chapter 2

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Right now YN is seating down on a chair listening to music after a long day of training as he looks over and saw Grace Max and Jake and Norm

Grace: Norm I hear goods things about you how's your Na'vi

Norm speaking Na'vi: may the all mother smile upon our first meeting

Grace speaking Na'vi: not bad you sound a little formal

Norm speaking Na'vi: I studied for five years but there is much to learn

Norm saw YN seating a chair while listening to music

Norm: who's the kid

YN: I'm YN Parker

Max: Grace this is Jake Sully

Jake: ma'am

Grace: yeah yeah I know who you are and I don't need you I need your brother you know the PhD who trained for three years for this mission

Jake: he's dead I know it's a big inconvenience for everyone

Grace: how much lab training have you had

Jake: I dissected a frog once

Grace: I see you see I mean they're just pissing on us without even the courtesy of calling it rain I'm going to Selfridge

Max: no Grace I don't think that's a good idea

Grace: no man this is such bullshit

YN: Grace

Grace: I'm gonna kick his corporate butt he has no business sticking his nose in my department

Grace leaves the room YN took off his earbuds and got up and leave


The next day YN is on a aircraft with Grace Jake Norm who are in their avatar body's along with a woman name Trudy and a soldier YN looks at the wildlife of Pandora the view was beautiful then they landed YN puts on the Exo pack even though he doesn't need it while he was wearing his Spider-Man suit under his clothes

Grace: shut it down we're gonna stay while

Trudy shut down the aircraft vehicle

Grace: Norm your pack

Norm: pack

Grace looks at the soldier

Grace: stay with the ship one idiot with a gun is enough

Soldier: you the man doc

Grace looks at YN

Grace: YN stay close

YN: okay Grace

YN stayed close with the avatars as they walk in the jungle it was quite peaceful out here the sound of birds chirping then YN saw wildlife that look like monkeys Prolemuris and Jake aimed his rife

Grace: Prolemuris they're not aggressive

The Prolemuris disappeared in the jungle

Grace: relax marine you're making me nervous

YN laugh a little as they continued walking in the jungle

Norm: so how will they know we're here

Grace: I'm sure they're watching us right now

YN: wait the actual Na'vi people

Grace: yep

YN: oh god

Jake: keeping moving Norm

Grace: keep up guys

They continued on YN watch Grace and Norm take samples from a plant root then he saw Jake walking somewhere YN followed him he stepped on a stick and it broke making Jake turn around and aims his rife

YN: whoa careful where you aim that thing

Jake: oh sorry kid

YN: oh come on I'm freaking 15

Jake: that's still a kid YN

YN: whatever

YN saw a weird looking plant he touch it and it disappeared he touched another one and it disappeared again like the last one then he started doing the same thing to the other ones

YN: this is fun

YN touch another one and they all disappeared then YN saw a rhino-like wildlife once it saw him it roared Jake gets YN behind him and aim his gun as Grace and Norm quickly get over

Grace: don't shot don't shot you'll piss him off

It roar again and started breaking tree with it hammerhead

Jake: it's already pissed off

Grace: Jake that armor too thick trust me

YN slowly step back

Grace: YN don't move

YN: what do you mean don't move that thing looks like it's going to charge at us

Grace: it's a territorial threat display do not run or he'll charge

Jake: so what do we do dance with it

Grace: just hold your ground

then it changed YN closed his eyes but nothing happened he opens his eyes again and it starts running away

Jake: yeah come on what you got oh yeah who's bad that's right yeah that's what I'm talking about bitch

It run back what looks like the parents

Jake: that's right get your punk ass back to mommy yeah yeah you got nothing you keep running yeah and why don't bring back some of your friends huh

YN spidey sense goes off and heturns around and saw a viperwolf behind him and Jake and it roared and Jumped over them and roar at the others wildlife

Jake: so what about this one run don't run what

The viperwolf looks at YN and Jake looking at them like food


YN starts running along with Jake as the viperwolf was chasing them YN makes sure to get caught by it him and Jake get under a tree and the viperwolf starts breaking the tree logs then Jake starts shooting it with his rife but the viperwolf grabbed it and breaks it YN quickly runs but the viperwolf jump on YN trying to eat but YN used his super strength and he kick it off him

Then YN eyes go white as the Symbiote covered his body forming his Symbiote suit

YN: let's go

The viperwolf goes to jump at him but YN used his arm to launch a black tentacle hitting the viperwolf


Jake: YN behind you

YN spidey sense goes off and he jumped in the air dodging the viperwolf attack and YN kicked the viperwolf again as he followed Jake as they both jumped off a cliff and YN does a backflip while shooting his web Shooters and swing himself to a tree and Jake fall into the water YN looks up and see the viperwolf roaring at them losing it's meal

YN: sorry pal dinner's canceled


Jake was seen making a spear out of stick YN is seen in his Symbiote suit

Jake: so what are you kid

YN: I'm your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man

Jake: Spider man

YN: yeah the protector of New York city you know

Jake: never heard of you

YN: wait you never heard of me

Jake: Nope

YN: well this is akward

Jake: what about that suit your wearing

YN: well I'm bound with a alien species from a different planet called a Symbiote

YN and Jake carefully walk around the jungle making sure that viperwolf wasn't here since they are vulnerable as they walked in the jungle YN spidey sense goes off telling him danger is nearby but he spidey sense stops and YN looks around and sees no one

Jake: what's wrong kid

YN: my spidey sense went off

Jake: spidey what

YN: spidey sense it's a sense that tells me that danger is nearby but I don't see anyone


It was night time YN knows that out here is very dangerous at night Jake was making a torch

YN spidey sense and turned and sees multiple baby viperwolfs him and Jake starts quickly move but the baby viperwolf followed them and they can't lose Jake used his torch to make them stay away

Jake: we don't have all goddamm night

YN: come on

The baby viperwolfa charge at them YN punch one of them then kick one Jake used the torch as a weapon then a baby viperwolf jump on YN back as he quickly make a spike come out of his back killing the viperwolf then a another one jumped on him YN grabbed it head and snapped it neck killing Jake was holding a viperwolf then a Arrow was shot at it's neck YN sees a actual Na'vi a female she used her bow and started killing the viperwolfs then they run away YN heard her spanking in Na'vi but couldn't understand her since he was still new to the Na'vi language then she grabbed the torch

Jake: hey wait

She throw the torch in the water

Jake: great

YN saw the Na'vi woman walks over a viperwolf that was still alive she continued speaking in Na'vi then she killed it

Jake: look I know you probably don't understand this but thank you

She continued to speak in Na'vi

YN: thank you

Jake: that was pretty impressive

She looked at Jake

Jake: we would have been screwed if you hadn't come along it was

YN sees the Na'vi woman walk away

YN: hey wait a second

Jake: hey where are you going

YN and Jake started following

Jakd: hey wait up look we just wanted to.stay thanks for killing those things

The Na'vi woman hits YN and Jake with her bow

YN: Ow

Jake: damn

Female Na'vi: don't thank none of you thank for this this is sad very sad only

Jake: okay okay we're sorry

YN: whatever we did we are sorry

Female Na'vi: all of this is both of your fault they did not need to die

Jake: our fault they attacked us how are we the bad guys

YN: and to be fair it was definitely self-defense

Female Na'vi: YOU'RE FAULT

YN: okay okay calm down Na'vi lady

Female Na'vi: you two are like babies making noise don't know what to do

Jake: okay okay if you love your little forest friends why not like them just kill us what's the thinking

Female Na'vi: why save you both

YN: yeah why save us

Female Na'vi: you both have strong hearts no fear but stupid ignorant like a child

YN: well I'm still a teenager

She started walking off while YN and Jake followed her

Jake: well if we're like children then look maybe you should teach us

Female Na'vi: sky people and alien cannot learn you two do not see

YN: then teach us how to see

Female Na'vi: no one can you to see

Jake: well can't we talk say where'd you learn to speak English

YN: at Dr Grace Augustine school

YN and Jake almost fall but the Na'vi woman caught them

Female Na'vi: you both are like babies

YN: look we need your help

Female Na'vi: you should not here child

YN: okay can we come with you

Female Na'vi: no go back

YN: go back it's like a miles away to get back

Female Na'vi: go back child

Then sudden little white things appear and they form around YN and Jake

Jake: what are they

Female Na'vi: seeds of the sacred tree very pure spirits

YN: spirits

Then the seeds fly away

YN: what was that about

Female Na'vi: come come

YN and Jake started following her

YN: where are we going

They continued following her

Jake: what's your name

Before she say something hit YN spidey sense goes off him and Jake legs making fall about ten feet YN sees rope around his legs he took it off then multiple Na'vi were seen as they aimed bows at them YN and Jake hold up their hands the Female Na'vi started speaking in Na'vi YN couldn't understand her then the Na'vi took YN and Jake what look like their home underneath a big tree YN sees multiple Na'vi but they look like they were afraid of him then he sees what looks a leader the female Na'vi speak in Na'vi to him

Jake: what he saying

The leader said something in Na'vi that made some other Na'vi laugh

YN: what is he saying

Female Na'vi: my father is deciding whether to kill you both

YN: wait kill me

Jake: you're father it nice to meet you sir

Jake trys to shake his hand but he was hold back then YN other a Na'vi speaking Na'vi

Female Na'vi: that is mother she is tsahik the one who interprets the will of Eywa

YN: who's Eywa

The mother of the female Na'vi started looking at YN and Jake she grabbed his ponytail and tail then she looks at YN as she touch his cheek

Mother Na'vi: what are you two called

Jake: Jake Sully

YN: YN Parker

She then slab Jake with a needle and lick the blood

Mother Na'vi: why did you two come to us

Jake: we come to learn

Mother Na'vi: we have tried to teach other sky people it is hard to fill a cup which is already full

Jake: well our cup us empty trust me

YN: just ask Dr Augustine we're no scientist

Mother Na'vi: what are you both

Jake: I was a marine a warrior of the Jarhead clan

YN: and for me I'm your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man

A male Na'vi speak in Na'vi YN know that he was talking shit then the mother did her daughter something that she didn't like maybe she has to teach him and Jake

Mother Na'vi: it is decided my daughter will teach you two our ways learn well Jakesully and YNParker then we will see if your insanity can be cured


YN was following Jake up the tree he was changed out of his clothes as he was wearing what the Na'vi as for YN he stayed in his Symbiote suit

Jake: good evening

They look at him

Jake: please don't get up

YN: awkward

YN starts squeezing through as he accidentally stepped on a Na'vi tail

YN: sorry

YN and Jake seat down on the ground and Jake look at Na'vi

Jake: hey how you doing

The female Na'vi come back with some kind of food

YN: hey we still don't know your name

Female Na'vi: Neytiri

YN: Neytiry

Neytiri: Neytiri

YN: Neytiri

She nodded

YN: nice to meet you Neytiri

YN looks at the food he takes off his and revealing his face

Jake: you can breathe the air

YN: yeah the Symbiote can make me breathe the air here even without the suit on

Jake: cool

YN took a bite of the food and it tastes pretty good soon later Neytiri showed YN and Jake were there will be sleeping

YN: you sure does it safe to sleep on

Neytiri: yes

YN lays on the leaf bed it then form around him then YN closed his eyes and the let the sleep take over

Jake starts waking up back in his human body

Grace: Jake is the avatar and YN safe

Jake: yeah doc he's alright and you are not gonna believe where we're at

To be continue

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