chapter 3

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The next day YN is Jake and Neytiri as he was in his normal red and blue suit Jake was learning how to ride a direhorse YN was learning Na'vi and their way without his Web Shooters that was something he was really gonna have trouble with he always used his web shooters for web swinging

Jake: easy boy

Neytiri: Pale is Female

YN: oh it's a female nice

Jake: okay easy girl

Jake got in the direhorse and grabbed his Queue and bonded with the direhorse and it whin

Neytiri: that is shahaylu the bond feel her feel her heartbeat her breath her feel her strong legs you may tell her what to do inside for now say where to go

Jake: forward

The direhorse runs and Jake fall into the mud as Neytiri and YN laugh

YN: that's what you call epic fail

Then YN sees two Na'vi on direhorse and he recognize one of them Tsu'Tey

Tsu'Tey: you should go away

Jake: no you'd miss me I knew you could speak English

YN: at least that's good for me since I don't understand what you guys are saying anyway in your language

Tsu'Tey: this alien will learn nothing a rock sees more look at him and this bug boy

YN: hey it's Spider-Man actually not bug boy you're lucky I know a little Na'vi

Tsu'Tey and the other Na'vi run off on the direhorse

Neytiri: again

the next day YN is seen following Jake and Neytiri up the tree YN sees how high they are he remembered how he was afraid of heights before he got his powers then he heard Neytiri making a bird call noise as ikran landed ny Neytiri

Jake: holy shit

YN: it's not gonna eat me

Neytiri: do not look in her eye

YN and Jake did that Neytiri feed the ikran as she speaks in Na'vi

Neytiri: ikran is not horse once shahaylu is made ikran will fly with only one hunter in the whole life

Neytiri got on the ikran

Neytiri: to become taronyu hunter you must choose your own ikran and he must choose you

Jake: when

Neytiri: when you are ready

YN and Jake watch Neytiri fly on the ikran around the giant tree

YN: cool

YN jumped off the hometree and started web swinging around the hometree


Jake voice: the language is a pain

the scene shows of Neytiri teaching YN and Jake the Na'vi language as they listen very carefully and repeat what Neytiri is saying in Na'vi

Jake voice: but you know I figure it's like a field stripping a weapon just repetition repetition

Jake: Navi

Neytiri: Nari

YN: Narl

Neytiri: Narrrri

YN&Jake: Narrri

Neytiri slap YN and Jake on their foreheads

The scene change and shows Jake learning how to use a bow Neytiri telling him he's are doing it wrong then YN is seen learning how to make a Na'vi weapon but with no progress

Jake voice: Neytiri calls me and YN skxawngs it means morons she's going easy on YN since he's just a kid

Jake is seen with Norm leaning the Na'vi sign language

Jake voice: Norm's attitude has improved lately it's good he's back on board he's thinks I'm a shxawng too

The scene shows of YN and Jake following Neytiri and they were doing parkour which YN had no problem with since he did Parkour back in New York

Jake voice: my feet are getting tougher i can run farther every day I have to trust my body to know what to do

The scene change of Jake learning how to ride a direhorse again he starts getting the hang of it but he fall on the ground then it shows Jake and Neytiri hunting

Jake voice: every day it's reading the trails the tracks at the waterhole the tiniest scents and sounds

The scene shows of YN Neytiri and Jake watching a viperwolf and its babies YN sees that they are really cute but are also really dangerous

Jake voice: she's always going on about the flow of energy the spirits of animals I really hope this tree hugger crap isn't on the final

Grace: this isn't just about eye hand coordination out there you know you and YN need to listen to what she says try to sees the forest through her eyes

Jake: excuse me this is my video log here

Grace laugh

Grace: how's YN doing

Jake: doing alright

Grace: good the more he learns about the Symbiote the more he can control it

The scene shows of YN Jake following Neytiri then they saw her jump and watch land on giant leafs and landed on the ground safely on her feet

Jake voice: with Neytiri it's learn fast or die

YN: that's seems easy

Jake: you gotta be kidding me

YN and Jake jumped down Jake missed almost all the giants leafs but he still landed on the ground safely but not on his feet YN landed on every giant leafs and he landed on the ground safely

The scene shows of Grace in her avatar body and she talks to Na'vi children while speaking Na'vi

Jake voice: I told Mo'at into letting Grace into the village it's the first time since her school was closed down

Grace looks over to sees YN in his Symbiote suit

YN: hello Grace

Grace: so the Symbiote bound with you

YN: yeah it did it bound with me while I was sleeping

Grace: how do you feel

YN: I mean I feel very strong really strong before it bound with me

The Symbiote goes back in his body as YN was back in his red and blue suit a

Grace: well kid you got a lot to learn about it

The scene shows that it was night time Grace was walking up the tree as she sees YN a asleep

Grace: come on Spider boy

Grace carry's YN to a leaf bed that was on the ground she lays him down on the leaf bed and she lays down and sleeps as she returned to her human body

The scene shows of Jake learning how to a bow again as he got the hang of it then him and Neytiri lock eyes on each other then she looked away

Jake voice: I'm trying to understand this deep connection the people have to the forest she talks about a network of energy that flows through all living things she says all energy is only borrowed and one day you have to give it back

The scene shows Jake and Neytiri hunting as YN was with them Jake ready a Arrow and the animal saw him and growls Jake then let's go of the arrow and it hits the animal as it was still alive

Jake in Na'vi: I see you brother and thank you

Jake slabs the animal killing it

Jake in Na'vi: your spirit goes with Eywa your body stays behind to become part of the people

Neytiri: a clean kill

Jake looks at Neytiri

Neytiri: you are ready

To be continue

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