Yani Island

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The day had finally arrived Peter and Coups had gone to the island last night and had set up our tent. Peter had secured a hip roof tent from the Media Unit of the police. It was a square shape except for the two hips at the top. It was a whopping eight metres across the front.

"Oh Peter; this is way more than I expected. Can we use this all day?"

"You see that I meter box over there" he said pointing.

"That belongs to the police. They need to access it at 3:30pm return it at 4pm and the same at 9:00pm tonight. Other than that it's all ours."

"So these tables are ours! And these chairs!" I squeal like a teenage schoolgirl running and jumping like I'd drunk too much red cordial. What the heck I am a school girl even if my boyfriend is the more mature type. He didn't seem to mind my carry on especially when I planted a kiss on his lips that quickly deepened into a full on pass.

"Thank you" I said looking deeply into his wonderful eyes.

"It's way more that I had expected or dreamed for but it's just perfect." I kissed him again!

Mrs Johnson was already on the island when we arrived she had dropped Winter at her father's house very early this morning as was to return her at 10:00am the following day. Coups picked her up about an hour later.

I had arranged to meet Winter, Coups and Summer at the Corroboree Circle. Johnathon, Ben and Elly would phone us when they arrived which turned out to only be half an hour later. Winter had planned out our day of activities. Winter had distributed the costumes she had selected yesterday.

The 2pm scheduled plans we had her agree to of course were just a ruse. It was at that time we would be having the party. Unbeknown to Winter the School Softball team, various teachers, several of her classmates had all agreed to come. Mr Johnson had even been in touch with some of her friends from her previous school.

We stressed that presents were strictly forbidden but birthday cards, music and store gift cards were OK. Nobody complained or strangely asked why. That major hurdle had been overcome we trusted.

We tried some traditional aboriginal foods starting with drinks made from the gum and nectar of two different wattle trees. We ate a dough made from the roots of a small leafed Clematis plant. Roasted tubers of the Yam Daisy.

We ate kangaroo. I had eaten kangaroo before but it was new experience for Winter. There was a small piece of Cockatoo on offer but we passed. Ben however try it and submitted.

"I think it's sweeter than chicken". Knowing Ben; I had my doubts. Royalty rave about Pheasant though so perhaps it's another case of long term brain washing. Perhaps I should be more open minded.

Then there were the insects. Hold onto that open minded view I thought as I tried them. I'm sure they weren't half as bad as I thought they were. To be honest I didn't keep my mind open. Insects are insects! Yuck!

The Aboriginal Elder just kept saying chocolate and smiling. They didn't feel deliciously smooth to me. Definitely crunchy and indescribable. The season's didn't try the living ants either! Naturally the boys all did after Elly goaded them before chewing into some. Sticky but nice; Yeah right! Not for this gal!

We listened to some dreamtime stories and watched some native dances. Peter got an elbow in the ribs when he suggested that the girls would not normally have worn the boob tube tops the ladies were wearing. He was probably right though!

Our numbers increased as the day went on and Winter had noticed several SOTEP members passing through even boldly dancing whilst in disguise in front of the lady I had seen in Wattle Court delaying her passage.

Winter had done a good job with the costumes. Ben was Cousin It and Elly Morticia Addams, Jasmine was Robin Hood whilst Donna the Maid Marion, Summer was Princess Fiona and Johnathon Shrek, Peter was a Storm Trooper and I was Obi-Wan in his dark hooded robes as seen in the desert.

Winter was a pirate with pirate hat, long fake hair, Eye patch, facial distortions, moustache and pirate garb. She even strapped a broom stick to her leg so she had the pirate limp. It was difficult to tell she was a girl. She had the metal part from a wooden coat hanger tapped to the palm of her right hand so that when she made a first it looked like a hook. Coups obviously was Peter Pan wearing green tights, he was a sight!

Everyone was assembled in the tent at two o'clock as arranged. Peter had arranged for just the four of us to go to the police tent to meet a friend. When we were approaching it Coups got handsie and Winter tried running to escape. Coups scooped her up bundling her over his shoulder and running of with her screaming and kicking. Peter and I cut before the Police area whist Coups went round it.

Winter was screaming

"Put me down! Stop It! whilst giggling madly unaware of her changed surroundings. When she was plopped into the centre of the tent we all screamed

"Surprise!" Followed promptly by

"Happy Birthday" and her dad holding a cake lit with 17 candles.

She cried; completely overwhelmed as she looked around seeing so many of her friends.

"Maryanne" she muttered before hugging someone I'd never seen before. A friend from her I school I later found out. The hugging and crying continued for the next thirty minutes as each and every one greeted her.

Mr Johnson gave a speech creatively covering for the absence of his wife and relaying some funny and also some embarrassing stories about her running naked when four.

Winter gave her acceptance speech intermingled with a bevy of tears and blubbering.

"Thank you all."

"I can't recall a better birthday!"

I looked at her dad who dropped his head as tears started following knowing this was her first ever party.

"I am truly overwhelmed as you can see."

"To those who organised all this; so sneaky; Autumn; Summer; Dad and you know who you are; I don't. Really thanks so very much."

"I can't be-lieve; even tea-chers from sch-ool. Wow! So ma-ny of you; tak-ing; time out; to wish; me a Hap-py Bir-th-d-ay."

"Thank you for the cards and gifts I'll treasure them. I never have had so many!"

Summer yells out

"Let's party" and Winter screams and starts hugging everyone again.

When dusk was approaching we starting heading off in pairs for quieter times agreeing to meet up at later at 8pm again at the Corroboree Circle. Peter and I headed for the western side of the island to watch the sun set before finding a cosy spot to lay out a blanket.

Peter and I had been dating for some time but he had always been very respectful. I felt his hands fiddling with my cape and thought nothing of it but then I felt his hand on my bare thigh. My eyes bulged outward. He wasn't advancing it.

OK I thought I can handle it I guess. We were still passionately kissing. I relaxed if I had tensed I wasn't sure. We kept kissing and then I realised his hand had in fact advanced as was now on my upper thigh.

His touch was sending warm fussy feelings throughout my body and the down stairs engines had been engaged. Oh my goodness the feelings were very pleasant. The net batter must have hit a double because we were heading for third base if I didn't stop this brief encounter at second base.

"What you don't like my boobs" I say with some urgency.

"No why? He retorts.

"Well second base normally starts up there" I say without moving.

He withdraws his hand with puppy dog eyes saying "sorry" and promptly places his right hand straight over my left breast and commences kissing me. I was dumbstruck! I simply submitted! Then the engines engaged again as her massaged, pinched and pulled and set off reactions I wasn't prepared for. Oh my I thought what's it going to be like when he puts skin on skin. Oh I love this boy!

I hope he will be patient because I not so confident I can hold out from this onslaught. I thinks it's time I see the Doctor.

Peter seemed happy on top of second base. I would have to choose my wardrobe very carefully from now on. The sports bras will be coming on my next date with Peter. My mind immediately wandered to the thought of the date after that where it would be coming off.

I'm a gone-a!

I better buy a sexy bra soon with clips at the front. Oh what am I thinking! The truth!

"Are you alright?" Peter asked with a worried frown.

"Your face just went completely red" he added

"Did it" I stutter knowing I wasn't about to explain why.

We heard some howling and moaning off to the right and my face turned red again.

"Someone is having some fun" Peter said whilst winking.

"Come on" I said pulling him along leaving our spot to head to the safety of other people.

We played a few games and rode a few rides powered from the row of petrol generators behind them. All too soon it was time to meet up with our friends as arranged.

Jasmine had a few hickeys showing. Mum always said watch the quiet ones.

Donna and Ben both had ear to ear smiles. Elly was glowing so much that even the white faced Morticia couldn't mask it. Ben was a quiet one. Definitely watch the quiet ones!


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