The Half Primordial

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I took Weiss back to her dorm, before she knocked she turned and faced me. She gazed at me longingly and I knew what she wanted. I leaned in and gave her a kiss, I can't seem to resist her desires. We separated and she knocked on the door. Ruby answers it and looks at us.

"Oh hey guys." She sounded a bit off.

"Hey Ruby F/N just wanted some help deciding on a suit for the dance. Even though it isn't for another three weeks." Weiss replied.

"I wanted it ready in case I forget."

"Oh okay, how did it go?" Ruby said.

"Took a while but we got it done. It's getting fitted so should be ready in two days." Weiss responded.

"Hey F/N can I talk with you for a bit?" Ruby asked.

"Uhh sure." Ruby exits the room while Weiss enters. Ruby had her hands behind her back as she looked up at me.

"Since you already have a suit ready... Would you...would you like to go to the dance with me?" He embarrassment was appealing to look at.

"Of course." She looks at me and smiles.

"Really... Okay I'll see you in three weeks... actually no we got classes so I'll see you later... No it's night so I-I'll see you tomorrow." She quickly darted into the room as I stood there smiling.

"Heh that girl is just too much." I walk away and head back to my dorm to rest. I received a message from Miltia from my scroll as I look at it. It's rather late, why are they messaging me now?

"Mind if Melanie and I share a day?"

I look at the message and think for a moment, "Sure, but why?"

"No reason." This made her sound suspicious.

"What are you two planning?"

"Don't worry about I'm sure you'll enjoy it." I sigh to myself and reply to her message. I look back at team Rwby's dorm as I think about how I corrupted Weiss and plan to do the same to Ruby.

"Sera, I hope you can forgive your pathetic brother."


POV Xuria

I want that man, but who was he? I wonder will he take advantage of me if I was before him, broken and weak? I wouldn't mind that, I'd actually relish it. I turn around and saw Viribus trailing behind.

"Is something bothering you, brother?" He looks up at me and bows.

"Why are you enamored with someone who follows a being against father?" He doesn't gaze up at me.

"I want a child who is powerful, one our dear father would fear. Wouldn't he be perfect to father such a child? Also he isn't impulsive, he thinks everything through like myself. This fight of ours might not be a physically battle but an intellectual one." My little brother looks up at me.

"No one can match your intelligence." I smiled.

"But he does. Now how do I get him alone again?" I think for a moment before I heard the sound of twigs breaking, "Viribus, stay out of this." I covered my head with the hood of my robe.

"As you wish." He stood up and we turn my head to see a man walk towards us.

"May I help you?" I asked.

"Y-yes my daughter have you seen her? She ran off thinking it would be fun. I can't seem to find her."

"In the middle of the woods? Weird place to lose a kid."

"There is a village just five minutes south. She has been missing for ten minutes and I don't want to think what might happen. Please help me." I looked at the man and smiled.

"How much is your daughter worth to you?" I said as I began to remove my cloak. I stood before him naked as he gazes at me, "Tell me do you have a wife?" I walked towards him as his face expressed his lecherous thoughts.

"No, she died giving birth. My daughter is all I have." He said as he looked at my breasts ready to devour them. Such primitive and impulsive things these men are. Not like him, he resisted me. The man pushes me to the ground as he held me down.

"What about your daughter?" I asked. He didn't answer but instead began to remove his pants, planning to have his way with me. Such a disgusting mortal, already forgotten about his daughter.

"Sister the Grimm approach." I turn to the man seeing him on the ground fucking the air, "Are you going to leave him like that?" I covered my head again with the hood of my robes.

"A foolish parent deserves no sympathy, after all he lied to me." I turn to see a little girl torn apart by the very creatures of this forest, "He's just to drunk to realize she was gone for hours." I look to see three Beowolves appear behind him as he is still overtaken by my illusion, "Time to wake up fool." I waved my hand as he looks at the ground confused.

"H-hey where did you go?" He looks behind him and is overtaken by fear. A Beowolf leaps on to him and bites his neck as he screams for his life.

"Viribus make sure I'm not disturbed." He bows to me and turns to face the Grimm devouring the man. I walk over to the dead girl, she was covered by the bushes and trees. I crouch down and look at her, her beautiful Jade hair covered with her innocent young blood. Her dress was cute, it was a light blue with white lining. I touched the child's cheek and felt her cold blood on my hands, "Mortals are a plague, such pure and innocence brought to existence just to end. If only I could take you all away from this horrible world, but that would be hypocritical of me. I am a monster after all." I stand up and look at the child one last time, "Father promised that no more suffering will exist in his world. He was always a terrible liar, my child will do it instead. I will remember you and you will be reborn with a happier life, Sapphire." I walk to my brother as I look at the mangled torn corpse of the disgusting mortal. One Beowolf tore at his abdomen as another tore into his shoulder. His head was gone and his arm was severed, being eaten by a third wolf to the side, "Let's go, before the corrupted creatures turn to us. I don't want a single ounce of his body to remain."

"Yes Xuria." My brother and I walk away towards the village. How many children can I save before the filth of humanity takes their life?



I was asleep but I felt a presence in my mind, "Void explain yourself." I said as he manifested still looking like my sister Sera.

(This is just to remind you guys she looks like Serafall.)

"About?" He said smiling at me with her smile.

"You know."

"There was a time when I wished for the destruction of the Omniverse and Prime. That was before I learned that we can't live without the other, that and I enjoy watching mortals conflict with each other. An Omniverse gives me free reign to do anything I wish and see how you mortals react. During that time in my past I had a son, The Scarlet King."

"How? I didn't think there were other Primordials other than you and Prime." I said.

"There are but my son is half Primordial. His mother was a cultist who worshipped me. She and the cult held him in high regard and believed him to be the heir of darkness."

"Hold on you have a cult?"

"And prime has a religion. What's new? Anyways I grew out of my destructive desires but my son did not. He believes me to be weak and foolish for giving up so easily. He has his own cult now and is getting stronger. He wants to finish my old mission, end everything and replace it with suffering. That's no fun how can one enjoy the despair of others if they never experienced happiness?"

"So you want me to kill your son?"

"Hahahahaha that's a good one kid. You are not a Primordial, you can't kill my son and he is very elusive that I can't find him nor can prime."

"So what am I to do just let him do as he wishes?" I asked getting irritated. The void smiled at me.

"Still upset about my form? It's your fault you fear it."

"Quit dodging the question!"

"I like you kid. You're the first mortal to raise his voice at me, maybe you should have been my son... Anyways I have an plan, it involves you."


"Tell me do you want to see your sister again."

"Don't fuck with me!"

"Remember who gave you your powers kid, I can do what I want. Though I mean it, you want to see your sister alive and well again? Having a better life... a happier life?" I remained silent as he continued, "I'm omnipresent, I'm everywhere including through time. I see different versions of her: a devil, an angel, a huntress, a mother, a whore. Help me and I will let you choose any world... No any worlds you wish to be in and you can live your desired life with her..." He looks at me and walks closer to me, his form changes again but this time as a black mist, "Do we have a deal?"

I looked up at him as he towered above me, "Deal."

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