xxiv. snape and classes

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CHAPTER TWENTY FOUR - 🍂 ୧ snape and. . .
classes ও🦌

AUTUMN HAD BEEN GRANTED the blessing, or perhaps the curse, of possessing the many NEWT levelled classes. This was an exciting prospect, seeing as she was banded, with her close friends, but there must have also been a lot of pressure, for her.

The enjoyment, of her classes, made it worth it, even though this could be draining, at times.

The advanced classes—had fewer students, and there was a lack of division, concerning the houses, since the need to make up the numbers, became more important, given the smaller scale, of these classes.

This meant that Autumn was given a chance, to experience these classes, with both her friends and other individuals, who she hadn't known otherwise. She was surrounded, by new faces, with such potential.

Autumn, had been worried, about her Advanced Potions class. While she had her friends, alongside her, in the form of Elliot, Lily, Sirius and James, there was another individual, who made it tense.

This person was Severus Snape.

The situation wasn't that bad until the both of them ended up being partnered together, after they were both late, to the class.

Autumn, could see her friends, and all of them had reacted, in a negative manner. Sirius and James had been glancing, towards her direction, from behind, while Elliot and Lily, had been watching, from the side.

Both pairs of their eyes were firmly fixed, on her.

"It's not as if, I will do anything to you," Severus, had muttered to Autumn, as he opened his Advanced potions book.

He had then continued, with another sentence, without looking up from his book, "They don't realize that, do they?"

"Well with your track record, can you blame them?" she had huffed, turning another page, in her book.

She then continued on, without blinking, as her eyes scanned through the book, "Look, we finish this potion and get over it—Simple as that," she then stated, in a tone, that indicated, she had no patience for this.

Severus had frowned but then nodded his head. He then stood back and gave her a firm look, indicating he was impatient, to start as well.

"I shall gather the ingredients," he had stated, before getting up to walk, he had placed the cauldron, in the centre, of their worktable. and then he started to approach, the shelf, where he could locate their ingredients.

Autumn had let out a breath, as he walked away from the worktable. She was relieved, that he had done so.

James, had then leaned forward from his table, and he had asked her, "How are you doing?"

Sirius had said, with a fair amount of ire, "Careful or else that greasy git will rub all his grease all over you."

Autumn had then waved her hand, in a hushing gesture, to keep him silent. She didn't want the situation, to escalate, any further.

"Sirius, enough with that name-calling," she had said, with a firm tone.

She had then looked over her shoulder, which was towards James to answer his question and forced a smile, for this moment, for this situation.

"Just peachy. Kind of wish I scored lower for this class in the OWLs, just so I wouldn't have dealt with this," she then stated, almost sounding remorseful.

Sirius then made a face, as he said, "Oh come on, that gre—git that git called you that name. Do you really need to defend him?"

He seemed to be annoyed, with her response, to the situation.

She then turned back, to face their work table. "I'm not defending him. It just makes things worse," she had replied, sounding irritated now.

Once she said what she did, Autumn sighed and turned back to her table and prepped for the potion they were tasked with making, which was Draught of Living Death.

Sirius seemed eager, to retort, but was then disrupted by James, who had reached out and placed his hand, on Sirius' arm.

He gently shook his head, "Come on, Pads. Just drop it," James had said, which stopped Sirius right in his tracks.

Sirius had turned around to face James, and had given him that annoyed, "What the heck?" look, as if James was supposed to support him, in this case.

He didn't understand, why James was suddenly, going against him, and he was quite annoyed by that.

James had been witnessing the look on Sirius's face. He had then leaned over and had whispered to him, "Look Pads, I know it's sudden and all, but I don't want to bother with him, anymore."

Sirius was surprised, by this remark. It was clear, that he had not been expecting James, to act this way, especially after all of this time, of making fun of Severus.

Sirius had frowned momentarily, however, it then clicked for him, and he couldn't help but smirk.

"Ah, I see. It's part of the whole winning over Autumn, isn't it?" he whispered, with a bit of amusement, as he connected the dots.

James had smiled slightly, as he had admitted the reason, behind this change in his attitude, toward Severus.

He had stated, but his first words were mouthed, not wanting Autumn to hear it, "Partially it is, but also..."

He then began to whisper his next words vocally," I just don't find it fun anymore. Or maybe I never did in the end. I mean it was something we have done, for years, and we can't undo, the things we've done, but Pads--I don't want to cause any more issues with him, especially his possible association with those..."

His voice had lowered, with a whisper, "Death eaters."

Sirius had then proceeded, to further question James, and had asked, "Merlin...we can still pull pranks on him, right?"

It was clear, that Sirius, didn't want to get off the subject, of pulling pranks. He wanted to do, what he always enjoyed, even though his friend, was opposed to this idea.

James had then replied, rather swiftly, "No mate. You saw the way he was able to stop Avery and Mucibler," and he proceeded, "I do not, want what happened to Autumn, last year, at the lake, to ever happen again."

Sirius had opened his eyes wide, quite surprised, and a little guilty, at realizing that he had forgotten about this incident.

It was something, that he didn't forgive himself, for doing. He even wanted to punch himself, over forgetting something, that was this serious.

He hung his head, in defeat. "I forgot about that incident," he then spoke, in a tired, almost apologetic tone.

James had reached for him, and given him, a comforting pat, on the back.

"Pads don't stress over it. It's okay," he had then said, in a reassuring tone.

He then added, "I'll do the worrying. You have your own worries, mate. But, when you are ready to talk, I am here. I mean it."

Sirius had smiled, and his smile appeared genuine, given the fact that he had realized, that James actually cared about him.

They then went to get their ingredients, when they had realized, that every other student, had already collected their items.

Autumn's lips, had curved, into a smile, as she had overheard the conversation, between James and Sirius.

She felt bad, for listening in, but she couldn't help but feel genuinely happy, after hearing them have a private, and rather honest, discussion, with one another.

AUTUMN WAS QUICKLY NABBED, by her friends, once their potion class had ended. As they proceeded on, she was bombarded, by many different questions.

Every time she stopped walking, she was asked if she was alright, and was questioned, about Severus, and his behaviour towards her.

Autumn, had smiled, throughout all of this, and though they insisted on her, she had tried her best, to be patient with them.

She had then sighed, after a brief moment, before she replied to their concerns, "Seriously, you guys are overreacting."

She then proceeded, to add to her reply, "Things are fine. And he only ever spoke with me, about what we were working on. He wasn't rude or anything," she said, as she shrugged, and dismissed their worries.

Sirius was sceptical, it seemed, and he made it known, with his reply."I find it hard to believe."

She had then waved a hand, and leaned back a bit, while he spoke, "He didn't complain to you?"

"Not once," she had answered his question, matter-of-factly."He focused on the potion assignment."

James, has asked, one more time, for clarification, "Really?"

She had nodded, to confirm her statement. "He was focused," she answered him.

Sirius, who had been on his way, to ask their other friends, to verify, what they thought, had been cut off by Lily.

She had stopped him in his tracks, by saying, "When it comes to Potions, the only thing on his mind is potions. He doesn't worry, about much else."

"Class is, the last place, we'd have to worry, about him," followed by Elliot, as he confirmed, what Lily had stated before.

James followed, by throwing out a question, to the both of them, "Even if you guys, also glanced at Snape, a few times?"

Lily, had then proceeded, to laugh, as she attempted, to clarify their actions, with the statement, "We were watching the pair of you. So you both don't start something," and she, subsequently, pointed, directly at James and Sirius, to make sure, her point would get across.

"I wanted to..." Sirius had begun, to protest, against what she had said, he seemed like, he wanted to cause, a conflict.

He had then glanced over at James, who wasn't having any of that, he had stopped, that from occurring.

Sirius had then let out a frustrated sigh, and conceded to James, "But James, wouldn't let me." James just rolled his eyes at Sirius.

Autumn had quickly changed the topic, seemingly having had enough of this particular conversation. She had then asked them all," What is your next class, guys?"

She genuinely wanted to know, as they were still on their way to class, so she could see how their schedules had panned out.

Elliot and Sirius gave the same answer, with Charms being their next class.

Lily, on the other hand, mentioned that she had Divination, as her next course.

James also answered, with Care of Magical Creatures, being his next course, together with her.

The group, who had met up, with the rest of their friends, had now expanded.

Lily, Raven, and were now joined together for their, Divination course.

Peter was grouped, with them, for their COMC course.

Remus, along with Elliot and Sirius, were all placed together, in their charms course.


"Merlin, you have to be kidding me," was a reply, to their situation, according to James, who sounded quite agitated, upon this realization.

Autumn sighed along, with Peter, upon hearing that they both, would have to spend the course, in discomfort.

She then leaned over, to whisper, to Peter, "It could be worse, you know ."

"Worse than this?" Peter had asked, in a doubtful tone.

But his doubts were immediately confirmed, upon catching James, who was muttering curses, in their direction.

Then came the realization that they had not escaped from Severus, and he was actually placed, in the same class, as them, to their despair.

Making things, even worse, was the fact that their Professor had chosen, to organize them, into groups, as well. But in a stroke of unluckiness, for the three of them, they were forced, into, a group, with Severus, who they were hoping, to avoid.

"You had to jinx it, Pete..." James grumbled

When the Slytherin had turned, to face them all, he had expressed, his disdain, and had slowly proceeded, toward them.

Autumn then took the opportunity to talk, with the two boys, in the group, before Snape got close enough, to hear their conversation.

She then whispered to them, "I'm starting to think, we have the worst, luck..."

James had looked at her, upon realizing, that it had to be someone from, that specific trio, who had drawn the short stick.

He thought out loud, before looking at her," It's not Peter. So, it's either you, or me." He then proceeded, by asking her, curiously," Who do you want to bet, is the unlucky one?"

Autumn had sighed, upon facing the reality, that they all, had the same odds, of being the odd one in.

James laughed calmly, before his mood shifted, immediately, upon seeing Severus, standing right in front of them all, looking over at them.


Their final course had now arrived; it was History of Magic.

Their bad luck seemed to be neverending, with both of them, getting seated together, and watching Snape enter the room.

It was at this moment, that James had decided to say something, even though, he couldn't quite, help his look of dismay.

James had exclaimed, in defeat, "Merlin! Why did we both, score at NEWTs level for this class?"

Autumn had begun to reply, quite curious, about where James was going with this."At least, we don't have to worry about partn—" But she was quickly cut off, by his hand, as he had quickly covered, her mouth before she could speak, any more.

He had then said, before releasing her mouth, "No no more jinxing. We can't play, with fate, like this any longer."

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