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POV Pestilence

Arriving at a warehouse I hear Roman cursing at a map. I decided to approach him and see what has him so stressed.

"Something wrong Roman?" I said calmly.

"Oh it's you... Well it's the dust robberies. They aren't going as quickly as I want them to." He said.

"I see... Well pay me and I'll help." I said to him.

"Right... That... How much you want?" He said looking at me.

"A couple thousand lien should suffice. Now where are we hitting?" I asked.

"A Schnee freighter tonight." He said.

"Oh? Getting ol' Jacques angry are we... I'm definitely interested." I said smiling to myself. Make him pay for what he did to Weiss.

"Great now do what you need to prepare. I'll work out the final details."

"Sure thing boss."

"Actually I need you to do something now."

"What is it?" I asked.

"I need you to go see Adam Taurus and ask for more White Fang to send us."

"Can't someone else go." I said.

"Don't like Adam?" He asked

"No I loathe him... But fine... I'm not going alone need someone to keep me from killing the bastard... Neo!"

"She's the last person to stop you from killing someone." Roman sighed.

"I know, but close enough." I said as I felt a hand grab mine. I look down to see Neo was holding it. My mind is just like F/N so I'll be able to remain calm if I'm around someone her cares for, "I'm going to need you to accompany me on a small errand." She smiled and nodded at me, "Alright let's head out."



We finished training as I was walking back to my dorm. I took longer than usual due to...

"Nora why aren't you with your team?" I asked. Nora had latched herself to my arm as we walked through the school.

"Come on we haven't spend as much time together." She said smiling.

"You act as though we are dating."

"A date! Sure let's go!" She yelled.

"Wait what?" Is all I was able to make out before I was pulled away by the bubbly orange headed woman. The next thing I knew I was in a bullhead heading to Vale, Nora latched onto my arms, How? Why? When? Is what ran through my head as I sat there, "Uhh Nora..."

"Hmmm?" She said not looking at me.

"What are you doing?"

"Going on a date." She said.

"Okay... Why?" I asked.

"You're not having second thoughts now are you?" She asked looking at me very closely.

"N-no just... Unexpected is all." I said looking away, Damn it, I can't handle situations like these. This is just like my date with Ruby.

"Well you and me are going to have some fun." She said pulling my arm in between her breasts. Is she... Coming onto me?

"Are you... Coming onto me?" I asked. She just smiled and just shifted in her seat. That's when I realized where my hand was and another fact that made this situation even more unbearable, She isn't wearing any panties!


POV Pestilence

I finally arrived at the location where Adam is supposed to be. I was riding Strife as Neo held on to me, a little to strongly.

"Not afraid of heights are you?" I asked. She gives me a light jab since I can't see her face buried into my back, "Well we are pretty high up and the wind is rather strong. Strife take us down now." I said as we began to descend. Once we touched the ground we got off and Neo seemed a bit weak in the knees, "Wanna rest here while I go handle this?" I asked, she shook her head as she grabbed my arm, "Alright let's do this slowly." I said helping her up. We both made our way through the White Fang Camp as we both got questionable stares.

"What's a human doing here?" One of them asked blocking our path.

"None of your concern, creature." I said, but he gazes at Neo and smirked, "Now what's so funny?" I asked walking towards him as I pushed her behind me, "Please tell me I could use a joke." He gazes at me and by the look of his mouth was glaring through his mask, "Well, beast?"

"Was just thinking how her face would look after every man here has their way with..." I didn't let him finish, I grabbed his mouth and slammed him to the ground. Everyone turns to look at me as I held him on the ground with my foot and pulled out my weapon. I held it inches from his neck as I revved it up. The saw spun around as he aimed his chin up terrified.

"Sorry, what was that? You need to speak up... Dog." I then heard an annoying familiar voice.

"Let him go." I look up and see Adam Taurus standing before us.

"And why should I?" I asked.

"You want business between us to go smoothly? Then let him go." She said his hand gripping the hilt of his blade. I removed my foot and raised my weapon from his neck. The Faunus looked at me and then back at Adam.

"Well get away from him." He said, but before he could even move I plunged my weapon down on his skull and began to saw right through it. Everyone looks at me in disgust, though Neo was smiling. I stopped and raised my weapon from his dead body and looked at Adam who was clearly furious.

"You said to let him go, you never specified alive." I said. The white fang were about to attack me and Neo was prepared to fight them off, but Adam raised his hand holding them at bay.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"Roman sent me to get some help for his little heist. Care to send him some?" I asked.

"Come with me." He said waving us to follow him, "The rest of you... Don't anger him again." The remaining members all began to walk away hoping to put some distance between me and them. Neo walks up to me and gives me a smug grin, her cheeks slightly red.

"Enjoy the show?" I asked her. She grabs my hand and moves it to her breasts, "Kinky... Tomorrow we will have plenty of time to have some fun." I said pulling my hand back. She just licked her lips and began to walk away following Adam. She doesn't know I'm not really F/N, didn't think it was important to tell her. Especially when doing so will make her a little more heated when tomorrow arrives.

I made it inside his little tent as Neo stood there waiting. He looks at me and rolled up the parchment he had on the table. Though not before I read a few words that caught my interest. Targets, Belladonnas, Sienna.

"Well give me one reason why I should give you some members after your little incident." He said leaning forward on his table.

"Oh you shouldn't... Not because I killed the idiot who pissed me off, but because I saw you have a target list. Sienna and the Belladonnas are on it. Why is that Adam?" I said looking at him.

"It doesn't matter to..." I slammed my fist through the table. Neo even jumped at this action.

"It does matter to me. I have my own plans with the Belladonnas and Sienna Kahn. All of which will be ruined if you killed them, Adam are you trying to make me your enemy?" I asked.

"You need me and the White Fang. I'm sure your leader wouldn't be happy to hear that you ruined our partnership." He said giving me a smug grin.

"Oh Adam... We don't need you and the White Fang... It would be nice to have you but we don't need you. As for my leader, I have no leader. She is more like a Queen and as she stated I am her King... So she has no power over me." He looks at me and smiles.

"I'm sure she wouldn't like to hear that you have a side who..." Black tendrils rose from the ground and were aimed at his neck.

"One, don't insult my girls; Two, Don't touch my girls; and three, She knows already and she actually encourages it. Now..." The tendrils retract as I look at him, "Give me the members I need or your usefulness has expired." He looks down furiously, but defeated.

"Fine I'll send them out today." I made my way to the exit and held the flap open for Neo.

"Good. Also Blake Belladonna... What's your relationship with her." I asked. I noticed he looked at me with his hand clenched. I turned away with a small smirk under my mask, "Oh how sad... I'll let her know you still love her when I fuck her." I heard the table get thrown as I grabbed his blade which was aimed at my neck, "Heh heartbroken men are so easily manipulated, I should know." I gripped it tighter and broke the blade and he retreated, "See you around, Adam." I said walking out.

We got a decent distance away when Neo stopped for a moment and looked at me, "What is it?" I asked. She just smiled and continued to walk away, I'm surprised she held back. I could feel her lust from here. Well F/N looks like tomorrow is going to be an interesting day for you... Unless Nora beat her to it.



I have been walking around Vale with Nora who had been finding any opportunity she could to... Arouse me. She was succeeding every time. I can't even think straight with my mind racing on how I want to fuck her right now. Never thought I'd see this side of her maybe Ren (Ren is a unisex name. Ren is female in this story, thought I'd remind you all.) was keeping her from going crazy and with her not around she has no leash.

Not only that but Neo is definitely going to tackle me to a bed tomorrow and I have a date with the Malachite twins tonight. These next two days are going to be... Interest... My thought stopped at the sight of Nora bending over to pick up trash.

"N-Nora..." I said.

"Yes?" She cooed with a smug grin. Damn it control your urges F/N!!!! I internally screamed. I took a deep breath and smiled.

"Care to accompany me to a friend's house." She looked at me with a disappointed face.

"Sure why not..." She got up. I decided to message Cinder on my scroll as Nora sighed and walked towards a trash can.

"Hey are you at your place right now?" I asked her.

"No you need something?" She responded.

"Yeah to borrow your place for a moment. Might have someone else to convince to join us." I said.

"Oooooo mind if I watch?" She responded.

"As long as you don't kill the mood."

"I'll drop by when she's 'convinced'."

"Come on Nora this way." I said grabbing her hand. I guided her towards Cinder's place and opened the door using the key she gave me when I left.


(Get your towels ready cause it's getting steamy here!)

"So where's your friend?" She said walking inside as I closed the door. She turned to look at me as I grabbed her waist.

"Not here." She regained her smug smile.

"Oh then why are we here?" She asked inching closer to me.

"You're such a naughty girl teasing me as we walked around Vale." I said grabbing her ass.

"I have... no idea what you are talking about." She struggled to say. I lifted her skirt and began to rub her exposed pussy.

"Oh please, no underwear and bending over enough to barely cover you exposed pussy every time you saw trash. I think you need to learn some restraint." I said inserting a finger in her.

"Make me." At her words I smashed my lips into hers as we went straight to a make out session. She jumped up and wrapped her legs around my waist as I carried her to the bedroom. I layed her on the bed as I moved my hand back into her pussy. I began to rub it but Nora had other plans.

"I like it rough, so finger fuck me damn it!" She said and I couldn't help but smirk.

"Ooo skipping the warm up are we? Alright then, better not regret this later." I said as I inserted three fingers in her pussy as I began to move them around, and she was enjoying it. She quickly took off her shirt and exposed her breasts to me. I began to suck and bite them since she said she enjoyed it rough. Boy she wasn't kidding, I barely started messing with her tits when she grabbed my head and pressed it against her chest.

"Yes... Ravage Me!" She yelled. This girl is a freak... I might love her. I took my fingers out much to her dismay, "Hey why did you stop!" She yelled, practically begging for me to shove them back in.

"You sure you want my fingers or do you want something bigger?" I asked. She didn't reply instead she pulled me into another kiss and somehow forced my tongue into her mouth. I took this time to unbuckle my belt and pants pulling my cock out. I moved it to her entrance and began to rub it teasing her.

"Please... Fuck Me... Make my pussy yours!" She begged.

"What are you willing to do for me?" I asked.

"Please..." She said not realizing the room becoming engulfed in darkness.

"What are you willing to give me?" I asked.

"Anything!" She said rubbing her opening against my member while she pinched her clit.

"Will you obey me?"


"Will you help me when I'm in need?"

"Mhm... Yes!" She was getting impatient.

"Will you help me break those who stand against me?"

"Master! please fuck me!"

"Is that a yes?" I asked.

"Master... I'll be a good girl... Now please..." She begged spreading her opening towards me. I can feel it, she's mine.

"Nora you're so cute when you beg." I said shoving my dick in her. It was really tight as I see her smile but her eyes dilated. After she relaxed she decided to beg.

"Please Pound me." She whimpered I did as she asked and thrusted in her. She pulled me in close and as I thrusted in her. She and I began to make out again as I gripped her breasts and massaged them roughly. I think I heard the door open but I didn't care enough to stop. I grabbed her ass and sat up still thrusting as she wrapped her arms and legs around me. Her hips were moving rather quickly as our tongues began to wrestle each other, not for dominance but just for sheer pleasure. We stopped for a second since she wanted to speak, "Please master discipline me... I have been very naughty." Damn this girl is just insane. I thought as I smirked at her. I began to smack her ass as she looked at the ceiling full of pleasure.

"Never took you for a masochist." I said. She looked at me and smiled. Nora stood up and positioned herself with her rear facing me.

"Stick it in my ass master." I grabbed her ass and pulled her towards my dick entering her second hole. She let out a load moan of pleasure as I held it there. I moved her forward and back as I pulled her hair back, "Yes just like that!" She yelled as I continued to piston in and out. I used my other hand and pinched her clit. She was overtaken by pleasure as I fucked her. I pulled her hair farther back so that I can kiss her as she began to pinch her nipples. When she said she liked it rough she wasn't kidding, we were wrestling our tongues again and she just didn't stop. I pulled my dick out and shoved it inside her pussy again, I grabbed her legs and spread them out as I held her up. She broke the kiss and wrapped her arms around me to hold herself up. She looked at a mirror seeing my dick in her moving in and out of her opening.

"Yes... This hole is yours... Only your dick can pierce me master." She said smiling as I felt her walls tighten around my member causing me to cum inside, "Oh so good! Please let me bear your children!" She yelled as she let go and fell on the bed. As I stood there panting she slowly crept up to me and began to lick my member of all my excess cum, "Another round master?" She cooed.

"Actually... I have a better idea. I have a date with some twins. Something tells me we will skip the dinner and go straight to some nighttime activities... Care to join?" She just smirks at me. She got up and pulled me closer to her.

"Make me your slut master." She said as she was about to pull me into a kiss.

"Wow that was one entertaining display." I heard Cinder's voice from behind, I couldn't help but masturbate to it. Would you be willing to fuck me like that?" She asked wrapping her hands around me.


"When you have time... You seem like a busy man with so many women to pleasure and so many live to destroy." She said moving to Nora and began to rub her pussy, "After all you owe me for lending you my place." She said pulled her fingers towards her clearly drenched in our cum. Cinder licked her fingers as she eyed me with an arrogant smirk.

"That smirk is just asking to be put in it's place." I said.

"I do like seeing you dominate so many women, I can only imagine how my mistress will react when you finally take her." She whispered to my ear.

"Your not the only one looking forward to that. I think even Salem is anticipating the outcome of our little game." I said, "Now Nora get dress we have a little date to attend."

"Yes master!" She yelled skipping away to her clothes.


POV Xuria

"Brother have they found him?" I asked. I sat on a chair holding a little girl named Mary on my lap. She was a human girl with black hair about three years old. I was tending her wounds personally as I kept her calm, "It's okay sweetie I'll keep you all safe." I said kissing her forehead.

"Thank you Mama!" She smiled at me and I felt nothing but joy at her words. I laughed, "What's so funny mama?"

"You remind me of this girl I met."

"Was she nice?" She asked.

"Yes..." I planned to end it there but she looked at me with such irresistible eyes, "She had white hair, cat ears, and silver eyes. She was such an angel just like you." I said caressing her hair. She giggled and I placed her down to finally hear my brother.

"Apologize sister but no. Not many of the cult are with us so we can't send out enough people to search for him." He said bowing his head low.

"It's fine Viribus. I have a back up plan. Remember those cultists he took?" I said.

"Yes..." He said.

"Well let's just say that if I'm correct he unknowingly took a few bugs with him. Remember Viribus always anticipate your enemy's actions and prepare to counter them."

"My dear sister, your intelligence has no equal. Not even our half siblings can match your intellect." He praised.

"Arrogance leads to ones downfall Viribus remember that. Now... Who needs some affection from momma?" I yelled as I heard a little boy run up to me from another room. Yes as long as they are happy I don't care what happens, I just hope my beloved Pestilence shares this view. We may even one day usurp my father and become primordials together. The little boy named Jared walked up to me holding his hands up towards me, "Come here sweetie let mama take care of you."


A man with a red robe kneeled before an Eye that was emanating an overpowering aura.

"Master your daughter..." The figure spoke.

"Is foolish to think I would not notice. She may be intelligent but she is too trusting, my father is the Void and I have his power. Children she cares for them yet she unknowingly let's her guard down around them." A monstrous voice spoke.

"What do you wish for me to do master?"

"I will give you a few tasks... I know you enjoy my daughter's body. Kill Viribus her shield, capture her, force her to watch the children she loves burn, tortured, and mutilated, then rape her and give me a true heir to call my child."

The hooded figure looked up at him and smiled gleefully, "Y-yes master I look forward to it, b-but your children are strong and I am a lowly mortal."

"Not anymore." He said as red liquid rose up and covered the man he screamed in agony and she writhed in the orb of blood. The orb falls and the man lays on the floor, "Now my Avatar rise." He said and the man rose up and looked at his master, "My power is yours, now complete your mission as you now are above all my children."

"Yes my Lord. My Scarlet King."

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