Sibling's Legacy

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I still remember those moments where Sera was alive. The moments where I sat alone at our home. At first it was an old worn apartment then when she became more and more famous it became an actual house. Summer Rose and Taiyang helped us when we had nothing. Kept checking up on us to make sure we were okay. Sera would come home late from working hard either as a waitress, a cashier, or an assistant. She jump from job to job, quitting one after the next due to... Well she said distractions. I learned later that certain people make moves to try and get a date with her. Some males, some females. She told them everytime she had no interest in anything but taking care of me. I heard that some mocked me, saying I was ruining her life. She was not happy with what they said. She quit those jobs quickly and never spoke to them again.

She would come home exhausted yet always smiling. I could tell she needed a break so I didn't bother her with many things. I made sure to care for her myself. Always made food and didn't whine about anything. Through trial and error I even learned how to give a massage. Anything to help relieve her exhaustion. She went to Beacon to become a huntress. It was one of the better paying professions. I was always amazed how she was able to be a student, a worker, and an amazing sister.

We usually shared a bed, couldn't afford another. She would always have a smile on her face as she hugged me in her sleep. I really enjoyed that smile, she would fall asleep instantly, but I would stay up and look at her. I never had nightmare, despite how much we suffered to get to Beacon. How close I almost died, not an ounce of PTSD. All because of that smile. Course I tried hard in school, wanted to repay my sister for everything she has done for me. Be a Huntsman and take care of her, let her rest. I told her this once and her smile... I'll never forget that smile. She said I was the best brother, she couldn't even dream a brother like me. Her words not mine. She always wanted a little brother, she was never unhappy when I was near her.

After she became a huntress she didn't stay in a team for long. She actually left her team and began doing solo missions. Same problem when she worked late part-time jobs. The guy in her team was known for being a player. I have met her team before, brought them over our home to meet me. I did like her teammate Roxy and Eric. They were nice and developed more respect for Sera when they saw me, but him. He was more focused on getting in my sister's pants. It was obvious. He didn't once look at me or even greet me properly. His name was Crimson, Crimson Quartz. I think he was actually jealous of me when he came to our home. Seeing how she payed more attention to me rather than him irked him the wrong way. As I kind I just didn't like him, but now I loathe that womanizer. When we finally got a house and I was a year away from Beacon, he tried to conquer Sera. Apparently he said something that... Well she told me she wanted to castrate him. Never seen her so mad in my life. Never learned what he said, just that I pissed her off. She left the team after that didn't want to do anything with him. She flew solo and that's when she started getting more famous. Doing team missions solo tends to do that. I would check the mail to see it flooded with thank you letters and love letters. I left then for her, she burned the love letters. Apparently Crimson changed her view on love. Saying they don't understand what I mean to her.

Orias hired her as a teacher. She knew about our struggle. Sera was one of her favorite students and she told her about us. She offered her good pay and she didn't hesitate to take it. Of course she told Orias she couldn't be my instructor as she wouldn't be able to resist showing favoritism, So I never had her classes. Didn't mind, kinda wanted to lower the chance of her Brother complex from getting too serious.

I do feel bad sometimes. I wonder how her life would be if it was normal. Honestly I believe she became a bro-con thanks to Crimson. She always spoke about finding the right guy after I begin taking care of her. Asshole changed that completely, she lost her drive for love. She actually became more affectionate towards me. Was rather uncomfortable, but I didn't want to push her away. She needed me now more than ever. I wish I could change that, she deserves to be happy. More than me, I wonder if she regrets anything... Probably not. I wonder why she took care of me. Why did she run from our parents with me in her arms. I guess I'll never know, her reasons died with her.


That's the story I told Aqua and Star. They listened intently and their admiration for Sera only grew. I actually felt a bit happy seeing them react the way I expected. I wonder how she would feel about them.

"Hey F/N." Star said.


"You deserve to be happy too. It's what Sera struggled for." Aqua said.

"Maybe you're right..." I said.

"Course they are." Blake said as she approached us, "It was a lovely story." She said.

"You heard it?" I asked.

"Yeah... I wanted to thank you for what you did. Saving me, Star, and Sun." She added, "Actually as I heard your story, I wondered."

"About?" I asked.

"How did Sera react when you and Yang began to date?" She asked. Normally I would be, upset about being reminded of those days. Though it was overtaken by Sera's reaction with the news.


"Wait... You got... A girlfriend...." She said.

"Y-yeah..." I said.

"Who is the wh... The lucky girl?" She said as I noticed she gripped the plate she was washing strongly.

"Uh... Yang." I said. She relaxed.

"Oh... Then it's fine." She said continuing to wash the dishes, "I like Yang. Wouldn't mind having her as a sister or Ruby. Ruby's cute." She said.

"So you're okay..." I said relaxing.

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?" She asked.

"Thank God... I thought you would turn into a Yan..." I was cut off from a heavy tackle to the ground. Sera was actually crying.

"Waahhh.... Please don't leave me!!! My little brother is going to get married and abandon his sister!!!! After everything I did for you, wahhh! He doesn't... He doesn't love me anymore, ahhh!" She balled.

"Sera... I'm not leaving you I promise. Sera calm down. Sera..."


"She took it rather well." I said.

"Hey you okay?" Blake asked. I felt something warm run down my cheek. I touched it to see it was a tear.

"Yeah... Just... Just had a fond memory. It's nothing." I said wiping my eyes. Yes find memories, that I won't experience again.

If I ever see Crimson... I'll do what my sister couldn't and castrate the piece of shit. As for my parents, they better have a good reason. Cause if they don't, I'll kill them as well.

"My love. I know where those three are." Xuria spoke.

"What?" I asked, "Tell me. Now."

"Don't I get a reward?" She asked seductively. A few ideas ran through my head.

"We'll talk about this later." I said cracking a small smile. Maybe she is a good ally to have. Though I don't want to lose an opportunity like this.

"Hey you three have any plans? As Blake can testify I'm good at studying and I have not much to do." I said.

"Oh I could use some help with homework." Star said.

"Same here." Aqua added.

"You're help is always welcomed." Blake said. Two who understand how great my sister is and Blake, a good friend and daughter to Kali Belladonna. Both will lead me to Sienna Khan and gain absolute control of the White Fang. Ghira though... How do we deal with Ghira.

"My love. Am I a joke to you?" Xuria spoke.

"Do you have an idea?" I asked.

"I can manipulate any mortal. The only one to ever resist me was you. Someone as powerful as you... Oh just thinking about it turns me on." She said.

"You're one crazy freak." I said.

"What are you going to do? Punish me?" She mocked.

"Don't tempt me." I said.

"Mmm more like you are tempting me." She said. This chick is just like Salem... I'm actually turned on right now. Should pay Salem a visit. Haven't toyed with her in a while. As I walked behind the girls I felt a light tap on my back. I turned around and saw Neo in her black hair disguise.

"Oh hey how's it going?" I asked. She seemed upset, "Right... You still wanna spend a day together...wanna join us. Gonna study." She looked at me with an unamused glance. I looked at them they seemed to be talking about something. I leaned towards Neo, "So you want to have some fun? You don't mind a few additions to the party do you?" I asked. She gave me a small smile, "I'll take that as a yes. Hey girls meet Neo, she's a friend of mine. She's mute and is joining us in the study session." I said. Neo gave a polite bow.

"You seem to know a lot of people." Blake said.

"What you jealous?" I asked.

"Nope." She said walking away. Has she developed a slight crush? This might be easier than I thought. Neo looks at me with a mischievous smile. I couldn't help but pat her head. She seemed to enjoy it, is it cause she's short? Best not say that to her directly. I like this part of her and don't want her to ban this or something.

"Things are shaping up to be. Interesting." I said.

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