False Savior

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Pov F/N

I was looking at Atlas Academy from the distance. To my surprise I was able to notice Jake there. Must have gotten expelled from Beacon. I begin to look for a way in and once I decided on my entry I summoned a new creature.

Ten should buy me enough time. I then motioned then to attack the school. "No killing this time. We wanna give them some false hope." I then put on my gas mask and make my way to the window I decided to enter in. After a good ten minutes I made it on the school grounds and I heard sirens going off. Great the distraction is in place. I use my abilities to summon a black mist around me becoming one with it. I quickly float through the grounds and into the window hearing some combat in the distance. I believe they will be able to defeat 4 of my pets by the time I'm done here. I look around to make sure noone is around and proceed to move towards my destination. Scouring through the school for another ten minutes I found my destination, the Atlas Academy labs. I enter the labs using the black mist again and verified I was alone. The distraction is working like a charm. I make my way towards the main computer and connect my scroll to it and begin to download the coding of the firewall. This should help Arthur with his little virus. Then something catches my interest. What's this? I look at the file and notice some plans on an android. Penny Polendina? Interesting. I study the information and exit the computer making sure there is no trace of my entry. Let's see here according to the files the android should be.... Bingo. I approach what appears to be robotic exoskeleton. Must still be underdevelopment. I'm sure they won't mind if I give them a little help. I raise my hand above the robotic body and some black tendrils latch onto it and it dissolves into the body. Pity they won't know I helped them with their little project. I then turn to leave the way I came in. I get to the window and again use the mist to exit but this time I climb to the top of the academy. I look at my distraction and notice that only five of my pets remain. I did take a detour. I remove my mask and take out my weapons, which was a bow that turns into a sword. Time for phase two of the plan be the hero. I aim my bow and fired at one of my pets. I jump off the roof and continue to fire a flurry of arrows. I land on a ledge and continue to fire more arrows. One of my pets runs towards me and I immediately jump off the building and turn my weapon into its sword form. The creature arrived underneath me and I use this time to stab it in the head getting an instant kill, little did the onlookers know that death just returns them back to the void. I turn to see another one of my creatures that have pinned down a cat faunus girl with an very interesting hair color. There was some people trying to get it's attention with some gunfire but to no avail. I throw my sword at it and it screeches in pain as my sword pierce it's leg that was holding the girl down. I then hear a trumpet being played and the sound waves hit the beast I had thrown my weapon at. I turn towards the source and see a dark skin male using his trumpet as a weapon. With the girl free the two meet up with me.

Faunus: "Thanks a lot I thought I wasn't gonna get out of that."

"No problem I can't just sit by and watch someone getting hurt."

Trumpeter: "We aren't done yet it's still ready for a fight."

"Hey can you use your trumpet to get me to my weapon."

Trumpeter: "Pffft that's simple get ready."

"I always am."

Faunus: "Careful can't have you dying on us." With that the trumpet's sound waves launches me forward towards the creature. It tries to attack me but a barrage of bullets hit it distracting it. I made it to my weapon and grab onto it. I then proceeded to slash at its legs causing it to lose its footing. It begins to spread its wings but more bullets are shot and tear holes into the creature's wings disabling it's ability to fly. I then stab my sword into its abdomen and tear it's flesh causing it to scream in pain. It lowers its head out of exhaustion and I use this moment to slice it's neck killing it. I turn to see if anymore of my creatures remain and sure enough two are still alive. Retreat. I send a mental message to the remaining two to get out and they comply.

Faunus: "Looks like we scared them off."

Trumpeter: "Great that means we're done. Thanks for your help um..."

"F/N, F/N L/N." I extend a hand towards him.

Flynt: "Flynt Coal." He was gonna shake my hand but the faunus girl got in front.

Neon: "And I'm Neon Katt. That's with a K and two t's."

Flynt: "Anyways I haven't seen you around here do you go to our school?"

"Actually no I was just passing by."

???: "Really how very convenient." I turn at the source of the voice to see a man with a military uniform walking towards me. "Thanks for your help young man you handled yourself pretty well. I'm General Ironwood headmaster of Atlas."

"And I'm...."

Ironwood: "I know who you are. I received word from Beacon's headmaster that you went missing."

Neon: "Your from Vale. Why are you here not that I'm complaining."

Ironwood: "I was wondering the same thing Orias told me that you ran off after an incident."

"No idea I just woke up in the middle of the woods one morning. Couldn't remember a thing."

Ironwood: "Well now that I found you or more like you appeared would you like to head back to Vale I will gladly get you an escort." Seems like he's wary of me. Can't blame him he clearly knows I killed my sister.

"I would like that thank you."

Neon: "Aww your leaving."

Flynt: "Well that's a shame it would have been great to get to know you."

"Hey well see eachother again the Vytal Festival is coming up isn't it?"

Neon: "Right I totally forgot."

Flynt: "Well when we get there we will hit you up food will be on me."

"Oh you don't have to do that."

Flynt: "It's the least I can do for you saving Neon."

"If you insist I look forward to it." I gave them a warm smile. Persistent bunch.

Ironwood: "Well lets get you ready for departure."

"Alright see you two at Vale." I have them a small wave as I take my leave and they return it in their own way.

Ironwood: "Tell me do you remember what happened the day you left Beacon?"

"Nope why what happened?" I have him a very convincing confused look.

Ironwood: "Nothing don't worry about it." I then see a familiar face in the distance. That son of a bitch.

"Excuse me for a second General." I made my way towards Jake to greet him in the way I planned. "Hi Jake why are you in Atlas?"

Jake: "F/N what are you doing here?" Seems like he's a little terrified of me.

"No idea I just woke up in the middle of the woods one day. Was lost for a few days and made my way here."

Jake: "You don't remember anything that happened."

"What happened." Another convincing confused look. Seriously I deserve an award for acting.

Ironwood: "Sorry F/N but we surely must get going."

"Really that's a pity. See you sometime Jake." I pat his shoulder and insert a bit of my energy into him. It was so small he will never know.

Jake: "Yeah see ya. So he doesn't remember anything great that means I can still be in control. This time I'll make sure I won't get caught." I smile at his thought. Sorry but you're never gonna be able to hide anything from me.


I was sitting in a bullhead and infront of me was Winter Schnee, Weiss's older sister. Ironwood made her my escort which is weird, but it's the perfect opportunity to test one of my new abilities.

"So Winter how's your sister." She looks at me.

Winter: "Well she was slightly upset about your disappearance."

"Really I'm sorry to cause her pain."

Winter: "Don't worry about it I'm sure it wasn't your fault. Though I'm sure she will be happy to see you again."

"Really why is that." Winter instantly looked as if she fucked up.

Winter: "Oh uh nothing ignore what I said." Interesting Weiss might be easier than I thought.

"What has she said about me?"

Winter: "She says you are kind and caring individual. Also the fact that you will defend your friends even if you are at a large disadvantage."

"Never knew she thought so highly of me." Let's see her reaction to my next question. "What do you think of me?"

Winter: "You look as she says and from what I have seen you even try to protect others at your own peril. Which is admirable...... also you look rather handsome." She tried to hide that last phrase but I heard it clearly. I get up from my seat and move next to her.

"What was that last part again? I think I heard you wrong." She instantly began to blush.

Winter: "I said that it was admirable."

"No you said something else after that." She was completely red. At this moment I have a bit of my energy latch onto her. "Sounded like you said I was handsome, am I wrong?"

Winter: "Ok Fine. I said you were handsome, happy."

"Winter are you interested in me?" I then increase the intensity of the energy entering her.

Winter: "Maybe a little." This experiment is working better than I thought. I get up and walk infront of her. I caress her hair and hold her chin my energy still latching to her. I look at her, she was slightly blushing.


I lean closer to her and she closed her eyes anticipating a kiss. I stop an inch away. She opens her eyes and looks slightly depressed. "What's wrong?"

"Are you willing to help me?"

Winter: "With anything."

"Will you follow my orders no matter what is asked of you?"

Winter: "Yes I'll do anything you say." I then lean back in and she closed her eyes again. This time I did kiss her passionately, with that I was able to pour half my energy into her (dirty minded readers: giggity) making her mine. We separate and I look at her.

"Tell me does your sister have romantic feelings towards me?"

Winter: "Yes master she does."

"Excellent she'll be easier then."

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