Another Sleepover

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After the fireworks which was not the commercial affair we were expecting. This was fire creation! Fire Play. Fire dancing. The colours and movement these people could create. It was inspiring. No wonder these people wanting to preserve their culture. Enthralling!

We left the island on a high. We tempered it though when we noticed Mrs Johnson in the line ahead waiting for a boat.

Once off the island we headed back to my house. The boys all stayed until midnight before they got their marching orders.

"So what's with the smiles Elly anything you want to disclose? Donna propositioned.

"Is it that obvious?"

"Are you kidding" I say

"Lucky you're not heading straight home it's been over 4 hours now and your still glowing" Summer adds.

"Well not admitting to anything. All I'll say is Ben brings out the best in me." Then she continues with

"Oh I can't contain myself! So gentle! So caring! Ever so passionate; it's better than any time I could ever have imagined."

Lots of squeals and hugs.

Winter then with a very concerned look on her face says "You did use protection didn't you?"

In the highs of the moment only Winter could immediately think of that.

"It was covered" and fits of laughter erupted as the double entendre was realised.

I fessed up that Peter and I had reached second base and winter asked what that meant.

Embarrassing so I explained this was skin on skin contact no counting the engine room or as in my case fondling the boobs I left out thigh touching. A girl has to keep some privacy.

"So touching down here is third base oops I missed a base" Winter says.

"WHAT!" was heard from everyone simultaneously.

"I'll get Peter to bop him one for you Winter. Why would Coups do that to you?" I say giving her a reassuring cuddle.

Well he hasn't yet! He's fondled my bum over my clothes though!

"I thought you said you missed a base." Donna chimes.

"I did"  

"OMG! You didn't!" I say completely stunned

"I did" she coyly states.

Under or Over? Jasmine counters without batting an eyelid.


"Definitely watch the quiet ones" I said without any filtering being applied.

The room fell silent for a few moments before Donna said

"Do you think you'll go all the way with him?"

"I don't know how to resist him. I'm the one leading the way. Why do you think he was the only boy in tights? My thoughts were definitely in that direction when he rose to my attention."

"Oh Winter you need to slow things down." Elly stated

"Like you're the one to talk." Winter recanted

"Seriously Winter this is a huge step. This doesn't fit with your beliefs!" I say

"Well I want to make an informed decision about my choices. I've been doing a lot of thinking lately. Have you given any consideration that if I choose to be Baptised I would have to shun you guys and Coups too. For the first time in my life I'm not sure I can go through with getting baptised."

"Getting baptised and getting laid are two separate things Winter!"

Blimey I can see why the Society try and segregate. We have created a devil! How do we stop the runaway train?

"Summer when I'm intimate with Coups it's so special it's like we are one and there is nothing else. I can't help but wondering what it would be like to truly be as one. Hearing Elly recant he experiences I can relate I think Coups and I would be like that too."

"Oh Winter he'll break your heart." I quietly say

"Can you seriously look me in the face and say you don't have the same feelings for Peter?"

Silence held the room waiting for me to respond.

I knew the answer to that question instantly. Could I speak it? Should I speak it? Now wasn't a good time for truths. On top of everything else I was doing behind my best friends back I couldn't lie. So I simply said.


"What are you saying then?"

"Talk to your dad" I offered.

"Are you going to talk to your dad or mum about Peter? Winter challenged

"I don't know I'm still back at second base and hadn't contemplated third or home. I need to think about this to answer you honestly."

"Coups is really nice Autumn what are you so worried about?" Donna asked.

I felt guilty for the first time for trying to interfere in Winters life. It certainly wasn't the time to confess to being an interventionist. Her father had agreed to cover off our interventionist roles when the time was right. That day now seamed closer and when that day came there was always the risk that she would side with her mother and shun us for good.

I couldn't help but feel responsible for Winter. I felt guilty. I was uncomfortable with this outcomes. I couldn't talk it through with Mr Johnson as I normally would have; this was way to personal.

All I could say was "I don't know Donna" and I left the room in a trance.

I walked into the living room and found the oldies still up. I signalled to mum and she came out. Whilst the iron was hot I asked mum after explaining the place Winter was in.

Mums response was "Darling there will come a time in the not too distant future I feel when you will be pitted with this same dilemma. What I would say to you is you will know on your inside whether the person you are with is that special person who will get that one time gift you have to give. The first time for anyone should be special. Now that you have opened a few doors for doors for Winter to look into you seriously can't being trying to sensor her. You told me Winter was exceptionally smart."

"She is" I mouthed.

"You also told me she has an enormous capacity to love"

"I did"

"So why my dear would you be anything other than happy at the thought Winter may have found that special friend. Coups is a lovely caring boy and from the sounds of it very respectful. Some of the boys I dated."

Then she quickly stopped with a realisation in her eyes. "Let's just say Winter seems to have found a perfect gentleman. Let what will be, be." tapped me on the head and said "back to bed".

"What was that all about? I heard dad ask

"Nothing dear, nothing just girly goss'. That's all"

I scampered back into the bedroom. "Just needed the bathroom and because I though events might be noisy I used my parents room". I said

Thankfully the conversation had moved to other topics.

"Summer I think we should go shopping first thing tomorrow. Winter and I need new clothes. You're picking them." I say and then looking at Winter,

"You can keep your outfits at my place."

So we set the alarms for an early start so we could ensure Winter would be home by ten or as close to it as possible.

I fell asleep thinking that there were three season "V" cards that would probably be handed in before Christmas.


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