Still Weak

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Pov Pestilence

I was summoned by Salem to speak about my actions over at Forever Fall. Arriving at the table everyone sitting around the table turns to face me. I move through the room and take a seat. I noticed two new people standing next to cinder one male and another female.

Salem: "F/N please let everyone know why your mission was a success since some believe it was a total failure." I look around and can already tell who believed it was a failure.

"Simple as you all should know I am a copy of the original, a perfect copy minus some abilities."

Cinder: "What? You ain't even the real one?"

"No he has to make himself trusted by everyone at Beacon so he sends me wherever needed. Anyways the point of the Forever Fall forest corruption was for three reasons; one, I was to introduce myself as a new enemy for Orias, two to have the original look like a hero and gain their trust some more, lastly to reveal my opposite."

Arthur: "Opposite?"

"Someone exists with the ability to stop me and I needed to draw him out. Which succeeded and I have altered his ability to sense me and reveal who I really am."

Hazel: "You said you had some abilities that you can't use?"

"Indeed our minds are linked so we can see and hear whatever the other does. If the need arises where we will need more clones and we all share the same abilities how do we keep track on who is the original? This is to prevent us from going insane. Anymore questions?"

Tyrian: "If you know the identity of someone who can defeat you why not just kill them?"

"I will after he loses all hope and will in his body."

Salem: "Well as much as I like this talk we have something to discuss."

"Which is?"

Salem: "I have noticed that you have made not only Winter your pawn but also two others."

"And how did you find that out?"

Salem: "I have my ways. Anyways are you able to get anyone as your pawn?"

"Yes as long as they are female, also the more affection they have on me the easier it is."

Cinder: "What if they have no affection for you at all."

"Either I make my abilities stronger to the point it doesn't matter or I just find away for them to gain affection. Salem you brought this up for a reason, who do you have in mind?"

Salem: "I am still working on the details so we can discuss this privately F/N and I mean the original one. When you can make your way here."

Pov F/N

I was in the middle of professor Ports class when Salem asked for an audience. I can go for tomorrow since today I'm spending some time with Ruby. Hopefully noone tries to interrupt. It would be the perfect time to make her mine. I look at the time on my scroll and notice that in a minute class will be over. The bell rings and I head out of the class with my team as we made our way to our room since the day was over. I change out of the school uniform into some casual clothes.

Shinbi: "Going somewhere?" She had a teasing smile on her face, makes her look rather cute.

"Just heading to Vale with Ruby she wanted to catch up or something."

Elizabeth: "Alright stay safe out there you never know when something might happen."

"Sure thing see you all later." I exit the room and made my way towards the entrance where I see Ruby waiting. "Hey there Ruby shall we get going."

Ruby: "Yeah for a moment there I thought you forgot about today."

"What? Psssh like that will ever happen." We enter a bullhead and take it to the city. We walked through the streets and I noticed that Ruby was glancing at me every now and then. "Have you eaten yet?"

Ruby: "Huh...oh n-no I have not. You?"

"Nope we can get some food and have a nice chat."

Ruby: "I'd like that." We found a nice cheap restaurant that Ruby always wanted to try. We sat at a table and ordered our food as Ruby decided to strike a conversation. "So you changed a lot."

"How so?"

Ruby: "Well your more confidant, brave, and charming."

"Really? Haven't noticed."

Ruby: "Your just being modest you definitely noticed it."

"No I haven't really. I feel the same as always."

Ruby: "Well you have changed I should know."

"Why is that?" Ruby instantly went red and lost her composure a bit.

Ruby: "W-well it's b-because..... Oh look our food is here t-that was quick. Thank god I wasn't ready yet."

"Indeed it was." We spend the time eating in relative silence but it wasn't awkward, it was relaxing. After we finished eating Ruby had a look of sorrow for some reason.

Ruby: "Hey mind if I take you somewhere?"

"Sure why not." I was interested to see where she was going with this.

Ruby: "Just promise me you won't be upset." I had a bit of confusion in me as I can't really tell where she is going with this.

"Sure thing." We paid for our food and left the restaurant. We were walking a good distance as I followed Ruby. She was surprisingly quiet for the entire walk.

We arrived at a location I never thought I'd visit so soon especially in the company of another, a cemetery. Ruby walks in as I continue to follow her. We walked across many graves as we made our way through the cemetery. I noticed Ruby has stopped infront of a tombstone, I walked towards her and to my surprise I read the name of who was buried here, Sera L/N beloved sister and friend.

Flashback 7 years ago

"Big sis I made a new friend."

Sera: "Really? What is their name?"

"Jake he was really cool and kind to me."

Sera: "I knew that you would make a friend after all they can be reliable. A true friend always sticks by you and protects you as if you were family."

"Like you do to me sis?"

Sera: "Yeah I'll always be by your side and I'll stick by you no matter what."

"So that means you were my first friend."

I begin to hear my name being called as I get snapped out of my thoughts.

Ruby: "F/N?"

"Huh what?" I felt something coming from my eyes. I touch my lower eye lid and felt something I haven't felt in a while. Tears? Guess your still a touchy subject sis.

Ruby: "You okay F/N?"

"Yeah I'm fine just why are we here?"

Ruby: "I always came to visit here ever since you disappeared. I promised your sister I'd bring you here when you came back to me." I turn to Ruby as she turns to me as well. She was red with embarrassment as she inched closer to me. She placed her hands on my chest and rested her head on me. It was comforting and it made me feel warm. Without thinking I wrapped my arms around her I couldn't stop myself this feeling was something I missed. Ruby moves her head and looks at me, she raises herself closer to my face. I thought to myself this is the perfect opportunity to turn her to my side, but why can't I do it. I look at Ruby her cute face that still holds purity and hope in this world. Why can't I corrupt it, is it that we are in the presence of Sera or do I not want to defile her purity. She inched closer to me but I can't muster any energy to implant into her. Though something is compelling me to accept her advances. She closed her eyes and stopped raising herself and looks as if she is waiting for me to move now. This warmth I want to feel more of it so I leaned in and kissed Ruby. I guess I'm still weak. She was absolutely submissive and allowed my tongue entry without any resistance. After what seemed like an eternity we separated. She had a smile on her face that was red with embarrassment.

Ruby: "That was everything I hoped for." She hugs me and placed her head on my chest again. "F/N I love you." I knew this since I reunited with her but it still gave me a surprise. I look at Ruby as I continue to think to myself. Damn Ruby might pose more of a threat than Jake. All the more reason to corrupt her, but I'm gonna have to get strong enough to overcome this warm feeling.


I took Ruby back to Beacon after we left the cemetery. We both thought it was enough for the day. After we went our separate ways for the day I began to walk around the school to clear my mind. I lost track of time again and noticed it was night already. Damn day sure flies by. I look around and noticed someone walking near the fountain. Phase? I made my way towards her and noticed she was holding Sluggo this made me chuckle a bit. I approach her to see what she is up to.

"Hey Phase what brings you out here at night?"

Phase: "Oh hey F/N I was just going out on a stroll and you know me I feel safer with Sluggo with me."

"Seriously why hide this side of you? It is rather cute."

Phase: "S-shut up." She was blushing of embarrassment and turns away from me. "I never wanted anyone to know this side of me but since our team is always together I have up on hiding it from you guys."

"Where did you get the bag anyways?"

Phase: "From Shinbi when we first met."

"Right I remember you guys were friends before coming here."

Phase: "She was my first friend. I don't know where I'll be without her. You were my second and I'm grateful to have met you."

"Were you that socially awkward before."

Phase: "You have no idea." I couldn't get over how cute she looked as she held Sluggo close to her chest. "What? You keep smiling at me."

"Oh it's nothing I just can't get over your adorableness."

Phase: "Hmm you really changed. Keep it up and I might like you even more." She begins to walk towards the dorms.

"You make it sound like you have a crush on me."

Phase: "W-what n-no that's totally n-not what I m-meant." She held her bag tightly as she avoided my gaze.

"Keep this up and I won't be able to resist hugging you."

Phase: "S-shut up!!.....though that wouldn't be so bad."

"What was that?"

Phase: "Nothing..... come on we should get some sleep we have classes in the morning."


I was laying on my bed as my team was dead asleep. I get up and made my way towards Phase. I see her holding Sluggo tightly, I feel the same warmth as I did with Ruby when we spoke outside and I still feel it now. If I'm going to corrupt Ruby I'm gonna have to overcome this weakness. Sadly I want to enjoy teasing you some more so I'm not gonna try to subjugate you just yet. At this moment I felt a familiar presence behind me.

Pestilence: "Ready to see Salem?"

"Yeah I'll go see what my queen wants with me." I take the gas mask from him and put it on. I turn to black mist and exit the room through the window.

Pov Pestilence

I lay on my bed and close my eyes. Time to see who will be next on the list.

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