chapter 3

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After a few hours Jake and Neytiri along with Neteyam went out on patrol giving YN Lo'ak Kiri Spider giving the chance to go exploring

The scene of of YN Lo'ak Kiri Spider and Tuk exploring they were jumping on veins of the Hallelujah Mountains having a good time laughing

Kiri: go whoo

Spider: whoo

Lo'ak: whoo bro

Kiri: go monkey boy

YN: this is awesome

Tuk: guys wait up

The scene shows of YN Lo'ak Kiri Spider and Tuk in the forest they walk together and Tuk see a plant and she started to play with it

Lo'ak: Tuk keep up

Tuk: okay okay

Spider: bro why'd you bring her anyway

Lo'ak: she's such a cry baby she's all I'm telling you're not supposed to go to the battlefield I'll tell mom if you don't let me come

Kiri: don't pick on her

Tuk stick her tongue out at Lo'ak

YN: come on Lo'ak Tuk here is just bord being stuck at home all the time

YN pets Tuk on her head she's always like when he petted her head the scene shows of YN Lo'ak Spider and Tuk checking a crash gunship

Lo'ak: come on

Spider: oh sick

Tuk: are there any dead bodies up there

YN check out the inside of the gunship and he saw two skeletons wearing RDA outfits

YN: yep there are two skeletons in here

Spider: bro imagine if this thing still works

YN: Pffff if you can Spider you have no idea to pilot this gunship

Spider: I bet you I can

Spider: he's right Spider because monkeys can't fly

Spider: shut up

Tuk: hey guys where's Kiri

Everyone looked around and sees Kiri is nowhere to be seen

YN: where she go

Lo'ak: I don't know I thought she was behind us

YN: I'm gonna go look for her Tuk stay close to those two idiots

Lo'ak&Spider: hey

YN hop off and he started searching for Kiri he had his guard up just in case if he encountered any Biophage then YN found Kiri on the ground sleeping as the seeds of the sacred tree were around her YN walks over to Kiri and started to wake her up

YN: Kiri Kiri wake up

Kiri wakes up and she saw YN

Kiri: YN

YN: you okay

Kiri: I was doing that thing again wasn't I

YN: yeah you were you know you were kind of cute when you're sleeping

Kiri: you were watching me sleep

YN: only for a few seconds

YN set up and he offered Kiri his hand which she accepted and YN helped her up back on her feet then they started looking into each others eyes brown meeting yellow eyes then they started to get closer to each other faces and their lips almost touch each other

Tuk: guys there you ar-what are you both doing

YN and Kiri quickly separated and they saw Tuk

Kiri: nothing YN was just waking me up

Lo'ak: okay come on we gotta get back before mom and dad

YN: let's go

YN Kiri Lo'ak Spider and Tuk quickly started heading back to the Hallelujah Mountains base before Jake and Neytiri get there first as they were heading back Lo'ak spotted something

Kiri: what is it

Tuk: we're always supposed to be home by eclipse

YN notice a footprint in the mud but they were way to big for a human and it was a boot

Lo'ak: it's way too big for a human

Spider: Avatars

YN: no this is a boot print and none of the Avatars we know don't wear boots they're ain't ours

Lo'ak and Spider started following the footprints

Kiri: what are you doing

Lo'ak: I'm tracking

YN grabbed Lo'ak arm

YN: no Lo'ak we should go back and tell dad what we found

Lo'ak: it's better if we find out about them

YN: fine

YN Kiri Lo'ak Tuk and Spider followed the footprints and it leads to a old base that YN learned about that Jake fought Spider father

Kiri: we are never supposed to come here dad is going to ground you

Lo'ak: can you stop

Kiri: for life

YN: okay we should go back

Lo'ak: bro we have got to check this out

YN: are you crazy and get caught by whoever they no we should definitely go back and tell dad

Lo'ak: come on bro don't be a Wuss

Lo'ak and Spider go to get closer

YN: Fuck

YN looks at Kiri and Tuk

YN: I'm gonna go with them Tuk stay with Kiri okay

Tuk: okay

Kiri: YN be careful

YN: I'm always careful

YN followed Lo'ak and Spider and they see Avatars but they were wearing full came and had ARs

Spider: bro that's where your dad and my dad fought

Lo'ak: that's your dad's actual suit

Spider: holy shit

???: Lyle sees if you can pull some date off that dash cam

Lyle: that's thing dealer than shit Colonel

Lo'ak: I gotta call this in

Spider: no bro we're gonna get in trouble

YN: fuck getting trouble do you really want to fight them no Lo'ak call dad

Lo'ak nodded and he contacted Jake

Lo'ak: Devil Dog Devil Dog this is Eagle eye over

Jake coms: Eagle eye send your traffic

Lo'ak: I got eyes on some guys they look like Avatars but they're wearing camo and carrying ARs there's six of them over

Jake coms: what's your pos over

Lo'ak: Umm we're at the old shack

Jake coms: who's we

Lo'ak: me Spider Kiri YN and Tuk

Jake coms: Son you listen to me very carefully you pull back right now do not make a sound you get the hell out of here move copy

Lo'ak: yes sir moving out

YN: let's go

Kiri: see I told you

YN Kiri Lo'ak Tuk and Spider started going back home quietly as possible making sure the avatars don't hear or see them

Kiri: you're going to be in so much trouble

Lo'ak: Kiri stop

Spider: guys

YN: stop or they'll hear us

Tuk: it's almost eclipse come on

Then suddenly a Avatar come out of the bushes and grabbed Tuk then more of them come out of the bushes and aimed their weapons

Avatar: Down down

Avatar 2: put it down or I'll shoot you

YN aims his assault rifle as Lo'ak and Spider aimed their bows YN saw that they were outnumbered

Lo'ak: (Na'vi) guys put your weapons down

YN signs and he dropped his assault rifle along with Lo'ak and Spider the avatars grabbed them even taking their weapons then a more Avatars arrives and one looks like the leader

Leader Avatar: what have we here

The leader Avatar looks at Spider then to YN then to Lo'ak

Avatar3: hey Colonel check it out four fingers we got a half breed

The bald Avatar was holding Kiri hand showing her five fingers as he grabbed her Queue tightly then the Leader Avatar went over to Lo'ak

Leader Avatar: show me your fingers

Lo'ak gives him a double bird

Leader Avatar: you're his aren't you

Lo'ak hissed at him

Leader Avatar: you're his all right

He grabbed Lo'ak Queue and pulled really hard making Lo'ak go in plan

Leader Avatar: where is he

Lo'ak: (Na'vi) sorry I don't speak English to buttholes

Leader Avatar: (Na'vi) where is your father

He pulled on Lo'ak harder YN knows that if a Na'vi Queue gets pulled on too tightly or cut off it'll kill them

Leader Avatar: really you wanna play it this way

He pulled out a combat knife

Tuk: YN I'm scared

YN: Tuk just stay calm everything is gonna be fine

Female Avatar: shut up

A female Avatar with tattoos kick YN back then the Leader Avatar went over to Kiri

YN: get the fuck away from her

The leader Avatar looks at YN and then makes his way towards him and he kick him to the ground

YN: ack

Kiri: YN

Tuk: stop it

Leader Avatar: what about you boy huh gonna tell me where Jake is

He kicked YN in the stomach

Leader Avatar: I asked you a question

YN started laughing

Leader Avatar: what you think this is finally

YN: I don't know who you are but I face worse then you I fought a mutation abomination back on Callisto (Na'vi) so fuck you I ain't telling you shit

He grabbed YN and place his knife on his neck

Leader Avatar: talk or I'll cut

He put pressure on the knife against YN neck

Spider: get your hands off him

The leader looks at Spider

Leader Avatar: what's your name kid

Spider: Spider Socorro

Leader: Miles

Spider: Nobody calls me that

Leader Avatar: well I'll be damned I figured they send you back to Earth

Spider: they can't put babies in cruo dipshit

Avatar: what are we doing boss

Leader Avatar: iron sky blue one

Silence follow before he spoke again

Leader Avatar: be advised we're bringing in high value prisoners

Kiri: let us go

Avatar2: shut it

They pick up everyone and brought them to the extraction point

Female Avatar: sit

Male Avatar: come on in the dirt

Male Avatar2: get on the ground

Leader Avatar: Lyle get me some audio on this

YN peek over to the leader holding a tablet that was playing a video and he saw Neytiri on it

Leader Avatar: that's Sully's woman

Lyle: she's a goddamm animal

Jake: (video) give it up Quaritch

Leader Avatar: Sully

Jake:(video) it's all over

Quaritch: (video) nothing over while I'm still breathing

Jake: (video) I kind of hoped you'd say that

YN watch Jake rush towards Quaritch and they started having a battle he saw Neytiri releasing a Arrow hiting Quaritch and killing him he noticed Spider was watching the video as well then he figure it out the man in the video and the Avatar leader are the same person meaning his father

Lyle: you want us to recover these remains

YN now know as Quaritch holding his human skull then he crashed it


It was now eclipse everyone was standing on their feet YN noticed the chest pouches on them and it said RECOM then they heard a familiar calling it was Neytiri meaning Jake is here too YN looks at Lo'ak and he nodded Kiri started mumbling in Na'vi a RECOM told her to shut up again then Arrow hit him in the eye killing him

Quaritch: contact rear

They started firing at where Neytiri was

Neytiri: YN Lo'ak

YN and Lo'ak grabbed the pins of smoke grenades on the RECOM vest and pulled them causing smoke to release YN used his GRP and throws the RECOM off him and he grabbed his weapons with the GRP he gotten into cover as and he fired at the RECOM with his assault before moving

Jake was seen fighting a RECOM who manged kick him to the ground and he was gonna kill Jake but he was tackled by a corruptor and it bite his face off

The corruptor saw Jake and before it can attack him it was shot dead by YN with his shotgun

Jake: good saved

YN: your welcome

They run towards where the others were they heard Quaritch and Neytiri talking then YN heard a small burst of gunfire and he saw Neteyam


YN quickly runs over to Neteyam and tackle him to the ground as gunshots were above them

Jake: move go go go

They quickly got into cover by a tree

Jake: you okay you okay boy

Neteyam: yeah thanks for the save YN

YN: no problem

Jake: okay you both with me ready

YN&Neteyam: ready

Both YN and Jake fired their assault rifles at the RECOM

Jake: MOVE

YN Jake and Neteyam run deeper into the forest as gunshots were behind them over at the RECOM as I continue fighting they heard something behind them and it was Ethan

RECOM: where the hell did that thing come from


The RECOM fired at Ethan but their bullets just bounce off him Ethan use his arm Cannon and killed a RECOM the last RECOM continue to fire his weapon until he ran out of ammo then he tried to run for it but Ethan grabbed him then he tear off his leg as the RECOM was on the ground crawling away


RECOM2: wait no please

Ethan lifted up his foot and crashed the RECOM head killing him


Over with a another female RECOM she encounter with Biophage Grunts she continued to fired her assault rifle until a Big Mouth appeared from behind her it grabbed her and started biting her head off

Over with YN Jake and Neteyam after a couple of minutes of running they ran into Lo'ak and Tuk

Lo'ak: ah

Jake: are you hurt

Lo'ak: no I'm fine

Jake: Tuk are you hurt

Tuk: Daddy

Tuk embrace him with a tight hug then they heard the sounds of a helicopter blade follow up with a bright light they hide in the bushes so they won't be seen and it flys off

Jake: okay we're clear everyone okay

Neytiri and Kiri come to them along with Ethan and Neytiri hugged her youngest child

Tuk: mom

Neytiri: oh Tuk Tuk oh great mother thank you

Jake embrace YN Neteyam and Lo'ak with a hug but YN noticed that Spider is missing

YN: Kiri where's Spider

Kiri: they took him they took him

YN: oh Kiri

YN hug Kiri as she cried

YN: it's okay Spider is tough he'll be okay


Back at home base YN Kiri Neteyam Lo'ak and Tuktirey where listening to Jake and Neytiri conversation

Jake: this thing this Quaritch whatever he is he can walk right in here he can walk right under Eywa nose

Neytiri: this is our family this is our home

Jake: this is about our family this is about our little ones

Neytiri: I cannot you cannot ask this I cannot leave my people I will not

Jake: he's hunting us he's targeting our family

Neytiri: you cannot ask this the children everything they've even known the forest this is our home

Jake: he had our children he had them under his knife

Neytiri grabbed her father ceremonial bow

Neytiri: my father gave me this bow as he lay dying and he said protect the people you're Toruk Macto

Jake: this will protect the people Quaritch has Spider and that kid knows everything he knows our whole operation and he can lead them right in here if the people harbor us they will die do you understand look I got nothing I got no plan but I can protect this family that I can do

Neytiri had tears going down her cheeks and Jake placed his hands on Neytiri shoulders

Jake: I know one thing whatever we go this family is our fortress

Jake and Neytiri hug and Kiri looks at YN

Kiri: what do we do YN

YN looks down and he really doesn't know what do to do Lo'ak Neteyam Kiri and Tuk always trust of YN plan since he always had a good plan now he doesn't it

They wait for a while until Jake and Neytiri come out of their Hut

Jake: how much did you heard

YN: everything

Jake: listen start packing your things we leave tomorrow morning

They nodded YN was seen kneeling down against a rock and thinks about what happened they'll be leaving the clan but the Biophage is still out there then he heard footsteps and he sees Kiri he moved over to make room for her and she sit down next to him she then lay her head against his head and YN lay his head against her shoulder Kiri wrap her tail around him and they both started falling asleep

To be continue

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