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Pov F/N

I was sitting at the bullhead arms crossed looking out the window as it began to reach Vale. Winter has told me everything she knows about Atlas and her family. It might be beneficial to have Weiss be in charge of the company.

"Is that all you have for me?" I turn to Winter.

Winter: "Yes master I don't know anything else."

"I'll have to meet up with some people before we go to Beacon."

Winter: "Actually I was given direct order to take you to Beacon. If we don't go as soon as possible it will cause suspicions." Right should have guessed that was the case. Time for plan B

"Alright I wanted to try this later but now works as well." I begin to muster all my energy and aura around me. I split a huge amount from my body and cause it to float next to me. It the begins to shape itself into a humanoid form. I then raise a hand and black tendrils latch onto the energy and begin to solidify it. The figure begins to gain features. After about a minute I look at the being infront of me as it stared back.

"Winter how does he look?"

Winter: "If I didn't see his creation infront of me I'd have thought you were twins." I then stab my copy's arm and blood begins to flow out.

"Perfect an exact copy and has normal bodily functions. Not only that we are linked telepathically so whatever he sees and knows I will as well. With this I can be at two places at once and if I no longer need him or if he is somehow killed he will just turn back into energy and reunite with me." This should make my next task not take anytime.

Winter: "You said you were gonna make him later. For what I may ask?"

"For this." I give him my gas mask and he takes it. He then begins to speak.

"I'll be the scapegoat. The original will fight me whenever I make an appearance and gain the trust and faith of anyone including Orias. Also I'll be taking over any task Salem has for me while he stays at Beacon." He then proceeded to put on the mask. "You got all that?"

Winter: "Yes master I did." With that the bullhead touched the ground of the landing pad. I hand my double my scroll to hand to Cinder. He takes it and disappears into mist.

"Act normal Winter." She nods and we step off the bullhead. We began to walk towards the academy to speak with Orias. Gotta be very convincing since she is a very perceptive individual.

Pov Clone

I made my way towards the location I was to meet Cinder. It was a bar run by a man named Junior. I sit on a table and remove my mask. I sense no familiar presence so I should be ok. Though it would be great if you would hurry up damn it. Then a girl with an interesting hair color approached me and takes a seat.

"Can I help you?" I ask out of curiosity. She pulls out her scroll and shows me a message.

Neo: Hi I'm Neo and I was sent to look for you by a woman named Cinder. I look at her.

"Are you a mute by any chance?" She nods. She's adorable. "Ok is it's all in this scroll." I hand her my scroll and she takes it. She give it a quick look through and smiles. She does something with both the scrolls and then hands mine back. She writes a message and shows it to me.

Neo: Great now that is done how about you and I spend some together? Normally I would but I have things to prepare

"How about later tonight I have some important things to do." She begins to pout and writes a message.

Neo: I have two of my friends waiting right now. You can do that later right?"

"Sorry I can't I'm really busy. Like I said tonight will work though." She sighs in defeat.

Neo: Alright I'll let my friends know that you aren't free now. I get up to leave but then she grabs my arm and hands me a note that I begin to read.

Here's my number handsome. I then pull out my scroll and send a message. Her scroll chimes and she reads it.

"There now you have my number see you around." I then proceeded to walk out the bar.

Pov (F/N)

Interesting turn of events at the meeting. Seems I'm busy tonight. The elevator we were on has made it to the top and I step out followed by Winter. In front of me I see a woman in green clothes and grey hair.

Orias: "F/N your back glad to see you are safe after being missing for a month."

"I didn't realize I was gone for that long."

Winter: "It appears he has no memories of the event Headmaster."

Orias: "Really what do you remember?"

"I remember being very angry and then seeing Jake terrified. After that nothing."

Orias: "I see well the good news is there is still space for you in your own team however due to Jake's transfer you have a new team leader." Really now someone else to deal with.

"Cool who is it?"

Orias: "I summoned them here they should be here soon." As if right on que I hear the elevator open and see three females walk out. "Ladies I'd like to introduce to you a returning member of you team." I see both shinbi and Jeannette, though she prefers Phase. The other girl whom I presume is our new lead has brunette hair and blue eyes. They were all wearing the school uniform.

"Sup." I gave them a small wave and smile. I was then hugged by phase who was glad to see me.

Phase: "F/N your back. Now we have a full team again." She lets go and gives me a warm smile. I then felt a small punch on my shoulder and saw that it was Shinbi.

Shinbi: "What took you so long? We were worried sick of you."

"Sorry but I really don't remember what caused me to leave. Actually I don't even remember leaving just found myself in the woods somewhere." I smiled and rubbed the back of my head. The other girl I don't recognize walks up to me and greets herself.

Elizabeth: "I'm Elizabeth the leader of this team pleasure to meet you F/N." She reaches out with her hand and I shake it.

"Thanks for keeping my friends safe."

Orias: "Right now Elizabeth will remain leader and F/N you will move back in to their dorm. You begin classes again tomorrow." She then dismissed us as I followed the three of them out.

Pov Orias

"Winter has F/N done anything suspicious or acted unusual." Winter turns to me and looks me in the eye.

Winter: "No Orias he has acted as my sister described to me."

"Good you may go back to Atlas and give Ironwood my thanks for sending him back." Winter then leaves and I am left in my thoughts. What was it that made you rage like that F/N?

Timeskip Pov F/N

I enter my old dorm and felt slight nostalgic. I look around and see not much has changed. I look at a desk and see a picture of Shinbi, Phase and I there was a tear on the picture where Jake should be. Seems like he lost a lot of friends from his actions. Like he actually cares. I have been reading his thoughts on my way to Vale and discovered he really only cared for himself and didn't really see any of us as equals.

"Why is the picture torn?"

Shinbi: "Our team had a falling out after you left."

"Was it from Jake's actions." Shinbi and Phase looked away rubbing their arms. "I remember that much. Elizabeth do you know anything about what we are talking about?"

Elizabeth: "I do I'm sorry to hear that happened to you."

"It's fine just glad I can see my sister again." At these words all three of the girls looked a bit depressed. Gotta play ignorance. "What's wrong?"

Phase: "Um F/N your sister is...... dead."

"What? H-how?"

Shinbi: "All we know is it was an accident." I looked as if my world was over.

"I need some air. I'll talk to you all later." I then proceeded to walk out the room. Judging from their faces it was very convincing. Alright this is the perfect time to explore a bit. I made my way outside and bump into someone. I look down and see Ruby.

Ruby: "Sorry wasn't paying attent...... F/N? Is that really you?"

"Hi Ruby how are y....." I was then tackled to the ground by a flurry of rose petals. Ruby was hugging me tightly.

Ruby: "I'm so glad your back." This action caught me by surprise.

"Ruby..... I .......can't...... br-breathe."

Ruby: "Oh sorry I'm just glad you have returned." She gets off of me and we get up. "So when did you get back."

"Just now."

Ruby: "Really that's great. So where are you going?"

"I actually was told my Sera died so I wanted to get some air for a bit." She looks to the side with a depressed face. Huh guess I still have a soft spot for you. I pat her head which makes her blush. "We'll talk some other time okay." I begin to walk away.

Ruby: "F/N!" I turn to see her fidgeting and her hands behind her back.

"What is it?"

Ruby: "W-would you like t-to......" She was really trying hard to say something which was very cute. "Go out sometime." She closed her eyes and turned her head away.

"Sure. How's tomorrow sound?" She looks at me and I thought I saw a sparkle in her eyes.

Ruby: "That sounds great!" I then continue to make my way out and leave her to her thoughts. Then it occurred to me. Oh I pat her head. That would have been a perfect chance to implant some of my energy into her. Eh maybe next time.

Pov Clone

I was walking in the middle of the woods with my mask on and made sure noone was around. Time for the rise of Pestilence. I then placed both hands on the ground and a large pool of black liquid manifested.

The liquid begins to grow and then black tentacles spread out and begin to latch onto anything around it. Then as it continues to grow some humanoid figures rise out of the pool.

The figures begin to spread out and the corruption grows slowly then finally the main beast shows itself.

It towers at around 2 stories and begins to spread the corruption faster. Then my two surviving pets from atlas arrived and one lifts me up and the other stays behind.

"Take me back to Vale. By tomorrow this will have spread enough to warrant Orias to act. Also I got some friends to meet." The creature complies and flies me towards Vale where now I just wait for the time when my presence shall be known.

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