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Pestilence stood over Jake as he coughed from the punch he have him, "Don't tell me you are done. We are just getting started, oh great and powerful God." He mocked as he gave Jake a hard kick sending him through a container, "Ladies and gentlemen, the god of Remnant." He mocked, "Now where was I before I was interrupt..." Jake came charging at Pestilence but he back away as he smashed where he stood.

"I said... Don't. Ignore. Me!" He yelled raising his hand and firing a white orb at Pestilence. Pestilence just raised his arm and caught the orb, "What!" Jake yelled. The orb began to pulse and then became corrupt.

"How pathetic. I expected more from you. Such a disgrace, I have seen others gifted with that power and you don't come close to matching them." Pestilence fired the now black orb at Jake. He tried to grab it but the energy and force was to great that it burned his arm and exploded. Pestilence charges at the dust cloud and punched Jake. He gave him a few more jabs before kicking his side and then roundhouse kicked his head. He then kicked his abdomen sending him back a few feet.

"Ouch that's got to hurt." Roman said watching the kid getting beaten.

"You almost done Roman?" Pestilence asked.

"Yep we are about to head out!" Roman said.

"Alright when you are ready leave. I'll stick around and take their attention off of you." He said approaching the grounded Jake, "Blake, Sun, Star... I recommend you stay where you are. If you move I'll make you regret it." He said looking at the three as they looked at in horror. Pestilence turns around to see a fist coming at him. He leans back causing Jake to miss, he then grabs his wrist and uses his hand to dislocate his elbow. Jake screams in agony as he steps back grabbing his now limp arm, "Too slow." Pestilence hears a gunshot in the distance and leaps out of the way. A few explosions go off sending Jake flying back a bit. He looks up and sees Ruby in the distance, her scythe aimed at him. She was accompanied by Penny.

"Ruby I don't think using explosive rounds was the best idea. You hurt the other guy who was fighting him." Penny said.

"There was another guy? I didn't see him." Ruby said. Kinda wish Jake was closer to him so the explosion would have actually done decent damage. Ruby thought as she tried to aim her weapon at us again.

"Damn I think I love that girl." Pestilence thought as he gazed back at Jake who was getting up, "Still getting up? Are you sure you want to continue?" He asked him.

"I'm going... I'm going to make you pay... for what you did... to my home." He said.

"How cute, your full of hate and vengeance. No wonder you are so inferior to the others. Their core trait was selflessness, you have none of that. Your selfish, arrogant, envious, hateful, perverted... In layman's terms, your a horrid creature not even worth being called a human. To master that power you need to be human." He said, "But by all means prove me wrong." He said as Jake lunged at him. Jake was moving at such a high speed that no normal human would be able to keep up, Pestilence however was beyond human. He used his palm to push his fist to the side and brought his knee up to his chin. He then brought his fist down on him starting the brutal barrage of punches. He grabbed Jake's back and kneed his gut repeatedly before grabbing his head and kneeing his face followed by a swift kick to the jaw. Another gunshot is heard and an explosion engulfed the two, Pestilence lands a few feet back while Jake falls to the ground a few feet back.

"Damn it watch where you fire that thing you bitch!" He yelled.

"Sorry!" Ruby yelled. Not sorry. She thought to herself.

"Ruby who are we fighting against?" Penny asked.

"The one in the mask." She said.

"Then why are you shooting and hurting the other one?" She asked.

"What are you talking about? I'm trying to help him but he keeps getting in the way." Ruby said aiming her scythe at them again.

Pestilence hears a few ships flying away as Roman finally leaves the area, "See you back at base!" He yelled as he flew away.

"So they abandoned you... Some allies." Jake said.

"No I told them to leave me behind. You aren't going after them, nobody is while I'm here. Everyone in Remnant wants me dead, Roman is an ant and everyone wants to kill the Dragon." He said. He hears someone getting close so he leaps back avoiding an attack from Blake.

"Damn!" She yelled.

"Seriously you see me dealing with the god in front of me and you still think you can surprise attack me?" He asked.

"It worked once!" Sun yelled as he used his weapons against me. I ducked and avoided the attack and kicked him back. Star goes for an attack as well but Pestilence falls back avoiding her attack. He placed his hands in the ground and used them to push himself up. Using the momentum he kicked Star back. Jake goes for a slash with some sort of light sword. Pestilence avoids the attack and Jake is pulled by a black tendril as it begins to smash him for one container to the next.

Pestilence jumps to the side avoiding five green blades from piercing him. Penny leaped down and was now joining the attack. She tries to slash at him but he avoids every attack. Penny pulled her blades back and began to charge a green energy orb at him. She fires the attack but Pestilence covered his arm in black liquid and pushed the attack at Blake and Star who barely avoided it, "I can understand the god getting up and fighting me, but the rest of you... He is an unarmed man facing a Dragon, you are all rodents challenging a dragon."

"I'm sure we can find a way to beat you!" Blake yelled.

"You know it's nice to dream, though know the difference between a dream and a delusion." He said as Ruby fired at him. Pestilence avoided the explosions. Sun and Star began to attack him but neither could hit him. The two ducked as Blake kicked him, though he blocked it by using his hands and pushed her back. Penny slashed at him from a distance but he parried her blades at her allies. They were able to react fast enough to deflect the blades. A tendril appears and wrapped around Penny immobilizing her. Jake finally breaks out of the tendril that held him and he charged at Pestilence.

"He's mine!" He goes for a kick, but Pestilence dodged it and grabbed his leg. He began to smash him to the ground repeatedly. The force of the impact caused the ground to crack and break as he screamed in agony. Sun goes to attack from behind but Pestilence slammed Jake into him sending the two flying back.

"Sun!" Star yelled. She runs at Pestilence. He avoids her attack and fired a blast of dark energy into her abdomen launching her back a bit. Pestilence tries to move towards Blake but his legs felt heavy all of a sudden. He looks down to see a black glyph beneath him.

"Schnee." He said as the sound of explosions are heard. He looks to his left to see Yang flying towards him with her fist aimed at him. He shifted his upper body to the side and grabbed her arm. He flipped her over to the ground with great force.

"Yang!" Ruby yelled as she reloaded her rifle and fired some ice dust at him. Pestilence turned around and raised his hand and grabbed the round. His arm froze slightly as he held the bullet. Jake goes for a jab but Pestilence ducks and punches him with his frozen hand. Weiss came at him and tried to stab him with her rapier but her weapon was grabbed and she was thrown to the side. She landed on a container and leaped back towards him. Blake and Yang also go for an attack. As the three neared him something held them in place. Their weapons we're mere inches from hitting him, he stood there his hands crossed over his chest as he looked at the three, "Like I said a bunch of rodents." They are pushed back and Ruby fires her rifle at him again. He avoided all her shots and as she reloaded Strife appeared behind her. It grabbed her scythe and pulled Ruby to the air. It dropped her in front of Pestilence as she looked at him, "Well are you going to keep fighting?" He asked. She reading her scythe, she was shaking with fear. Jake however grabbed her shoulder and pulled her back as he goes for an attack.

"Fucking Die!" He yelled.

"Annoying fool." Pestilence said as he pushed his fist to the side and head-butted him. He then swept his legs and punched him in the gut smashing him to the ground, "Some God." He said looking at the man on the ground. Ruby runs at Pestilence and tries to slice at him but he back flipped away with every slash. She stabbed her blade to the ground and fired at him. He just raised his hand and the projectiles dissappeared as they came into contact with his hand. She goes to reload but Pestilence appears in front of her and grabbed her neck. He held her up away from her weapon, "That's enough of that." He said, "Tell me do you live for anyone?" He asked. Ruby looked at him as she struggled, "You love someone don't you? I wonder can he save you from me?" He asked, her face held fear as she looked at him, Sorry Ruby but I must be ruthless. I won't hurt you or anyone I care about to badly. He thought to himself. Some Atlas ships arrived and shine some light at him. He feels a surge of power coming from I front of him. He tosses Ruby to the side as he looks at Jake. He was radiating a lot of energy, Pestilence felt his strength growing, it will soon be double his normal strength.

"My village, my parents... You... You took everything from me!" He yelled as he began so grow a white wing.

Oh? He's getting stronger? Guess his desire is strong... I may have to use my power... Pestilence thought to himself, Though it's a bit ironic he's mad that I took everything from him, after all he did it first. Jake's power began to peak as he charged his working arm with white light.

Ironwood gazed at Jake as his power grew, "Now it's the end of this menace." He said looking at the new strength Jake has received. Jake charged at Pestilence ready to punch him with his full power. Everyone looked on, while most despise Jake they want to be rid of Pestilence once and for all.

"... Disappointing..." Pestilence said as he raised his arm and caught Jake's fist.

"...w-what?" He said as Pestilence held his fist back.

Ironwood gazed at this display of power in shock, "H-how..." He said, I disbelief.

Weiss and Penny gazed at Pestilence, inside they were amazed at his power, "Master must be amazing if his copy is this strong."

"H-how strong is this guy..." Sun said pushing himself up.

"How do we beat something like him?" Blake said as she gazed at him. Jake's power was tremendous, everyone felt it, but he just caught it without any issue.

"You increased your power by 150%. While a good increase, you only tickled me before. That increase won't help you here. Unlike you, my hate and rage fuel me perfectly. My power and emotions resonate so we'll, even if you somehow got the same amount of time to get used to your abilities, your personality will conflict with your powers. Like I said only a human can master that power, I'm more human than you." He said twisting Jake's wrist back, "I didn't even have to exert myself, such a disappointment." He said blasting him back into a container. Jake's power dissipated as he falls to the ground weakened, "For someone who has the ability to defeat me, you are pathetic. I didn't even use my weapon this entire fight." He said raising his hand at him. Though someone was coming, and they were very fast. Pestilence quickly blocked and felt something impact his arms. He looks up to see, the original.

"Didn't think I'd see you so soon." F/N said as he pulled out a sword and tries to slash at him, but Pestilence leaped back avoiding the attack.

"You impressed me last time. Can you keep me entertained?" He asked as he summoned his weapon.

Xuria sits at the edge of a building looking at everything from a distance. Her brother stood behind her as she watched, "Interesting... The boy showed up a while ago and now decided to intervene." She said to her brother.

"Sister... Do you feel it as well?" He asked his older sibling.

"Indeed. Their aura and powers, they are the same... As though they are the same person. My beloved Pestilence is getting more amazing... What better man to father my child, don't you think Viribus?" She asked him.

"He has proven to be beyond my expectations. Shall we retrieve him?" He asked.

"No... I'm interested in seeing what he has planned. Besides interfering with his plan will only ruin any chance of us being together. We will wait and watch, besides I like watching him deceive everyone into thinking he is a hero."

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