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Four Gunshots are heard as Xuria stands her arms crossed surprised at the outcome of her ultimatum, "Well... can't say I dislike this choice." She looks at the woman holding a gun aimed at the four now dead women who are pinned to the wall by an unseen force. The four drop to the ground as Xuria looks at them laying on the cold blood stained ground, "That leaves little miss headmistress here." She walked to the woman on the ground and steps on her head leaning into it, "You have the gun... What will you do?" She new the answer and was looking forward to it. The woman walks towards me and aims the gun at the headmistress's chest. She proceeded to empty the entire magazine into her body, her eyes filled with hatred towards the woman. The gun clicks signifying that it was empty, "Wow sixteen shots into one person... I like you." The woman looks at Xuria, "What is your name?"

"Eve..." She said in a soft tone.

"Eve do you care for these kids?" Xuria asked.

"I love them." Xuria smiled.

"Then would you work for me. I'm fond of children and together we can keep them safe." Xuria walked towards the child strapped to the table and began to unbind him, "Free the caged children while I tend to this little one." Eve nods at her. She searches the headmistress and finds a key. Eve walks to the numerous cages opening them with the key freeing the children. Xuria looks at the boy who started to wake up, "It's okay you're safe now." She pat him on the head as he started to tear up, "There there, the bad people are gone."

"Sister..." Xuria turns to see her brother has returned, "It is done, though the Grimm."

"Are no threat to me. Did they see you?" She said looking at him. She looks at Eve who seems preoccupied with comforting the children.

"No they believe a monster did it." He kneels towards her.

"Good..." She turns back to the boy, "Rest for now, when you wake you will feel safe with a new family." The boy drifted to sleep as she began to carry him.

The three took the children up the stairs where the bodies were now missing, "Viribus?"

"I moved them so you have less of their memories to alter."

"Really now? Thank you."

"What will you do with the children?" Eve asked as she held the hand of a little girl.

"Make them forget their pain and replace their memories filled with joy." The sound of knocking can be heard as Viribus walks towards it and opens it. A group of children run inside as the sight of burning buildings can be seen in the distance,

"What happened out there?" Eve asked.

"Grimm attack it seems." Viribus spoke.

"What will we do?" She was getting nervous as she held the children close.

"Don't worry they are safe in here." Xuria said. As she began to walk towards the door. The children were full of fear, the emotion tempts them towards the only standing building, "Viribus keep them safe." He bows as she walks outside. The smell of smoke and despair fills the air. Xuria smiles as she looks at the destruction her younger brother caused. As she stood outside, the Grimm inching towards her, she felt as though something was watching her. She glaces to the left and sees a black figure with a familiar energy in the distance. Xuria smiles and felt excited, "He's watching me... I'm glad I wore this dress now..." She gazes back at the Grimm who were staring at her ready to devour their prey, "Enjoy the show Pestilence..." She held her hand up and a wave of pink energy passes through the Grimm. Their red eyes become pink and their black misty fur turns red and becomes more of a liquid as though the grimm were made of blood. The Grimm stare at Xuria as she raised her two hands towards them. She smiles at them as they look at her, lowering her hands the Grimm... bowed. An army of numerous Grimm is now under her control. She looks at the dark figure and winks at it, "Give a good view for your master for me." She said to herself. She turns and makes her way back inside the building as the Grimm stay out protecting her new territory.



I sat down waiting for Elizabeth to get ready as she had entered the restroom to get ready. Shinbi glances at me every once in a while, but whenever I try to look at her she turns away. I felt a call coming from one of my scouts. Since I'm waiting I might as well get productive. I look through their eyes and see her. She stood in front of an army of Grimm a village burning behind them with a lone orphanage standing. I see her turn to face my servant and winks, She knows. What happened next interested me, she made the Grimm loyal to her. The Grimm's appearance has changed and they bowed to her. She entered the building leaving my servant be.

"Your orders my Lord?" My servant spoke.

"See if you can speak with her and ask her a few questions for me."

"What do you wish of me to ask?" I thought for a moment as the questions popped in my head. I was certain my servant was listing to my thoughts.

"Hey F/N." I look at Elizabeth who was out if the restroom, "The restroom is free."

"Thank you." I said as I got up and went in. I decided to take a shower to cool or as I thought about what to do next, Ruby's purity is a threat, but it would help if I stopped hiding my true self from my team. There is also Team JNPR. Wait how about Orias how can I get the upper hand on her? Winter is my spy for Atlas but Orias? Maybe Glynda, but how?" The water hits my back as I look at my hand, the one that pierced her flesh. I look at it and remembered how I beat it during the first week of my training. I mutilated it for days on end, broke my bones tore it's flesh... This hand repaired itself as quickly as I destroyed it, now it's where the corruption is strongest in my body. While I trained to become strong for my revenge my regret of allowing my rage to kill Sera still haunts me. Sometimes I wish I bit my tongue and accepted my weakness. Maybe I would have turned out differently, would I be good and Jake evil? The idea of being good didn't matter to me all that matter was if she would still be alive. These thoughts fuel me surprisingly, my regret leads to hatred in myself, my past self. The one that caused this, the one that deserves the worst pain, worst than Jake and Yang. I try to not dwell on the past and what ifs but I am human and it's in our nature to wish we did something different in our lives. Especially ones that will haunt us for the rest of our lives. The Void may send me to other worlds where my sister is alive, but they aren't Sera the one that raised me. She is gone forever, all because of the selfish actions of three people. My rage, Jake's lust, and Yang's loneliness. I turn the water off and dry myself as I thought of my sister and how she would have changed this world.

"Heh maybe Xuria is a way of punishing me for my involvement with Sera's death, or is it the fact that the void gave me an offer I couldn't refuse." I couldn't help but laugh at my life. Even now I'm acting on my emotions just like last time. I changed and exited the restroom seeing my team ready to train with JNPR.

"Let's go." Elizabeth said as she opened the door and exited. The rest followed leaving me alone for a moment.

"Sera... I wish you were here... To save me from this damnation I have placed myself in." I exit the room and closed the door following my team.


A dark creature made out of a black substance walking towards the ruined village.

The creature passes through the ruined buildings as the new Grimm meet it blocking it's path to the orphanage. The creature was ready to fight off the Grimm but their eyes flashed and they began to ignore him. The creature walks towards the front and the door opens revealing her. She sat on the railing on the second floor looking down at the creature.

"Took you long enough." Xuria spoke.

"Shall I destroy the intruder sister?" Viribus was behind the creature as it was threatened, it eyed him with annoyance.

"No it's fine, I actually wish to speak with it." She said to him. "So what brings you here?"

"The children, where are they?" The creature asked as it eyed Viribus.

"Safe. Had a new follower take them away to keep them safe."

The creature looks up at Xuria. She leans forward on her legs gazing at it, "What will you do to them?"

"Raise them. Keep them safe. Protect them."

"Why are you so caring to children?" Xuria smiles and hops off the railing to meet the creature.

"Now that is an interesting story. Do you really want to hear it?" The creature remained silent gazing at her, "This wasn't the first Remnant I have been in. I was in another Remnant where I met a girl, I was supposed to kill her for something I didn't care enough to remember. The thing is this girl was special, born in an unusual way and had a powerful entity inside her. Everyone treated her like shit except her mother at least the one she knew about. Though she never held hatred towards anyone including me. The way she looked at me, the way she tried to make me smile, her innocence. She is powerful enough to destroy a world but all she cares about is having a big family. I would have taken her and raised her myself, but I wasn't strong at that time. If I did she would be in danger of being a sacrifice to my father. Maybe that was the last time I'll see her, but I really hope I see her again. Anyways there it is a cute girl changed me." She shrugged, "I regret nothing."

"What will you do once they grow up? They won't stay children forever."

"Oh I know that. I'll let them decide what they want to do and help them achieve it while they are young and impressionable. Even as adults they will be pure."

"Sounds very delusional if I do say so myself." The creature growled at her.

"Oh? So the servants have opinions... Cute. Say what you will it won't change my plans the slightest. Any other questions?"


"Then you may go. Tell your master I look forward to seeing him again." The creature remained silent as I exited the building and headed out the village.

"Sister..." Xuria raised a hand to silence her brother.

"Not now we have to ensure the children are fine. We will talk later." He bows as she turns and walks back up the stairs.



I sat at the stands as I watched Jeanne training with Pyrrha. Nora sat beside me trying to be motivational but...

"Come on Jeanne quite being such a wimp and win!!!!" I sighed at she yelled at the two. She grabs me by the arm and began to tug on it, "Come on let's encourage her together! Don't be so shy only losers are shy."

"This is going to be a long day."


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