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The rest of the 'proposal training' was nothing short of very specific.

Asim was taught by Mikhail how to approach the main target, Layontsin, with various methods. The first being the introductory speech of greeting and expressing one's inner thoughts, which Asim still struggled comprehending it with just a slight idea, and then presenting the gift or offering. Mikhail thought that the flowers option which Asim selected would be best for the day. And if it wasn't enough, the slice of meat that was the best for Layontsin. Shaka also contributed later on, suggesting that the flowers were to be placed in a cup and not ripped from its stem. The interesting part was the initializing posture, which was kneeling down and offering the gift while showing out the other hand. In all honesty Asim thought it wasn't a good strategy due to him being in such vulnerable position. Yet Mikhail assured him time and time again that he was going to be alright. So, taking his friend's words, he continued to practice and practice until Asim felt that he got the hang of it.

During the time the group was back home, one time each thought it would be a great idea for them to suddenly go through the rites of passage that the na'vi did with creatures of their choosing. Of course, this brought high levels of concern from both Kentaro and Asim. They discussed that already having the approval from the clan leader was just about enough for them to be part of the clan. Yet, Shaka and Mikhail were bent on going through the rites of passage the same way Asim did so they could experience the exact thing. "Look, I don't know what idea got into your heads all of a sudden, but we are not taking this lightly." Asim said one time to them. "We have to do this. Otherwise we will only be depending on ourselves and not the nature that surrounds us and we call home now. Furthermore, we can't rely on the chopper always as the fuel will eventually be spent, and we are definitely not mining for more materials like the RDA has done." Shaka said as a response. "Yeah. And, I'm pretty excited to have a unique mount like your banshee. Or, even better, a great beast." Mikhail agreed, cracking his fingers. "No. We are definitely not doing that. It's very risky. I only did it because I was desperate for answers and saw the rite of passage as a way to get some of them. It doesn't mean that because I did, so will you guys and come out unscathed." Asim said to them in a stern manner. "I'm up to it. So that I can experience something new instead of just lying here like you guys while working." Emeralda spoke up from the group. "Come on. It's just so that we can try. If it doesn't work, we will leave it at that. Please." Shaka said, placing his palms together in a pleading manner. Seeing that his team would keep pressuring him, and that not letting them at least have one decision for themselves would damage their morale, Asim yielded. "Fine. If it's going to be that way, alright. I, team leader Asim Angus, give you permission to participate in the na'vi rites of passage." Asim sighed, making the group cheer in excitement when they heard the order. Kentaro sighed in defeat as well, seeing that he and Asim were vastly outnumbered and had no choice but to go along. So everyone went to prepare themselves for the trip and for the challenge. Lily also wanted to come along and watch, even to the point of wanting to tame one. Asim allowed her, as he felt that only watching will do her some good so she could learn.

In no time they were ready, and started to head out to the forest.


What happened next would be described as miracles happening. Even if Asim knew the reason, he still couldn't believe the immense luck that everyone had.

The first thing that happened when they flew to the place was Shaka and Emeralda going through iknimaya, as Asim showed them, in order to climb up the floating stairway to the banshees' nesting grounds. As expected, both of them had trouble getting a hold on their personal banshees as it took time to find the right ones. And that wasn't the only part that worried Asim. The most dangerous phase was taming them without using a vine to secure the mouth. It made Asim be on edge the entire time one of them started to hold on to the wild banshee to the point of nearly interfering. Yet he did his best to control his nerves and let it play out. As if it happened the same with Asim, surprisingly the banshees calmed down after a moment of struggling to get the pesky humans off from their backs....and let both tame them. The rest couldn't believe what has happened to them when they saw that Shaka and Emeralda managed to tame the flying beasts with their bare hands, and they rejoiced and celebrated when they made sure that their banshees have truly been tamed.

Next up was Kentaro, who chose to pick a more docile and easier to control mount than the banshees. The one that he picked for his personal choice was a direhorse. For starters, it looked like it would be easy like mounting a normal horse back on Earth, as they remembered seeing in videos long ago. The only problem was the size and height of the six-hooved creature and that it did not like the presence of humans. So it took nearly half of the other day they went to where the direhorses usually inhabited, landing the chopper far away so that it wouldn't spook them, and letting Kentaro choose one of them as he did his best to approach them without frightening them while the group watched from afar. It didn't work, as the direhorses easily became frightened by Kentaro's presence and scattered far from where he was the moment they spotted him walk slowly towards them. There was a time when he had to evade some direhorses that wanted to trample him flat, making everyone tense and almost go over there to provide cover. Even so, Kentaro didn't give up as he walked all around to pick a solitary direhorse and attempt to show that he wasn't a threat. When all seemed lost and there was no success, Kentaro starting to return to his friends in order to accompany them to the chopper, one direhorse was seen starting to follow him. The group told Kentaro to turn around so that he could see what was approaching, and their friend was shocked to see the large horse-like creature staining right in front of him. Kentaro wasted no time getting close to the direhorse, but with calmness and care as to not scare it. The patience and gentleness from Kentaro was rewarded when the direhorse got closer and moved its snout to contact one of the hands that the human had raised up to it. Kentaro looked back at the others, who smiled and raised their fists in congratulations. After Kentaro got on the direhorse and took it for a short ride around, everyone went on the chopper while Kentaro rode his newly tamed direhorse back home.

The next day it was Mikhail's turn to choose and find his mount. And, like he stated at the start of their discussion, he aimed to tame one of the most dangerous ones; a thanator. There was no stopping him, and the next time they went to the Anurai clan village he asked if it were possible to tame one of Pandora's top predator like the clan did. The clan leader, Rai'uk, was amused by Mikhail's proposal, complimenting how brave and eager the human was. However, like Asim and some of his group have said, the clan leader warned Mikhail that this rite of passage was the most difficult and dangerous of them all. Only the most capable and experienced na'vi hunters could accomplish such feat and walk out alive. Still, Mikhail persisted and assured that he could accomplish it, to which the clan leader allowed and let other hunters accompany them so that they could lead Mikhail and the rest of the group to where the thanators resided. It was a long trip on foot, but eventually they got to their destination. The na'vi hunters recommended that they hide high above the trees while Mikhail was left to approach one of the thanators. This really got Asim and his friends on edge as they knew that Mikhail couldn't do this alone without support. Yet the hunters told them that there was nothing to worry about, and said that they would shoot tranquilizing darts at the thanator if it got out of hand. So they climbed up the trees and waited while they watched as Mikhail got closer and closer to the predators. Mikhail stealthily approached a solitary one, making sure that he wasn't detected by the creature. Once he was in position and close to it, Mikhail jumped and tackled the thanator's back while latching his hands on the queue antennas on its back. The thantor gave a roar and twisted around, trying to see what sort of creature had the nerve to jump and hitch a ride on its back while starting to move around. Mikhail used all his strength to hang on tight as the thanator tried to shake the human off from its back. It was going well until the thanator had enough and prepared to roll over and crush Mikhail on the ground, who noticed this and let go as he jumped away. Now that Mikhail was on the ground, the thanator changed at him and opened its mouth to clamp its jaws on the human. But Mikhail evaded it in time and, using all his strength, landed a punch so hard that everyone watching could have sworn seeing a tooth fly out from the thanator's mouth. Whatever strength Mikhail used to punch the thanator made its mark as the predator yelped and stopped, backing up and lowering down in defeat. When Mikhail recovered from the hit he landed on the predator, he showed compassion and regret for what he did to the thanator as he began to approach it. Then he pulled out a slice of meat that the na'vi gave him before and offered it to the thanator. The creature hesitated a bit when the human offered it to them, but then it slowly began to crawl towards Mikhail...and accepted it. Mikhail smiled and let out a relieved breath, the thanator letting him now touch its snout now that he has shown it kindness. Everything that happened before everyone's eyes left them speechless, including the na'vi hunters that were accompanying them.

But along the way something else happened, and this time it was Lily's turn.

While they were on their way back to the clan village, a pack of viperwolves crossed their path. However, instead of attacking them, they all headed towards the smallest of the bunch, which was Lily. And their hostile and aggressive behavior towards them turned slowly into gentleness as their tails started to wag up and down. Asim, seeing that their behavior changed, was surprised like the rest, and made sure not to plan on pointing their weapons at them. The viperwolves crowded Lily and began to lick her breathing mask, making her giggle and reach out to give them pets with her hand. The whole sight of Lily bonding with the viperwolves quickly left everyone completely speechless. When they all came back, the na'vi telling everything that occurred, they wet overjoyed to see that the group has successfully completed their own passage rites of choice. To celebrate, they threw a feast together so that they could eat and have a good time.

At the end of the day, that ended very soon, Asim and his friends went back to their home as the na'vi clan members said their goodbyes to them. When they were on their way to the chopper, Asim felt a strange feeling coming from inside his chest like it compelled him to do something. He looked at a nearby tree and thought for a moment. All of this that happened started to make him think that it was impossible unless...they received assistance. At that moment he started to realize that it must have been the nature deity, Eywa, that has helped them all this time. So, moving up to the random tree, even if it must have looked ridiculous, he placed a hand on the trunk. "This is probably weird, talking to a tree that may or may not be connected to you. But....if you can hear me...I want to say thanks. For letting us stay here. We will do everything to live in this place like you hope we would, free and without damaging nature. Anyways....Thanks........" Asim whispered, also thinking the words as hard as he could before separating and going back to follow his friends.

Asim, Shaka and Emeralda were in charge of flying the chopper back to the outpost, while the rest guided their mounts towards the same direction where their home was as the day started to end.

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