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"Deal." That was my response to the Void. He wants his son dead and if I help I can see Sera again. The void smiles at me and leans in closer.

"Excellent, now I am aware that my son's children are in your world."

"Children I thought they were his grandkids?"

"My son has seven daughters who are known as the seven brides. They give birth to his children. Now the two are Viribus and Xuria, the children of the First Bride. They are wise and powerful, even Viribus is not a fool. Though it appears you and Xuria have something in common."

"Do we now?" I was curious.

"She seems to have a very soft spot for children. She wants to create a world where they can be safe, to be exact it's a bit ironic."

"What do you mean?"

"The First Bride is loyal to my son, yet Xuria's desire to protect the children conflicts with her father's desires."

"Really now? So what do you wish for me to do?"

"That's up to you to decide. To kill my son we must first deal with his thirteen children and his seven brides. Now you have two tasks the second we can deal with later, for now focus on your world. An opportunity has shown its self and I would like for you to take advantage of it. Time to wake up there is a surprise waiting for you."

"What?" He didn't answer and the black smoke spread throughout my body and clouded my vision. I woke up in my bed and felt something heavy on both my sides. I lifted the covers slightly and saw...

"Ruby? What are you doing?" I said as she woke up.

"I couldn't sleep, so I thought maybe if I slept in your bed it might help."

"How did you get in?"

"Phase let me in. She couldn't sleep either so she also slept in your bed." At this point I fully lifted the covers, lo and behold Phase was asleep latched onto my chest.

"Why?" I asked but Ruby just went back to sleep and was latched onto my chest again, "Great, so much for getting anything done this morning." I look at the clock and see the time, "Six am fuck me."


POV Xuria

My brother and I stood in front of an orphanage. The priest said this orphanage is under our control, the eye symbol carved on the handle verifies this. That priest makes me feel uncomfortable, he is only loyal to me because my father is the Scarlet King. I need to make sure these kids are safe, as I was going to knock Viribus spoke.

"Sister let me, such actions are not meant for the first born." I sighed.

"Fine." I step to the side and he knocks on the door. My brother is completely loyal to me so he know exactly why we are here. The door opens and a woman stands gazing at us.

"May I help you?" She asked him.

"Yes my wife and I wanted to adopt a child." My brother spoke. None of the cultists know how we look like, not even the head priest knows what we look like. Actually there were those earlier but that irresistible mortal took them good knows where. I wonder what he would say if he saw me in this black dress.

(I only used this pic to show the dress because I'm too lazy to describe one.)

We changed our look to become even more unnoticeable. My brother just got a simple black suit, it was rather difficult to find one that fit his burly figure.

"Sorry but the children aren't up for adoption." These words irritated me. I wanted to break this woman in half. My brother seemed to remain calm and continue with our little charade.

"Now why is that? Why can we not take a child to be a better home?"

"I'm sorry but I cannot disclose that information." She seemed to be upset about something. Luckily my abilities work on all genders regardless of their sexual preference.

"Oh can you please at least let me see the children. My womb is barren and I really want a child, can you at least let me see them. I'll do anything." I held my arms across my chest emphasizing my breasts towards her. As expected she couldn't resist my temptations.

"I-I think a little tour wouldn't hurt." She opened the door and we walk inside. I looked around the area and everything seemed normal, but I felt rather uneasy about this place.

"Can we see the children?" I said to the woman as she thought for a moment. I leaned closer to her as she gawked at my breasts, "This way ma'am." She led us upstairs and I smelled a familiar scent as we went up.


"What was that miss?"

"Oh nothing, I was just hoping to see a child with beautiful blood red hair." I said as I turned to my brother. He seems to smell it as well as he looks at a door hidden under some stairs. Curious. I said as I followed the woman to where she wanted to take me.

She took us to a door at the end of the hall and opened it, "Strange why did we pass all those doors for this specific one?" As I entered I saw a room full of infants. I couldn't help but smile seeing them all calmly asleep. I rushed into the room and gazed at the children as they shifted in their sleep. I reached to pick one up but the woman spoke.

"Please refrain from touching the children."

"Why? Nothing bad should happen if I hold them for a moment." I said as I tried to reach for the infant again.

"I'm sorry but they may fall ill if we aren't careful."

"Sweetie they won't fall ill, you don't need to worry." I pick the infant up as it wakes up, "Hey there." It reaches it's hands towards me and I nuzzle up to him. The part of the blanket covering his head falls and I see he had black hair and wolf ears, "Such lovely ears you have." I said as I gently rub his ears.

"My you seem to be good with children." The woman said.

"What can I say I love being a mother." I said as the infant falls asleep again as I kiss his forehead, "So where are the older children?" I asked.

"Oh ma'am this is as far as I can show you."

"So one stop and you specifically took us to the far end to see the infants? I'm pretty sure the older children are in the rooms on the way out so why can't we see them?" I asked as I placed the little pup down on his bed.

"Perhaps they are hiding something." My brother said.

"N-no it's just... The children are ill."

"She lies." She looks at my brother with fear and as she turns back she looks at me as I stood in front of her. I lean close to her ear.

"Sleep." I whispered as she fell down as my brother caught her, "Gently Viribus. Clearly she doesn't like what this place is hiding. Which is why I gave her a nice dream for now." Viribus places her gently on the ground as I open the door, "Time to ask the little ones a few questions."


I continue to lay in bed as the two women weighted me down. I could get out of it, but I kinda wanna see them all flustered and such. Plus the twins don't want to do anything in the morning, apparently they got a hangover and want to get ready for whatever they plan which will be ready later in the evening. I have a few guesses on what it is. Phase finally began to wake up after an hour of waiting.

"Morning." I said as she looked at me and began to get embarrassed, "Sleep well?"

"Y-yes... I-I..." She quickly got out of bed and ran to the restroom.

"Ain't she just precious." I said to myself and felt Ruby waking up, "Hey." She looks at me and then realized what is happening.


"Sleep well?" She nods, "Good now can you do me a favor and get off me. Been stuck here for an hour." Saying this just got her even more flustered as she quickly sat up, "Thank you."

"N-no p-problem." She said as I streched my arms.

"You girls are so cute when you're embarrassed." I said which just made her lay on my bed and cover herself in the sheets, "Oh I wish Yang would knock on my door right now." As if on cue I hear a knock on the door, "Don't tell me." The knocking continues waking the rest of my team up. I walk over to the door and open it. As if my prayers have been answered Yang stood there and so was... Weiss, "Seems I am already benefiting from her corruption."

"H-hey F/N... Have you seen Ruby?" Yang asked.

"Yeah apparently she couldn't sleep and snuck in. Phase and her shared my bed." I said it with the intention to be misunderstood.

"Wh-what?" Yang said as she grew embarrassed.

"Yeah she's laying there embarrassed that I was awake for a whole hour while they slept." I pointed at the bed and Ruby popped up from the covers fully clothed in her pyjamas.

"H-hey Yang." She waved at her.

"Oh so you guys didn't..."

"Didn't what?" Ruby asked.

"N-nothing. Ruby we should get going we have to greet the new students coming to Beacon." She said.

"Ahh is that today?!" Ruby quickly rushed out of the room and towards her own.

"Fast as always." Shinbi said as she got up herself, "You got any plans today F/N?"

"Not really." I said.

"Then let's spend the day together as a team. Oh and maybe team JNPR would like to join us." She was getting excited.

"What did you have in mind?"

"Training? The Vytal Festival is coming up so let's train with JNPR you know Jeanne needs it." Right team JNPR haven't spent much time with them.

"Sure..." I look back at Yang, "Is there something else you need?"

"N-no sorry... I should go." She started to walk away as Weiss stood there looking at me.

"You definitely deserve a reward for this." I whispered to her. She smiles.

"I look forward to it." She walks away towards her room catching up to Yang.

"What did you say to Weiss?" Elizabeth said as she began preparing her combat attire.

"To give me the details of the competition. Come on clearly she wants to scope them out to have a advantage." I said.

"Right... It's not a bad idea to be honest. Where is Phase?" Elizabeth said.

"Well after she woke up she got embarrassed and ran into the restroom... She's actually been there for a while." I said as I pointed at the restroom.

"I'll check on her." Shinbi said getting up. The Vytal Festival a golden opportunity to cause fear. I can already feel the chaos and destruction that will be caused.


POV Xuria

My brother and I opened the door to a room nearby and heard running coming from the room. I entered to see the room empty or so it appears to be. I actually felt their fear and pain coming from under the beds. I walk up to one for the beds and kneel on the floor.

"Sister the..."

"Silence Viribus!" I will do whatever it takes to bring a child joy, even if I must kneel on the ground. I look under the bed and see a girl with brown hair with tattered clothing backing away from me. She looks no older than eight and she has fear in her eyes, "I'm not going to hurt you." I said reaching towards her. She flinches as my hand get closer. I begin to caress her arm to calm her down, "Please tell me what's wrong?" I said.

"I c-can't tell you... They will put me in... In there." She said as she brought her knees to her chest.

"Where will they take you?" I asked still caressing the girl.

"The screaming door... My brother was t-taken in there... He never came back."

"How long ago was this?" I said dreading the answer.

"I don't remember." I stand up and face my brother, "Viribus." He bows to me and exits the room, "It's okay you're all safe now.

POV Viribus

My sister commanded me and I will obey. I headed to the location of the headmistress of this building. I felt her rage as she spoke, anyone who angers my sister will feel my wrath.

"Excuse me who are..." A woman made the mistake of appearing before me with her soul tainted. Before she could finish her statement I grabbed her head and crushed it in my hands. Her body falls to the ground as blood spilled on the floor.

"Those who harm the purity of children will die by order of the first born." I walked to a door that held the label, headmistress. I kick the door open and hear a scream.

"Who dares!!" I see the woman pull a gun at me and fire. The bullet Pierce's my shoulder but my wound heals instantly. I appeared I front of her and grab her wrist, "Un-hand me... Ahhhhhh" I twisted her wrist till it dislocated causing her to scream in agony. Her soul is dark from her crimes, it sickens me to be near this witch. I grab her head and smashed it on the table breaking her nose.

"Someone wishes to speak with you." I said as I began to drag her out of the room. I take her down stairs towards the door that harbored the scent of iron, "Open it." I said as I slammed her to the wall and released her. She lays on the ground grunting from the pain I inflicted on her, "Open. It." I heard footsteps and see more 'caretakers' appear all with tainted souls. I look at them and they had simple guns aimed at me, "How annoying."

POV Xuria

"Stay here little ones. I need to make sure the others are safe." I said as the children were finally revealing themselves. I exit the room, close the door, and look around the hallway. The sound of gunfire is heard as well as the screaming of women down the hall. I made my way to the next room and as I opened it a strong stench filled the air. I slowly began to open the door wider when I heard the sound of a gun aimed at my head.

"Not another move bitch." The caretakers seem to have gotten active from the ruckus my brother was making.

"What happened in this room?" I asked.

"The Chosen spoke that this room must be filled with the cries of the habitants. A brutal sacrifice was ordered for the great King. You have seen too much and will be sacrificed for our God."

"God?" I turn to her as my eyes looked into her, "Foolish whore. My father is no God." Her eyes widened as she looks at me with fear, "He expects me to follow his will. My mother is foolish, my half siblings are lost, The seventh lacks strength, and humans are irredeemable. Children are our future, and if everyone is blind to this fact they deserve no mercy from me." Her hand that held the gun falls off as she begins to scream in agony from her severed limb, "Your screaming will wake the sleeping infants." Her head falls back as her body falls forward lifeless. I look at the door that I was opening and begin to close it, "I don't wish to see what happened in there." I head down the hallway and see the dead bodies littering the ground. My brother uses the body of a struggling woman to burst open the door that the children fear. He turns to me and bows at my presence.

"Sister apologies for taking to long. The headmistress took to long to open the door so I used her as the key instead... I believe it is best you stay here and allow me to venture in by myself." I turn towards the stairs leading down and smelled more pain coming from it. Though I also felt a dark sense of joy coming from it.

"No. I'll handle it from here. Bring me the sleeping woman down here, gently, and then burn this town to the ground..."

"And the children shall be brought to this building." He finished for me.

"Exactly my dear Viribus." He rises and makes his way upstairs. I head down the stairs, as I descended the smell fuel my rage. I made it to the bottom of the steps and to my anger I saw lifeless bodies of the innocent, some were mutilated and others were tortured. I look at my feet and see the woman my brother used to open the door struggling to get up, "Care to explain this?" I said as I kicked her onto her back and pressed my foot to her throat, "Well headmistress?" She remains silent as I removed my foot, "So be it." I grab her hair and began to drag her through the ground as I made it to a door that was locked. I set the woman down and then adjust my grip to her throat. Lifting her up from the ground I toss her through the door and see four individuals standing around a table with a weakened child tied to it. Looking around children were locked in cages as I looked at the four women standing before me.

"Here she is sister." My brother arrives and lays her down on the ground next to me. I raised my hand as the woman were pinned to the wall by an unseen force. My brother leaves to finish the tasks I gave him leaving me with the six women. I release the sleeping one from her wet dreams as she rised from the ground and looks at me.

"What is going on?" She asked as she looked around in terror.

"A choice for you my dear." I said, "Free the children and take them upstairs, or you can attempt to attack me and free these vile witches. What shall it be?" The woman grabs a gun that was dropped by one of the four. She looks at me and at the women I had pinned on the wall, "Seems like I'll have to alter their memories."

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