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Pestilence and F/N raised their weapons towards each other. The two stood there eyeing one another, waiting for one to make the first move.

"F/N..." Ruby said.

"Don't worry Ruby. I got this." F/N said. Ruby relaxed as she smiled at him.

"Don't get cocky." Pestilence said. F/N charged at him and swung his sword. Pestilence blocked the attack with his mace and the two were trying to push the other back, "Can you give me a challenge?" He asked.

"Let's find out." F/N said as he pulled out an arrow and tried to stab Pestilence. He grabs his arm as the tip of the arrow Head was an inch from his eye.

"You need to try harder than that." He mocked.

"Alright." He said as the the arrow glowed before causing an explosion. The two fly back and, once he landed, F/N turned his sword into a bow and began to fire three arrows at Pestilence. Pestilence grabbed the three arrows and threw them back at F/N. F/N slid under the arrows and fired a few more at Pestilence. Pestilence hits them away using his mace. Pestilence dashed at F/N and was behind him, his mace approaching the back of his head. F/N ducked and tries to kick him, Pestilence leaned to the side and grabbed his leg. He lifted F/N and goes to smash him to the ground. F/N quickly used his hands and held himself up. F/N uses his other leg and kicks Pestilence, this caused him to let go and step back a few spaces. F/N runs at him and slashed at his chest, though Pestilence's aura took the hit. Though he didn't stop, F/N slashed at him again and again, chipping away his aura. Pestilence swings his mace at F/N but he barely leaped back avoiding it. F/N turned his sword into a bow and fired arrows at him as he flew back. The arrows landed around Pestilence before going off and sending electricity through his body. F/N draws another arrow and fires it. The arrow hits Pestilence causing an explosion sending him flying back hitting a container. Though as he walked forward Pestilence appeared to his side. He smashed his mace to his side sending F/N skidding across the floor.

"That, actually kinda hurt. I'm impressed better than that so called god." He said walking towards him. Pestilence moved his mace towards his back as the saw blade appeared on it, "I'll have to eliminate the threat before it grows into a problem." He said stabbing the mace in the saw and revving it. He runs to attack F/N, but he leaped away avoiding the saw. Pestilence stood up and gazes at F/N. F/N turns his bow into a sword as he got up. He grabbed his side before switching hands. Pestilence run at him, his saw revving, ready to mangle F/N's flesh. He swings at his gut but F/N leaps back only getting his shirt cut. F/N raised his sword trying to cut Pestilence's mask, but missed. Pestilence tries to hit F/N with his weapon but his saw was quickly blocked by F/N's sword. He held the weapon back with both hands as it tried to cut through his sword. F/N felt deep pain in his side as he put more force in his sword. He reeled back his fist and quickly punched pestilence in the gut. F/N felt something snap in his side as he forced Pestilence into the air. He leaps towards him and began to slash at Pestilence. Pestilence was unable to recover allowing F/N to get in six hits before kicking him to the ground. F/N aims his sword at Pestilence's chest as he falls back to the ground. Though before he reaches pestilence he is grabbed by a tendril and is smashed from one container to the next.

"F/N!!!!" Ruby screamed. He was smashed repeatedly his body feeling intense pressure and pain with every impact. He let out an ear piercing scream every time his body made contact with the ground or containers. He is brought back up into the air, F/N was bleeding from multiple wounds as his aura was completely depleted.

"My my. He's willing to hurt himself to keep up the deception. I must have him..." Xuria said to herself as she watched the fight from a distance.

"Not bad kid. You definitely are doing better than everyone here combined." Pestilence said. F/N slowly got up, his side was in so much pain it was difficult to breath. Pestilence rushes at him and grabbed F/N's face. He slammed him to the ground and held him there, "Pity, today I lose a worthy opponent." Pestilence said revving his saw.

"F/N!" Team Rwby screamed.

"No... I can't die... Not yet... NOT FUCKING YET!" He screamed as a burst of black energy erupted from him. The force was great enough to send Pestilence back.

"Oh?" He said to himself. F/N stood up his body emanating a dark and ominous aura. A black substance covered his side that was hit by Pestilence's mace. His skin turned White and his veins became black, as he looked at Pestilence his eyes turned completely black. Pestilence laughed, "What is it with you people and getting power that conflicts with your personality? Though if you're able to hurt me without it... I wonder how much damage you can do now?" He said revving his weapon. Everyone gazed at F/N eyeing Pestilence with an empty gaze.

"F/N?" Ruby questioned. F/N charged at Pestilence who reacted by swinging his saw at him. F/N moved his hand and grabbed the saw blades, his hand was covered in black liquid. The saw didn't move as he held it tightly. His sword became charged in black energy and dragged it across the floor swinging it upwards at Pestilence. He dodged it by shifting his body to the side, a wave of black energy ran across the ground towards a few containers slicing clean through them. Pestilence brings his knee up to F/N's chin, but he was unaffected by it and quickly let go of the saw and grabbed Pestilence's leg. He tossed him towards a crane and the impact bent the metal. F/N turned his sword into a bow and drew an arrow charging it with dark energy. He fires it but pestilence avoided it. The arrow hits the crane and begins to rapidly corrode the metal. Pestilence raises his weapon with his arm and charges it with black energy and revved it. He smashed it to the ground sending black spectral saw blades at F/N. F/N charged his dominant hand with black liquid and swiped it across sending multiple projectiles at Pestilence. Some pierced the saw blades cancelling the two attacks while the rest approached Pestilence himself. He flicked his wrist up summoning a wall of humanoid creatures made of the Corruption. The projectiles killed a few but many were still left standing. The remaining creatures ran at F/N, who turned his bow into a sword and stabbed it in the ground. Pestilence ran at him and turned into black mist as black blades rose from the ground. The last of the creatures were impaled while Pestilence weaved through the blades. Once her reached F/N he solidified and kicked him upwards. Holding his saw with two hands he charged it with more energy and smashed it to the ground. A large amount of black energy rose from the ground and engulfed F/N.

"No!" Some of the girls screamed. Though the energy was sliced in half and dissipated, revealing F/N with his dominant side covered in black liquid and also protruding a black wing. F/N brings his sword down at Pestilence who raised the opposing hand and grew a wing as well. F/N let go of his weapon and dropped to the ground. His dominant hand turned into a claw and he stabbed his sharp fingers into Pestilence causing him to let go of the sword. F/N pulls his hand back and clenched it into a fist. He punched Pestilence in the chest where he was pierced and sent him skidding back.

"Hahaha! Looks like I'll actually have to try with you!" He yelled as he ran at F/N who raised his sword at him. As Pestilence turned his arm into a claw something pulled F/N back as Pestilence tried to slash at him. As he flew back a purple spectral wolf appeared and bit into Pestilence's clawed hand.

"Elizabeth!" Shinbi yelled sending four more wolves at him. A rift opened up and Elizabeth leaped from it over Pestilence and shot her crossbow at him.

"Now!" Elizabeth yelled opening another rift and leaping into it. Shinbi waved her hand as five wolves were summoning and ram into him, bursting on impact.

"That all you got?" Pestilence yelled.

"Not even close." F/N said as he was in front of Pestilence. His movement was faster and every so often a burst of bright light came from him blinding pestilence. Shinbi sent more wolves from a distance and Elizabeth fired her cross bow at him. Phase kept sending a burst of light through F/N continuously blinding pestilence.

"Enough! Strife!!!" He yelled as a giant winged creature appeared and landed behind him. It screeched while it flapped it's wings sending the girls flying back. F/N stabbed his sword to the ground preventing him from being pushed back. The creature stopped and Pestilence attempts to hit him with his saw but F/N raised his sword deflecting it. The two go for a punch only to have their fists meet. The force of the impact tore their flesh and sent a shockwave out. F/N felt his arm fracture and break. F/N goes to stab him but Pestilence uses his leg and kicks the sword upwards. He head butts F/N and knees him in the gut. He goes for an attack with his weapon but F/N is pulled back and he misses. F/N flies into a rift and appears behind pestilence and kicks him in the side of the head. Strife bites into F/N's arm and tossed him to a container. F/N gets up and runs at him again. He goes for one last attack, but pestilence raises his hand and a tendril wraps around F/N. It smashed him to the ground and threw him into the Schnee Freighter. Strife opened its mouth and fired a blast of black liquid into it, causing an explosion.

"F/N!" The girls screamed. Pestilence turned back to face them and raised his hand blocking a fist.

"Do you really think you can harm me 'God'?" He said to Jake.

Damn... It." He weezed. Pestilence pulls him in and kneed his stomach causing him to cough blood. He grabbed Jake's head and threw him into a crane.

"Strife! We are leaving!" Pestilence yelled. The beast roared as it began to ascend. Pestilence leaped onto it, "Try better next time, or you will never defeat me." He said as he flew away and into a black rift. Everyone looks at the ship that was now in fire and sinking.

"F/N!" His team yelled. Ruby ran to the edge of the docks. She had a look of fear and despair.

"No no no no. Please be okay." She begged, "F/N!" She yelled. The sound of sirens began to near as everyone gazed at the ship. As they began to lose hope of his survival they heard someone coughing and grasp the ground. Ruby looks towards the source and see F/N climbing up the dock drenched in water, "F/N!!!" She yelled as she quickly ran up to him and tried to pull him up. His teammates ran up to them and helped Ruby lift him onto the dock. His skin was back to normal and his wing was gone, though his body was covered in wounds, "You Idiot!" Ruby yelled hugging him, "Don't scare me like that!"

"Is he alright?" Weiss said running up to them.

"Yeah... I'm fine." F/N said laying on the ground, "Though I'm definitely going to need a doctor."

"How is everyone?" He asked.

"Alive... Thanks to you." Blake said.

"Good... Good, now if you need me I'm going to take a little nap." He said as he blacked out.

"F/N?" Ruby asked worriedly

"Don't worry, he just passed out." Elizabeth said.

"Probably from using that... That power." Blake said.

"Where did that power come from?" Phase asked.

"It's the same abilities he used before he disappeared." Weiss said.

"Though they are stronger than last time." Yang said.

"The question is... Is it good for it to be strong? Pestilence had the same power." Blake said.

"Of course it is." Ruby said, "He was able to fight Pestilence. Far better than Jackass."

"I heard that." Jake said.

"I think that was the point." Weiss said. The sirens got nearer as everyone waited.

"Viribus." Xuria said.

"Yes sister?" He asked kneeling to her.

"After seeing this, what are your opinion on me bearing his child?" She asked turning to him.

"The child will definitely be the jewel of our family." He said.

"Would you be willing to follow it?" She asked.

"Yes, I will do whatever the child wished." He said.

"I wonder how powerful would it be. Oh I just want to claim him already. I want him inside me." Xuria said licking her finger, "Let's go back to the children. I'm sure they miss their mother."

"Yes sister."

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