Grounded Pt. 2

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You're not a very violent person and your dad was absolutely grateful for that. Lord knows how much fights he got into when he was your age. No, what you were was competitive. Which to him, wasn't all that bad as long as you didn't cuss outrageously. But, with competitiveness came the strange urge of violence and you didn't usually let it loose while around your dad and the others. At school was a whole different story. People dreaded being in the same Phys Ed class as you if they weren't on your team and for good reason. If they weren't up to par, they'd get taken out in a snap. And when dodgeball day came rolling around, it whipped everyone into a frenzy. Begging, pleading, even crying to be on the same team as you to avoid the near painful future. Once the teams were set and the balls on the line, a soft smile twisted at the corners of your mouth. Then, the whistle blew.

You held that smile through the rest of the day as your dad came to pick you up, you took the three day suspension, and he took you home. He grounded you for a good two weeks, scolding you about your behavior and how he had to talk to your Uncle Tony to make sure the boy wouldn't press charges against you for breaking his nose with a dodgeball. You thought it was funny, until your dad said you'd be doing 50 pushups a day to add onto your punishment.


He doesn't understand the concept of "grounding" and even if he did, you rarely ever got into trouble. The one time you ever came close to getting into trouble was when you tried to pick up Mjolnir and ended up flying backwards through a couple of walls.
You weren't hurt and your dad was too busy laughing to punish you for the mess, which Tony had to clean up.


You don't get in trouble. Ever.


School was about as exciting as staring at a dead goat and you hated it. You used your powers to get to class faster and you occasionally used them to finish your homework, but it sometimes ended up looking like a bunch of chicken scratch. One day, you were sitting in the back of your history class and dozing off when a friend suggested you two ditch school during lunch. It gave you quite a buzz after that and when lunch came around, the two of you slipped under the fence near the football field to avoid security. Freedom!

Your friend took you to a coffee shop and as the both of you lounged around, she decided to go home. You chose to wander around the city until school let out to make it seem as if you had been there. Excitement coursed through your veins as you ran around the city, adrenaline pushing you faster and faster when you came to a sudden, complete stop. You had run right into your dad. After a long lecture of the importance of education, he took you home and grounded you for three days. It wasn't too bad on your part, but you knew this wouldn't be the first time you were going to skip out on class.


You were the daughter of the God of Mischief. If you weren't playing into the hands of trouble itself, what kind of daughter would you be? You were constantly playing pranks on your classmates and no one could ever figure out that it was you that had zip-tied their backpacks shut or knotted the end of their shirts to the back of their chairs so they couldn't stand. And if no one caught you, you wouldn't get into trouble. Besides, your dad would probably let you off the hook, anyways.

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