Chapter 8: Piper Starts a Car Crash

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Piper POV.

The only thing that had been on Piper's mind for the past week, ever since she was swept under a sea of Hellhounds during the battle at Camp Half Blood, was Jason.

She couldn't stop thinking about him.

It was driving her crazy. Jason hadn't left, Nico and Travis confirmed it. But what happened to him? What happened to her blond superman?

He couldn't be dead. Piper was positive, he wasn't. Her mom wouldn't do something that bad right? Aphrodite never put more than a seconds thought to her relationship, Piper didn't think that would change all of a sudden.

But now, Piper, found herself, for the first time in that horrible tear filled week, thinking of something else. Someone else.


And how she was going to survive the next five minutes minutes on this cab.

In the front of the cab, three old hags were bickering, slapping each other in an effort to get something. And judging from the conversation, Piper was pretty sure they were blind.

The scenery flashed by the windows so quick, it made her nauseous. The sharp jagged turns slammed her around in the back seat until every part of her was bruised.

She now understood why there were things such as seatbelts. Unfortunately, she couldn't stay still long enough to put hers on.

Katie was screaming and crying, and a string of incoherent curses spouted forth. She looked terrible. Not that Piper had any say, but she really did look awful.

Her arm was black, and it didn't move according to her motions whenever they went flinging around the cabin. Her hair was a crazy mess, her cheeks red with tear stains.

Piper got the feeling all she wanted to do was scream and pull out her hair. And curse at life.

The cab slung around the corner like a rocket, and Piper's head snapped back against the seat.

"Katie please tell me this is almost over!" Piper begged.

Katie screamed something about Travis and hating her life.

"TREE!" One of the ladies up front hissed.

"Pull left!"




"I need to use the bathroom!"


"Everyone SHUT UP!" Piper roared, possibly using a slight amount of Charmspeak. And by a slight amount, she meant enough to make even the gods do what she wanted.

Everyone in the car froze. Silent.

"Okay, now," Piper said causally, "where are we going and how much longer?"

"Storybrooke." Katie said almost robotically.

"Five minutes." One of the woman asked.

"How is that even...?"

The car swerved and jerked again. Piper balanced herself and glanced out the window. The scenery was a blur of green and brown.

"How fast are we going?"

"Faster than necessary." Katie squeaked, "Way faster than necessary."

"Well we figured since your arm is turning to Stygian Ice, You might want to get some magical treatment. Regina maybe, she's got more experience." One of the ladies said, another one bonking her on the head.

"Idiot!" The attacker said, "They didn't ask yet!"

"It's Wasp's fault! She was the one that suggested it!" One hissed.

"What?!" Piper assumed the one named Wasp sputtered, jerking the wheel hard, "I did no such thing! I simply stated that if she didn't get help soon the ice would spread to her entire body! And we wouldn't want that now, would we?"

They started bickering again with who's fault was what.

"Stop!" Piper yelled, "Regina, You said? She could help Katie?"

The three oldies murmured uncomfortably. Piper took that as a 'yes'.

"Only if you find a way to gain her trust."

"ANGER!" Wasp yelled. "You hypocrite! What's next, You tell her where Jason's being held on Chaos Planet?"

Piper's heart stopped. "WHAT?!"

The three ladies screamed at each other, squabbling like crazy chickens. It wasn't the usual fighting though, this had a tinge of panic in it.

"You've doomed us all!" Anger screeched. "He's going to kill us! Or send us to the Void, with that son of Hermes!"

"Stop it! Stop it!" The last little lady screamed. "I don't wanna die!"

"Tell me!" Piper shouted, she didn't hold back on the Charmspeak. It flowed out of her mouth adding a pink tinge to the air.

"7, 68, 42!" The women chorused, the sound of screaming was enough to shatter anyone eardrums. Piper even found herself screaming along with the rest.

Thunder rolled the air and lightning struck the ground right next to the cab. The car swerved to the left bucking off the road. Then a brilliant black flash and three less voices were in the car.


The car jerked, Piper swung around the backseat. The old ladies had disappeared. Katie was wide eyed, petrified with terrified shock.

Piper leapt between the seats reaching for the wheel. The front of the was evaporating like the smoke it was. The ground rocked as it shook.

"Ohmygods," Piper said, "TREE!"

The words were no sooner out of her mouth as the last bit of the car rammed into the towering plant.

Piper wasn't sure what happened until everything had settled. She was aware that the force of the impact sent her flying out of car entirely. She knew that her entire body ached. She knew that she never wanted to do that again.

"Ugh..." Piper looked up.

The car had disappeared completely leaving no traces it was ever there. Katie laid on the ground her arm was completely black. Her face scratched up. But she wasn't moving.

"Katie..." Piper groaned, her head felt like someone had crammed marshmallow in through her ears. "Ow..."

She pulled herself up, somehow. The pain made her eyes water. The distance seemed way farther than it should've been.

Every step sent spikes up her leg.

Piper whimpered.

Katie was pale. She moaned but other than that she didn't move. Piper knelt, or rather fell, beside her. "Katie, come on." She said. "Katie Gardener? You better wake up."

"Please? Katie..." Piper placed her hand on her friend. "Gods, if you die on me I will find your ghost and torment you forever."

Katie made some noise, that might have a reaction or a whale giving birth.

"Sorry, what was that?" Piper winced as she leveled Katie's body on her side.

"I'm...not...dying...just...yet." Katie grimaced. "Lasagna..."

Piper figured Katie didn't mean to say the last part.

"That's good, keep talking, kay?"

"I smell...Lasagna." Katie muttered, "like..the...homemade type..."


"Yeah." Katie's head fell forward. "Piper?"


"What did Travis say about Flying Monkeys?"


"I thought you should know...they're right behind us."


Trivia Time!!

Winner gets a dedication next chapter!

Who suggested throwing Percy and Annabeth in the lake in The Last Olympian?

Sorry that this is so sticky right now. I own you guys an update, and this is totally not satisfactory.

But here you go.

Remember to:






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