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The following days were more busy than ever, but they were exciting and never boring.

Now that each had their own mounts it meant more responsibility for each of them. Yet they made some sacrifices that other people would feel unnecessary, like less free time to relax and chill out. That was true, with all the work that had to be done around the outpost like harvesting in the domes and checking the whole perimeter for any damage or leak. When they were done, each went to check on their mounts to make sure they were alright, well-fed, and that they didn't stray off far from their area. There were some concerns with the creatures they have picked, mainly because one was the apex predator that could eat anything it got it's claws on and the other was a herbivore that fed on the nectar of plants. The group, mainly Mikhail and Kentaro, worried that the thanator would pounce on the direhorse and eat it for lunch. Thankfully, and surprisingly, Mikhail's thanator didn't make any sort of attempts to try and prey on the direhorse that belonged to Kentaro. Even so, the two from the group did their best to ensure that the two creatures would be safe. The three banshees that were now together didn't worry the rest of the group much, since the creatures have shown no aggressive behavior towards each other and seemed rather pleased. Mainly it was because the banshees were social as they have already seen. And lastly, the pack of viperwolves that Lily has managed to befriend. Whether it were the same ones from before or not, everyone was surprised at how many there were and how much of a distance they traveled to meet the young girl. Seeing that the viperwolves posed no threat to Lily and seemed more interested in playing with her, Asim started to worry less about and let her do as she liked.

While they did their works and chores during the day, each began to wish for the celebration they have planned.

Even Asim was waiting for some idea to pop up in his mind or for some of his friends to suggest it. One day, while they were decorating their suits with paint so that the na'vi could recognize them, Asim had one idea pop into his head when he looked at Shaka making more wooden figures. "Hey, everyone, gather around." Asim said to his teammates, everyone doing so to listen. "Remember how each of us were given new names so they knew us better?" Asim asked them. Everyone looked at each other before back at him. "Yeah, we remember. Something on your mind?" Emeralda asked, raising an eyebrow. "How about the next time we go to the village, we ask when the next important celebration of the Anurai clan is. That way we could bring them some more gifts and do a retelling of our story here. Shaka, you could be the narrator as we all play our parts and act. Just like the na'vi tell their stories of their ancestors and great events." Asim explained, being specific on the details. "Aaahhhh...of course! A stage play! Just like the famous stage plays back on earth that gradually grew less popular." Shaka said, getting the idea. "Exactly" Asim said, glad that his friend understood. "What exactly do you want to portray in the play?" Emeralda asked. "How we became part of the Anurai clan. We can leave the how we got here part out as it will take too much time, and focus on how we met the clan and what we went through." Asim explained to them, setting out the plan. "Not a bad idea. We will have to practice it with those that met us, and that includes the clan leader and Layontsin. We need every detail that happened to you when we weren't there." Shaka said, the others agreeing with the plan to make the play and take part in it.

And so they began to lay out the things they would need to make the play realistic and accurate.


They had to make several things in order to complete the effects spot on.

For example, they needed to use some other weapons and switch their ammunition with training bullets that contained paint. The other section was making their suits more decorative, mainly the helmets and breathing masks as they chose to paint the symbols that were given to them on the visor glass. It did block some visibility, but it was not that hard to see through so they could watch where they were going. And the most important one were the woodsprites, the small floating jellyfish-looking seeds that the na'vi revered. Shaka took over that part as he made paper cutouts of the shapes, while the rest of the group focused on decorating their suits with the leftover paint that they could find in storage. Like always, Lily also took part in it and got messy with the pain like the kid she was. The group spent nearly the entire afternoon planning and preparing for the big day to share the news to the na'vi. At some points they made breaks to eat and make sure their bonded animals were taken care of, but at the end of the evening the majority of the plan had its base and the beginning ready.

Everyone liked what they have accomplished, despite the fact that they got their hands and the majority of the rooms messy trying to make the set ups. Kentaro was the most displeased, as he was an organized and clean person, and made everyone clean the mess up until it was spotless. They laughed and chatted humorously while they cleaned the inside of the outpost, making fun of the parts that each would play and how the clan leaders would react to such proposal. Soon they cleaned the entire place, and ate dinner before going to bed and getting some sleep. Asim was the only one to be up and awake, thinking with excitement what would become of the play all of them would do and what the future will hold for the entire group. The thoughts about this kept him awake for such a long time that he had to go to the kitchen and drink something before returning. It still didn't work as much as Asim tried, and he wondered what else he could do so that he could eventually be spent out.

"Can't sleep again?" Shaka's voice asked from the door, almost making Asim jump as he turned around to face his friend. "Yeah. I guess so." Asim said to him, going to sit down on a chair. "The same nightmare once more with the fire and shouting at the end?" Shaka said as he took another chair and sat in front of him. "Nah. They seemed to have vanished the moment I connected to the sacred trees. I'm more...excited about what we will do with the clan in the celebration. It's a new feeling that has come back to me, I guess." Asim said with a shrug, smiling and leaning back. "You still seem more worried about another part. It's not about the play...but about Layontsin. Please correct me if I'm wrong." Shaka said, leaning forwards. Asim realized that Shaka still knew how to make out things that were hidden underneath. So he sighed and nodded to confirm it. "You're right. I am. In fact, I don't even know how to do this. Or know if I feel the same way to her. Being made into supersoldiers has really taken so much of our natural humanity, hasn't it? Even affection" Asim said, looking at his friend. Shaka was silent in thought, nodding slightly at what Asim had said. "True. It has. But not completely. And it's up to us to slowly regain it. Whether it is soon or at the end. All of us have shown it, even you." Shaka said, sliming in an encouraging way. "I wish I have the same faith you have right now. So much that I really envy you." Asim said with a smirk, making Shaka chuckle and laugh. "You will. Sooner or later. The important thing is not doubting yourself. You will soon understand, and finally be at peace with yourself." Shaka said after calming down, leaning forwards to place a hand on Asim's lap. He looked at his friend and smiled, nodding in understanding and leaning back up again. "Get some rest. You will need it." Shaka said before standing up and walking down to the sleeping room. Asim watched him go to the room, thinking about what he said to him, before going to get another small drink and returning back to bed.

This time he fell asleep and rested peacefully, with no dreams as he waited to eventually wake up again.

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