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Pov F/N 10 min prior to attack

I awoke from my sleep a while ago and got changed. I then felt a pair of arms around me. I turn to see Melanie still naked embracing me.

Melanie: "Going somewhere?"

"I wasn't gonna leave without saying goodbye if that's what your thinking." I felt that she had her entire weight on me. "I have things to do so I'd like to stay but I can't."

Melanie: "Fine but take me back to the bed I don't think I can get to it my self." I pick her up bridal style and carry her to the bed. I see Neo and Miltia still sleeping slightly covering their chests with the sheets. I lay Melanie down on the bed and she pulls me in for a kiss. "Thanks to you I don't think neither of us will be able to go to work today."

"I told you I have a lot of endurance."

Melanie: "We should do this again sometime."


Melanie: :I'll tell them you had to go so don't worry about it."

"Thanks." I walk out of the building and made my way outside. Let's do this away from those three. Let's see center of town is far enough let's do it there. I command my flying creature to attack the center of Vale and to not spread out into the east. Now I'll go into the forest and get ready to switch with my clone.

Pov Pestilence present time

I was preparing my weapon as my team will be sent in to deal with a problem in the woods after the creature retreated back to the woods after causing light damage.

Elizabeth: "Okay guys remember stick together."

Shinbi/Phase: "Got it."

"Time to get moving." We made our way towards the nearest bullhead and got on. To my luck team RWBY was in it as well. Got to say the silence was awkward, for them I personally had to use all my will to not laugh at this. They are oblivious to the truth it's just wonderful. Regaining my mental composure I look out the window and bring everyone's attention to the forest. "Hey guys look at this." They all look out and see a mysterious substance around the forest.

(Imagine the two pictures but in Forever Fall.)

Weiss: "What is that stuff?"

Blake: "Could it be a new form of Grimm?"

Elizabeth: "Not likely." The bull head then began to shake.

Phase: "What was that." The the side of the bullhead is torn off and to everyone's shock a creature they have never seen is staring at us through the opening.

It begins to grab me and pull me towards it.


Everyone: "F/N!!!!" My team grabs hold of me trying to pull me from its grasp. Team RWBY begin to attack the monster, Weiss and Ruby attack the tentacles that held me while Blake and Yang shoot at the creatures head.

Ruby: "Why isn't it cutting it?!" I grab my sword and proceed to stab it but it's skin is thick.

Yang: "Come on!! It's completely ignoring everything we are doing!!" At this moment two of its tentacles smack Blake and Yang to the wall of the bullhead. Ruby and Weiss then begin to shoot it but like the others it did not care. It was begin to cause the ship some damage as it was trying to cause the girls to panicking and let go. They didn't budge so it continues to attack the girls with its spare tentacles. As it knocked Everyone away it proceeded to launch me out of the bullhead and into the woods.

I compose myself and land in the woods. I look around and see the original standing there waiting.

F/N: "Sorry I wanted to cause a little scene before you were pulled out." He tossed me the gas mask.

"Don't be it was pretty entertaining to see them try." I have the black substance envelope me changing my attire.

Pov F/N

Pestilence: "Now shall we begin?"

"Of course." I rush out into one side of the woods while pestilence begins his role.

Pov Ruby

The monster threw F/N out of the bullhead. Just when he returned he is taken away again. I can't believe that this happened. Why, why didn't I tell him my feelings. I then begin to feel the bullhead losing control and altitude.

"Guys the ship is coming down!!!" Everybody was trying to get on their feet but the movement of the ship prevented them from standing.

Elizabeth: "Crap! Everyone get near me!!!" We all made our way towards her as she held on to a seat keeping herself in one location. "Grab on to me!!" We all had grabbed onto one another while Weiss was the one who  held on to Elizabeth. Soon a bright flash of blue light appears and we were on the ground of Forever Fall.

Weiss: "What was that?"

Elizabeth: "My semblance can alter certain aspects of space. I created a distortion and got us to the ground." I look to see the bullhead fall and crash into the forest.

Shinbi: "whooooooo that was fun." She said sarcastically.

Phase: "What about F/N?"

Blake: "We were pretty high up his chance of survival..."

Weiss: "He has to be alive! We gotta look for him."

Blake: "Weiss come on let's be realistic."

"Weiss is right we might as well try maybe he did survive. What do you think Elizabeth?"

Elizabeth: "He's a member of our team. We were gonna look for him with or without your help."

Blake: "I guess we should at least try." With that we make our way towards the part of the forest that had that mysterious substance all around it.

Pov  Coco

My team and I were making our way through the woods to try and find what is going on here. We fought through a bunch of mysterious creatures that I have never seen. I see one of those creatures appear and try to attack Velvet.

"Velvet duck!!!" She gets down and I fire my minigun at those things. Fox makes his way towards them and hits them away from Velvet. I hear Yatsuhashi smack another group away with his great sword. I turn to see he is starting to get exhausted.

Yatsuhashi: "They keep getting up." The creatures we just dealt with begin to rise up as if we didn't just fight them. Fox grabs Velvet and makes his way towards us.

Fox: "What do we do?" For once in my life I was nervous, I don't know how we will get out of this. Then they stopped advancing and begin to back away. Did we just luck out? "Wait I hear something in the distance." I then hear someone coming towards us. He reveals himself and I see someone with a gas mask wearing a hooded black trench coat. In what I assume is his dominant hand was a mace. On his back was a serrated wheel of some sort.

"Who are you?"

???: "Who am I doesn't matter to you four."

Yatsuhashi: "And why is that?"

"Because you four won't live long enough to remember it." He then placed the mace on his back and the wheel began to turn as if it was a chainsaw. He pulls out his new weapon.

"I'll give you all a handicap, this weapon will cut right through your auras. Also I like to maim my victims." His weapon was revving again and I was scared. Velvet however was absolutely terrified. I got to get everyone out of here. Somehow we have to escape.

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