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New chapter should be up soon but while you wait... So I decided to do a book where this character isn't the villain. I'm sure you all would enjoy that. Course this one is getting finished first.

Though I want to know, as it was stated before if the protagonist dated certain characters rather than Yang his life may have been different, so I'm going to follow through with that. Though this isn't a simple let's vote for who will be his first girl no no, his personality and abilities will also change depending on said girl. The prime choices are Velvet, Coco, Ruby, and Weiss. No matter the choice it will be a Harem because I'm the author and I said so.

But author! Why not Blake and such?

Well good reader it's simple! Blake only viewed him as a friend no romantic interest what so ever! As for others we will get to that later!

But author! If you aren't going to publish this story until this one is finished why are we voting now when this story isn't anywhere near done?

Because my dear sexy readers, I need time to let the idea flow through my noggin. I want to give myself time to work on a plot and antagonist and reason why this story is happening.

Now for your choices!


Ruby finally was able to ask F/N out. She tries to reassure him and help him overcome his insecurities. F/N is a gentle, kind, and shy individuals. Ruby gives him self worth and purpose. Ruby clings to him constantly since she likes to see him embarrassed and flustered. Their relationship can be summed up as cute.

Abilities: F/N will only fight if need be, mostly hoping to solve problems through dialogue has caused him to develop the ability to freeze people and Grimm in motion. They cannot move or attack in this state but they can speak. After encountering a being of great power his ability evolved beyond just simple motion nullification.


Weiss asked F/N out during a moment where her emotions clouded her reasoning. He accepted causing her to be surprised. She found his shyness rather annoying so she opted to help her lover out of it. Due to Weiss's training he has become more confident and courteous. This made him quite the charmer with other women, much to her annoyance. Ironically this caused Weiss to develop insecurities about their relationship, but F/N has always remained faithful to the woman who changed him.

Abilities: F/N tries to stay in control of every encounter to ensure he makes those he cares about safe. This desire caused him to develop the ability to see multiple outcomes of any situation allowing him to take the most suitable and beneficial action. After meeting with a greater being he will evolve this ability beyond just simple predictions.


Finally mustering the courage to ask F/N out she couldn't help but smile around him. Though this smile would disappear when they separated. Velvet being bullied and treated harshly has caused her lover to strengthen himself to protect her. He is calm and kind whenever he sees Velvet smile, but if she doesn't someone is going to have a bad day.

Abilities: F/N wants to protect his friends and his lover from misery. To this end he has developed the ability to use his hatred and rage to enhance his weapon and body. Whenever his opponents see him use his semblance they forfeit the match quickly. After meeting with a greater being his abilities will evolve beyond just simple Dark Enhancements.


Coco asked F/N out because she liked his kind personality, but his shy and weak body annoyed her. She decided to train him to be stronger. While he has gotten a better built body, he still is extremely gentle to others. Coco is always seen with him since she really likes having a "gentle giant" as her lover. F/N is easily embarrassed and Coco just loves seeing him flustered.

Abilities: F/N has a very strong and durable body. He developed the ability to strengthen and enhance his body beyond it's limits for a short duration. After meeting a greater being his abilities evolved beyond just simple power boost.


If someone mentioned your choice just agree or comment on their comment so I can keep track of votes easily.

Requirements:Must have had romantic feelings towards the Protagonist in Avatar of the Void.

Cannot be Yang, We saw what happened there.

F/N gets a more faithful lover who loves him for who he is. While they don't change his personality they still understand him. They always make him smile and feel better about him self whenever they spend time together.

Abilities: F/N is insecure and wishes to make his problem vanish. This desire caused him to develop the ability to dissolve any damage that either he has developed or others have. After meeting with a greater being his abilities will evolve beyond just simple damage nullification.

Don't worry if your choice didn't win, I'll return to them at another time and make a story of them. I'll base the order on number of votes.

I just realized I took one story and turned it into six... If I actually listed every girl like I did the main four it could be more... Jesus someone help me.

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