Book 1: The Southern Air Temple

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Me: Aang! Aang!

I searched aimlessly for Aang among the flaming inferno, one tree collapsed and almost hit me.

Me: Aang! Where are you?!

I was so scared, there was fire everywhere and I couldn't locate my sweet baby brother, was he hurt? Or worse, dead?! Suddenly, I spotted a figure surrounded by flames, it was Aang! I gasped and smiled despite the devastation.

Me: Aang!

I ran up to him, he turned around and saw me running to him.

Aang: Sis!

But just as we were about to hug, the ground beneath us began to split and we got separated.

Aang: May?!

Me: Don't move, Aang! I'll come get you!

I was prepared to take my air scooter and get Aang, but something happened that I didn't anticipate: the ground beneath Aang crumbled and he fell into the abyss.

Me: No!!!

I didn't think twice, I dove after him and held my hand out!

Me: Take my hand!

We both reached out for each other, but just as I was about to grip his hand, a huge flame engulfed him, and just like that, he was gone!

Me: No!!!! Aang!!!!


I woke up with a loud scream, what a terrible nightmare! And it was so real!

Katara: May?

I think my scream woke Katara up, thank goodness it was only her.

Me: Oh...hey Katara.

Katara: Are you okay?

Me: Yeah...I just had a nightmare.

Katara: What was it?

Me: I don't want to talk about it, it's not important.

I turned to Aang who was sleeping peacefully next to me. Thank goodness he was safe, I kissed his forehead and went back to sleep.


Early the next morning, we all began to pack up camp, but Sokka was still in his sleeping bag.

Aang: Get up, Sokka, I need to show you guys the Southern Air Temple!

Sokka: Sleep now...temple later...

I don't blame Sokka, we did have a pretty long night. Aang suddenly got an idea and went to grab a stick.

Me: Aang, what are you doing?

Aang: You'll see.

I didn't like that tone, I knew he was going to pull another prank, he's done it on me so many times when we were little. He started sliding the stick across Sokka's sleeping bag.

Aang: Sokka, wake up! There's a prickle snake in your sleeping bag!

That got Sokka up in no time, he was hopping in his sleeping bag and fell on his face.

Sokka: Get it off! Get it off!

Aang: Great! You're awake! Let's go!

I heard Katara laughing behind me. How did she find this funny and I didn't?

Katara: Is Aang always like this?

Me: Basically...not the first prank he pulled.


We all flew on Appa together, Aang was steering him to the Southern Air Temple, but I had my doubts, if it's been 100 years. Does that mean there's a whole new generation of airbenders? Or...are they all...gone?

Katara: You okay?

Me:'s just been a while since we've been home, I've been thinking about what your grandmother said. If she said that no one had seen an airbender in 100 years...does that mean the Fire Nation got to them?

Katara: You could be right about that...the Fire Nation killed my mother, they could've done the same to your people as well.

Me: I lost my mother when I was very young...but losing the rest of the air nomads...that's even harder to accept.

Katara: I better tell Aang.

Katara got up to sit with Aang, but I grabbed her wrist.

Me: No! He seems really excited about going back, I don't want that to go away. Plus, he'll be heartbroken if he finds out.

Katara agreed, she knows what it's like to lose someone you love, so we understood each other, she sat back down next to me.

Sokka: Hey! Who ate all my blubbered seal jerky?!

Me: Blubbered seal jerky?

Sokka's angry tone snapped me out of my thoughts.

Sokka: It was in my bag! I'm starving!

Aang: Oh...that was food? I used it to start the campfire last night.

Come on, Aang, really? Using food to make a campfire?

Sokka: You did what?!

Aang: Sorry, Sokka...

Sokka: No wonder the flames smelled so good...

We flew for a while until Katara broke the silence.

Katara: I at least need to tell him to be prepared, May...

Huh?! least the hint won't be as bad as the truth.

Me: If you say so, Katara...

Aang: We're almost there, you guys!

Katara: Aang, before we go to the temple, I want to talk to you about the airbenders.

Aang: What about them?

Katara: Well...I just want you to be prepared for what you might see. The Fire Nation is ruthless, they killed my mother...they could've done the same to your people.

Aang: Really? You think so?

Me: That could be a possibility, Aang, it hasn't been a few days, it's been 100 years.

Aang: Come on, sis, just because no one has seen an airbender doesn't mean the Fire Nation killed them all! They probably escaped!

Katara: Aang, listen, I know this kind of thing is hard to accept-

Aang: You don't understand, Katara, the only way to get to the air temples is on a flying bison! And I doubt the Fire Nation has any flying bison, right Appa?

Appa let out a low growl as we flew to the temple. We flew for a few more moments until finally, we saw the temple in the distance. Wow, seeing the temple after so many years actually felt good! I felt whole just seeing it.

Aang: There it is, guys, the Southern Air Temple!

Katara: Aang, it's beautiful!

Aang: And it gets even better, come on, Appa, yip yip!

We all landed on an empty ledge and Aang immediately jumped off taking a deep breath of the clean air.

Aang: We're home, guys, we're home...

Katara: This is amazing...

Aang: Follow me, Katara, I'll give you guys the grand tour.

Me: Hello?! You me we'll give them a tour!

Aang: But sis, you don't know the temple as well as I do.

I took issue with that comment, what makes him think he knows the temple better than me?! I lived there longer and I've been all over it! I punched him right in his weak spot, his shoulder.

Aang: Ow...!

Sokka: So...when do we get something to eat?

Katara: You're lucky to be one of the first outsiders to ever visit an air temple, and all you can think about it food?!

Sokka: I'm just a simple guy with simple needs!

Aang: *gasps* May, look!

I followed Aang up the slope, and we both spotted something that brought back a lot of memories, our playing field. My gosh, serious nostalgia right now.

Aang: Remember when we used to play airball over there?

Me: Yeah, good times...

Aang: And look! That's where the bison would sleep, and that was where the monks would sit! And...and...

Me: Aang?

My brother sat on the ground, he looked sad.

Katara: What's wrong?

Aang: This place used to be filled with monks, lemurs, and bison. Now there's just a bunch of weeds.

I felt conflicted for a moment, I really wanted to talk to Aang about the possibilities from the last 100 years, but how would he take it?

Me: Aang...I think over the la-

Sokka: So, this airball game, how do you play?

Aang perked up and stood up.

Aang: C'mon, May and I will show you.

Me: Huh?!

Aang: C'mon, sis, it'll be like old times!

I smiled, it would be nice to play again.

Me: Well, maybe just one game.


Playing airball again has never felt better! Aang was right, it was just like old times! We ended up having a lot of fun, Aang took the airball and passed it to me, I jumped up and kicked the ball as hard as I could, it knocked Sokka right out of the ring. He couldn't play properly because he's not a bender! I laughed as soon as he fell.

Aang: Airbenders, seven! Sokka, zero!

I went over to Sokka and helped him to his feet.

Me: Are you okay?

Sokka: Just peachy...making him feel better is putting me in a world of hurt!

Me: Well, if it's making Aang feel better, then all that pain must be worth it.

Sokka: Yeah, sure...

But we suddenly saw something in the snow, when I pushed it away, I was in for a surprise; it was a Fire Nation helmet! The Fire Nation had found the sir temple after all! Katara was right!

Sokka: Katara, come check this out!

Katara: What?

She saw the helmet and was just as surprised as I was.

Katara: Fire Nation...

Sokka: We should tell him.

Tell him?! But he was just feeling better!

Katara: Aang, you need to see this!

Aang: Okay!

But before Aang could get to us, Katara covered the helmet with snow.

Aang: What is it?

Katara: Um...just a new waterbending trick I learned.

Please buy it, please buy it, please buy it...!

Aang: Nice one, but enough practicing. We have a whole temple to see!


Sokka: Guys, you know you can't protect him forever.

Me: He's my little brother, I can for his sake, I don't want him to feel upset again.


We started going higher up to the temple, Aang ran ahead of us while we stayed behind.

Sokka: Firebenders we're here, you can't keep pretending they weren't.

Katara: Sokka, May has a point, if Aang finds out about this, he'll be devastated.

Me: Yeah...

I wiped a few tears away, I loved the airbenders too, seeing that they're gone puts a hole in my heart.

Me: I'll be right back, you guys.

I flew on my glider to one of the towers and got in through the window. My old was unrecognizable, there was rusty Fire Nation armor everywhere and the walls were crumpled. I sat on my old bed for several moments and just sobbed quietly. Everything I knew and loved was gone, all I had left was Aang, I already lost my mom, and all the other airbenders, I can't lose him too. I suddenly spotted something among the Fire Nation helmets, when I pushed them away, I gasped. It was my favorite toy from childhood, my wooden doll. I remembered that Mom gave it to me when I was little, she was pregnant with Aang at the time. She made it especially for me. I hid the doll in my robes, this was all I had left of my mom, I had to treasure it.

Me: I won't lose this, Mom, and soon I'll tell Aang about the amazing person you were, he'll understand.

But shortly after, I heard Aang and Sokka yelling. When I looked out the window, I saw them chasing something.

Aang: Lemur!

Sokka: Dinner!

Wait, a lemur?! I thought they were gone too! I picked up my glider and flew after the boys, I did manage to catch up with Sokka.

Me: Sokka, what's going on?!

Sokka: Aang's chasing my dinner! Aang, come back!

I forgot that Sokka was still desperate for food, I ignored him and focused on catching up with Aang, but I was in for a surprise. Aang was standing in a tent, and there were Fire Nation helmets everywhere. He found out.

Aang: Firebenders...? There were here...?

I approached Aang, he was holding back tears and his lips were trembling. He was staring at a skeleton, when I took a good look, I recognized it immediately.

Aang: Gyatso...

Fire Nation killed Gyatso, a ton of firebenders all targeting one monk.

Me: Aang...

Aang dropped to his knees and covered his face weeping silently. I tried to reassure him, but he wouldn't acknowledge me. I knelt down next to him and put my hand on his shoulder.

Me: Aang, you're no-

At that moment, Sokka barged into the tent.

Sokka: Hey Aang, you find my dinner yet?

I turned to Sokka and shook my head, now wasn't a good time to be talking about a lemur.

Sokka: Hey, Aang, I wasn't really gonna eat that lemur, okay?

I pointed at all the Fire Nation helmets that were laying around and Gyatso's skeleton.

Sokka: Oh man...

Yeah, oh man is right, the truth had been exposed.

Me: Aang, everything's going to be okay, I'm upset too, but we have to move on.

Suddenly, Aang's tattoos and eyes started glowing. Uh oh, I knew what was happening, I took several steps back. A powerful wind was forming around Aang, Sokka and I both hid behind rubble. Aang was in the Avatar State, and it was much more powerful than earlier when he faced Zuko. But it wasn't out of rage, it was out of grief that triggered the Avatar State.

Me: Aang, snap out of it!

Katara: What happened?!

Katara arrived a few moments later.

Sokka: He found out firebenders killed Gyatso!

Katara: Oh no! It's his Avatar Spirit! I'm gonna try and calm him down!

Me: How?!

Katara: I don't know, but I'll try talking to him!

Sokka: Well, hurry before he blasts us off the mountain!

Katara: pulled her hood up and approached Aang, the air sphere around him was increasing and he was lifted off the ground.

Me: I hope this idea of yours works, Katara!

Katara: Aang! I know you're upset, and I know how hard it is to lose the people you love. I went through the same thing when I lost my mom!

Me: Aang! Believe it or not, I learned that at a very young age! I know what grief is like!

Sokka: What are you doing?!

Me: Helping.

Katara: Monk Gyatso and the other airbenders may be gone, but you still have a family!

Me: Yeah, me!

Katara: And Sokka and I! We're you're family now!

Huh?! Was she serious?! Even after we just met a few days ago, she's considering us family? Wow, Katara has a big heart. And her words (and mine) were enough to snap Aang out of it, he lowered himself to the ground and the harsh winds he was causing stopped. We all approached him carefully.

Sokka: We're not gonna let anything happen to you, promise.

Hey, that's the same promise I made to Aang when he was born, now we're in this together. Aang stopped glowing and fell into Katara's arms.

Aang: Sis...does that mean you and I are the last airbenders...?

Me: Unfortunately, Aang, it does...if the Fire Nation found this temple, then that means they found the other ones too.

I held Aang's hand and gave him a hug.


Aang stared at one of the many statues of past Avatars.

Katara: Everything's packed, you ready to go?

Aang: How's Roku supposed to help me if I can't talk to him?

What did they do after I went to be alone?

Katara: Maybe you'll find a way, let's get going.

Suddenly, the lemur that Aang and Sokka were chasing came into the room and dropped a bunch of fruits in front of Sokka, he started eating them visciously.

Aang: Looks like you made a new friend, Sokka.

Sokka: Can't talk. Must eat.

Something suddenly occurred to me.

Me: Aang, I want to show you something.

Aang: What?

Me: Come with me.

I led Aang to the bottom of the temple, that was where all the deceased air nomads would be buried. In other words, a cemetery.

Aang: Why are we here?

Me: Because there's someone you should meet.

I took Aang's hand and led him through the cemetery, when I saw the gravestone I was looking for, I stopped.

Aang: Sis, what is it?

I sat in front of the gravestone, it was our mom's.

Aang: Who's that?

Me: Aang, this is our mom.

I never told Aang about Mom, he never knew her, I was young, but I still remember. Aang looked up at me confused.

Me: She lost her life shortly after you were born, she was everything to me. I know you didn't know her, Aang, but you would've loved her, and I know she would've felt the same way towards you.

Aang: Oh...I guess being raised by monks has its flaws. Not really knowing your real family, or even getting a chance to meet them.

Me: Not really, Aang, Monk Gyatso was like a father to you, and the air nomads were all like a big family to you. I miss Mom a lot, but she gave me the greatest gift a girl could ever ask for. You.

Aang looked up at me and smiled, I stood up.

Aang: Really?

Me: Really really. I know she'd be proud of you, knowing you're going to help end this war. She'd be proud of us both, knowing that I'm doing what I can to help you as your older sister.

Aang stood up and hugged me.

Aang: You're right, May, she would be.

Shortly after, the little lemur appeared again and flew on Aang's shoulder.

Aang: Hey, little guy.


We all prepared to board Appa and head out.

Aang: You me, and Appa, we're all that's left of this place, we have to stay together.

I smiled, Aang still had the lemur on his shoulder.

Aang: Guys, say hello to the newest member of our family.

Katara: What are you gonna name him?

The lemur took the peach in Sokka's hand and flew back on Aang's shoulder.

Aang: Momo.

Sokka's jaw dropped when he saw his empty hand, I couldn't help but giggle. We all got onto Appa and left, Aang looked back at the Southern Air Temple as it faded into the clouds. I saw the sad expression on his face and approached him.

Me: Hey.

He looked up at me.

Me: Are you gonna be okay?

Aang: I think so, it's like you said, we have to move on, and I'm sure Mom would be telling us that too.

I smiled as we flew away on Appa knowing we still had positive energy to do what we can to end the war.

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