustrations, as they made one last, threatening remark, before finally turning around, to walk away.

As they did, both James and Lily breathed a sigh of relief, that they had been spared, from any physical confrontation. As they then relaxed their poses, their attention shifted towards Severus.

Severus' sombre look, had made Lily feel something, that she didn't expect to feel. While she did not forgive him, there was no hate held, between them. She still had a small inkling of a grudge she held, but it had dulled. She watched, as he nodded and then walked away, toward a separate direction.

As they stood there for a few, brief moments, in silence, the realization, began to set in, that the worst, had been avoided.

"So he doesn't want them to approach us," Sirius had stated, which had piqued their curiosity.

He had mentioned, that "he" could refer, to the Headmaster, but to their surprise, there was another option.

"It could be Dumby, but it could be You-Know-Who," Sirius had added, which made the others, question, if he was true, referring, to the dark wizard.

"Either way," Remus had sighed, as he had turned to face the group, and pointed directly, towards the core pair, Lily and Elliot. He had started sternly but then softened up.

He stated with more understanding, "We tried to be patient, we tried for both of you, but at the same time, we cannot have divisions within our group. That is the last thing, we need, right now, especially considering what almost happened and what is going on."

As Raven had watched, she had admired Remus, as his composure, had switched, from patience to his version, of impatience. She had been taken by surprise, by how attractive it was, for him to do so. Her heart had skipped a beat, and she felt her cheeks, slightly redden.

She had snapped out of her awe-filled stupor, and she shook her head and laughed, finding it amusingly humorous that it was Remus, who had acted so differently, in the end, "Honestly, I thought it was going to be James who cracked, but you?"

Remus coughed and looked away, also realizing the situation.

Raven had turned her attention to the central duo, "Please, the both of you talk it out," she had urged them, sincerely, "I don't want to worry about this, as soon as classes start."

"Okay, we will," Lily nodded seriously before she grabbed onto Elliot's arm and dragged him away.

Raven had smiled, playfully, as James shot his glare, towards her, "Hey! I'll have you know, Summers, I wouldn't have cracked!"She chuckled, quite amused, by what he had stated.

She had replied, jokingly, "Oh, really? You wouldn't have cracked?"

"Yes! I wouldn't—" 

"He totally would have," Sirius had stated, without missing a beat, concerning James' response cutting him off.

Peter nodded, in agreement." Definitely a James thing, to do."

Remus had looked away from the entire situation, as his shoulders drooped in shame. Meanwhile, James had pouted, as he had finally accepted, that they knew, he was the likely, one to crack.

Autumn and Raven had shared a look, with one another, and then laughed, which James had noticed, and so had his pouting, turn into a smirk.

He had crossed his arms and let a slight smirk, curl into his lips. He hadn't taken it personally, but just found it amusing.

He looked directly toward Autumn, as he teased," Laughing at my pain"

Autumn sighed, before chuckling, with a laugh." Merlin's beard, I swear, if it wasn't you, James," she continued in a teasing manner, "I was seriously going to drag them into a room and lock them in there," while shaking her head, in mock disappointment.

"And that was my idea first!" James had retorted, with a playful grin, while pointing towards himself.

He then continued, "Anyways, how about... we go do something fun?" he suggested, with a bright expression.

He looked at all of them while remarking, to further support the idea, "Gotta say, we're lacking with pulling pranks already," as he let out a chuckle.

Raven had clapped her hands, with a sense of excitement, as she was the first one, to lead the group. Sirius had shared the same excitement, and so had walked along with her.

Remus and Peter had then followed the two of them, while James was next to Autumn.

He smiled, playfully, while Autumn grinned, "Once those two talk it out, just remember we'll still have our prank war."

James had then joked, "Should we be pranking together, then?" as he followed behind Autumn, as she walked ahead.

She had given off a light smile, and had teased back, "I mean, this is something new, right?"

James, had blinked as a result, of her question. The brief moment of surprise, he had felt, gave way to understanding, because, he had completely forgotten about the letters.

He took a moment to glance at her, and he was suddenly hit with realization, of the many new things, that they could try out, together.

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