chapter 2

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The scene shows of YN back in Black iron prison he was fighting the Biophage and they just keep on coming YN slabs a Grunt with his Dagger and he falls to the ground exhausted as he was covered in blood then a hologram of Dr Mahler appeared

Dr Mahler: YN there might be a way out but I'm going to need your help

Then suddenly Ferris appeared and roars and YN blacks out

???: YN YN wake up man

YN jumped up and he grabbed his Hand Cannon and aimed it

???: whoa whoa bro it's me calm down

YN realize it was Lo'ak his brother

YN: Lo'ak oh great mother I'm sorry

Lo'ak: it's okay bro you alright you were shaking in your sleep

YN: yeah it was just a nightmare

Lo'ak: about Black iron

YN: yeah I thought after I escaped Black iron I would never see the Biophage again but now they're here on Pandora and I think it's still my fault that I brought it here

Lo'ak: hey man it's not your fault we didn't know it was followed you listen we're gonna beat it together

YN: yeah you're right

Lo'ak: anyway dad wanna me to wake you because we're gonna to do a raid

YN: alright let's go

YN and Lo'ak leave the hut as YN puts on his helmet he knows that the air on Pandora was toxic to humans but somehow YN is able to breathe on Pandora for some reason he doesn't how but it's good YN walks over to his ikran name Rampage

YN: hey boy

Rampage sceech

YN: it's okay I'm fine

Lo'ak: so YN how are things doing between you and Kiri

YN: what do you mean

Lo'ak: oh come on bro we know you like her I may be annoying sometimes but I'm not an Shxawng

YN: sometimes you are and listen Lo'ak me and Kiri are just friends alright

Lo'ak: if you say so

Lo'ak leaves and YN looks at the sky thinking about if they're gonna win against the RDA and the Biophage

???: YN

YN turn around and sees Kiri

YN: hey Kiri

Kiri: did you sleep okay

YN: yeah I did *Mutters* almost

YN was hoping Kiri didn't hear that but his dumbass forgot that Kiri has cat like ears and Superior hearing

Kiri: what do you mean almost

YN: *signs* I had a nightmare about Black iron

Kiri: oh YN

Kiri hugs him which made him blush as he felt her breast on his shoulder and she was taller then him

Kiri: remember YN you are not in that prison anymore you're here with us *Mutters* with me

YN: thanks Kiri you know you've been helping me after I lost my father I thought I was trap here on Pandora and you thought me the way of a Na'vi and I see this is where I belong and I got a family a place to call home

Kiri: I'm glad

They continued like this and Spider and Neteyam walked over

Spider: there they ar- whoa are we interrupting something

YN and Kiri quick broke out of the hug

Kiri: no you're not

YN: what are you two doing

Spider: we thought we would see Jake yelling at you guys but he's not

YN: yeah I know that still surprising me seeing as usual because he's always oh that's an order YN and YN used that GRP thing to carry those crates or YN you were supposed to be here at 0800 and you're five minutes late so you're grounded he's almost treating us like soldiers

Neteyam: same here I remember once I forgot to check and count the weapons because I have to do something then he went all over my ass

Spider whispered something in Neteyam ear and they both laugh

YN: what the hell is you too talking about

Then suddenly Tuk come out behind skipping happily

Tuk: Spider said I bet YN would be all over Kiri ass

YN and Kiri blush heavily

Kiri: Tuk you know you've not supposed to be saying those words

Tuk: but you guys say them all the time

Spider: that's because we're older then you Tuk

Neteyam: when you get older Tuk then you can start saying those words like us

YN: now Tuk run along and go play with Ethan

Tuk: okay

Tuk runs along before she turn around and stick her tongue out at YN Spider and Neteyam

Neteyam: Spider what did I told you be careful what you say when Tuk is around

Spider: what you laughed at it

YN: and be careful what you say around me

Spider: what's it was funny

Neteyam: a little bit

YN: Spider I am this close of using my GRP and throw you off the Mountain

Spider: you won't do it

YN activates his GRP

YN: Run

Spider runs off and YN was almost to grabbed him but Jake came over with his gear

Jake: you guys ready

YN%Neteyam: yes sir

Jake: good go get mounted up and meet me with the others

YN&Neteyam: yes sir

He nodded and leaves Neteyam leaves to his ikran

YN: gotta go

Kiri: please be careful

YN: I'm always careful and besides Orphaned stick together right

Kiri: right

YN: see you later Kiri

YN hup on Rampage and flys off


the scene shows of Jake and Neytiri and some members of the Omatficaya clan on their ikrans whilst flying over a RDA train which had 2 RDA gunships

Jake: Ground team go

In tbe forest members of the Omatficaya clan on direhorse with rocket launcher in their hands the railway exploded which made the train to hit the brakes and it flip over as explosion happens

Jake dive down and he yell and shot the gunship with his custom M69-R and it exploded

Jake yelled in victory Neytiri on her ikran dive down with her father ceremonial bow she shot two arrows killing the gunman and pilot of the gunship and it crashed

A third gunship started firing down at the clan while taking a flew down but it was stop when YN fly over and shot it down with his assault rifle making it crash

Neytiri saw this and she smiled at her adopted son while she does a victory yelled

In the crash site the Omatficaya clan are Gathering any weapons thy find in the crash site while Jake was watching from a distance and YN kept on eye out any Biophage

Jake: let's go two minutes people let's go

YN: remember Jake if you start seeing tentacles coming out of Grunts Big Mouths and Blinds chest or mouths shoot them quickly or else they'll mutate getting bigger and stronger

Jake: got it son

In the sky Lo'ak and Neteyam were flying above the crash site on their ikrans

Lo'ak: bro we have got to get down there

Neteyam: no way dad will skin us

Lo'ak: why not YN down there

Neteyam: because he is a strong warrior and he needed there for any Biophage

Lo'ak: come on don't be a wuss

Lo'ak dive down to the crash site

Neteyam: Lo'ak get back here you argh

YN was keeping an eye for Biophage until he spotted Neteyam and Lo'ak on the ground as Lo'ak had a assault rifle

YN: Shxawngs

YN quickly runs over to them wanted to know why are they on the ground

YN: what are you two doing here

Neteyam: trying to get Lo'ak

YN: Lo'ak do you even how to use that

Lo'ak simply inserted the magazine and pulled back charging handle clambering a round

Lo'ak: dad taught me

YN: of course he did

Meanwhile Jake was watching his people grabbing anything they can to their ikrans and direhorse's until he spotted his sons then a Na'vi does a warning and Jake sees a gunship

Jake: gunships inbound fall back

The Omatficaya clan fall back Neytiri runs back to her ikran the gunship started firing and then Lo'ak Neteyam and YN were running to cover

Lo'ak: bros come on

Then suddenly a missile was fired and it push Neteyam Lo'ak and YN as they went sent flying and they landed on the ground hard a Na'vi used a rocket launcher to destroy the gunship as Jake was running looking for his sons

Jake: Lo'ak YN where are you Neteyam

Jake continues running and he eventually found YN who was on the ground unconscious and Lo'ak

Jake: oh shit YN

Jake started checking on YN he looked at his core device and it was red Jake quickly grabbed a Health injector then placed it on YN neck injection the green liquid in his neck as his core was green again and YN woken up

Jake: YN you are alright

YN: yeah

Jake: where's your brother

Lo'ak: that way

Jake: get outta here go on

YN and Lo'ak started running off as Jake goes to look for Neteyam then something come of the woods YN saw it was a Biophage Grunt as it roared

The Grunt runs over to YN then swing it's arms but YN dodged it's attack and he started hiting the Grunt with his Stun baton then he shot its head off with his Hand Cannon

Lo'ak: nice one bro

Then suddenly a biobot was behind Lo'ak

YN: Lo'ak behind you

The biobot grabbed Lo'ak and throw him across the area the Biobot charges at YN swinging its arms but YN dodged it's attack then he started hitting the biobot with his Kinetic hammer then shot it with his Shotgun killing it and YN quickly runs over to Lo'ak

YN: Lo'ak you okay

Lo'ak: yeah

YN: come on we gotta go before more Biophage show up

Jake continues looking for Neteyam

Jake: Neteyam

Jake climb on a destroy gunship and saw a trail of blood

Jake: oh no

Jake jumped down and continued to look for Neteyam he found bodies of the Omatficaya members then Jake found Neteyam and he quickly runs over to him

Neteyam: dad

Jake sees Neteyam was wounded

Jake: what are you doing here boy what the hell were you thinking

Neteyam: I'm sorry

Jake carry Neteyam

Neteyam: I'm sorry sir


The war party arrived to the Hallelujah Mountains base and inside Tuk was playing with Ethan at first she was scared of him but she started to like him he was a big metal brother

Tuk: you can't get me

Ethan makes a finger gun

Ethan: BANG

Tuk: oh no you got me *fake dying sound*

Kiri is with Spider helping him with putting blue paint on his body

Spider: I'm definitely faster when I'm blue

Kiri: Skxawng

Spider: No seriously and the animals respect me more they didn't think of me as human

Kiri: wait you're human

Spider: haha

Spider flicks a little bit of blue paint at Kiri

A Horn was heard and the war party fly inside in the mountain

Tuk: Kiri Spider the war is coming back come on

Spider: come on Kiri let's go see your boyfriend

Kiri: shut up he's not my boyfriend

Jake and Neteyam were on the ikran as Neytiri and Lo'ak and the war party got off their ikrans and Tuk runs over to Neytiri and hugs her

Tuk: Mom Mom

Tuk hugged Neytiri

Neytiri: Tuk Tuk Tuk

YN got off Rampage and Kiri rushed over to him

Kiri: oh great mother YN you got blood on you

YN: it's not mine Kiri it's from a Grunt and Biobot


Lo'ak and Neteyam go over to Jake as does YN as well

Jake: not you YN

YN steps back

Jake: you're supposed to be spotters you spot bogeys and you call them in from a distance does any of this sound familiar GET HERE

Lo'ak walks over

Jake: Jesus I let you two geniuses fly a mission and you disobey direct orders

Jake looks at Kiri

Jake: Kiri can you and YN go help your grandmother with the wounded please

Kiri: my brother is wounded

Neteyam: it's fine

Jake: baby girl please Tuk go with her go

Kiri and Tuk left to their grandmother to help with the wonders

Neteyam: sir I take full responsibility

Jake: yeah you do that's right cause you and YN are the older brothers you gotta act like it

Neytiri: Ma'Jake your son is actually bleeding

Neteyam: mother it's fine

Jake: just go and get patched up go on dismissed

Neytiri and Neteyam leave along with YN following them leaving Lo'ak with Jake

Jake: you do understand that you almost got your brother killed

Lo'ak: yes sir

Jake: you're grounded no flying for a month now see to the ikran all of them

Lo'ak: yes sir

Jake: and get that crap off your face


YN is with everyone in a hut watching his grandmother Mo'at healing Neteyam wounds

Neteyam: ow ow

Spider: Aw want a kiss on the Boo-Boo

YN: it'll make it all better

YN laugh a little

Kiri: I would use yalna bark

Mo'at: oh you would and who is Tsahik

Kiri: you grand-move

Kiri push Lo'ak

Kiri: you are grandmother but yalna bark is better

Neteyam: ow ow

Kiri: it stings less

Neytiri was watching outside the Marui watching Mo'at Kiri YN Neteyam Lo'ak Tuk and Spider from a far Jake was working on his Disassembled Rifle

Jake: what

Neytiri: YN Neteyam and Lo'ak try to live up to you it is very hard for them

Jake: I know

Neytiri: you are very hard on them

Jake: I'm their father it's my job

Neytiri: this is not a squad it is a family

Jake: I thought we'd lost them especially YN because he's the only one who can stop the Biophage

Neytiri holds Jake hand

Neytiri: I know that's why we must protect him


YN Kiri Lo'ak and Spider were walking together and they passed through some Na'vi

Norm: hey Spider

Norm whip Spider with his towel

Spider: your ass is mine

Norm: I'm right here

Women: Avatars only go around

Kiri made a mocking noise

Lo'ak: sorry

YN Kiri Lo'ak and Spider walk over to a lab

Lo'ak: yeah those blue stripes don't make you any bigger bro

Spider: yeah well i can still kick your ass

YN: good luck with that I would like to see that

YN Kiri Lo'ak and Spider entered the lab as Spider took off his Exo pack and YN took off his helmet

Spider: Real hysterical guys you know what really sucks though is you can breathe earth air for hours and I can only breathe your air for like ten seconds your lucky YN that you can breathe the air here

YN: I don't even know how I'm able to the breath the air

Kiri: yeah monkey Boy that really sucks for you

Kiri tickle him a little and she turn around to a grab a rebreather YN grabbed her tail Kiri gasped YN hissed at her and Kiri hissed back

Kiri: hey Max

Max: hey kids

Spider: hey what's up Max

YN and Kiri went over to a chamber that had Grace Avatar body in as Kiri jumped on top of the water chamber

Kiri: hi ma

YN smiled then behind them was a video playing with a human Grace seen

Grace in video: maybe I'm just losing it out here but I'm seeing real evidence of a systemic response on a global level I can't I won't use the term intelligence it's maybe awareness is a better word it's like a the entire biosphere of Pandora is aware and capable of this cognitive response oh crap I can't say that they'll crucify me I mean I need to say

Lo'ak: so who do you think knocked her up pretty sure it was Norm

Spider: Totally

YN: really guys

Kiri: you do not deserve to live

Lo'ak: no no no think about it right I mean he's the teacher pet he's out at the lab with her all the time

Kiri: I would kill myself I would drink acid

YN: meant wanna calm down about that Kiri

Spider: bro you're right he's like in every shot bro look look he's giving her looks

Kiri: hey

Lo'ak: see I'm thinking their two avatar ls were out in the woods all alone

Kiri: gross

YN: Ew

Spider: guys I mean sometimes it's not so great to know who your father was

YN Kiri and Lo'ak look at each other

Spider: whatever don't even remember him

Lo'ak: no Spider

Spider: dude

Kiri: Spider you are not him

YN: and don't worry YN you'll never be like your father because you'll be your own person

Spider: thanks YN

Lo'ak: hey guys wanna go exploring

YN: didn't Jake grounded you

Lo'ak: yeah but I'm not just gonna stay here with my foot up my ass so when they go on Patrol that's when we go explore

YN: fine Spider you up for it

Spider: I'm down

YN: Kiri

Kiri: fine but I'm only going to see you get in more trouble

Lo'ak: we're not gonna get caught

YN: alright we'll wait for dad and mom to go on Patrol and we can start exploring

To be continue

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