chapter 5

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The story continues to the Hallelujah Mountains where the Omatficaya clan are having base then a ship from the Colony is seen flying through the clouds and inside was YN as he was sleeping he started having dreams about his father and mother alive being happy together as a family this was what he wanted

Then a hand grabbed YN shoulder shooking him

???: YN wake up

YN grunts and he started waking up once his vision fully clear he is now fully awake and he turned to his left to see his good friend Adam

YN: Adam what now

Adam: we arrived at the Hallelujah Mountains but I'm gonna have to land the ship can't stay in the air for too long or we'll get taken down I'll land close as I can

YN: no worries

The ship flys down and landed on the ground as the engine shuts down YN sighs holding his locket around his neck

Adam: this is as far I can get close YN you'll have to go on foot for now I'll stay in contact with the drone

YN: okay Adam if any Na'vi finds the ship leave without me

Adam: how are you gonna get back

YN: I'll find a way back to base and Adam

Adam: yeah

YN: Adam thanks for the ride and having my back

Adam: I always have

YN and Adam did a bro fistbump then the door of the open for YN as he takes a step out feeling wind blowing at him as a drone was behind him

YN: here it goes

YN walk out of the ship as the drone following him and he started walking through the forest using his blade to clear his path and keep on walking while cutting more vines with his short blade then he heard something and he looks up to see blue monkeys

Adam: don't worry they're not hostile

YN: didn't know Pandora had monkeys

Adam: neither did I

YN keeps on walking through the forest while following the tracker he put on that Na'vi girl then YN is seen carefully and slowly walking on a cliff using the small grip to walk to the other side as the drone just float

Adam: YN what are you really gonna do once you find your dad you know he's not going to recognize you he hasn't seen you in years

YN: I thought of that a couple of times hopefully he remembers me or I gotta help him remember and you're right he's not recognized me because of my body

Adam: hopefully things will go well

YN: me too

Adam: so how are things with you and Eve and Tachy

YN: doing good Adam you know we're doing good together i love them very much you know the loves of my life

Adam: have the three of you done anything yet

YN stopped moving and he looks at the drone

YN: what do you mean by that Adam

Adam: oh you know things in bed

YN: uhhhhh we just cuddle

Adam: oh I mean more than cuddle

YN blush under his mask before shooking it off

YN: Adam that's none of your business

Adam: oh come on YN I know that look

YN: ahhhhh alright fine we've had sex once and I mean one time it just suddenly happened I don't know how it started I only remember in bed with them while they were naked

Adam: how did it feel

YN: Adam you really don't need to know about our sex life can we please move on

Adam: alright

YN returns to moving forward making to the other side of thr cliff and keeping walking and he finally made it where the Hallelujah Mountains as he looks up

Adam: wow that's really high up

YN: Adam where the tracker at

The Drone shakes

Adam: hmmmm oh the tracker is above us which means the Omatficaya clan base is at the top of that mountain inside

YN took a deep breath and he started climbing up the Hallelujah Mountains

Adam: wow wow wow YN you're just gonna climb up and walk in you know that the Omatficaya will see you as a threat

YN: I'll be fine Adam return the drone

Adam: but

YN: I'll be fine Adam okay besides I'm gonna attack anyone I'm just here to see my father after so many years so please let me do this alone

Adam sigh

Adam: you got it I'll be waiting at the ship

YN: remember if you are find

Adam: leave without you I get it

YN: see you later Adam

YN keeps on climbing up the Hallelujah Mountains while Adam takes the drone back to the ship leaving YN all alone this is it he's gonna see his biological father for the first time but in human he'll see him as a Na'vi YN check the tracker seeing he's getting closer so he keeps on climbing up and he make it to the top but doesn't climb fully he only peeks his head seeing the base along with Na'vi and some humans

YN: this is it

Suddenly YN quickly ducks as a Na'vi walk past him he couldn't let it see him he can't let anyone know he's here once the Na'vi was far enough YN quickly and quietly climb up he was now in the base but he can't be seen so he climb up the wall of the mountain from the inside using it to sneak past anyone

YN jumped to the other side of the wall grabbing it however he almost lost his grip and almost falling but he managed to cut himself but little rocks fall on the ground YN quickly looks down to see a little girl Na'vi and she sees him

YN place a finger on his mask where his lips is

YN: shhhhhh

The little girl Na'vi nodded and stay quiet as YN quickly moved keeps on climbing the mountain walls

Human: have any of you guys noticed something

Human 2: what

Human: one of Jake warriors said they've find RDA bodies and had gun shots wounds

Human 3: one of us

YN is seen above them as he was climbing and jumped across the mountain walls like a ninja

Human: no something is going on here

YN jump across and grabs the mountain walls and he sees a hut where he started hearing voices one male and a female YN move closer where he can see inside as he sees a Na'vi male and a female but the male look just like his dad

Female Na'vi: Jake I think you went a little too hard on Lo'ak

YN couldn't believe it find his father his biological father he doesn't jumped down yet as he listened

Jake: Neytiri he snuck out knowing it's dangerous out there i told him many times to stop but he doesn't listen

Neytiri: then why do you go easy on Neteyam

Jake: he's different alright

Neytiri: Ma'Jake please go on easy on Lo'ak he's still a child he'll make mistakes he just wants to make you proud okay

Jake: Fine I'll try and Lo'ak said he find two people in the forest by the waterfall and he said that their bodies look different he said like they were part machine and he said one of them cut his arrow in half

Neytiri: what are we gonna do now

Jake: we gotta learn about those he find

YN can't wait any longer so he jumped down and he lands on the ground making noise and Jake and his Na'vi wife turned around to see him

YN; you were born on earth and betray your own race to become a Na'vi

Jake: you you're the one my son found

YN: hahaha oh really well next time tell him not to careless

Jake saw the locket on his neck and he recognize this

Jake: where did you get that

YN hold the locket

YN: oh this it was a gift

Jake growls and grabbed his assault rifle while Neytiri aim her bow together they aim at YN

Jake: I'll ask you again where did you get that

YN: I already told you it was gift given to me when I was a child

Jake: bullshit you stolen it

YN: I'm not lying and do you really regret that day where you had to leave earth to be where you are now do you even remember her the woman you loved

Jake: you don't know me

Neytiri shot the arrow but YN just slightly move right dodging the arrow

YN: I know who you are Jake Sully

Jake was surprised got the mysterious being know his name and know about his past Neytiri shot another arrow but the mysterious being dodged it again

YN: I know you celebrate day when he was born

Jake growls and he shot his assault rifle YN quickly took cover behind a rock

YN: you risk so much to honor someone you left behind

YN throws Shurikens at them but Jake and Neytiri dodged them

Jake: you don't know anything

Neytiri shot another arrow YN blocks it with his short blade being pushed back Jake started shooting at him but YN used his short blade deflecting the bullets before he does a backfip putting his short blade back in it sheath as he dash away

Jake: Neytiri go to the kids

Neytiri: Jake

Jake: do it please

Neytiri sigh and she leaves going to their kids as Jake followed the mysterious being aiming his assault rifle

YN: i know you tell yourself that your brother became a scientist just how your parents wanted to

Jake aim his assault rifle but didn't see him

YN: you instead join the army and disobey your parents words and that's how you lost your legs when you were still

YN was behind him with his short blade out

Jake: oh would you shut up

Jake quickly turned around shooting his assault rifle at him but YN just deflected them until Jake run out of ammo

With no other option Jake rush in using his empty assault rifle using it as weapon and he swinging it but YN block his attacks and swinging his short blade as Jake blocks them suddenly YN jumped and kick Jake as he was close to the edge of the mountain YN jumped in the air and goes a blow but Jake block it

YN: you think you honor your son YN with incense and offering honor resides in one's action

Jake growls and he sees rocket launcher

Jake: you dare lecture me about honor you are not worthy to say his name

Jake kick YN leg before putting his assault rifle around his neck and swing him across the area as Jake quickly grabs the rocket launcher then aim it fire the rocket as YN quickly grabbed his sword summoning the dragon spirit


YN used the dragon spirit to destroy the rocket as Jake was shocked then the dragon spirit goes through him and Jake falls on his knees and YN slowly put his sword back in his sheath

Jake: who are you

YN suddenly dash forward and placing his short blade on Jake neck

Jake: do it then kill me

There was moment of silence as YN slightly moved his head

Jake close his eyes thinking he would be killed by this mysterious being but he felt the blade being removed from his neck

YN: no I will not grant you the death you wish for you still have a purpose in this life father

Jake eyes wide open and got up turning to the mysterious being

Jake: what are you talking about

YN press a button on the back of his heart as a clicking noise happen then his visor open making a hissing noise

YN took off his visor and Jake had almost his mouth open when he saw the mysterious being eyes

It was his first son YN he remembers those eyes they were his first wife and her eyes were pressed to him when YN was born

Jake: YN

YN: hello father

Jake: what have you become

YN slowly place his visor back on

YN: I have accepted what I am and I have forgiven you now you must forgive yourself

YN walk past his father placing his hand on his shoulder before walking past him going to the cliff of the mountain

YN: I'm with a group call the Colony a organization that stops terrorist attacks years ago they gotten information from a unknown source and the RDA are now considered a terrorist organization and we're here to stop them

YN jump across the mountain landing on the ground

Jake: I don't know who the source but you are fool to believe they're words

YN: perhaps I am a fool thinking there is still hope for you but I do

YN turned around

YN: think on that father

Smoke around YN and he disappeared

Jake sigh before he felt something on him he looked to see a device that had coordinates on it and had a message tell him that his son wants to meet him at this location tomorrow so Jake agree with it and he was gonna introduce his wife and kids to his first son

To be continue

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