Chapter 9: Travis get Tranquilized

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And the dedication goes to...Always_Love_Books_! Congrats! Don't you all just love Connor?!

Travis POV.

A couple years ago when Travis, Connor, and Katie were about to cross over the State border into New York, after the Rhino and the Candy store incident, the three of them stayed at an abandoned warehouse.

It wasn't abandoned.

It was actually the home of a family of Cyclops, because it seems like every warehouse nowadays has a family of Cyclops living there.

But anyway, the demigods found out the hard way. The monsters barged in on them as they were about to lay down. They went into a panic, Katie and Connor ran down one hallway.

Travis ran down the other.

The rest of the warehouse was cold and dark, with an echoing cave-like feel. But the point was, it was dark. Blindingly dark. And he was alone, unarmed.

And Cyclops can perfectly imitated and voice or sound.

It had been years since the event. And of course they had gotten out ok, but Travis still had mini heart attacks when he was alone in the dark.

But those mini freak outs-nothing. NOTHING, compared to how being blind felt.

Earlier he'd been able to conceal it, a joke hear, a laugh there, but then he knew he had Connor or one of the other demigods with him.

But now. It was dark. And cold. And silent. He could feel motion happening but he wasn't sure what. A car most likely.

They were bringing him to a place, and guess what? That place would be cold and dark, too.

He could hear his own breathing getting a little louder with each breath. Other than that, it was silent. Not a sound.

He could feel someone or something watching him.

Was he about to die?

Were his kidnappers sitting right across from him pointing a pistol, or a knife or another weapon at him smiling and waiting for him to make a move?

A cold chill sent icy fingers down his back.

He was going to die. One way or the other. Katie would never know what happened to him. His brother would never know what happened. His body would be left in some dark, dank place that a hundred years from now some person would find and not care in the least who he was.

"He's hyperventilating."

Travis felt his lungs constrict, he could have sworn his heart accurate stop. Everything was dark. He was going to die. No one would know.

Every muscle in his body shook. His wrists cut on the chafing of the rope around his hands. He didn't remember being bound. He choked trying to get air.

Cold swept over him, he was going to die any second. One shot. Was that the cock of a hand gun? They were going to shoot him in the head. He would never even see it coming.

"Put him under."

Something touched him, and he jerked away. His head slammed into something else. Pain flared in his skull, a sharp jab impaled his arm.

Against his will, his body started to shut down. His shoulders relaxed, his breathing evened. His brain drifted off into a beautifully inconvenient nap.

If he'd been able to see anything in the first place, his vision would've gone black.


Travis Stoll did not realize that being tranquilized would make him want to talk to a lunatic. Especially after waking up in an unknown facility, and knowing that said lunatic was watching him sleep.

"Nice nap?" The voice asked a mysterious glimmer in his tone. It sent Travis's nerves on end.


"Travis Stoll, correct? Son of Hermes, yes?"

"Uhhh...No?" Travis said, but he wasn't fooling anyone, "who are you?"

"What? I'm surprised you don't know me!" Travis could hear the smirk in the guys voice, it was the same tone he and Connor used while pranking.

"Sorry, don't get out much, though I would love it if you would just untie me...?"

The laugh made Travis's spine tingle. His much was dry.

"And where would you go demigod? Your camp has been destroyed. Your friends deserted you. Even your simpleton Gods have turned their backs."

"What do you want?"

"Amusement." The man asked, "and information."

Travis knew he was failing to hide his fear. Neither of those words sounded like fun. In fact both those words were clearly labeled in "Demigods: Words to Watch Out For" pamphlet. A cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"I have spent my life waiting for the moment when I will crush my brother underneath the sole of my boot. I will not let you worthless demigods or your pathetic gods get in my way."

Travis laughed nervously which came out as a whimper. "What did we ever do to you, you incredibly crazy lunatic?"

"To me?" The voice took an odd tone like he wasn't quite sure, "nothing, of course. But, there is one who promised me more power, enough to banish even Odin! And all I have to do is kill every last one of you Greek scum."

Travis stiffened. The black veil of his vision didn't waver, but he could picture a deathly blade tip right under his chin.

"Now tell me where did your friends go?"


Uh...yeah...hi. I'm alive. I think.

I don't really have an excuse. Lost my mojo I guess. I'll try to update soon. Then again I said that last time and it's been like a month

Trivia Time!

Winner gets a dedication next chapter!

Finish this quote from the Winter Solider: "I'm with you till---"


Also, I posted two fairly new stories: Elite, which is a Percy Jackson/Chaos thing, and Silence is Golden, which is a Percy Jackson AU. I like both the ideas. They might get updated faster until I get a little more inspiration.

Remember to:






Ps....3 days left!!!

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