Book 1: The Avatar Returns

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I can't believe we just went into a Fire Nation ship, I really hope no one saw that flare or we'll all be in big trouble!

Aang: What do you suppose that was?!

Katara: A Fire Nation flare! It's how the Fire Nation signals each other!

Aang: Whoops...

We hurried back to the village, all the kids were happy to see us again, but Sokka didn't look very pleased.

Aang: Hi Sokka, how's it going?

Sokka: I knew it!

Aang: Knew...what?

Sokka pointed at my brother sternly. What did he ever do to him?!

Sokka: You signaled the Fire Navy with that flare! You're leading them straight to us, aren't you?

I got defensive and stood in front of Aang.

Me: Aang didn't do anything! It was an accident!

Aang:  Yeah! We were on the ship and there was this booby trap, and, well...we boobied right into it...sorry.

Gran Gran: Katara, you know going on that ship is forbidden. Now we could all be in danger!

Sokka: Aha! The traitor confesses! Warriors, away from the enemies!

What had Sokka been doing the whole time we were gone? The poor kids backed up from us, I know they knew that Aang wasn't that kind of person.

Katara: Sokka, you're making a mistake!

Sokka: No, I'm keeping my promise to Dad! I'm protecting you from threats like them!

Katara: Aang and May are not enemies, Sokka! Don't you see? They brought something we haven't had in a long time! Fun! They did nothing to harm us or bring the Fire Nation to us!

Sokka: Katara, we can't fight firebenders with fun!

Aang: You should try it sometime!

I punched my brother on the arm.

Aang: Ow! What was that for?!

Sokka: Both of you, get out of our village! Now!

Katara started begging to her grandmother to let us stay.

Katara: Grandmother, please! Don't let Sokka do this!

Gran Gran: Katara, your brother is right, I think it's best if the airbenders leave.

Katara: Then...then I'm banished too! Come on, Aang, let's go!

Me: Wait, what?!

Katara started dragging Aang by the arm. When did she decide this?! And where were we gonna go?

Sokka: Where do you think you're going?!

Katara: Aang and May are taking me to the North Pole!

Me: Hold on, what?!

Aang: We are? Great!

I punched Aang again.

Aang: Hey! That's starting to hurt!

Sokka: Katara, would you really choose them over your whole tribe?! Your whole family?!

Katara stopped in her tracks, her brother was getting to her, I knew it! I looked at Aang, then back at Katara.

Aang: Katara, I don't want to come between you and your family.

Me: Aang's right, Katara, that incident on the ship is the only reason why Sokka became so paranoid. That could've signaled a Fire Nation ship.

Then, Katara turned to us with a sad expression.

Katara: So you guys are leaving the South Pole? Is this goodbye...?

Me: I guess was really nice to talk to you, Katara, I finally got a friend who's been in my shoes...someone who actually understands me.

Aang: Yeah...thanks for penguin sledding with us, Katara, that was a lot of fun.

Katara: So where are you guys going to go...?

Aang: Back to the Southern Air Temple with the other air nomads.

Those words shocked me. 100 years of not being at the Southern Air Temple? Imagine how much has changed in all that time, it won't be the same.

Aang: Wow, I haven't cleaned my room in 100 years, not looking forward to that.

Me: Aang...I don-

Sokka: Let's see your bison fly now, air boy!

I glared at Sokka. If he calls my brother names one more time...!

Aang: Appa, yip yip...

One of the kids ran up to Appa in tears.

?: Aang, May May, don't go, I'll miss you...

May May? That's a first.

Aang: I'll miss you too.

Appa didn't fly though, he probably felt Sokka's harsh words too. I don't blame him, he never really trusted us to begin with.

Sokka: Yeah, that's what I thought!

Aang and I both rode away on Appa...I could hear Katara's distressed voice behind me.

Katara: You happy now?! There goes my chance at becoming a waterbender!

I don't blame her, she was most affected by our departure.


I sat on a circular block of ice when Appa grew tired and stopped. Aang sat next to be holding his staff.

Me: Aang...

Aang: Why don't they trust us? What did we ever do to them?

Me: Buddy...these tribes have been through a lot the past hundred years, it's not easy to trust anyone nowadays. I can understand how Sokka must be feeling. The Fire Nation became highly ruthless. And Katara...she lost her mother a few years ago. I can understand how she's feeling.

Aang: Really?

Me: Yeah, it's a long story.

I put my hand on my little brother's shoulder and kissed his cheek.

Me: Aang, why didn't you tell any of them that you were the Avatar?

Aang: Because...I don't want to be the Avatar. After the monks told me I was the Avatar, I was going to be sent away, where I may never see you again. I look up to my big sister more than anyone. I can't be on my own.

Gosh...all those years of taking care of him were worth it. At least he knows that he needs support. Lots of it. But...I'm not going to be around forever to look after him. He has to be on his own at some point.

Me: You could be the key to stopping this war.

Aang: Me?

Me: Think about it, the Avatar can master all 4 elements. Water, Earth, Fire, and Air. Maybe once you master the other 3 elements, you'll be able to stop the Fire Nation.

Aang: I don't know,'s one thing to master one element, but mastering all of them? I don't know if I can do that, that's a lot of pressure.

I thought about that day he told me he was the Avatar. How he was becoming an outcast, how the monks grew strict towards him...and how he was feeling all alone. I gave him a hug when I saw he was about to cry. I could only imagine how he was feeling, all that weight on his little shoulders. He was too young for the Avatar business, but the monks made their decision to tell him much earlier than when he was supposed to find out, now he was sad and confused.

Me: Aang, maybe-

Our thoughts were interrupted when we saw a ship in the distance, a Fire Nation ship! Heading right for the village!

Aang: The village! It's in trouble! Come on!

Me: Where are you going?!

I grabbed my glider and followed Aang, he was penguin sledding right towards the Southern Water Tribe, even after we weren't welcome there! Did he really think he could take on a group of firebenders by himself?! Not on my watch!


We finally reached the village, but we were too late, there was a firebender right in front of the villagers, he had a horrible scar on his eye. And he kept repeating "Where are you hiding him?!" Hiding who? Was he talking about my brother? I hope not. Aang swooped down in front of the villagers, shielding them from the firebender.

Aang: Hi Sokka!

Sokka: Hi, Aang...thanks for coming.

I landed next to Katara and put my glider down.

Katara: Maybelle?!

Me: Katara, who is that?

Katara: That's Prince Zuko from the Fire Nation, I don't know what they want with us.

May: I think I do...

Aang: Looking for me?!

Aang held his head up high in front of Zuko.

Zuko: You're the airbender?! You're the Avatar?!

Katara: Aang?

Sokka: No way...!

Me: Yeah...that's what I wanted to tell you earlier. My little brother is the Avatar.

Katara: I can't believe it...

Aang and Zuko began to circle around the open terrain.

Zuko: I've spent years preparing for this encounter. Training, meditating. You're just a child!

Aang: Well, you're just a teenager.

I couldn't help but laugh, a Fire Nation prince got burned by a 12 year old boy! Get it?! Fire Nation? Burn?! Ha! Okay, I'm done. Anyway, Zuko began to shoot fire from his fists at Aang, he quickly deflected them with his staff, I prayed that he wouldn't get hurt. You probably already know this by now, but fire can be wild and aggressive, anyone can easily get hurt. I was really hoping that didn't happen to Aang. He turned around and saw how scared all the kids were, they were mere inches from the fire Zuko was blasting. He put his hand out as a signal to stop, then held his staff out in front of him.

Aang: If I go with you, do you promise to leave everyone here alone?

What?! He was turning himself in to the Fire Nation?! No! I wasn't going to let him do that!

Me: Aang, no!

Zuko looked around and nodded in agreement, I couldn't believe it. Aang was apprehended by two men and lead onto the ship.

Katara: Aang, don't do this!

Aang: Katara, I'll be okay. Hey sis, take care of Appa for me until I get back!

Me: Aang!

I ran in front of the crowd with tears in my eyes. My little brother was being taken away from me right before my eyes.

Zuko: Head a course for the Fire Nation! I'm going home!

Once Aang was brought to the ship's interior, the bow closed and the ship departed. I broke down sobbing, Katara sat next to me with her hands on my shoulders. She was upset too. But she didn't understand how I felt, Aang is my only family, losing him is like watching a rainbow fade away, or a viscous storm cloud covering the sun. Or worse, losing my mother. If you ever lost someone so important or precious to you, you would understand how I felt watching Aang being led away like that. Katara sat up and walked over the ice wall, a small tear trickled down her cheek.

Katara: We have to go after that ship, Sokka! Aang saved our tribe, now we have to save him.

Sokka: Katara-

Katara: Why can't you realize that he's on our side?! I know you don't like AAng but we owe him an-

Sokka: Katara! Are you gonna talk all day or are you coming with me?!

Wait a minute...Sokka is actually agreeing to rescue my brother?! I looked up and saw him with a canoe in the water. He was actually serious!

Katara: Sokka!

Katara ran up to her brother and hugged him.

Sokka: Get in, we're going to save your boyfriend.

Katara: He's not my-

Sokka: Whatever.

I giggled a little and wiped my tears. But...a canoe vs a warship?

Me: Hey guys? I have a better idea.

Sokka: And what might that be? That we call this rescue mission off?

Me: As if! I'll be right back.

I got on my air scooter and went to find Appa. Aang taught me the air scooter when we were little, he made that trick up when we were 8 and 10. I've been practicing it since and I've really gotten the hang of it. Anyway, I found Appa exactly where Aang and I left him. Wow, how long was he alone for? Now I feel bad.

Me: Appa, hey buddy, sorry for the hold up, we're going to go now. Yip yip.

Appa still didn't fly, but at least he was going somewhere.

Me: Hey!

I got Katara and Sokka's attention so they could see Appa. Apparently, they were talking to their grandmother, about what? Actually, if it's important, I'll find out.

Katara: Appa!

Sokka: You just love taking me out of my comfort zone, don't you.

Me: Sokka, get on the bison!

Sokka: Okay, okay.


I still didn't know why Appa wasn't flying, maybe it was because Aang wasn't with us? But when it was just the two of us, he still wasn't flying.


Sokka wasn't helping, he still didn't think that Appa was capable of flying, but I know for sure he is.

Katara: Please Appa, we need your help, Aang needs your help.

Sokka: Up...ascend...elevate...

Katara started petting Appa's head.

Katara: Sokka doesn't believe that you can fly, but I do. Come on, don't you wanna save Aang?

Sokka: What was it that kid said? Yee-haw? Hup hup? Wahoo? Uh...yip yip?

That did the trick, Appa finally started flying! Thank goodness, I thought he was going to catch a cold from all that time in the freezing waters. Katara was so excited to finally see Appa flying, I know I was.

Katara: You did it, Sokka!

Sokka: He's flying! He's flying! Katara, he's-

We weren't the only ones happy, we both turned to Sokka smirking.

Sokka: I mean...big deal, he's flying.

There was no point in hiding his excitement, we knew. And soon, Aang's gonna find out. Anyway, we flew for a while, until we spotted a Fire Nation ship in the freezing water. It had to be the one that attacked the village. And that meant that Aang was on that ship!

Katara: Over there! That's gotta be it!

We steered Appa towards the ship, Aang was battling Zuko again! How did he even manage to escape?! Zuko backed Aang up to the edge and he fell into the cold water. No!

Katara: Aang! No! Aang!

Me: Aang!

I was about to dive after him when we saw a bright blue light, Aang was in the Avatar State, I knew it. He emerged from the water, his eyes and tattoos were glowing. And he was waterbending without even realizing it! I've seen him in the Avatar State, but not like that, he took out all the Fire Nation soldiers in one go! Man! That was impressive.

Katara: Did you see what he just did?!

Sokka: Now that was some waterbending!

Soon, Aang stopped glowing and passed out on the deck, we flew down on Appa to fetch him and get away.

Me: Aang, little buddy!

Katara: Are you okay?!

We ran up to him and knelt down, he wasn't in a good condition, that move must've taken a lot out of him.

Aang: Hey guys...thanks for coming.

Sokka: Well, I couldn't let you have all the glory.

Aang: I dropped my staff...

Sokka: Got it!

Sokka got up to fetch Aang's staff, but Zuko came out of nowhere and took hold of it.

Me: Hey! Get back!

Sokka poked at his head until he fell off the boat.

Sokka: Ha! That's from the Water Tribe!

I guess they're even now or something? A couple Fire Nation soldiers approached us and were ready to attack. Oh no! Not on my watch! I took a deep breath and blew them away with a powerful lung punch! Katara's attempt to freeze them failed when she froze Sokka's feet behind her.

Sokka: Katara!

Katara: I'm sorry, Sokka!

Then she turned around, and this time she did it facing backwards, they were as stiff as statues.

Me: Ha! Take that, Fire Nation!

I quickly took Aang in my arms and jumped onto Appa.

Katara: Hurry up, Sokka!

Sokka: I'm just a guy with a boomerang, I didn't ask for all this flying...and magic!

Sokka chipped the ice away with his boomerang, picked up Aang's staff and climbed onto Appa.

Me: Appa, yip yip!

Appa flew off the ship and we quickly escaped from Zuko and his crew.


Once we were alone, Katara turned to Aang. I stared out into the sunset enjoying the view.

Katara: Aang? Can we talk?

Aang: About what?

Katara: Well...why didn't you tell us that you were the Avatar?

Aang: Oh...

Me: Katara, I did try to tell you earlier that he's the Avatar, but I was interrupted when Aang ran after the penguins.

Katara: Oh...but how come we weren't told sooner?

Aang turned to me, hoping I would do the talking for him. I shook my head.

Me: You should tell her.

Aang: Okay...well, it's because...I never wanted to be.

Katara: But why? The world's been waiting for the Avatar's return for 100 years, now you can finally put an end to this war.

Aang: But how? I'm just one guy.

Sokka: You're going to need lots of help, Aang.

Me: You have us, buddy, you're not in this alone.

Appa let out a low growl.

Me: You too, Appa.

We were silent for a while until Katara spoke up.

Katara: According to legend, you need to first master water, then earth, then fire, right?

Aang: That's what the monks told me.

Katara: If we go to the North Pole, then you can master waterbending.

Aang: We can learn it together!

My brother's smile made me feel better, he wasn't so upset anymore. I did also notice the spark between him and Katara, I think he likes her.

Katara: Sokka, I'm sure you'd be able to knock some firebenders out!

Sokka: I'd really like that.

Aang: Okay, but first, we have some serious business to attend to.

What could be more important than learning all the other elements? Aang pointed at three different areas on our map.

Katara: What's there?

Aang: Here, we'll ride the hopping llamas, then way over here, we'll surf on the backs of giant koi fish, then back over here, we'll ride the hog monkeys. They don't like people riding on them, but that's what makes it fun!

Oh brother, he just wanted to goof around. This was going to be a long loooong trip.

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