The White Fang

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Pov F/N

I arrived at Salem's Castle and made my way to the meeting room. I walk in and see Salem sitting there alone waiting for me.

Salem: "Welcome back my King. How goes the infiltration?" I walk closer to her as She pours two drinks. "Care to have some?" I take a seat to her left as I look at the drink. I can smell it from here.

"No thanks I'm fine." She looked rather upset about me refusing a drink, can't really help it. "The infiltration is going well no one suspects a thing."

Salem: "Really now. You are truly skillful in deceit." She was just twirling her finger on her glass signifying she has lost interest in the conversation. Was she hoping for something to happen? Might as well oblige. I get up from my seat walk towards her and grab her by the waist and quickly moved her on top of the table and pinned her down. I was holding her wrists as I looked at her smiling mischievously. "Coming on to me a little strong aren't you?"

"Please don't act like you don't enjoy it." I let go of one wrist and grope her breast. She still had a smug look on her face but with a slight blush added. "Wanna drop the arrogant personality yet?"

Salem: "You....... first." She wrapped her legs around my waist and flipped me on the table with her on top of me. "Now how can I punish you for that transgression?" She was running her finger down my chest as she thought to her self. Before the fun can continue a seer arrived with Lionheart speaking.

Lionheart: "Your grace a moment please." I didn't know who was more annoyed me or Salem. She gets off of me and walks toward the seer while I sit up on the table.

Salem: "What is it Lionheart?"

Lionheart: "I have done what you asked and the paperwork for Cinder and her group is ready for the vytal festival."

"Really waste her time with a simple update?"

Lionheart: "F/N I didn't know you were there."

"Lionheart what did we discuss about saying my name?"

Lionheart: "Apologies Pestilence."

"Much better. There must be more to you contacting Salem, right?"

Lionheart: "Y-yes Cinder says the White Fang might n-need help with something but wouldn't tell me what."

Salem: "Ok I'll send someone to help. Good work Leo." She motions at me signifying that I am the one to do it. I ignore her for now since I want to speak with her for a bit.

Lionheart: "Thank you your grace. P-pestilence it was a pleasure to speak with you." With that the seer begins to move away from Salem and she turns to me.

"Talk about a mood killer. Anyways why did you call me back here?"

Salem: "Right forgot about that. How good are you with turning people into your slaves?"

"Depends how do they feel about me. Why?"

Salem: "We need the White Fang on our side and to do that we have two options. Adam Taurus can somehow convince Sienna Khan to aid us or you can."

"I might be able to do that without my powers but I'll need something that would benefit her."

Salem: "What about Kali?"

"Belledonna? Why her?"

Salem: "You have a connection with her daughter and she is an important figure for the White Fang along with Ghira."

"I'm friends with their daughter yes but that's the extent of it. She has no romantic feelings for me. I'll see if I can think of something. Anyone else?"

Salem: "I'm sure you already had this one in mind."


Salem: "What better way to break your ex than to turn her own mother against her?"

"Turn her beloved sister against her."

POV Pestilence

I was walking in the library when a gust of rose pedals appear in front of me and Ruby was standing there.

Ruby: "Hey F/N so I was wondering if you can help me study."

"Sure I guess. What subject you need help with?" She began to blush but it was due to embarrassment.

Ruby: "All of them."

"When do you want to start?" She grabs my hand and pulls me to the nearest empty table in one corner of the library.

Ruby: "Now please." I sigh and felt my scroll vibrate a few times and I check to see who sent me a message.

Weiss: "Would you mind studying with me. I think it would be more productive to study with someone instead of by myself."

Shinbi: "Hey. I could use a bit of help with studying for old time sakes."

Phase: "I'm stuck with some classes mind helping me?"

Elizabeth: "I heard your really good with studying mind if we test each other."

"Sometimes I wish I didn't have amazing grades."

Ruby: "Huh? Why?"

"Well my team and Weiss want to study with me as well. I'm gonna be busy all day."

Ruby: "Well invite them to the library. It would be better to help them all at once instead of separately."

"And your okay with that?"

Ruby: "Not really but if I'm alone with you I won't be able to concentrate."

"Alright." I send them all a message stating that I'm in the library and will begin a study group.

Shinbi: "Great with Weiss and you there I'm sure to retain everything."

Elizabeth: "Very Productive."

Weiss: "I guess that would be better."

Phase: "Oh okay I'll be there in a moment." I was certain that both Phase and Weiss we're a bit upset with the decision of having a group study session. Those two are definitely prime targets.


It was sunset when I finally arrived at the location where the White Fang needed help at. I walk inside the warehouse and saw a few faunus moving crates of dust around while a man with red hair and a white suit was looking at a map probably thinking what to do next. Before I could approach him a familiar face blocks my path as she looks up at me with a seductive smirk.

"Well been a while hasn't it ice cream loli?" She hits my arm and pouts at the title I gave her. "Who's he?" Neo pulls out a sign that has the word Roman Torchwick on it. "Where did that come from?" She flips the sign over and it says Secret. "You gonna keep using a sign to talk?" I expected her to turn the sign again but instead she just shook her head. She pulls her scroll out and sent me a message.

Neo: "I thought it would be funny."

"It was a little." I made my way towards Roman to introduce myself. "Hello Roman I'm here to help you and the White Fang with whatever it is you're all doing."

Roman: "Oh great hopefully your better suited than those idiots I hired from that club."

"Oh I'm very capable. Neo here experienced it herself." Neo goes completely red and her body temperature skyrockets to the point of steam coming from her head.

Roman: "TMI. Now I need you to accompany me when we steal from a Schnee dust freighter in a few days."

"Kay anything else?"

Cinder: "Yes accompany me to see Adam Taurus he wishes to see you personally."

"Great let's see if we can get along. I have a feeling we won't." As I was walking towards Cinder I stopped and thought for a moment. "Do you mind if Neo comes with us?"

Roman: "Why?"

"I like having her around."

Roman: "*sigh* go." He waves at us to leave as Neo runs up to me with a smile.

POV Pestilence

I continue to read about the history of Remnant I look up and see everyone but Weiss and Elizabeth burned out on studying.

"Maybe we should call it a day and take a break."

Ruby: "Pleaaaase."

Shinbi: "I'm exhausted."

"Anyone hungry?"

Elizabeth: "Some food would be great."

Weiss: "Yeah that sounds nice." We all left the library and headed out to find something to eat. As we walked across the school I noticed the sun was setting and it looked rather wonderful. "That's a great view wouldn't you all agree?"

Elizabeth: "Indeed it is."

"Come on of we continue to enjoy the view we will just die of starvation here."

Ruby: "Foood I hope we have cookies for dessert."

Weiss: "You are absolutely obsessed with cookies." I chuckled a bit from hearing their conversation.


I chuckled a bit after seeing the experience at Beacon. Those girls are truly unique. Noone will defile their purity except for me. My how far I have fallen. I continue walking through the woods following Cinder and her group when we finally arrived at a camp that had many faunus walking about.

Cinder: "Everyone but F/N stay here."

Mercury: "Great how am I gonna pass the time?"

"Don't worry I'm sure we will be quick."

Mercury: "And if you ain't?"

"You get to kick me for free." Everyone turned to me in shock. "I wanna see what his kicks feel like."

Mercury: "If you say so. Gonna be honest I always wanted to see how strong you truly are." Cinder and I continue through and made our way towards a larger tent where I am assuming is where the bull lies in wait.

"Ladies first."

Cinder: "Such a gentleman you and I need to spend some quality time together." She walks in and I follow afterwards. I look to see Adam standing there where even I must admit I want that outfit.

Adam: "This him?"

Cinder: "It is. Don't tell me your disappointed?"

Adam: "No not yet at least. Though if what your telling me is true then I won't ever be."

"So why did you want to meet me?"

Adam: "Just wanted to see who ever one was talking."

"Kay, that can't be it."

Adam: "I don't know you that well so I wanted to see what kind of impression we might have on eachother since we will be working together."

"Smart man. So what now."

Cinder: "Well Mercury, Emerald, Neo and I will be going to Beacon for the Vytal festival. While you or your clone will go with Roman and help the faunus."

"Alright seems simple enough. Shall we go now?"

Adam: "Yes we are done here." Cinder and I left the tent and made our way to the others.

Mercury: "Great I was starting to get bored."

Emerald: "So how did it go?"

"I don't like him."

Cinder: "What why?"

"I can tell what kind of person he is and gotta say we won't get along for long. Enjoy this calm discussion it might be the only time you experience it. Also Mercury give me your best shot."

Emerald: "But you didn't take long."

"Like I said I wanna know how it feels."

Mercury: "Your a strange guy."

"You gonna kick me or not?" Mercury lifts one leg in the air and kicks my chin. Though he didn't activate the guns in his ankles. "You should have fired the guns as well."

Mercury: "Do you want to die?!"

"Please you couldn't kill me event if you tried."

Cinder: "Alright F/N head back to Roman the rest of us are going to Heaven and prepare for the Vytal Festival."

"Alright see you all at Beacon. Oh and Cinder when you get to Beacon we should spend some time together." I begin to walk through the woods. After walking for about a few minutes I felt a familiar presence nearby.

"Alright who's there?" I turn to see a shadowy figure standing there it's eyes were like it would suck the souls of any normal mortal who looks into them.

???: "The Void wishes to speak with you."

"Haven't seen him since he trained me with these powers. Why does he want to see me now?"

???: "Oh I believe you already know the answer."

"Jake..... Take me to the Void."

???: "Of course. This way my lord."

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