chapter 6

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Jake mind had a lot of things going through his head first was that his first born son was here on Pandora and second he's a cyborg and third he's working with a organization that stops terrorist attacks which means there are more humans on Pandora but fight against the RDA

Today Jake went to a room that he's hasn't been in for a while and he opened a drawer to reveal a small box he opened it and it was locket it looks just like the one YN wears Jake grabbed it and he opened it to reveal two pictures one that was him when he was still human and the second was his son when he was only 1 years old Jake sigh since this is surprising for him YN his first son was here and he's fighting against the RDA

???: Ma'Jake is everything alright

Jake see his wife Neytiri

Jake: I'm fine Neytiri

Neytiri: what happened with the intruder

Jake: Neytiri it was my son YN

Neytiri was shocked the intruder was Jake first son she remembered Jake told her about his first son and was sad that he couldn't go back for him

Neytiri: you're human son here

Jake: yeah but he's different he's a cyborg and he works for a military organization call the Colony they are here to help us fight against the RDA Neytiri and he wants me to go meet with him and i think you and the kids maybe Spider should come

Neytiri: are you sure this is gonna strange for him

Jake: yes I want them to meet their older brother

Neytiri: Neteyam gonna be surprised to see that he's not the oldest

Jake: let's go tell them

With that Jake and Neytiri find the kids and bring them to a family meeting

Jake: kids form up family meeting

The children sit down as Jake and Neytiri sit and they look at their children Jake took a deep breath before he explained

Jake: now kids I've been keeping this for a long time but now you all deserve to this secret

Lo'ak: what is it dad

Jake: you kids know that I was once a sky person right

The kids nodded

Jake: a long time when I was still human I had a mate before I met your mother and she died this is something will surprise you

Kiri: what

Jake: you kids have a older human brother

Lo'ak: what

Jake: yeah you have a older human brother and his name is YN he was here and he is on Pandora with good people that will help us fight the sky people

Neteyam: so I'm not the oldest

Jake: yeah son you're not the oldest now kids we're gonna go meet your brother

Tuk: when

Jake: right now but listen kids be on your best behavior you're brother is different then other sky people


The sully family land their ikrans near to the location that Jake was given by his son they walked through the forest for a little bit and they see the Colony base and it had a huge dome around it they slowly walking to the entrance to the base but we're stop by Quiel a guard of the colony base

Quiel: Holt this is the Colony command base outsiders are allowed in

Jake: please my name is Jake leader of the Omatficaya clan we were asked to be here

Quiel: with all respect but I am sorry I can't let you in until I get new orders

Adam: Quiel it's okay YN brought them here

The sully family look at the wall of the base to see Adam and Lily above them

Quiel: alright you can go inside and i apologize

Jake: it's okay

Quiel step a side and the entrance opens for the sully family to enter the Colony base and they see Colony soldere doing work training and moving supplies then Adam and Lily approach the family with breathing mask for them

Adam: here you'll all needs these to breathe

The sully family great fully take the breathing masks and they took a breath

Jake: thank you I'm Jake sully leader of the Omatficaya clan this is my family my wife Neytiri and our kids Neteyam Lo'ak Tuk and Kiri

Adam: nice to meet you sir I'm Adam

Lily: I'm Lily Artemis the second but you can just call me Lily

Adam: follow us

The sully family follow Adam and Lily the kids were shocked to see humans that want to help fight against the RDA

Jake: so you all work for the Colony

Adam: yes but me and Lily are not soldiers I'm just a pilot and she's an engineer

Jake looked around and saw RDA soldier prisoners

Jake: you have prisoners

Lily: yeah for interrogation it's scary when you see Reaper do his work

Jake: okay so where's YN

Adam: oh he's training we'll take you to him

The Sully family followed Adam and Lily inside the building and see Colony scientist working on cures for pollution then they walk in the training room and they all saw YN

YN was training by punching a dummy giving it a flew blows before he did a backfip and throws Shurikens hitting a few dummy heads

Then YN slice a dummy in half with his sword and he slowly put it back in it's sheath and placed his hands together

Adam: hey YN you're dad here

YN slowly turned around and he sees his father with the Na'vi he fall in love with and his Na'vi brothers and sisters

YN: hello father nice to see you again

YN walk towards his father and Neytiri and the kids

Jake: YN this is Neytiri my wife

Neytiri: you're father told me a lot about you

YN faced Neytiri and he does something that shocked her by signaling

YN: (Na'vi) I see you

Everyone was shocked he can speak Na'vi

Neytiri: you know how to speak Na'vi

YN: yeah because I got a chip in my brain which technically allows me to speak almost every language

YN looked at the Na'vi children

YN: so what's their names

Jake: YN meet your brothers and sisters Neteyam Lo'ak Kiri and Tuk

Neteyam: hey there

Lo'ak: sup bro

Kiri: uhhhh hi

Tuk: hello

YN: hello there huh strange I got siblings already but I'm not going to complain about it anyway follow me

The sully family follow the oldest son of Jake they walked through the hallways of the colony base and they go to the command room but as soon the door opened there was Raven

Raven: oh pardon me handsome

YN chuckled and rolls his eyes

YN: hey Raven I would like to meet my father Jake sully

Raven turns to the father of the her beloved

Raven: hello there and you did brought a handsome man to this world

Jake: uhhh yeah I did

YN: anyway I gotta go see you around

Raven: same for you hot stuff

Raven gives YN a wink before she walks away

Lo'ak: she is a flirt

Neteyam: she does sound a little creepy

Kiri: hey don't be rude

Tuk: what's flirting

Neytiri: you'll know when you're older

Jake: YN does she flirt with you a lot

YN: yeah I got used to it and I don't mind she does make my girl's jealous sometimes

Jake: your girls

YN: oh right dad i got two beautiful girlfriend's they are Eve and Tachy you're gonna love them

Jake was surprised not only YN has a girlfriend but two actually was that they walk in the command room and they see Eve and Tachy

YN: hey girls

Eve and Tachy see and they smiled while they noticed Jake and the family

YN: dad this is Eve

Jake see that Eve with long brown hair with a ponytail and she's wearing a green and white outfit

YN: and this is Tachy

Jake see Tachy with long black hair that's down to her shoulders and she's wearing a black and orange tight suit

Jake: nice to meet you two

Eve: it's a pleasure

Tachy: we love YN we're glad he's with us

YN: anyway so dad as you know the Colony is here to stop the RDA from taking over Pandora again

Jake: yeah you told me that back at the Hallelujah Mountains and this base it was the RDA

YN: yeah it was but now it's ours when we first arrived on Pandora we raided the base kill all the RDA here and freed the Na'vi prisoners they had here and we have RDA soldiers as prisoners to know more about their plans

YN press a button on the hologram map showing map of the forest

YN: we've been taking over some RDA outposts and destroying mining sights to stop pollution spreading since these areas were dying by pollution plants not growing water beings poison and animals dying we're making cures to heal the areas from pollution and we send Medical Teams to some villages to make sure any Na'vi didn't drink any poison water

Jake: huh you guys are good this is great now we got the upper hand now but what is your main objective

YN: don't know yet still waiting order from Mother's sphere

Neytiri: Mother's sphere

YN: she's technically a AI from The Colony she's the one who gives us our orders we heard nothing so far so we're still waiting in the meantime so taking out RDA outposts

Jake: alright

YN: father if you need any help just give us a call

Jake smiled and nodded

Jake: it's good seeing you again son we'll work together great I'm glad you're back

YN: me too father me too

To be continue

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