A Night to Remember

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Pov F/N

I was in the library alone reading some books to catch up on my lessons. If I'm gonna make them believe I'm back I gotta go back to being the top of the class. I noticed that the sun was setting, looking at the time it was 1830. Hmm been here a while. Still got time though. I continue reading until I felt a dark presence behind me.

"What are you doing here Pestilence? Don't you have something to do right now?" I turn to see myself stand behind me.

Pestilence: "I thought it be better if you went instead."

"What about tomorrow when we are inevitably sent out to deal with your filth?"

Pestilence: "Well find a way to switch back. Now don't pretend like you don't wanna meet them yourself." I get up and turn to face my clone. I extend my hand palm facing up, he places the gas mask on my hand and takes a seat on the table reading the book I was reading. He then proceeded to wave me away. God I'm a cocky bastard. I put on the mask while I left the school and made my way into Vale. I pull out my scroll and message Neo.

'Where are we meeting?'

Neo: 'The same place we first met.'

'On my way.' I then made my way towards Junior's Club.


I enter the building as it is more lively than a few hours ago. Do people not have any lives to be out at this time? I walked around the club looking for the tiny girl. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turn to see a girl who was up to my chest in height.

"Sup kid." She got a little agitated at what I said. "So what did you have plan for tonight anyways?" I said removing my mask. Neo then grabs my arm and pulls me towards the bar. "I don't do alcohol."

???: "So handsome here is a lightweight." I turn to see two girls who look similar to each other. Twins.

"No, I think it is stupid to drink alcohol since I can't get drunk."

???: "You can't get drunk? How are you so sure about that?" I tried to forget about that day by drinking it away. All I felt was the burning taste in my mouth.

"Trust me I know. Anyways who are you two?"

???: "I'm Melanie and this is my sister Miltia." She pointed at the girl in red. Easy enough. "Neo here said that the four of us should spend time together. Here would work but it's to crowded tonight."

"So where to then?"

Meltia: "Neo enjoys ice cream so we can go get some." I look at Neo.

"You sure your not a kid." She was smiling but I can feel her anger. "I'm kidding by the way. Ice cream sounds nice." We got up from our seats and made our way out the club.

Pov Elizabeth

I was sitting in our room reading some books for class tomorrow when I noticed the time. It's nearly nine pm where is he? He should have been back by now. I see Phase laying on her bed listening to music and holding sluggo.

("Sluggo is her backpack that she is attached to this is the best pic I found of it.")

I get up and walk towards her. She noticed me and removed her earphones.

Phase: "Sup."

"F/N hasn't returned and it's getting late." She looks at her scroll and see the time.

Phase: "Wow time flew. We gotta find him."

"Any idea where he might be."

Phase: "He might be in the library. He usually spends time there when he wants to be alone."

"How often does he do that?"

Shinbi: "He did that a lot and we got used to him always being there that whenever he was missing we would join him." Shinbi had walked in at the room. "So let's see if he still does that." We leave the room and made our way to the library.


We enter the library and begin looking around.

Shinbi: "He usually likes to sit in the back. Says it's easier to read and concentrate since it's nearly deserted there." We made our way to the back and there he was reading a book. I walk towards him.

"Hey F/N."

F/N: "Huh?" He looks up at me and rubs his eyes. "Hey Elizabeth what you doing here?"

"Looking for you. It's late we should get to bed." He looks at the windows seeing it was dark.

F/N: "Oh shit. Sorry about that reading always took my mind of things." He gets up and stretches. "Alright let me put these away and we can get going." He proceeded to put his books away and we left the library.

"So what were you reading."

F/N: "Just catching up on what I missed when I was gone. Can't stay behind or I'll never graduate."

"I heard you were great in class."

F/N: "Yeah without me shinbi and phase would be in the bottom of all our classes." Shinbi and Phase then both punched him on the arms. "Ouch. Come on you know it's true."

Phase: "We don't need you reminding us how hopeless we were at first."

"But you did get the hang of the lessons right?"

Shinbi: "Of course he was a great tutor."

F/N: "So what time is it? I checked the windows but not the time?" He smiles and rubs the back of his head.

"Almost ten and we have classes at nine."

F/N: "Again sorry that I lost track of time."

"Not a problem since you do have to catch up on your lessons." We made it to the dorm and F/N enters the bathroom and changes in there.

Pov Pestilence

Ok let's see how my pets are doing. I focus my thoughts and see a bird's eye view of the corruption spreading. I'd estimate that it is about six miles in diameter. I'm glad I left that flying beast there. I finished changing and exit the bathroom. I see that everyone was laying on there beds getting comfortable. I move towards my bed and lay on it.

"Night girls."

EPS: "Night F/N."

By tomorrow the corruption should be at about ten miles in diameter. It's gonna be an interesting day.

Pov F/N (+18)

After we had our ice cream the Melechite twins invited me and Neo to their place for the night. We made it to their door.

"You sure you two are ok with me staying."

Miltia: "Do you have a place to stay for the night?"

"Not really."

Melanie: "Then it's fine." She pulls me in the room and Neo closes the door.

"Nice place. You two live here by yourselves?"

Miltia: "Yeah gets pretty lonely." She gets a little too close and placed her arms around my neck. She then leaned in a kissed me. We continue for a good minute till we separated. "Shall we take this to the room?"

"Lead the way." She grabs my hand and leads me towards her room. As I walked in I noticed both Neo sitting on the bed and Melanie laying on the bed in their underwear. Miltia comes up from behind me and reaches inside my pants. Melanie gets up from the bed and walks towards me and begins to remove my shirt.

Melanie: "Let's get you a little more comfortable." She proceeded to kiss me as well. After we separated the two sisters lead me into the bed and forced me down. Miltia begins to stroke my member while her sister continues to make out with me. I felt something moist and warm on my dick. I look to see Miltia has begun to suck me off, Neo then joins Miltia as the two begin to take turns. Neo positions her pussy above my face and I can see she is aroused. I lowered her panties slightly and begin to finger her. I began to lick her as she began to feel even more pleasure. I felt a hand grab one of mine. I look to see Melanie has grabbed my hand with her legs spread open, I moved my hand between her legs and began to finger her while I continue to lick Neo. Neo gets up and removes her panties and repositioned herself on top of my member.

"Your easily aroused aren't you Neo." She then lowers herself into my member slowly. I feel her walls hug me tightly. When my dick was fully in her I noticed some blood. "That explains it. This is your first." She gives a nod and begins to move. I look to see Miltia and Melanie enjoying eachother. "Guess you have me to yourself for now Neo." I grab her hips and begin to move myself. She begins to embrace me and kisses me. I massage her ass as I continue to thrust into her. Her walls begin to tighten around me warning me that she was at her limit. I thrust even faster as she begins to pant like she she's out of breath. I felt her embrace me tightly as well both climax.

Melanie: "I hope you still have energy." I look to see Melanie spread her legs showing me her wet pussy. Neo gets off and lays down to rest. I move to Melanie as I pull her to the edge of the bed and begin to insert my member inside her. "Be gentle it's my first as well." After fully inserting my dick inside her Miltia comes in and begins to suck on her sister's breasts. I thrust slowly as Melanie moans from the pleasure. I reach towards Miltia and begin to finger her as I fuck her sister. I lift Melanie's leg and pull her towards me some more. She begins to feel even more pleasure as I feel her getting close. "F/N I'm cumming!"

"So am I."

Melanie: "Together! Let's cum together!" Her sister kisses her to muffle her pleasured scream as she climaxes. I turn to Miltia.


Miltia: "Finally enough with the foreplay." She pulls me on top of her as she moves my dick over her opening. I forced myself in her and felt her walls tighten. "How does it feel to have a foursome with three virgins?" She was blushing as she said this.

"Never thought I'd experience this that's for sure." I begin to piston myself in and out of her opening.

Miltia: "A n-night....... to re-member." I continue to thrust in her as she begins to pull me closer. "F-faster!" I do as she asks and go faster and her insides feel like it's pulling me in. Miltia wraps her legs around me and her walls tighten. I lift her up and continue to thrust at a faster pace. "Fuck I-Im at my limit!" She screams making go faster. I felt her walls tighten as we both release. I lay her down as she is out of breath. She looks at me and is surprised. "Your still hard?"

"My ex said the same thing when she saw how much endurance I had." She just smiles.

Miltia: "My what kind of monster did we invite to our home."

"You beginning to regret that decision?" I teased.

Miltia: "Not a chance." Neo then comes up to me. "Plus Neo seems ready for another round anyways."

"This is gonna be a long night."

(Erotic scene over.)

Timeskip Morning Pov Pestilence

I awaken before anyone else on "my" team. I get ready for classes and hear everyone's alarm go off. Elizabeth gets up first while shinbi struggles.

"Morning ready for classes?"

Shinbi: "Not really."

"Right I forgot your not a morning person." After everyone got in their school uniforms we left for class. As we entered I see that we are the first to arrive.

Port: "Welcome Team Epsilon. Early as usual. Also it's great to see you again F/N glad that you are safe."

"Good to see you as well Professor."

Shinbi: "Remind me again why we always have to show up first."

"Look on the bright side we get first pick on where we sit."

Phase: "Guess your right." We proceeded to sit in the middle as we waited for class to start.

10 min later

The last of the students began to pile in. I get a couple of shocked looks at me. I wonder what everyone thinks of me? I'll find out soon enough. I then hear a familiar voice.

Ruby: "We made it!" Are they even on time?

Port: "Ahh team RWBY you have a full two minutes to spare please take your seats so we may begin." As they made their way towards their seats both Yang and Weiss noticed me. They stopped to process what they witness. Weiss begins to whisper.

Weiss: "F/N? Your here?" She was shocked while Yang was a bit depressed.


Weiss: "Where have you been?"

"Sorry Weiss but class is about to begin so we should speak later." They then take their seats and class begins.


Class was almost over as professor port was about to finish his story. When an announcement came on and professor Orias spoke.

Orias: "Attention students an unknown creature has attacked Vale and is endangering innocent people. All able body huntsman are to prepare for combat." Finally time to set the plan in motion.


Pov Orias

I ended my announcement and look at the live feed of the creature that is attacking. I obviously wasn't a Grimm. I don't even know how to deal with this. It was causing people to panic but what interested me was that it was causing little destruction as if it was trying to get our attention. As I look I get a message from Qrow.

Qrow: 'We have a problem.' He then sends me a picture of the forest and some black substance surrounding it. I message him back.

'Ill deal with it in a moment the city is under attack.' he then sends a reply.

Qrow: 'Its spreading.' Damn what do I do.

'City first I need to calm the civilians down or Grimm will be a problem.'

Qrow: 'Alright I'll try to slow down whatever this is.' I then turn back to the screen. What is going on?

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