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*Warning: Preferences w/multiple parts may have 1000+ this one lol*

Age: 16


It's not like you were one to go looking for a fight. On the contrary, you avoided socializing with people you knew to be the kind that got a kick out of violence and bullying. They knew to avoid you, too. Until they made a big mistake. You just showed up at school, bounding up the steps and muttering under your breath about the educational system, when you heard raucous laughter coming from the side of the building. Deciding to check it out, you froze at the sight. In the middle of a group of guys and girls was your best friend. Her nose was bleeding and you could see a long cut on her cheek. She was spitting angrily at one of the girls when another one stepped forward to strike her. She never got the chance.

Your mom got a phone call saying she had to come to the school. When she arrived, an ambulance was just pulling out. Knowing it couldn't be you in there, she marched into the principal's office to see a few boys and girls with badly bruised faces and blood streaming from two of their noses. One of them had a bloody mouth and was constantly spitting into a napkin. You were suspended for a month and your mom grounded you for a week. She didn't blame you for what you did, but breaking a girl's arm was a tad bit overboard. You didn't care. They all deserved it, anyways.


Your mom was more than thrilled when she discovered you had inherited her powers. She helped you to control it and always reminded you to use it for good or not at all. And you stuck by that, until your bully got psychical. She had been torturing you for months and you knew you could do something about it, but you didn't want to disappoint your mom. Besides, what was a few nasty remarks that were far from the truth? The day it happened, you were sitting in the music room alone, playing the piano softly when you were dragged off the bench and thrown to the floor. Pain shot through your head as it knocked against one of the chairs and your bully began her usual rant of how stupid and ugly you were, that you were a big loser with no place in the world. You couldn't keep it in. Even if you wanted to. A flash of red and your bully was screaming tortuously as she dropped to her knees and clawed at her head, her worst nightmares coming true and unraveling her mentality, bit by bit.

Your mom grounded you for a while and although she was sorely disappointed in you, she was furious you were being bullied in the first place. The girl had to be sent to a mental facility after trying to tear her eyes out, but was it your problem?


No one ever asked you about your arm or your dad. Because honestly, who would? You were in your P.E. class and everyone was out on the football field, enjoying the sun and milling around a bit until the teacher gave further instruction. You and one of your girlfriends were stretching near the track when someone tapped on your shoulder. You turned to see a boy with an awful smirk on his face as his eyes ran down your body, lingering on your chest before meeting your eyes. You should've punched him out just for that. But, it got a lot worse when he opened his mouth. Right after shooting out a particularly nasty remark about your dad, he looked back at his buddies to grin at them. He didn't see your fist coming around.
The metal one, of course.

When you and your dad finished speaking with the principal to accept your one week suspension, your dad grounded you. When you told him exactly why you decided to punch the boy, he knocked off a couple of days, bringing you to a solid five day punishment. Which he promptly forgot about the next day. Pretty good for breaking someone's jaw.


You totally blamed your dad for it. If he hadn't taught you, you wouldn't be in trouble. It was the weirdest thing to be suspended for, especially since you got into a lot of fights. The reason you never got caught was because you made sure it always happened after school and as far from campus as possible. Your dad always knew you were an A-class troublemaker. You're a Stark, it was natural. But, to be honest, he didn't think you'd get suspended for something like that. As he walked towards the main entrance of the school, he heard the loud, thumping bass of rock music that resonated through the halls. Curious, he flung the doors open and an immediate smile grew on his face.

He sure was proud of you. That is, until Pepper found out you had hacked into the school system and blasted AC/DC over the speakers for almost five whole hours, welding the lock to the PC room shut. You were grounded until Pepper left the room.


It was the end of your junior year and you wanted to go out with a bang, paving the way for tricksters into your senior year. And once you formulated a plan, there was no stopping you. You had just finished your work, admiring the halls proudly with an exhausted grin. It was a bit dark as you slipped into your English class and hauled yourself back into the vents, crawling through the metal maze before coming to your usual escape: a vent that sat right above the dumpsters near the kitchen exit. The next morning, you walked into the Tower and shouted for your dad, telling him the school let everyone out early. Before you could even pass the living room, he came around the corner with your bag of tricks. Silently, he turned it over and a load of stuff came spilling out.

Superglue, spray paint, pennies, duct tape. The mother lode of tricks. After explaining why everyone was sent home(you superglued pennies to every single lock of every single door in the school), he ruffled your hair with a smile and grounded you for a week. He didn't need to know what else you did and it was a relief he didn't ask. He'd probably give you a month if he knew you managed to duct tape your teacher's desks to their classroom ceiling.

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